Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1522 Western Eight 1

Chapter 1524 Western Eight 1

The independent country, a country full of tragic colors.

Being in the heart of Europe has created its rise and glory, and it is also destined to be helpless in the four wars.

The most tragic thing about it is precisely its strength, which seems to be just a little short every time.

But in fact, in Du Fei's view, the problem of the independent country is not that it is just a little short, but that it is doomed to fail at the beginning of the war.

Regarding the understanding of Zhengzhi, in the most critical decades of the Guo family, everyone except Bismarck was too impulsive and naive.

So that the former independent second empire, a good hand in hand was played badly.

The independent third empire also ended in the most tragic way.

Now, it has been rebuilt from the ruins, and the economy has been restored at an incredible speed. It even became the third largest economy after America and Sulian.

A similar situation also occurred in the East.

This made many people with ulterior motives discover some extraordinary "secrets" and immediately concluded that they are excellent.

Even before Du Fei traveled through time, he had this doubt. Are the people of the DPRK and the East really excellent? Otherwise, why did they rise to become economic powers in a short period of time after the defeat of World War II?

This question almost accompanied Du Fei's student days, and he did not even solve it when he went to college.

It was not until many years later, with the explosion of information, that he learned a lot of things.

After World War II, the most fundamental reason why the DPRK and the East were able to rise rapidly in the economic field was that they were defeated countries!

It was because America could invest the domestic and foreign overflow funds in them without any scruples, without worrying about the money going down the drain.

The most fundamental element of economic development is capital. Without capital, everything else is empty talk.

Unfortunately, this kind of economy without political and military support is ultimately a mirage.

Whether it is the DPRK or the East, they can only become fat sheep harvested by America in the end.

This had already revealed a clue before Du Fei traveled through time.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Du Fei's plane landed at Frank Airport.

Unlike the high-level reception he received in Britain and France, Du Fei only received an ordinary reception here.

It's not that the Duguo side has any grudges against him, but the situation is different.

He went to Britain and France, either because the other party had a request or because they needed each other, but here in Duguo, it was simply to purchase machine tools.

Although Du Fei was the buyer in this transaction, high-end machine tools are different from other commodities. Whoever has the source of goods has the final say.

Now Du Fei came to Duguo and faced this situation.

However, Du Fei didn't care. There were other people to negotiate the machine tool business, and he didn't need to worry about it.

As for someone who planned to interfere, Du Fei would not be polite.

Whether it was Japan or Duguo, since it was a defeated country, it had to have the awareness of a defeated country. It would be naive to think that the economy could determine everything.

"Mr. Stadler, it's nice to meet you." Du Fei got off the plane and shook hands with the Duguo staff who came to greet him.

Stadler, the leader of the other party, was a thin middle-aged man with a square face and cold facial lines. He was a typical Duguo person.

"Mr. Du, I'm glad you came to Duguo." He behaved in a proper manner and was not particularly enthusiastic.

When Du Fei saw this person, his first impression seemed to be that he was collecting electricity bills.

After a simple greeting, he came to the hotel where he was staying.

Du Fei stretched his body and stood by the window looking at the city outside.

The original Frank was almost turned into a ruin in the bombing in the late war, and the current cities were rebuilt after the war.

There is a newer and more modern atmosphere here.

But unlike the East, the people here have a more repressive temperament.

After the economic boom in the East, there is an uncontrollable impetuousness.

This is probably also the foundation. After all, the rise of the country was earlier, and it was in the heart of Europe. The enemies it faced were also top-level, and it was whipped more times. Although they were all nouveau riche, they still had more foundation than the East.

And the current situation of the country is worse than that of the East.

In any case, the East was not dismembered before.

Hokkaido was a situation that only appeared after Du Fei traveled through time.

The situation of the independent country was even worse. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is no longer a country.

More importantly, the independent country is still at the forefront of the Cold War. People are always worried that the steel torrent will suddenly sweep over one day.

It has only been 35 years since their last defeat, and the horror of the war is still fresh in their memory.

It's a pity...

