Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1505 Boomerang

Chapter 1507 Boomerang

"Dusan, I'll take my leave first." At the door of the reception room of the fire equipment company, Zhongxin Fangzi stopped Du Fei who was escorting her out, holding her briefcase in both hands and bowing slightly.

She was not qualified to be escorted to the door by Du Fei.

"Comrade Fangzi, rest assured, I will take out the recording at the appropriate time." Du Fei smiled and nodded. He had to admit that this woman had grown too much in the past few years.

Zhongxin Fangzi has now become a qualified and excellent guest.

"Then please." Zhongxin Fangzi bowed again and turned to walk out.

Du Fei looked down at the tape in his hand after watching her walk away, turned back to the office, picked up the phone and called Zhu's father.

Two hours later, Du Fei appeared in Zhu's father's office.

"Dad, this is probably the situation." He told Zhongxin Fangzi about the situation and put the tape on the desk.

Dad Zhu didn't listen to the tape. That kind of thing was a waste of time for him. He only needed to listen to Du Fei's report and then make a judgment.

Although this matter was very important, it was not the most important in Dad Zhu's classification of affairs.

Dad Zhu sneered: "The Japanese are still the same. They have no overall view of doing things. They dare to do such things for some petty profits."

Du Fei smiled and didn't respond.

In fact, this has little to do with whether they are Japanese or not. It can only be said that money can move people's hearts. Once there is a breeding ground, everyone is the same.

Now is not the time to discuss this issue.

Dad Zhu stood up and stretched his waist: "I know, since Hokkaido has made a decision, just go with the flow. After all, that is America's territory."

Du Fei nodded. He probably guessed that this would be the result before he came.

Dad Zhu will not waste too much energy on the East.

In the current situation, the situation in the East is similar to that in South Korea. Except for Hokkaido, it is difficult to make progress.

Instead of investing too much energy and confronting America, it is better to get more substantial benefits in other places.

As for the tape sent by Nakashin Yoshiko on behalf of Hokkaido, it may not be without the intention of teasing Huaguo to end.

Although Nakashin Yoshiko did not make any requests from beginning to end during the meeting, and did not even express any hints, her presence itself is an attitude.

They hope to hit the credibility of the Tokyo government through this heavy blow. Although it is not enough to overthrow the system dominated by America after the war, it is necessary to open a gap as much as possible.

If Huaguo can play a greater role in this, they will be happy to see it.

However, neither Yamada Kenjiro nor Mishima Matajio are fools.

They know very well that the probability of Huaguo taking action in the East is very low at present.

So they did not show a strong desire.

Just do what you can do well and try to find opportunities.

They believe that if there is a real opportunity, Huaguo will not turn a blind eye.

To put it another way, even if Huaguo holds back and does not take action, it is still a win for Hokkaido, it is just a matter of how much they win.

After reporting to Zhu's father, Du Fei's work and life returned to normal.

The next few days were quite peaceful.

Japan was in a state of peace and prosperity, with no sign of impending disaster.

Only the stock market showed abnormal fluctuations.

The Tokyo Index rose from 6,000 points last year to more than 7,000 points.

In the world before Du Fei crossed over, this round of rise would continue until next year, and finally stop at 8,000 points.

After falling back by a quarter and hitting more than 6,000 points, a magnificent bull market will officially begin.

The Tokyo stock market will rise from 6,000 points to 30,000 points in one breath.

The current abnormal fluctuations did not attract the attention of most people at all, and they continued to drink and dance.

Until this day, there was a sudden loud noise...

At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Du Fei was inspecting the progress of the project in the new factory area of ​​the agricultural machinery factory. Suddenly, the secretary ran over and whispered in his ear.

Du Fei raised his eyebrows, then sneered, said hello to Shen Jianing and the two leaders of the factory, and immediately left the construction site and returned to the office.

Back in the office, the news has been summarized.

Just two hours ago, several landmark buildings in Tokyo were attacked in succession, causing a large number of casualties.

According to the current official reports, it is directly pointed to the Hokkaido Kusanagi Army.

And a large number of leaflets and small advertisements appeared on the streets of Tokyo, which warned Tokyo citizens not to help the evil in the tone of the Hokkaido Kusanagi Army, and admitted that the attack was done by them...

