Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1511: Dissociating

Chapter 1513: Clearing the relationship

"Baga!" Yasuda Daisaku shouted subconsciously, causing the bearded man on the opposite side to frown and look down at the dwarf sitting on the ground.

Yasuda Daisaku's heart trembled when he was looked at by him. It felt like he had met a natural enemy, and the other party could crush him to death with just one hand.

Yasuda Daisaku swallowed back the more unpleasant words that followed.

Although it was likely that the other party did not understand Japanese, he still instinctively burst out with a desire to survive.

The bearded man did not say much, and walked around Yasuda Daisaku without saying a word.

Du Fei and Natasha saw all this scene.

Du Fei was not interested in this little episode, and just laughed at it.

Bakayevsky, on the other hand, frowned the moment he looked at the bearded man who bumped into Yasuda Daisaku.

He smelled the scent of the same kind from this person.

Bakayevsky glanced at Du Fei and Natasha, and exchanged a look with Vladimir.

Although Vladimir was a rookie, he was very smart.

Just as Du Fei and others continued to walk in, he quietly left and came to a place not far away and said a few words to a patrolman.

Don't underestimate the patrolmen here, they are not ordinary security guards.

The patrolman immediately took action, and Vladimir hurried back to Du Fei.

Du Fei didn't say anything about these actions, but he saw them all through the Crow Squad.

As Du Fei's status rose, Xiao Wu, Xiao Hei... and even Ci Xin, who were around him, were less and less able to play a role.

But this time when he came to Moscow, he still brought everything he could, especially the Crow Squad led by Xiao Hei.

In terms of vigilance and reconnaissance, it has a unique advantage.

Sure enough, it came in handy this time.

The patrolman followed the big bearded man and quickly contacted more people through the intercom...

Du Fei was distracted and walked around the restaurant.

The host's intentions were obvious. There were two windows in the restaurant that served Chinese food. The chef was specially borrowed from the Huaguo History Museum. The cooking taste and cooking techniques were quite authentic.

Du Fei was finally relieved. At least for now, there should be no major problems with the athletes' food and accommodation.

As for some details, we will talk about it later.

Nothing can be perfect, especially for such a large-scale sports event. There will definitely be various problems during the event.

Solve what can be solved. If it can't be solved, just drag it to the end.

Just before leaving, a patrolman ran back and reported to Bakayevsky.

Du Fei glanced at Bakayevsky who was talking a few steps away, and said to Natasha: "Is there a problem with the big bearded man just now?"

Natasha is not a rookie. She was engaged in espionage in Huaguo. Although she has been transferred to the government department, her professional qualities are still there.

Nodding and saying: "It should be from the battlefield. The details are not clear yet."

After a while, Bakayevsky came back and prepared to send Du Fei and Natasha away.

Natasha asked directly, "What's the situation?"

Bakayevsky glanced at Du Fei and realized that Natasha asked directly without intending to avoid Du Fei.

He pursed his lips and said, "Nothing, the man is a Turkish shooting athlete who came early and said he got lost."

"Shooting athlete?" Natasha raised her eyebrows.

Bakayevsky said, "He said he was from the army and had participated in actual combat."

After hearing this, Du Fei and Natasha were a little surprised. No wonder he had a murderous aura. Once this kind of sharpshooter went to the battlefield, the number of people he shot and killed would be quite terrifying.

But since he was an athlete, it was nothing.

Du Fei didn't take it to heart. When he learned that the other party was an athlete, he took back the crow that followed him.

However, Du Fei didn't expect that this episode was not over.

On the fourth day after he arrived in Moscow, he actually met this person again.

"Du, my brother, I never thought I would see you in Moscow!" Said was dressed in casual clothes, and his original big beard was gone, leaving only two moustaches on his lips, which made him look more calm and capable.

The huge change in his image almost made Du Fei fail to recognize him.

The two had indeed not seen each other for a long time. The last time they met was on the battlefield of India and Du.

After that, Said relied on his military exploits in that battle, coupled with the power of his family and tribe, and became a hot figure in the Pakistan Army.

But three years ago, in 1978, Said suffered a major setback.

His father, who was also the leader of the largest tribe in southern Pakistan, died of an acute illness.

This forced Said to compete with his six brothers for the right to inherit the tribe without being prepared.