Thinking of this, Du Fei couldn't help but curl his lips.

Perhaps the cruel war really slaughtered all the brave people, whether it was the Speed ​​Union or the independent country.

The impact of World War II on them has been engraved into their bones.

They are not afraid of war, but afraid of a failed war, which is simply a nightmare.

Or, they are still living in a nightmare and have not woken up.


Du Fei stayed in Frank for three days, then went to Munich, and specially went to the famous tavern to take a look.

Stayed in the independent country for five days, and then went to Vilnius.

The main scope of the Speed ​​Union's "Western 81" exercise this time covers the area around the Baltic Sea, including Poland and the eastern part of the independent country.

It will be a large-scale, deep offensive combat exercise involving the coordination of various arms and tactical mushroom bombs.

In addition to the Sulian Army, the participating troops also include the Air Force, missile troops, naval vessels, marines, airborne troops... The total number of people involved exceeds 500,000, with more than 1,500 tanks and more than 1,200 armored vehicles.

The lineup is luxurious and the investment is huge, unprecedented.

As for the purpose, it is also very simple, that is, to show off military power, deter the enemy, boost morale, and satisfy Porezhne's increasingly ostentatious hobby in his later years.

When Du Fei arrived, it was already early September, only a few days away from the start of the exercise.

At this time, everything was ready, only one order was needed.

When Du Fei got off the plane, it happened to be gloomy and an autumn rain was brewing.

It was originally normal weather, but it gave people a feeling of "dark clouds pressing down on the city and wanting to destroy it".

The participating troops gathered nearby seemed to have condensed a huge fighting will.

Du Fei looked up at the sky and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this time, Sulian did have the strength of "united as one" and "changing the world", but... it was a pity!

The strength is there, but the spirit is gone.

With a flash of thought in his mind, Du Fei retracted his gaze and walked down the gangway.

At this moment, a Volga sedan drove in from the side door of the airport and stopped here.

Natasha pushed the door and got out of the car. She looked up with a smile and watched Du Fei walk down: "Sorry, there was a little accident on the road just now."

Du Fei glanced at her car, and there were obvious scratches on the left front.

"It's okay~" She smiled and said, "You are still so beautiful." After saying that, the two hugged and got into the car.

Natasha said while driving: "I didn't expect you to come."

Du Fei said: "You have all the elite troops in this exercise. Of course, I want to see what the strongest heavy armored corps today will do."

Natasha pursed her lips, and a hint of pride flashed in her eyes, but she was not humble.

Du Fei greeted Natasha's grandfather again.

Although the old man is older, he is in good physical condition.

Actually, Polezhne is not that old, he is only in his seventies.

However, the alcoholism of the Sulian people is not friendly to the elderly of this age, and few of them can live a healthy and long life.

Including Polezhne, his health is already quite worrying, but he just pretends to be healthy.

On the contrary, Natasha's grandfather, after retiring, has been relieved of his heavy work and his health is much better than before.

Soon, Du Fei and Natasha came to a guesthouse in the suburbs.

The conditions here are quite good, and the various facilities are not inferior to those of high-end hotels.

"Du, you stay here for the next two days. I have arranged all the matters for visiting the exercise..." Natasha introduced some situations, mainly about some precautions for observing the exercise.

After all, this is not watching a play or a movie, but a real exercise with real swords and guns, and you must be extra cautious.

In addition, Du Fei did not come here in an official capacity this time, he came in his personal name.

After coming out of the guesthouse, Natasha returned to the car and couldn't help but frown slightly.

Recalling the conversation with Du Fei just now, Du Fei especially asked about her grandfather's health.

Although he had asked politely before, Du Fei's words seemed a little different today.

This made Natasha unsure whether it was her illusion.

After thinking for a while, Natasha started the car and left quickly.

When she returned to her residence, she was still thinking about the doubts just now.

After a while, she simply stopped thinking about it and simply picked up the phone and dialed: "Grandpa, this is Natasha..."

Du Fei didn't expect that a few casual words would attract Natasha's attention.

