“Sir, it has been determined that there is indeed an oil field here, and according to estimates, the reserves of oil alone have reached more than three billion tons.”

In the tent, the butler ran in excitedly.

“Three billion tons? Good, good, good, immediately block this news to the outside world, start preparing to exploit the Surgut oil field, and in addition, the exploration team will be collected and let them work exclusively for our Arman family in the future. Delos immediately ordered.

“Yes, I have already explained this to them, and they are very willing to join the Arman family.”

“That’s good, I have to tell the old man the news immediately now, so that he can prepare in advance.”

Think of this.

Delos immediately came to the car, then picked up the satellite phone.

“Hey, hello, this is the office of the deputy commander of the headquarters of the Far Eastern Military District, may I ask who are you looking for.”

“I’m Delos, and I need to find your deputy commander in an emergency.”

“I see, Deputy Commander, Mr. Delos’ call.” The subordinate covered the earpiece and whispered.

Hearing his son’s call, Andrei, the deputy commander of the Far Eastern Military Region, did not hesitate and immediately took the call.


“Father, I am now in the Surgut area.”

“What are you doing over there? Shouldn’t you be busy with suicide drone swarms at this time at the Arman Military Complex? ”

“Father, I will explain this matter to you later, and now I have a very important matter to tell you, your grandson Sean does not know where to get the news, that there is an oil field in the Surgut area, let me buy that land.”

“Oil fields? How is it possible, you won’t buy it, right? Andrei asked with some doubt.

“Yes, I did buy it, as for why I bought it, I will tell you later, and I want to call you now to tell you that we have indeed discovered oil fields here, and the reserves have reached more than three billion tons.”

“How much? Three billion tons? ”

Hear the number on the other end of the phone.

Andrei immediately stood up from his chair.

Three billion tons of crude oil reserves.

What does this mean?

This means that the Arman family will become the richest family of hairy bears in a very short time.

If you calculate the current international price of crude oil at 27 US dollars a barrel.

The price of a ton of crude oil is about two hundred dollars.

And the crude oil reserves of this oil field are more than three billion tons.

Other words.

The Arman family now owns an oil field worth more than $600 billion.

And it should be noted that.

This price is only the current price.

According to Andrey’s many years of experience.

Whenever there is a major catastrophe and during war or conflict.

It will trigger an unlimited surge in oil.

Even a two- or three-fold increase is not impossible.


Such a large fortune if suddenly exposed.

That is bound to cause a great sensation.

It will even cause unnecessary trouble to come out.


The most important thing at the moment is to block the news while trying to let the status of the Arman family continue to climb in the shortest possible time.

Even when the Arman family revealed the oil field, no one dared to fight it.

So here’s the problem.

Now he himself is already the deputy commander of the Far Eastern Military District.

If you want to go up further.

That is, only the commander of the Far Eastern Military District.

But even as a commander.

It doesn’t make much sense either.

Not to mention the commander of the Far Eastern Military District and himself are brothers who have been playing in open pants since childhood.

The two are still lifelong friendships.

As for Delos.

He is now also the chief designer of the Arman Military Complex.

In the field of military industry.

It is already considered to be the level of top researchers.

And in specific cases.

Delos’ prestige was even higher than that of his father.

Therefore, he basically has no room to rise.

If you look at it this way.

The only one in the family that is still operational.

There is only Sean, who is unofficial and light.

Think of this.

Andrei said immediately:

“The affairs of the oil field must be kept secret and not disclosed for the time being, and in addition, we need to operate it to give Sean as much power as possible.”


Just after Andrei finished speaking.

Delos on the other end of the phone said helplessly

“Father, I’m afraid we don’t need to worry about Sean’s affairs, there is one thing I haven’t had time to tell you, as far as the suicide drone swarm technology you just mentioned, it is actually your grandson’s handwriting, and in addition to this, he has also mastered more advanced drone technology, and now in the eyes of the military, he is a baby bump, and no one can touch him.”

“This kid has drummed up suicide drone swarming technology?”

“Yes.” Delos replied affirmatively.

“Good boy, worthy of being the heir of my Arman family, if he himself is so contentious, it will be much easier, in this way, Secretary of Defense Carter has been saying how good his granddaughter is, in this case, take the time to let Sean meet her for a meal and contact, and see if the two can make a spark!”

“Father, are you talking about Yulia? If I’m not mistaken, the little girl seems to be only seventeen years old. Delos was stunned.

“I’ll be an adult next Wednesday.” Andrei blurted out.

“Erm….. Okay then, but what can the minister promise both of them? ”

“Don’t you know that Minister Carter spoils his granddaughter the most? In that case, what if Yulia likes my grandson? After all, my grandson is not bad-looking. ”

“Eh…. Yes, then I understand. ”

“You have to pay more attention to this matter, this kid should take care and get married.”

“Yes, I know, I will take it to heart.”

“Well, I’ll take the time to go back this week, and we’ll talk about it then.”


PS: Righteous fathers, I really need support during the new book period, and please ask all righteous fathers to vote for free to support it, thank you for it, and reveal to you righteous fathers, bang bang!!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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