Du Fei looked at the summarized news and couldn't help but smile.

It should be said that those guys really took great pains to "settle the account".

Although these leaflets cannot prove the crime, they can arouse the emotions of ordinary people to a large extent and make them have a negative impression of the Hokkaido Kusanagi Army.

Coupled with the information bombardment of newspapers and television, even if Hokkaido speaks out and denies that they did it, no one will believe it.

And Du Fei believes that there will be investigations that seem very professional, but are actually just playing house.

Finally, weave evidence and make the matter thoroughly confirmed.

Of course, the premise of all this is that there is no tape.

Now we have to let the bullets fly for a while.

Du Fei was not in a hurry to release the tape, for the same reason as Hokkaido gave him the tape.

This matter must be fully fermented, allowing those people to fully perform and stir up the emotions of the people.

It feels great for them to take advantage of people's emotions now, but it will hurt when the boomerang hits them in the future.

That night, through the dispatched reporter, the video of the scene was sent back.

Officials of the Toyo Shofu burst into tears at the scene of the explosion ruins, and their acting skills broke out, accusing those who caused this tragedy as unforgivable sinners.

At the same time, the Prime Minister personally appeared to calm people's emotions and blame Hokkaido.

People who don't know the truth are aroused in this situation.

Mainly because this time things were too big.

It's none of your business, just hang it up high.

However, this attack on multiple landmark buildings and subway stations caused a large number of casualties.

It's like a knife stabbing oneself, and many of the injured are their relatives and friends.

People's emotions explode under deliberate guidance...

Tokyo, in a secret and high-end place.

Shinzo Tanabe held a wine glass in both hands and was toasting several big shots including Tsuchiya Chunobu to celebrate their victory.

Not only was the matter at the subway station properly resolved, but they also made a lot of money by arranging it in the stock market in advance.

As for those injured or even dead red deer, in their eyes they are just consumables that are not worth mentioning.

However, at this moment there was a sudden "bang".

The door to the private room was violently kicked in from the outside.

Everyone in the room was stunned and looked at the door.

With their status, they have never encountered such a thing.

At the door was a big man in a black suit, who looked like he was just a bodyguard.

Sure enough, after kicking open the door, this strong man, who was 1.9 meters tall, stepped aside in an orderly manner, clasping his hands in front of him and bowing, making way for a figure.

This figure was very short, only 1.6 meters tall, with gray hair, triangular eyes, and was wearing a black kimono. He glanced at the people in the room with a sinister look.

Tsuchiya Nakanobu and others who were originally disappointed were about to have a fit, but when they saw the old man, they immediately endured it.

The leader, Tsuchiya Nakanobu, frowned and said, "Ishihara-san, what are you doing?"

Tsuchiya Chunobu's status was comparable to that of the old man, but the other man's qualifications and power behind him were stronger, which made him a little more wary.

The old man named Ishihara glanced at him, with a sinister sneer on his thin face: "Baga!"

Tsuchiya Nakanobu's expression changed instantly. He didn't expect that the other party would not give him any face, and even scolded him in front of him regardless of etiquette.

It is simply unbearable!

However, at the next moment, Ishihara threw a newspaper at his face.

Tsuchiya Nakanobu couldn't help but feel nervous when he reacted.

Although he didn't see what he had in the newspaper, he had a hunch that the situation was quite bad.

If he didn't follow the correct form, the other party wouldn't treat him like this.

Tsuchiya Nakanobu frowned and was mostly awake from the wine, so he immediately picked up the newspaper.

No need to search carefully, just go to the headlines on the front page. When you see the big headline above, Tsuchiya Zhongxin is instantly struck like five thunders!

The recording was exposed, and in addition to being broadcast on television and radio, it was also reproduced in full in newspapers.

Although they can dominate Tokyo, it is impossible for this kind of news to be published.

But with Du Fei's arrangement, these news originally broke out from foreign countries.

What was thrown in Tsuchiya Nakanobu's face was an English newspaper.

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Tsuchiya Zhongxin murmured, feeling like the world was spinning.

He knew that he was finished this time, completely finished!

If something like this happened, Tsuchiya Takanobu was completely ruined, but just pushing Tsuchiya Takanobu out would not be able to bear this huge blame.

