“I’m Lex and I have urgent matters to discuss with the Prime Minister. ”

“Please wait a minute. The assistant on the other end of the phone subconsciously glanced at the prime minister and handed the phone to the president.

“I’m Morin, Lex, what’s going on?”

“Prime Minister, I am now holding a secret meeting with the heir of the Arman family, Sean, and the head of the Saudi delegation, Harren Lawod, to discuss the procurement of weapons and equipment, but there is a situation that needs to be reported to you before the meeting officially begins. ”

said. ”

“Yes, that’s right, Sean said that in order to purchase all kinds of weapons and equipment of the hairy bear, you need to purchase a mineral from their Arman family to obtain the corresponding qualifications. ”

“What about the minerals? What about the Saudi Kingdom? Did it also buy it?”

“Yes, Saudi Arabia has purchased a rare earth mine with millions of tons worth two hundred billion dollars, and now Sean has five minerals for us to choose from, all worth more than two hundred billion dollars, but Sean said it can be divided into installments. ”

“Is it cost-effective?”

Hear Lex’s debriefing.

As the prime minister of the three countries, Mo Lin’s first thought is not whether the two hundred billion US dollars can afford them.

It’s whether those minerals are cost-effective.


If Shaun sells them the minerals of the three countries at a good price-performance ratio, it will not make them lose too much.

Then they are still acceptable.

After all.

For the current Ah San.

They are not short of money.

What is really lacking is military strength and international discourse.

As everyone knows.

Dignity is only above the blade, truth is only within the range of a cannon.

Whether a country can have a certain say in the international community?

The main thing is to see whether they have enough military strength.


There is no doubt about it.

At the very least.

Milliken and the woolly bear have proven this to the rest of the world.

As long as your military strength is strong enough.


Even if your behavior internationally is no longer despicable.

And no one dares to say nothing.

But if the Arman family wants to take this opportunity to sell them $200 billion worth of minerals, which were originally worth only a few hundred dollars.

Then they will definitely not be able to accept it.

“Prime Minister, I have already read the information on minerals, the price is quite reasonable, if we develop it later, it is still profitable.~. ”

“Then can you guarantee that the mineral information that Sean showed you is not real?” questioned Morin.

“No, but we can ask a professional exploration company to come and explore the site, and if we are sure that there is no problem, it is not too late for us to sign the relevant agreement.” Lex thought for a moment and said.

“Okay, just do as you say, if the information about the mineral is accurate, the contract can be signed, anyway, it will be paid in installments.” ”

“Yes, I see, that… This time in terms of the budget for the weapons and equipment we procured… Can you raise it a little more?” asked Lex cautiously.

“Well, I’m afraid it has to be raised a little more, the big dog in the Saudi country can be much more generous than us, but even if this is the case, they can’t let them take all the good things, so I will convene a meeting of Congress and urgently allocate a part of the special funds for the purchase of Mao Xiong’s weapons and equipment.” ”

“Yes, I see. ”

“Well, remember, this is a rare opportunity, maybe there will be no such opportunity in the future, if you can, you must maintain a good relationship with the hairy bear, I think…. The decline of the hairy bear may have changed. ”

“Prime Minister, do you think… Will the hairy bear slow down after this and even continue to fight with Milliken?”

On the phone.

After hearing the words of the Prime Minister.

Lex’s eyes widened, unable to believe what he had heard.

Because in the eyes of all.

Now the hairy bear has set in the western mountains.

Although there is still some light.

But the ability to burn everything has long been lost.

And because of this.

After receiving an invitation from the hairy bear.

The three kingdoms of Afghanistan will come to Maoxiong non-stop, thinking of purchasing more self-defense weapons while Maoxiong still has his last breath.

Especially the kind of super power, which can deter the weapons and equipment of all surrounding countries.


Even if the hairy bear falls.

The three kingdoms of Afghanistan can also rely on those purchased weapons and equipment to fake tiger power for twenty or thirty years.

But now.

Listen to what the Prime Minister said.

Lex was obviously surprised.

But even his heart was already full of doubts and wanted to ask the truth.

But Lex held back. [ Read more novels for free on our website: Knight NovelS ]

Because since I am a minister, I don’t know the inside information.

Obviously, the Prime Minister did not know what he had revealed.

Since that’s the case.

That’s more than less.

The thing you shouldn’t know is to resolutely don’t ask.

“Lex, even if we don’t buy more weapons and equipment this time, you can’t offend the Arman family to death, especially Sean, you have to maintain friendly relations with him, even if…. It doesn’t matter if we let some profits come out, but things must be done confidentially, especially if the procurement is unilateral, and we need to do something tricks, lest other parties make a fuss about this, and then it will be troublesome to find us to settle accounts after the fall. ”

“Yes, Prime Minister, I see what you mean, I will try my best to maintain the relationship between the two sides, then…. If it’s okay, I’ll hang up first, and they’re still waiting for my reply. ”

“Well, go ahead, this is done, your benefits are indispensable.” ”

“Yes, Prime Minister, I will certainly live up to your expectations. ”

Finish speaking.

After waiting for the prime minister on the other end of the phone to hang up, Lex (who got the money) put the phone down satisfied.

At this time.

A look of excitement appeared on Lex’s face.

The Prime Minister’s words just now gave him a shot in the arm.

Since the president has said that he can give a little profit to the Arman family.

Then he has no worries.

Anyway, as long as the Arman family is stabilized, he and Sean become private friends.

Then as long as the hairy bear exists for one day in the future.

The three countries will not suffer a big loss.

As for how to account for the profits that were made.

Isn’t that trivial?

If it’s a missile for two million dollars, wouldn’t it be enough to let the hairy bear drive two and a half million dollars a piece?

Anyway, as long as both sides keep silent.

How would anyone else know?

Think of this.

Lex smiled slightly, walked out of the room satisfied, and then pushed open the door of the reception room.

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