Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1520 You have to give money to attend the wedding

Chapter 1522 You have to pay for wedding gifts

After a night of flying, Du Fei's plane arrived at Lundun Airport in the early morning of July 28.

This time, Du Fei did not have an official status and received a private invitation.

But the royal family did not neglect the reception at all. In addition to the factor of selling aircraft carriers mentioned by Vincent, Du Fei's own status and influence should not be underestimated.

Du Fei was a little surprised. The group of people he greeted after getting off the plane was led by a woman in a dress.

The woman was tall and pretty, about 30 years old, and she was Princess Anni, the sister of the groom at this wedding.

Du Fei did his homework before coming, and he had a good idea of ​​the complicated nobles and royal pedigrees here.

"Dear Mr. Du Fei, I am very happy that you can be invited here." Anni was elegant. As a royal lady with hundreds of years of history, she received strict etiquette training since childhood, and her manners were impeccable.

"It is my honor, Your Highness." Du Fei smiled and shook hands.

The hands of this prince were not delicate, and there were calluses on the palms and knuckles.

Du Fei knew that this prince was an equestrian athlete, but judging from the calluses on his hands, he seemed to love shooting.

Du Fei couldn't help but think of a picture of a man wearing a lady's long dress riding a horse and shooting a gun.

At this time, Annie was also looking at Du Fei, and was secretly surprised.

According to the information, Du Fei was born in 1946, four or five years older than her, but now he looks more like a young man in his twenties.

However, this did not have a big impact on Westerners, as they could not tell the age of Asians.

It was just that Du Fei was handsome and tall in a black Zhongshan suit, which made her quite concerned.

Then there was the experience of this man and the power in his hands.

Born a commoner, his parents died early, and it took him only more than ten years to become a powerful figure.

After the greetings, the two parties drove to the hotel where they were staying.

Du Fei moved his butt twice when he got on the Rolls-Royce.

To be honest, this top-notch Rolls-Royce car, which is specially provided for the royal family, is really not as comfortable to sit in as the BMW car produced by the fire equipment company.

Du Fei thought to himself that he would bring a transport plane to transport the car next time he had something to do.

On the one hand, it was to show off, and on the other hand, it was also for advertising.

At this moment, he was startled.

Du Fei frowned and looked at Ci Xin who was sitting in the co-pilot.

Today, Ci Xin was wearing a light gray women's suit, a suit on the upper body, trousers on the lower body, her hair was done in a high bun, and she was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which gave her the aura of an elite secretary.

Just now, through the mental connection, Du Fei felt that Ci Xin's vigilance was instantly raised, and she looked in a direction outside the car window.

Du Fei looked over there, and there was the Big Ben, the landmark of Lundun.

With a thought, Du Fei asked what was going on.

Ci Xin replied expressionlessly: "There are masters..."

Du Fei was not surprised. As a great empire that once dominated the world for hundreds of years, its foundation should not be underestimated.

Even now, it has fallen, and there must be a strong man beyond imagination hidden.

This is also the reason why Du Fei must bring Ci Xin with him.

Du Fei said: "How about comparing with you?"

Ci Xin frowned slightly, pondered for two seconds, and replied: "I haven't fought with him, so it's hard to judge. If I only judge by the breath, he has no chance of winning in a head-on fight, but..."

Du Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing what Ci Xin meant. If he met such an opponent, he would definitely go all out for fear that he would have no time to protect him.


At the same time, in the official residence of Downing Street.

Mrs. Zeicher, who was wearing a goose yellow suit, had just signed a document with a black fountain pen in her hand, closed it and put it aside, and asked: "Are you here?"

The secretary standing opposite her desk immediately said: "Yes, ma'am."

Mrs. Zeicher nodded: "You go and arrange it, and meet during the wedding..." Then she raised her hand and looked at her wrist: "Just ten minutes~"

"Yes, ma'am." The secretary went out in response.

As the door closed, Mrs. Zeicher let out a long breath, and a trace of fatigue appeared on her tense face.

Since she moved into this house, she has been under great pressure.

Being the prime minister of a declining empire is not a good job. She must work hard to maintain her position as a paperhanger.

In order to maintain the last dignity and gain a place in the order dominated by America, she must serve her former son, now the master.

Once she serves too much, those rednecks in Halloween Village will be unhappy, and she will have to move out of here.