Although Said was the strongest among his brothers, the final victory or defeat in political struggles was often not determined by absolute power, but by who could win more support and get more resources.

In this regard, Said did not have much advantage, but his brothers had a wider network of contacts.

After a struggle, although Sayyid finally became the leader of the tribe, he had to give up some power, such as transferring from the army to the government.

He was the head of the Pakistani delegation to the Moscow Games.

It was indeed an accident that Du Fei and Sayyid met in Moscow.

Before they came, they didn't know each other would come.

Sayyid knew that Du Fei was in Moscow through another person.

Time goes back to the night before yesterday.

Sayed met two people in the hotel where he stayed, one was an older middle-aged man, and the other was the man who knocked down Yasuda Daisaku.

"Maihai Maidi, my brother~" Sayed hugged him warmly.

Maihai Maidi is from Sulian, from the Caucasus, with a registered permanent residence in Georgia, but he is a Chechen.

He appeared in Moscow as a high jump coach.

But the request made by Maihai Maidi made Sayed embarrassed.

"My brother, I heard that you and Du Fei of Huaguo are old acquaintances. He is currently in Moscow..."

Sayed frowned. As a political figure, he knew the other party's background very well, and could guess his purpose of looking for Du Fei.

Sayed instinctively didn't want to get involved, but he didn't want to offend the person behind Maihai Maidi.

After thinking about it, he decided to agree first. Anyway, the other party just asked for an introduction, he just went to Du Fei to talk, as for whether he agreed or not, he didn't guarantee it.

That's why they met this time.

Sayyid knew that Du Fei must not be offended.

Now that he has become the leader of the tribe, he must consider the overall interests of the tribe.

Before coming here, he was seeking to have Du Fei's fruit route from Southeast Asia to the Middle East and North Africa stop over their tribe, so that their products can be sold to the Middle East with stronger consumption power.

Before this, many tribes in Pakistan, including them, had similar ideas.

But most of them are resource-poor and do not have excellent products.

In addition to the difficulty of transportation, it is necessary to open up various links, and the initial investment cost is too high, so they can only give up in the end.

But as long as they take the route of Du Fei, all these problems are not problems.

With his relationship with Du Fei, and the fact that there are multiple footholds in the middle, Du Fei has agreed in principle.

It's just that the specific implementation needs to be contacted with Kuching, and it is currently at a critical time.

Sayyid doesn't want to lose the big picture for the small.

When he saw Du Fei at this time, after a simple greeting, he quickly got to the point.

Du Fei also guessed that he would not visit the temple for no reason, but he didn't expect there were so many twists and turns behind it.

He pondered and said, "So you are here to make a connection for someone? Who is the other party?"

Said said, "The Caucasians have a close relationship with the Modor family in Turkey. Uh~ My family has a marriage relationship with the Modor family..."

Du Fei frowned slightly. The Caucasus is a very special place for the Speed ​​Union.

Ethnic culture, religious beliefs, and geographical location are all incompatible with the Speed ​​Union or the original Tsarist Russia.

In the world before Du Fei traveled through time, and even after the dissolution of the Speed ​​Union, there were constant frictions with the successor Lucia.

Du Fei believes that conflicts are never formed in one day.

Even if the Speed ​​Union is in its heyday, those conflicts still exist, but they are covered up.

For Du Fei, he would rather not be involved.

But the other party took the initiative to come to him, so he had to respond cautiously.

This kind of thing is either not to be involved, or it will be very troublesome once it is involved.

Especially now, the relationship with the Speed ​​Union is in an unstable stage. Although both sides have expressed goodwill to each other, they are on guard.

The slightest disturbance may lead to misjudgment and unpredictable consequences.

Du Fei glanced at Sayid and asked, "What is the other party's purpose?"

In Du Fei's mind, it would be best if he could avoid contact, but unfortunately... after meeting Sayid today, he can't get rid of it.

If something really happens in the future, as long as KGB investigates, they can find out his contact with Sayid.

Sayid had contact with people from the Caucasus before...

Some things don't need evidence, just suspicion is enough.

Sayid pursed his lips and shook his head: "Sorry, they are very tight-lipped and didn't tell me."

Du Fei nodded and said nothing.

