Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 4 Chapter 79: Father-in-law vs son-in-law!

   "..." Cough! Cough!

  In the living room, except Xia Shao who was smiling, everyone else was coughing. Xia Zhiyuan's face rose to the color of pig liver, and the honest and honest man glared at Xu Tianyin with extremely powerful eyes!

  This kid! He hasn't promised to marry his daughter yet, what kind of father-in-law is called!

Li Juan laughed from ear to ear at this moment. She stretched out her hand and grabbed her husband, blocking his ugly expression, and smiled at Xu Tianyin: "Xiao Xu is here? Come on, come on, what are you doing with these things? Come, let go! Come and be warm, sit down and eat!"

  Li Juan's words, the Xia family also reacted, and hurriedly agreed, their eyes still on Xu Tianyin's face. Just now when he came in, the Xia family was just surprised by his temperament. At this moment, he looked closely and saw that he was wearing a neat black expensive suit, silver and black shirt, tie, and watch, all of which looked very valuable. Against his lonely temperament, Leng Jun's eyebrows are indeed a dragon and a phoenix among people! [

  This is the youngest general of the Republic, the grandson of the Xu family!

When the Xia family was amazed, Xia Shao had already helped Xu Tianyin put the gift by the wall, came over with his arm, and introduced him with a smile, "These two are aunts, uncles, and those are my cousins. Liu Yuguang."

  Xia Shao was introduced according to the family's elders and children, but being the first to be introduced, Xia Zhimei's family still feels a lot of face. Xia Zhimei, who is used to teaching and educating people on weekdays, smiled decently, but she just nodded and didn't even say anything. It was obvious that she was a little nervous. Liu Chunhui was okay, smiled and stretched out his hand to shook hands with Xu Tianyin, and said, "General Xu, his name has been admired for a long time. Uh, the old chairman is still healthy, right?"

   "Grandpa is in good health, thank you, uncle." Xu Tianyin's face is always cold and cold, but he has done all the courtesy he should have.

  Liu Chunhui's face suddenly turned red, and his hands were a little trembling with excitement—this is the grandson of the Xu family! Call him uncle, he only feels worth it in his life until today!

  Xia Zhimei smiled beside him, Liu Yuguang said to Xu Tianyin: "General Xu, welcome."

  Xu Tianyin nodded, and Xia Zhiyuan coughed aside.

Xia Shao glanced at his father with a smile, and saw that he was staring at Xia Zhimei's family desperately, so he held back his smile, and then introduced Xu Tianyin, "These two are little aunts, little uncles. These are cousins, you have seen them in Qingshi. ."

   "What? Ru Man and General Xu have met?" Xia Zhiqin was surprised and turned to look at her daughter, "You child, you have met General Xu, why don't you tell me when you come home?"

Zhang Ruman had no consciousness of being caught, and she shrugged and confidently said, "I have to ask my sister! I have seen it before, and I don't even know that it is Xu Commander. My sister keeps me secret, so what can I do? "

  "Then you should also tell your family, such a big thing, didn't you think it would be your sister's boyfriend?" Xia Zhiqin smiled lightly at her daughter. Zhang Ruman met Xu Tianyin in Qingshi, and Xia Shao must have been in high school at that time. Making a boyfriend at the age of seventeen or eighteen is naturally a premature love in the minds of parents, but Xia Shao's situation is special. In the Xia family, no one can tell her age. In this family, Xia Shao ranks second, and no one dares to say that she ranks first.

   Zhang Ruman was even more assertive about this, "I will not do the betrayal of my sister! Mom, your girl will be admitted to the military academy next year. Soldiers must have the character of being a soldier, and don’t do things that are too much."

   "You child, you are all a family, what to eat inside and out!" Xia Zhiqin was angry with her daughter and poked her forehead.

  Mother and daughter, you and me, only Zhang Qixiang looked at Xu Tianyin with excited eyes, and offered a standard military salute, "Commander!"

   "I am not the commander of the Qingqing Military Region now." Xu Tianyin said.

"But in my heart, you will always be my commander's excellent campus trump card! I really thank you for my demobilization and transfer. Our family... is doing well now, thank you." Zhang Qixiang has always been a soldier. Sex, the eye circles are slightly red at the moment, and the look is grateful.

  Xu Tianyin looked at him, his eyes softened, and said: "That's good. Uncle, you are welcome, I just raised my hand."

  Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Xu Tianyin. This man can still talk politely. It seems that he likes Zhang Qixiang's family a lot.