The reason why he asked a few more questions was mainly that in 1981, Speed ​​Union would soon face the misfortune of sending three people away for three consecutive years.

First it was Porezhne, then Androbo, and then Chernenko.

With the passing of these three, it symbolized the end of an era.

Then, in order to no longer experience the changes brought about by this physiological problem, they resolutely chose a "young and strong" person to take over.

But they didn't expect that it was this decision that put them in a dead end.

The reason why Du Fei was concerned about Natasha's grandfather's health was because Natasha's grandfather would become an influential elder by then.

Although he had retired before, his family handover went well and he was not marginalized in the entire system.

Du Fei wondered if he could make some changes at a critical moment.

He underestimated Natasha's sensitivity, who had worked at KGB.

This was probably also an occupational disease for her.


In a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Du Fei came to Sulian and stayed in the guesthouse without going around.

The exercise was about to begin. As an important exercise area, Vilnius's alert level was not low. Du Fei did not want to encounter unnecessary trouble at this time.

As the exercise began, he finally left the guesthouse, but did not go to the observation area specially prepared for foreign journalists and observers.

This exercise was originally intended to let NATO see the power of Sulian Iron Fist, and many foreign journalists and observers were invited in advance.

However, the settings of those observation areas were quite particular.

In addition to being able to see shocking explosions and large-scale mechanized cluster reunions there, there was actually not much dry goods to see.

Through Natasha's connection, Du Fei got directly on the helicopter used by Moscow TV to film.

It should be said that the Speed ​​Alliance was at its most ambitious at this time, and due to its personality, it really did not hide anything.

It was a pity that Du Fei was not very good at military affairs, and he only watched the excitement all day.

Even so, it was a shock.

At the same time, he also understood why in the world before he crossed over, after the dissolution of the Speed ​​Alliance, those originally excellent equipment with excellent performance performed particularly poorly.

It's not that the things are bad, but that these things originally depend on the system.

The most typical one is the MiG-29 fighter.

This aircraft is a light third-generation fighter jet that the Speed ​​Alliance benchmarks against the F-16. It was subsequently exported to many fruit companies, and its actual combat performance is hard to describe.

In particular, the combat radius is short, and it is nicknamed the short-legged duck.

But in fact, the MiG-29 was not a conventional fighter since the day it was designed, but an assault fighter specially designed to provide air cover for large troops in combat.

It does not need a particularly long range at all, because the front-line airport is behind the army corps.

The performance of a single machine does not need to be particularly good, because in the preset combat scenario, the mig-29 will form an absolute numerical advantage with its low cost and deployment close to the front line.

Although at this point in time, the mig-29 has not yet been mass-produced, let alone appeared in the exercise.

But Du Fei can still clearly see the strength of a combat system built on the military-industrial foundation of the Sulian Army, as shown in this exercise.

Unfortunately... this strength did not eventually turn into victory, but was used as a bargaining chip to show off to the enemy, or to deter.

This cannot be said to be wrong, after all, at this time no one would have thought that such a powerful Sulian Army would fall down in just ten years.

If it could be foreseen, the result would surely be different.


After eight days, the exercise ended.

According to the rules of the exercise, once a war breaks out in reality, the combat effectiveness shown by the Sulian Army can occupy the European continent within eight days.

This conclusion sounds bluffing, but it is actually just like that.

Because apart from the Sulian Army and its allies, there is nothing left on the European continent.

It is nothing more than the independent country, France, Italy, Spain, and some scraps.

Yingguo is isolated overseas and can be excluded.

The United States is a die-hard supporter of America and will definitely resist resolutely, but it is too small to stop it.

France is an old area of ​​​​the country, and Italy is welcoming the king's army... Can it still rely on Spain and Portugal, the two brothers in distress?

In Du Fei's opinion, the only one who is really determined to resist at that time is Yingguo.


The day after the exercise ended, Du Fei and Natasha flew to Leningrad together.

According to Du Fei's original schedule, he would return home after the exercise.

After all, this trip has been going around for more than a month.

Unexpectedly, last night, Natasha suddenly said that her grandfather wanted to meet him.


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