Because they had tried every means to seize the shit pot in Hokkaido, but now it was revealed that the real initiator was actually in Tokyo, and the people instantly felt that they had been fooled.

Although where capital controls the media, it is normal for ordinary people to be fooled, but this time the stamina is too great.

People who were originally very excited vented their emotions to the Tokyo Palace.

In addition, Hokkaido has prepared means in advance to keep up and add fuel to the fire.

Protests of astonishing proportions broke out in just a few days.

In the suburbs of Tokyo, in a traditional Japanese manor that occupies a huge area.

Kenji Ozawa carefully followed a man in a suit into the manor and stopped in a corridor next to dry landscape.

The man in a suit in front said in a deep voice: "President, Ozawa-san is here."

"Come in~" An old voice came from inside.

"Ozawa-san, please~" The man in the suit turned around and motioned for Ozawa Kenji to enter.

"Hai ~" Ozawa Kenji immediately agreed. He is a low-level Yakuza. Before, he could only make noises on the streets, but he had never seen much of the world.

Open the paper door and enter the room.

An old man in his sixties was sitting cross-legged inside. He was the president of his organization.

And he also had the identity of being Kenjiro Yamada's kendo teacher.

The organization he controls appears to have no connection with Hokkaido, but in fact it is a secret.

"President~" Ozawa Kenji quickly knelt down and lowered his head.

The old man looked at the young man in front of him expressionlessly: "Ozawa-san, are you ready?"

"Ha Yi, please don't worry, sir, I'm ready." Ozawa Kenji pursed his lips hard, a flash of struggle flashed in his eyes, but was quickly replaced by determination.

"Very good~" The old man clapped his hands.

The paper door behind him opened, and a woman in kimono came over carrying a black leather suitcase.

"Here is 30 million yen. The other 10 million will go directly to the hospital where your sister is. She can stay in the best ward forever." The old man pushed the suitcase forward.

Ozawa Kenji immediately thanked him and took the suitcase but did not dare to open it to check.

This is the money he earned from selling his life.

A Yakuza's cheap life can be sold for 40 million yen, which is already a sky-high price for him.

After getting the money, he will perform a big show in front of the Prime Minister's residence.


Three days later, in Chiyoda, Tokyo, in front of the official residence.

The burnt smell of protein, the painful roar, the black smoke... It was like a fuse that ignited the gunpowder barrel that had long reached the critical point.

The situation escalated rapidly and large-scale chaos occurred.

On the top floor of a building near the official residence, an old man in a suit looked down at the crowd below.

From this angle, it looked like a group of crawling ants.

At this time, the door behind him opened, and a young man walked over quickly and called "President".

The old man said "hmm" and asked directly without turning back: "What did the Americans say?"

The young man pursed his lips and said: "The US side said that this is the internal order of the East. They expressed respect and allowed us to take any necessary measures to restore order and temporarily transfer the command of the Self-Defense Forces to us..."

The old man sneered: "Do you know how to respect now?"

The young man worriedly said: "President, then we..."

The old man sighed: "It's time to announce my resignation~ America wants to use my mouth to order the shooting. If they do what they want, everyone will point at me in the future and become a sinner for all ages. It's better to retreat than to do so."

The young man was stunned. He didn't expect the old man to make this decision.

In his opinion, the situation is far from that point. As a secretary, his power comes from the old man. Once the old man resigns, how will he deal with himself?

The old man guessed the young man's thoughts, retracted his gaze and glanced at him, and said lightly: "I will recommend you to the Ministry of Finance. I hope you won't let me down."

The young man's eyes lit up and he immediately bowed his head to thank him.


A few hours later, in a large office in the Security Department.

An old man in a blue uniform received a call and showed a stunned expression: "What! Resigned..."

After hanging up the phone, before he could come to his senses, the door of the office was knocked again, and the secretary pushed the door in: "Sir, America's Admiral Madien is here."

The old man frowned, and had guessed the purpose of the other party's visit.

From America's perspective, Japan cannot be in chaos!

The current chaos must be suppressed as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister cherishes his feathers and does not want to be the one who gives orders.

Now he is qualified to give orders, and the pressure is on him instantly.

And America did not call, but came in person, which also showed her attitude.

He can't push this matter away.


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