Her predecessor Callahan has proved this point.

Callahan's position is just a little unsteady, and he didn't even complete his term.

She took out a hysterical momentum and blasted the Speed ​​Union according to America's wishes to sit in this position.

But after she got up, she found that this position was not so easy to sit in, and it was even less comfortable to sit on it.

They are all prime ministers. Some people have their own words, while others are walking on thin ice. She is the latter.

She was born a commoner and is a woman. It can't be said that her foundation is unstable. She can get to where she is today by simply building a high building on sand.

On the other side, the protagonist of tomorrow's wedding was confused.

There was no love between young girls who had just turned 20 and married an old prince in his 30s.

Rather than calling it a marriage, it was more like a large-scale show.

Since the failure of the plan to restart the Eastern Fleet last time, the royal family has been in a passive situation.

There are even some voices calling for the end of constitutional monarchy.

In order to calm these negative influences, the royal family needs such a fairy tale wedding to win the favor of the people at the bottom.

For this reason, the royal family tried their best to render the new princess as a commoner and create a realistic version of the story of "Prince and Cinderella".

Just to increase the favorability of civilians.

But in fact, it is impossible for the prince to really marry a commoner girl. Even if the new princess is rendered as Cinderella, she is still a noble lady and the daughter of an earl.

Although he is a down-and-out noble, he must be of noble blood.

In this story, there are various factors, except love.

At this time, the door opened, and a grandma who looked very old-fashioned came in from the outside.

Seeing the expressionless princess, she frowned and said, "Madam, you cannot appear in front of the whole world with this expression tomorrow."

Diane pursed her lips, nodded and said, "Of course, please don't worry."

Grandma nodded gracefully and walked over step by step. Each step was the same length, as if measured with a ruler: "Are you all ready?"

Diane: "Yes~"

She had been exhausted from preparing for the wedding during this period.

But apart from some necessary rehearsals, she didn't even see her titular husband.

Although she had been mentally prepared before this and knew that His Highness had a lover who had been dating for many years, as a twenty-year-old girl, she still had some illusions about marriage.

"Your Highness, still there?" Diane couldn't help but ask.

Mammy frowned: "Madam, you must know that His Highness cannot be the only Prince of Wales without a mistress. It is impossible now and even less so in the future..."

The last light in Diane's eyes disappeared, and she said "Yeah" expressionlessly: "I understand, please don't worry, Ms. Laura."

The next day, the streets of Huandun were crowded with people, as if they were attending a temple fair during the Chinese New Year.

As a guest, Du Fei could just go directly to the church.

The so-called royal wedding is actually very different from an ordinary wedding.

But in Du Fei's view, it was a bit shabby.

For example, the motorcade used to pick up the bride was said to be the carriage used for the coronation of George V. At first glance, it seemed to be quite high-end.

Du Fei remembered correctly. The coronation of George V took place in 1910. This carriage is at least seventy years old now.

A seventy-year-old second-hand carriage...

The crown worn by the bride is also old. I don’t know how much she received in terms of three gold coins and bride price.

Du Fei was bored and made up his mind.

But it should be said that the bride is indeed very beautiful, especially in her wedding dress.

Even sitting in the carriage, smiling but not smiling, he didn't seem so happy.

Let Compassion go and take the portion, and gave two portions in total.

One share belongs to Du Fei. After all, he was invited, which is quite meaningful.

The other one was given to me on behalf of Julie.

As the Queen of Kuching, Julie has a somewhat complicated relationship with the Royal Family of Kuching. Kuching has also joined the Commonwealth, so she can get it even if she doesn't come.

At this moment, a woman of medium height came over: "Mr. Du, this is our first meeting..."

Du Fei recognized the other party at a glance: "Mrs. Zeichel, it's an honor to meet you."

The two shook hands.

Although Du Fei didn't think of this woman as an iron lady, there was no doubt that she was a very powerful official.

She can take advantage of every advantage and defeat her enemies at any cost.

"A very grand wedding~Thank you for the invitation." Du Fei learned from Vincent that the invitation was not meant by the royal family, but by this woman.

Du Fei was not polite and said straight to the point: "I heard that Madam wants to restart negotiations for the sale of the aircraft carrier Ark Royal?"

Mrs. Zeichel was not surprised. She believed that with Du Fei's ability, there must be channels to learn the news.