  Xia Zhiyuan coughed again, but no one paid him any attention. Zhang Qixiang nodded excitedly, and shook hands with Xu Tianyin, before Xia Shao went on to introduce. [

   "These two are uncles and aunts. This is my cousin, Xia Rongxue."

  "Uncle, aunt." Xu Tianyin nodded to the two of them. When he looked at the ten-year-old Xia Rongxue on the side, he saw the little girl raised her head, her face was round and her face was pinched. Especially a pair of eyes, similar to Xia Shao, but with a timid look, hiding behind the adult. The man's eyes softened again, stretched out his hand, and touched Xia Rongxue's head.

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  The little girl's eyes widened suddenly, and she forgot to hide, and stared at Xu Tianyin with big eyes. Xia Shao held back a smile on the sidelines, and suddenly felt that the brother might like her daughter in the future.

At this time, Xia Zhitao and Jiang Qiulin both laughed. Xia Zhitao rubbed his hands and was so excited that he was so excited that he finally shook hands with Xu Tianyin and said, "Oh, General Xu, when our family is celebrating New Year I'm all looking forward to your coming, finally coming!"

   "Cough!" Xia Zhiyuan coughed the hardest and stared the most. I just feel that this younger brother really put his figure too low. The Xu family's family is better than the Xia family. But their Xu family wants to go to the Xia family's daughter, and this attitude is also too low! His baby girl is not going to post it upside down!

   Where did Xia Zhitao manage Xia Zhiyuan, he warmly took out the prepared Greater China from his body, smiled and handed it to Xu Tianyin.

  Xu Tianyin saw the cigarette handed over, and said: "I don't smoke."

  This surprised Xia Zhitao. He really did not expect that Xu Tianyin would not smoke.

  Xia Zhiyuan finally found a chance to take up the majesty of the old man, and said, “Don’t smoke? Young people walk around in society, don’t smoke or drink, how can they socialize?”

  "Cigarette addiction is bad for the body. There is a smell of smoke on the body when performing tasks, and it is easy to expose the target." Xu Tianyin briefly explained.

  Xia’s family were all taken aback. When Xu Tianyin arrived as the commander of the Qing Provincial Military Region, he had basically never heard of this person in China. I heard from Xia Shao that he used to perform missions abroad, and his military merits. Last time Xu Tianyin came home, Xia Guoxi already knew that he had participated in the Vietnam War, and even nodded and said: "Well, that's right! When soldiers perform national missions, it is really not a child's play. It is right that this addiction cannot be caught."

  Jiang Shuhui said: “It’s OK, the whole family has seen it. Xiao Xu don’t stand there anymore, sit down and have a cup of hot tea and eat! If you don’t eat it anymore, the dishes on this table will be cold.”

  The family hurriedly greeted Xu Tianyin to be seated, Xia Zhiyuan was left there, and Weng's son-in-law lost in the first round of the duel with his father-in-law.

  Xu Tianyin and Xia Shao were seated. As soon as they sat down, Li Juan hurriedly poured hot tea to them. Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin quickly got up again. Xia Shao took over and said, "Mom, let me do it." But as soon as she took it, Xu Tianyin took the teapot from her hand and said, "Be careful."

  Xia’s family was taken aback, and immediately exchanged glances. Some were surprised, and the cup of tea with a smile was too hot. Will they be wronged if they marry in the future? Impossible!

  Especially when Xia Shao took the tea and smiled at Xu Tianyin, the man’s eyes were soft, and the lips were slightly curved, the Xia family were all dumbfounded!

  Does this young man still laugh? Although it hasn't been long since he had just walked in, it was a person who could tell that his temperament was indifferent.

   "Cough!" At this time, Xia Zhiyuan coughed again and stared at Xia Shao. The elders are there, and the two young men are glaring at each other, and they are not afraid to make people laugh at the most romantic of the Three Kingdoms! Alas, young people now...

  Xia Zhiyuan’s cough was really terrifying. Everyone in the family looked at him, and Xu Tianyin also turned his head. He must have noticed it too. Since he entered the door, the coughing of the father-in-law has not stopped.

  When Xu Tianyin looked at Xia Zhiyuan, the people at the table became nervous. In fact, family members understand Xia Zhiyuan's feelings. He is the person most worried that Xia Shao will be wronged by marrying into Xu's family, and if a man comes to **** his daughter away, no one will be too easy to let go. But don’t go too far. After all, people’s family background is there, so they can’t make people too shameless, right?

