Inside the office of the Presidential Palace.

Sean sat face to face with the president.

And at this time.

The president was holding in his hand the plan that Sean had just given him.

In this proposal.

Sean proposed to centralize all of the bear’s land for unified management after centralization.

Of course.

Land here refers to land that can be used for cultivating crops.

But because he had a super hardy potion in his hand.

So including the Far East, where temperatures remain at minus tens of degrees Celsius for half of the year, are also included.

And after the land was zoned in.

The Arman family would start recruiting workers and then grow crops on a large scale.

In the process.

Originally abandoned land will be used at the same time.

A large number of poor households will also have new jobs and their own income.

And most importantly.

The woolly bear will shed the title of the largest 08 grain importer.


No matter from which direction you look at it.

Sean’s plan is perfect and in the interests of all parties.

But look at the plan in your hand.

The president has been slow to give Sean’s specific answer.

The reason is simple.

There is simply too much land that can be used for agricultural cultivation by the bears themselves.

If it is classified as unified planting management.

This also means handing over the food that the bears depend on to survive.


Sean won’t have a problem.

The Arman family will not have any problems either.

But things don’t change.

If something happens to the Arman family in the future, it will affect the agricultural field.

What about the rations of nearly 300 million people in the bear?

You can’t all go hungry.

But then again.

If those lands were to be put in the hands of the Arman family.

Centrally managed cases.

That is indeed a great help in increasing food production.

After all, the Alman family’s financial resources are placed here.

Whether it is fertilizer, manual management, etc., it is not comparable to those ordinary retail farmers.

What’s more.

Sean mentioned the matter of ultra-hardy seeds in the report.

This can be seen from the name.

Sean’s seeds can withstand the cold weather of hairy bears.

Or else.

Nor would he propose to centralize the lands of the Far East and manage cultivation in a unified manner.

It’s just that..

If you count the huge land area of the Far East.

Isn’t the land in the Arman family’s name a little too much?

“Sean, your report says that ultra-hardy seeds can continue to grow in extremely cold environments of minus tens of degrees in the Far East, have they been tested?”

“Yes, the ultra-hardy seeds have passed our internal extreme cold environment test, and in the test, even at minus 50 degrees, the super-hardy seeds are still growing, but the growth rate is about half that of crops in other temperature conditions.” Sean said without blushing and opening his mouth without beating his heart.

“Then do you know how much land there is in the Far East?” If you count these lands, your Arman family is the family that holds the most land in the world. ”

“Yes, I understand, but the land is only used for agriculture, and I can guarantee that in just one year, the woolly bear will be able to pluck the world’s largest food importer and become the largest food exporter.”

“Well, this defense minister has already told me that your main purpose is to make the population rich. But there is also the question of how these lands are leased? Is it to pay rent in advance by area, or…” After that, the president looked at Sean with a slight smile on his face.

“President, if the rent is paid in advance according to the area, I am afraid that the Arman family will not be able to bear it, because in addition to rent, labor in the early stage, fertilizer, and the purchase of a large number of agricultural machinery, etc., are all huge expenses.” Sean smiled wryly.

“Well, I know, so what you want is to rent it for free first, and then wait until the harvest is time to talk about the rent, but you have to know that if you implement this plan of yours, the hairy bear needs to take a lot of risks and give you a lot of benefits, so, no matter what, the hairy bear can’t be too little in terms of sharing, right?”

Saying that, the president tapped on the table and looked at Sean with a smile.

It’s clear.

The president was well aware of Sean’s plan.

I knew that he wanted to lease the land for free first, and then wait until the bill was collected before handing over the rent to Mao Xiong.

But as the saying goes.

The greater the risk, the greater the benefit. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

You can’t take such a big risk to lease tens of millions of square kilometers of land to you.

In the end, the bear just wants to earn a little rent.

This is clearly impossible.

Besides, the hairy bear is now economically there.

If you don’t take this opportunity to earn some money to improve people’s livelihood.

I’m afraid that the government really has no money on its hands.

On the other side, Sean also heard the president’s meaning, and then nodded and said:

“President, do you think the hairy bear should cost 310 percent?”

“Sancheng, considering that the Arman family also needed a huge capital investment in the early stage, and also took a lot of risks, plus your original motivation was to improve people’s livelihood, so how about only three percent of the profits on the Mao Xiong side?”

“Okay, deal.” Sean looked beaming and nodded immediately.

“Well, in that case, I will notify the Land Bureau to take back the cultivated land in private hands, and then stop all land leasing and sales, oh, by the way, when are you going to start doing it?”

“It starts tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? So anxious? The president was stunned.

“Yes, some things can no longer be delayed, and it is important to give hope to the people as soon as possible.”

“Well, if you need anything, you can tell me directly, or contact the head of the president’s office, so you don’t have to ask the secretary of defense to deliver the news for you every time.”

“Yes, I see, if there is nothing to do, I will go back first.”

“Well, Sean, it’s up to you next, don’t disappoint the people of the hairy bear, once this document is issued, 300 million hairy bear people will look at you.”

“Yes, rest assured president, I will not disappoint them, please wait and see.”

“Okay, we’ll see.”

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