Rebirth of the Financial Crisis Sweeping the World

511 became the top 5 consortiums in the United States

The days passed and the bull run in the stock market continued.

Wang Guanxi remotely controls all this in the United States.

In mid-March, the horse boys in the mainland cleared their stocks of bottom-hunting stocks, and left the market a few months before the end of the big bull market, leaving the last wave of rise to others.

This time it was done with funds, and a total of 800 billion yuan was earned.

Wang Guanxi made all the 1 trillion yuan assets held in the mainland into trust funds and left them to his children in the mainland.

The trust fund is managed by a professional investment team and is used to invest in the stock market or do charity.

On the American side, the Crown Consortium's assets have swelled crazily.

The market value of its 1.3 billion Fortune 500 companies is ridiculously high.

The market value of Ford Motor Company surpassed that of Toyota Motor, reaching as high as 140 billion U.S. dollars, but lost to the market value of Tesla Motors, and Musk has risen.

During the period, Ford Motor Company acquired the arms company and spent 20 billion US dollars on the acquisition with loans and corporate bonds. This time, there is no need to split it, because it is just a holding.

Twitter has long been listed, with a market capitalization of $80 billion.

A few years ago, Facebook acquired the company at a sky-high price of 19 billion U.S. dollars, allowing Wang Guanxi to hold 30% of Facebook's shares

Jingdong Company is also listed, and Liu Dongjing is a big winner in life, marrying Milk Tea Girl.

Wang Guanxi doesn't have many things to do in normal times, and the things are left to the boys, or the families in the consortium.

As the owner of the Crown Consortium, he often travels and attends various events when he has nothing to do. He often holds parties at the manor in Los Angeles. Leave showbiz.

Wang Guanxi built five super luxury houses for them in New York, all built by Houghton Housing Company.


Time is slowly passing, because with the advancement of globalization, Wang Guanxi's enterprises are extremely profitable, and their market value has soared in recent years.

The Crown Consortium has also officially become one of the top ten consortiums in the United States, and it ranks among the top five consortia.

Before the Crown Consortium,

There are also the Rockefeller Consortium, the Morgan Consortium, the California Consortium, the Citigroup Consortium, and the Crown Consortium follows the Citigroup Consortium, ranking fifth.

Followed by the Texas consortium, a large consortium composed of American conservatives, has been at loggerheads with the California consortium.

The top five consortiums in the United States have a significant influence in the world.

Although Wang Guanxi only controls 13 of the world's top 100 companies, he has participated in many large giant companies.

Have absolute voice on social media.

Twitter company, facebook company, and mysterious big data company.

Especially when big data companies tracked down the dumbass a few years ago, and then the SEALs killed him.

But afterwards, all members of the SEALs died abnormally.

The extreme right-wing conspiracy theory says that Bula Deng was originally a member of the CIA. Obama was just for the general election, but what he killed was only a fake Bula Deng. Assets, in order to seal the silence, also silenced the members of the Navy SEALs, a series of unidentified evidence appeared, even the number and photos of Ben Ladeng in the CIA in his early years were obtained.

However, Aubama was re-elected smoothly a few years ago, cut military spending, made American sailors blacken the Iranian army to kneel down, and cut veteran benefits, which has already offended the dead soldiers.

The extreme right in the United States is already extremely dissatisfied.

The extreme right-wing conspiracy theory says that a few years ago, 300 retired generals conspired to arrest Obama and others and drive them out of the White House.

To engage in a coup.

In the end, they secretly found a spokesperson, a New York real estate tycoon, to participate in the next general election, regain the power of the United States through legal means, and avoid civil war.

Everyone is preparing for the election of a female president by global interest groups, and the governor of the Bush family, pk.

It's a matter of playing left and right hand pk.

Soon came the election year.

Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party recommend their ideal presidential candidates.

Wang Guanxi didn't care, anyway, he supported both parties and donated money, because he was a winner no matter whether the Democratic establishment or the Republican establishment were elected.

At this time, a New York real estate tycoon suddenly appeared, saying that he would run for president and build a wall, all kinds of scary and bluffing remarks.

Global interest groups control the media, ridicule, despise, and vilify this real estate tycoon overwhelmingly, thinking that he is actually an outspoken lunatic.

But they didn't take him seriously.

But when he found himself shooting himself in the foot, the real estate tycoon became more and more popular, and his popularity became more and more prosperous.

The real estate tycoon gave speeches everywhere, criticizing global interest groups every day, scolding the Clinton family, the Bush family for corruption, crime, and cursing the incumbent President Obama.

Cook who scolds Apple today, Mark Zach who scolds Facebook tomorrow, and Buffett the day after tomorrow...

Then he criticized the German Chancellor, and then ridiculed the Pope for hypocrisy.

But everyone still didn't take him seriously.

Soon, the Bush family's favorite candidate was defeated by the real estate tycoon in the first round, the governor of Ohio, the star senator of Florida, and the star senator of Texas.

The establishment faction of the Republican Party found that there was no one left, and they did not want to accept real estate tycoons.

Because the real estate tycoon is not his own.

But the Republican Party can no longer lose the election and let the Democratic candidate be elected president.

Had no choice but to support the real estate tycoon.

Soon the general election will enter a critical period.

The situation is not good for the real estate tycoon, a lot of black material has been exposed, and he has been sued for fraud.

The balance of victory has tipped in favor of a female presidential candidate.

Then the American Rifle Association, militia organizations, and extreme right-wing groups began training in various states, declaring that they were preparing for a civil war, saying that they would never accept Hillary’s election, otherwise they would take their guns to march in Washington, claiming that they would not fire the first shot. Here, Aubama dared to fire the first shot at them, and he did so at his own risk.

Even more extreme people posted on social networking sites that they would not accept Hillary even if the United States was broken.

The Rifle Association can pull up 5 million rebels at any time, try it if you don't believe it.

Such extreme threatening remarks frightened Soros and other big donors, while Wang Guanxi flew to Lanai Island. He was really afraid that something would happen. The entire United States seemed to be on the verge of a civil war, and he stayed safe in Hawaii. The Hawaiian island of Lanai is all its own.

At the most critical moment, WikiLeaks' Assange came out and broke the news about Hillary's emails!

What a devastating blow.

This is the root of the disaster that Clinton, Hillary and others let go of Assange a few years ago.

Many hackers also showed up and found deleted emails.

This matter is very big, the director of the FBI was pinned down and forced to investigate Hillary.


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