  Everyone at the table can see that Xu Tianyin has a cold temperament, and they are all very worried. You won’t be overwhelmed with this meal, should something happen?

  But unexpectedly, Xu Tianyin just looked at Xia Zhiyuan, and Xia Zhiyuan refused. Weng-in-law stared at him. Xia Zhiyuan tried hard to bring out the majesty he has cultivated in the past few years, Xu Tianyin just looked at him, eyes dark. [

For a while, he bowed his head.

  Xia Zhiyuan is overjoyed to win!

  Xu Tianyin took the teapot, poured the tea, got up and handed it to Xia Zhiyuan, "Father-in-law, moisten your throat."

   "Puff!" I don't know who couldn't help but laughed, everyone in the room laughed.

  Xia Zhiyuan's face turned into pig liver again, and Weng's son-in-law lost in the second round of the duel with his father-in-law.

  Next to dinner, the family was very enthusiastic about Xu Tianyin. Although Xu Tianyin did not smoke, he got up and toasted three times. This made Xia Zhitao and Liu Chunhui feel that Beier had a face and praised Xu Tianyin. Xu Tianyin looked on this face, but the two of them boasted, and he glanced at Xia Zhiyuan. Xia Zhiyuan was a little dazed at first, but later realized that this kid must be deliberate!

  This is a book of war!

  This is to buy people's hearts!

  Although Zhang Qixiang is not like Xia Zhitao and Liu Chunhui, he respects Xu Tianyin from the heart, so he frequently gets up to toast Xu Tianyin. Even the old lady had served Xu Tianyin several times, and she smiled lovingly: "Eat more. Shao'er's mother got up early in the morning to work in the kitchen, looking forward to your visit."

Xu Tianyin looked at Li Juan when he heard the words. Li Juan knew that Xu Tianyin had lost his parents since he was a child, so she smiled softly and said: "Don’t listen to your grandma to praise me. Here you come. Although the food at home is not as good as the hotel, it is the heart of the elders. If you don't dislike it, eat more."

  Xu Tianyin nodded, "Thank you, aunt, aunt."

  A simple thank you, but the cheeks of a few women were full of flowers, vying to introduce Xu Tianyin, I did this one, and she did the other one. Xu Tianyin just acted, he would eat which dish a few women pointed out, and he ate a lot. It could be said that everyone had enough face. Occasionally, I added a comment that it was delicious. Although every dish was "delicious", before a while, there were laughter from four women, Li Juan, Xia Zhiqin, Jiang Qiulin, and Xia Zhimei.

  The four of them worked in the kitchen all morning. Today, all the members of the Xia family gathered together. There are more than a dozen people. There are more than 20 dishes on this table. With so few chopsticks for one dish, most people will be full. But Xu Tianyin ate a lot of each dish! He sat next to the two old people, and when he got up to pick up the dishes, he would order the two old people, but the dishes he gave the two old people were moderate, but he filled a half bowl of each dish. Sometimes he Before they finished eating, a few women couldn't wait to introduce their crafts. He took a few bites and ate the next one.

  At first, Xia Shao was amused when he sat aside, and felt that it was really difficult for Xu Tianyin to deal with the relatives of the Xia family today. Unexpectedly, he would still coax people and buy people's hearts. But after looking at it for a while, Xia Shao frowned, and he couldn't laugh, he ate too much!

Xia Shao knew how much appetite Xu Tianyin had. He eats this meal at noon today, so he will eat three or four times the usual amount of food! Where can his stomach stand?

  The atmosphere on the table was enthusiastic, no one paid attention to it, only Xia Shao was careful and pulled Xu Tianyin a hand, "Brother..."

  Xu Tianyin turned his head to look at her, his face was as usual, and shook his head to her, “It’s okay, the daughter is expensive.” Then he continued to drink with the men and ate the dishes made by the women.

  Xia Shao looked worried, so she changed the topic several times and gave Xu Tianyin a chance to rest for a while. Sure enough, as soon as he rested, he put down his chopsticks and stopped moving. But after talking for a while, it is inevitable that the elders would greet everyone to eat vegetables again, and Xu Tianyin began to pick up the bowl again. After eating a meal, he ate the most, and when a table of food was left, the whole family sat in chairs and rested.

  When you are resting, you can't help but chat.

Zhang Qixiang spoke first, "Brother, when our commander was in the provincial military region, there was an exercise. He completely convinced us! The red and blue armies confronted each other. He touched the headquarters of the two armies by himself, Give it a hand! We have never seen such a drill, but the skill of our commander is nothing to say. You saw it today, and he is also very kind to Xiao Shao. They are all fathers, and I understand the feelings of the big brother. Which parents don’t worry about their daughter being bullied by her in-law’s marriage? But you can’t deny that such a son-in-law is hard to find. If Ruman can find one, I’m sure to agree.”