Sayid stared for a few seconds and asked tentatively: "Then I rejected them?"

Du Fei sucked his teeth, reached out and took a sip of the coffee in front of him: "No, since you specifically asked for me, it's always bad to avoid me. Besides... regardless of other things, I must give you face, Sayid, my brother."

Sayid's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect Du Fei's attitude.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He had done his job, and the subsequent situation had nothing to do with him.

As for Du Fei, Sayid was a little confused.

In fact, before coming, he guessed that Du Fei would probably refuse to meet, and he would have an excuse to reply to the other side at that time.

It's not that Sayid doesn't do anything, but that he doesn't want to see you.

But... is Du Fei really so easy to talk to?

Obviously impossible.

After having a meal with Sayid, the two of them didn't talk about business again.

When Du Fei returned to the hotel where he was staying, he immediately picked up the phone and dialed: "Hello, please help me connect Comrade Natasha... My name is Du Fei..."

After a while, Natasha's voice came from the receiver.

Du Fei didn't go into details on the phone, just asked Natasha to come for a face-to-face interview.

Regarding the Caucasus, whether from Du Fei's point of view or the interests of the Guo family, it should not be involved too deeply.

That kind of place can't provide any benefits, but will only bring endless troubles.

It is necessary to give Natasha a vaccination in advance, and Du Fei has a hunch that this matter is not so simple.

Although this is just a feeling without any basis at the moment.

Half an hour later, Natasha came to Du Fei's room and brought Kabaevsky with her.

Currently, all the security in Moscow is tilted towards the Games. As the person in charge, Kabaevsky has considerable power and can temporarily call on a lot of resources.

And he also had an identity, once broadcast to Andro as a guard.

This resume is the most important.

Du Fei was not too surprised to see Kabaevsky, but he was surprised when Natasha came alone.

After all, the stakes are high, and Natasha alone is not enough.

Du Fei stepped forward and shook hands: "Comrade Kabaevsky, I'm sorry to ask you to come so late."

Kabaevsky said it didn't matter, then looked at Natasha and motioned her to tell Du Fei that he came here with his ears.

Du Fei's purpose in calling people here was to clear the air, and there was no need to hide and explain the situation.

Finally, he said: "Comrade Natasha and Comrade Kabaevsky, as class brothers and trustworthy friends, I think it is necessary to inform each other about similar things, especially during the sports games, which is a time to show social ideas to the world. This grand gathering of superiority will not be allowed to be sabotaged by scoundrels..."

Du Fei's expression was serious, and his eyes moved from Natasha to Kabaevsky.

Kabaevsky no longer remained silent and immediately said: "Comrade Du Fei, thank you very much. I am truly grateful for your help. I will report this matter to my superiors immediately."

After saying that, Lei Li Fengxing immediately stood up and left.

Natasha didn't stay long and followed her away.

Du Fei sent them outside the door, went back to bed and lay down, turned on the TV, and heard a special program from Sulian TV reporting on the sports meeting.

Du Fei knew that tonight was destined to be a sleepless night for many people.

On the contrary, he easily passed on the pressure through a brief meeting.

It's not that he is very smart, it's just that Su Lian invested too much in the sports meeting and will never allow any accidents during the event.

As for the meeting with the person named Mehmedi, as long as Natasha does not raise any clear objection later, it can still proceed as usual.

If possible, Du Fei even hoped that Mehmedi and his gang were really here to cause trouble.

Once it’s done, it’s double the goodwill.

Meanwhile, news has reached Androbo.

As head of the intelligence department, although Androbo paid more attention to the issues of Central Asia and Afghanistan, his main focus had to be on Moscow during the Games.

Bakayevsky had just made a phone call, and now he showed up directly at his home. This was a treatment only given to close relatives.

After hearing what he said, Androbo leaned on the gently shaking chair and said, "Did you go with Natasha just now?"

"Yes~" Bakayevsky said: "Du Fei first called Comrade Natasha, and then Comrade Natasha called me and went to the hotel..."

The young oriental face appeared in Androbo's mind.

Of course he understood that Du Fei was trying to clear up the relationship, but he still had to remember this favor.

It was even confirmed that those rebels were really going to cause sabotage during the games, and they had to formally express their gratitude through diplomatic channels.


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