Besides, the matter itself is no secret.

"Yes, that is a very excellent ship. It is a pity that it has only served for more than 20 years." Mrs. Zeichel said matter-of-factly: "From my personal point of view, I very much hope to send him to Nanyang." , starting a new mission.”

Du Fei listened with a smile and sneered in his heart.

In fact, after understanding some of the circumstances, he had given up hope of buying the Ark Royal.

Objectively speaking, although this aircraft carrier is old, its value is not low.

The steam catapult and blocking lock equipped therein were quite technological in this era.

If you can really win it, it won't be a loss even if you take it apart for research.

But it is impossible for others not to know such an obvious truth.

Moreover, the catapult and arrester are both produced by America, so even if they are actually sold, America's permission is required.

The reason why Du Fei was brought in was, in the final analysis, the game between the working class and the conservative group over the new Invincible aircraft carrier.

Mrs. Zeitchel needed to make a gesture to win over the navy.

The money from selling the old aircraft carrier would be a drop in the bucket for the government, but if part of it is distributed among people, the amount would be quite considerable.

To put it bluntly, Mrs. Zeichel just wanted to use this incident to draw a big pie.

In the game, she didn't have many chips in her hand, so this move created chips for herself out of thin air.

Should she say it or not, this woman has played with people's hearts.

Although everyone knows in their hearts that the probability of success of this transaction is very low, even so, it can still attract many people.

As for Du Fei's willingness to come, it was mainly to satisfy his curiosity and see the bride.

Otherwise, he also planned to go to Sulian to watch Exercise 81.

As for being used, it doesn't matter. As long as the other party is willing to pay the corresponding price, he is willing to cooperate.

But if you think of him as a fool, that's a different matter.

Mrs. Zeichel's shrewdness did not prevent such low-level mistakes.

After a brief exchange, the two chatted happily.

Du Fei was happy to cooperate on the purchase and sale of the aircraft carrier and promised to have Kuching organize a negotiation team immediately.

In return, Mrs. Zeichel will make policy inclines on intra-Commonwealth trade.

Of course, these two conditions are not equal, and Mrs. Zeichel's chips are of greater value.

In order to balance, Du Fei will also purchase a long-term financial investment worth 3 million pounds from a financial company run by Mrs. Zeicher's daughter's boyfriend.

In addition, an initial investment was provided for a company started by Mrs. Zeicher's son Mark.

None of this is a problem for Dufy.

After the verbal decision was made, Du Fei could clearly feel that Mrs. Zeichel's smile in front of him was a little more sincere.

When I returned to the hotel in the afternoon, I turned on the TV and it was all about the wedding.

On the TV screen, Diane behaved quite appropriately, with a sweet smile, gentleness and kindness, playing the role of a happy bride.

But at the scene, Du Fei felt that the muscles on the bride's face were stiff.

It’s very tiring to smile even if you don’t smile.

The groom was a little absent-minded and glanced at the nearby crowd from time to time. There stood another lady with a complicated expression.

From Du Fei's perspective, I really don't understand this prince's aesthetics.

Perhaps being 'young and beautiful' is too easy for this kind of people, and it is nothing compared to the young Bai Yueguang.

Du Fei thought, looking from the TV to the window.

Ci Xin stood there and looked out. In the distance outside the window was Big Ben.

Through the spiritual link, Du Fei could feel the excitement in Ci Xin's heart.

Since the transformation, Ci Xin has not encountered an opponent worthy of her attack for several years.

This time I came to Wandun. As soon as I got off the plane, I noticed an aura in Big Ben that was not much weaker than hers.

Du Fei said: "Not now. When I leave, I will keep you for two days, but don't capsize the boat."

Cixin was slightly surprised, she didn't expect Du Fei to be so indulgent.

Although she was ready to move, she had no intention of doing anything.

After all, her first priority is to ensure Du Fei's safety.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ci Xin was overjoyed, as if he had taken a big gulp of cold beer on a hot day, and his whole body felt refreshed.

Du Fei smiled and looked at Big Ben in the distance. He wondered how many times the ascetic monks there could withstand the demonic pestle of compassion.

Du Fei didn't think about the consequences at all. Anyway, he would leave tomorrow.

As for the risk of capsizing in the sewer, it is even more minimal.

Compassion is just a matter of motivation, not mindless.


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