  Zhang Qixiang’s words came from the heart, and Xia Zhitao echoed, “Yes! Brother, look at us, Xiao Shao, is she a mad person? Besides, Xiao Xu is not willing, isn’t she?”

  He borrowed his strength to drink, and Xiao Xu was all called. Jiang Qiulin pulled him on the side, told him not to forget his appearance, and smiled to herself: "Yes, big brother, look at General Xu, family background, status, temperament and appearance, who is not a dragon and phoenix among people? What else are you dissatisfied with?"

   "The key point is that I look at Xiao Xu a lot of pain, but I am a little bit less, but I am very filial to the elderly, and good to Xiao Shao. Both children are willing, isn't it good?" Xia Zhimei seldom opened her mouth to help. What she said was not flattering, and she was telling the truth. It's not that she looks down on her family. In terms of social status, the Xu family's grandchildren came to Xia's family today. They were courteous to the family, gave enough face, and were very courteous to the elders and their elders. Apart from talking less, the noodles are colder, and the shelf is not good at all, what else is there to choose?

  Everyone at the table was helping Xu Tianyin persuade Xia Zhiyuan. Xia Zhiyuan couldn't even put a word in, but felt that he was a lonely person. This was just the time of a meal, this stinky kid bought all the people in his family!

Xia Zhiyuan's face was not pretty. He felt that he lost again in the third round. He hadn't won it today. He suddenly felt uncomfortable, "Xiao Xu just came today. Did you talk about this too early? Let's talk about it. !" After speaking, he got up and walked away dullly.

  This third round, it seems that the father-in-law won. After all, he left without letting go.

Looking at each other at the table, Li Juan hurriedly finished the game, "Xiao Xu, don't be angry with your uncle. We are a daughter like Xiao Shao. He is dear and does not want to marry her too early. Auntie likes you very much, neither are we. I met on the first day. Auntie knows how good you are to Xiao Shao. On your uncle's side, it will be fine when he gets through this energy. I will persuade him in the afternoon, don't take it to your heart."

  Xu Tianyin nodded, and Li Juan got up to greet the relatives to leave the meeting and rest. It's been all morning. The house where Xia Shao's family entered three times had a lot of rooms. Everyone drank a lot of alcohol at noon. Li Juan didn't let the three family members drive back. Instead, they stayed at home and opened a room for them. rest. Li Juan also arranged a room for Xu Tianyin, which was in the West Wing opposite Xia Shao.

  Xia Shao talked to Zhang Ruman and asked her to help her mother, so she helped Xu Tianyin out of the living room and went to the house. Sure enough, as soon as Xu Tianyin entered the room, he raised his hand and put it on his stomach, his expression turned pale.

   "You said it's okay?" Xia Shao quickly helped him into the bathroom, made him vomit, turned around and ran back to the room to find a digestion medicine. After returning, I found Xu Tianyin sitting by the bed, still holding his stomach, his face paler than before. Xia Shao didn't let him take the medicine immediately, but put a pillow cushion on the bed and let him rest for half an hour before letting him take the medicine.

   "Why do you work so hard? You just don't work hard, they will help you too." Xia Shao said while sitting on the bed, helping Xu Tianyin gently caress his stomach.

  The man's face turned pale, and he was so spiritless that she had never seen him before, but he still said, "It's okay."

  Xia Shao sighed, but couldn't bear to say about him, but only gently helped him run his stomach, hoping to make him more comfortable. Seeing her distressed appearance, the man habitually stretched out his hand, wanting to hug her and pat her. Xia Shao couldn't laugh or cry, avoided, but still couldn't bear to increase her tone, softly said: "If I can fall asleep, I will sleep for a while, I am growing up in Nuwa Diary."


  At this time, Li Juan packed up the dishes and chopsticks, helped the two old people to rest, and had already returned to the house.

Xia Zhiyuan was still feeling bored in the room. Seeing Li Juan come in, she said before she could speak: "One by one, I help the Xu family boy. After only one meal, they all betrayed! Why don't you think about me raising them? Twenty years after my daughter, how do I feel about being a father? So are you. Didn’t you worry that your daughter would be wronged by marrying? It’s not bad today, even you won’t help me!”

