Two days later.

Inside the Saudi military airfield.

A private jet is parked on the runway and technicians are doing final flight checks.

And in the cabin.

Harlan Laward also kept looking at the information in his hand.

“Prince, this time our entire trip will be carried out with Sean, the heir of the Arman family, and at the same time, for the confidentiality of our trip, you and the main heads of several other departments will be stationed in the Arman Manor.”

“Can Arman Manor guarantee absolute safety?” Harlan Lavold asked subconsciously.

“Yes, the Arman family itself has trained a large number of retired special forces as a security force, and at the same time, there are troops of the Far Eastern Military District stationed for a long time around the Arman Manor, and Sean’s grandfather Andrei is the deputy commander of the Far Eastern Military District, but he is not currently in the territory of Maoxiong and is performing tasks in the country of Afghanistan.”

“It seems that the Arman family is deeply involved with the military of the hairy bear, and if anyone wants to move him, it will basically anger the entire hairy bear.”

Looking at the information in his hand, Harlan Lawward’s face couldn’t help but show a trace of envy.

Although in terms of identity.

He is much more noble than Sean. 10

After all, he is the son of the king of Saudi Arabia, and he holds important positions in Saudi Arabia, not to mention that he is worth billions of dollars.

Think around the world.

It is difficult to find a lantern that can compete with yourself.

Until he met Sean.

Grandfather was the deputy commander of the Far Eastern Military District.

His father was the chief designer of the Arman Military Complex.

The girlfriend’s grandfather is the Minister of Defense of the Hairy Bear.

And what about himself.

Not only monopolized the light industry and agriculture of the hairy bear at the same time.

Even their intelligence agencies can’t give an accurate figure, only knowing that it is at least hundreds of billions of dollars.

More than ten or twenty times more than their own.

What’s more.

There is no substitute for Sean.

But what about Harlan Lawward.

It’s not nice to say.

Although it is true that he was the son of the king of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

But there are several others with his equal status.

That is to say.

If something really happened to Harlan Lavode one day.

Soon someone would immediately take over his property and interests.


There is absolutely no doubt about it.

“By the way, have you prepared a gift for you?”

“Ready, a total of two copies were prepared, one for Sean and one for his girlfriend Yulia.”

“Well, it’s very smart, and I know to prepare it for Sean’s girlfriend.” Harlan Laward nodded with satisfaction.

“Is there any special order from Father’s side?” Harren Lavold continued to ask.

“Yes, before leaving, the king asked me to tell you, don’t care how much money is spent this time, everything is based on the interests of the Saudi country, everything that is beneficial to the Saudi country, the prince can make his own decisions, and the king said that you must not offend Sean, this person is very vengeful, once offended him, not only the transaction that may be obtained will be canceled, but also lose the backer of the hairy bear.”

“Well, I know, tell my father, I won’t be angry this time, everything is in the interests of the Saudi country first.”

Harlan Lavold nodded seriously.

The other side.

Inside the Arman estate.

The servants are scrambling to clean the other rooms, and the cooks are also scrambling to get the ingredients that need to be processed in advance.

Because this time, Harren Lavod and several other key heads of Saudi departments will come to the bear for a secret visit, and during this time they will stay at the Arman estate.

About this.

It was Sean himself who asked for it.

On the one hand, he doesn’t want Harren Laward’s whereabouts to be exposed.

On the Alman Manor side.

What he can guarantee is.

Even the agents of the MIA newspaper in Milliken put their wings.

The troops stationed here, as well as their own security forces, also shoot them down.

On the other hand.

If it is arranged by the Mao Xiong government or the military.

It is estimated that there will be many complicated procedures and unnecessary pleasantries.

This time the purpose of both sides is pure.

One who wants to get financial help.

One wants to get a powerful military weapon, by the way see if you can hug a thigh.


Then the two sides might as well go straight to the subject. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

There is no point in engaging in dispensable programs.

One more one.

In the Arman Manor, he and Harlan Lavold have more opportunities to meet, and the two sides have relatively more opportunities to negotiate.

It’s not like staying in a hotel.

Security is not guaranteed, information is leaked, and you have to run back and forth when you meet.

“Ryan, talk to the chefs, be sure to pay attention to their taboos, and don’t make any unpleasant things because of a little negligence.”

“Don’t worry, young master, I have already explained this, and now there is a problem.”

“What problem?” Sean looked at Ryan suspiciously.

“It is that among the members of the delegation of Ha 127 Ren Raward, in addition to politicians, businessmen, and security guards, there are two of his wives, according to normal circumstances, we need to arrange female companions to accompany them, but… We don’t have the right people right now. ”

“Do you still have to ask? He brings his wife, don’t I just bring my girlfriend? I’m talking to Harlan Lavod, and aren’t these girls talking about home? ”

“Yes, how to arrange the gift?” If I’m not mistaken, Harlan Lawward must have prepared a meeting ceremony in advance, are we going to…”

“Ask the Ministry of Defense about this to see what kind of gift is most appropriate, I am not good at these things, they have experience.” Sean thought for a moment and said.


“By the way, what time is the plane coming?”

“Arrive at the airport at six o’clock in the evening, and you can go to the Arman estate at about seven-thirty.”

“Okay, I know, you go and check again to see if there is anything missing, and then ask the military side, whether the place where the road should be closed is sealed, don’t expose the traces of the delegation, I don’t want things to be discussed here, there is already a lot of hype about the meeting between the two sides.”

“Yes, I know, I’ll check it again now.”

“Well, go ahead.”

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