Li Juan smiled suddenly and walked to her husband, "I was worried, but I also figured it out. The girl grows up, and she will marry sooner or later. Now she has fallen in love with one, and she is kind to her, and the elderly in the family also like it. She. What else can you worry about?"

  "What about his relatives? They all agree?" Xia Zhi's vitality remained undiminished.

   "When I married you, Zhimei Zhitao thought that I was not worthy of you, nor did my dad look down upon me. Haven't we been here yet?" Li Juan smiled.

   "But how many years have you been wronged!" Xia Zhiyuan turned around, his face was distressed and emotional, "I just don't want our daughter to follow your path."

   "But her way, she has to go on her own. If she feels it is worth it, she is willing to suffer, just like I did." Li Juan smiled and spoke, but her eyes were red. She is a gentle and shy woman, the most traditional. This is the first time she has told her husband after more than 20 years of marriage.

  Xia Zhiyuan was visibly shocked, his eyes moved, and he couldn't help holding his wife's hand and patted it.

"She likes people. The Xu family has wronged her. This is also her choice. We can't go for her. I know you are worried about her, but what we see as parents is suffering. Maybe the two of them Is it sweet to be together? Just like back then, my friends felt that I had suffered with you, but I felt that the life of our family was a joy. Now I don’t regret it! And, how many people envy me now The blessing to be with you?"

  Xia Zhiyuan chuckled, "That's the blessing for us to follow our daughter."

   "That's the daughter we only had when we were together." Li Juan has never responded so quickly when she speaks. Today, she was quite eager to persuade her husband to take care of her daughter.

  Xia Zhiyuan also felt that his wife said a lot of things that she did not say today, and felt that the gentleness between her brows and eyes was more attractive than usual. If she can say more, he actually likes to listen.

  The husband and wife were still holding hands, Xia Zhiyuan's mind changed, and the force of holding his wife's hand became tighter. Li Juan noticed that her husband's eyes had changed a little, her face flushed suddenly, and she shook her hand, sighed, turned her head and hid. Xia Zhiyuan smiled in the room, while Li Juan hid away.

  She hid in Xia Shao's room, knocked on the door, and opened the door again, and found that there was no one in the room. Li Juan immediately guessed that Xia Shao must be in Xu Tianyin's house. So he went to Xu Tianyin's room and knocked on the door.

  Xia Shao went out of the room, walked far away with her mother, and told Xu Tianyin about Xu Tianyin's uncomfortable body, and Li Juan's face changed immediately!

   "Ah? Oh! This kid! Have you taken the medicine? Your dad went sulking at noon and drank less. I asked him to drive Xiao Xu to the hospital."

  Xia Shao stabilized her mother and told her that Xu Tianyin was asleep and was okay. She just watched. Li Juan was still uneasy. Seeing Xia Shao's determination, she went back to the house babblingly and told Xia Zhiyuan about the matter.

  Xia Zhiyuan looked surprised, "What? This kid! I, I don’t drink much at noon, so I drove him to the hospital for a look!"

  He rushed out as he talked, Li Juan grabbed him, “Okay, Xiao Shao said it’s okay and has fallen asleep. Let him sleep for a while, if he gets up and feel uncomfortable, then go to the hospital.”

   "This kid, such a big person, don't you know how much you eat?" Xia Zhiyuan stamped his foot, but his expression was anxious.

"It's not all you! When they came from someone else's house, you took the father-in-law's airs and didn't give people a good face, in order to let Zhimei Zhitao and the others help to talk about him, didn't he try his best to make us happy? You, now Satisfied? This son-in-law, in order to marry your girl-in-law, he has a long journey to practice immortality by a sinner, and read the full text."

  Xia Zhiyuan stared, did not say anything, but his face loosened.

"Xiao Xu's parents passed away early, but I heard Xiao Shao say that he was very precious with Mr. Xu. Some of the children in the family feel distressed. If the old man came to our house for a meal, he fell ill. How good? Don't be uncomfortable to die?" Li Juan complained for a while.

  Xia Zhiyuan had nothing to say, and mumbled, "I, I am also worried about the girl. I don't know, this kid is so desperate..."

  "Do you know now? Be nice to others at night!"

   "I see." Xia Zhiyuan sighed, his attitude visibly softened, "You have been tired all morning, so don't eat at home in the evening. Go to the hotel and order light dishes."


  Xu Tianyin didn't get up until the evening, and he was much better, and he looked all right. Xia Shao did not allow him to go out, and forced him to rest until eight o'clock in the evening. The family drove out of Taoyuan District and went to the hotel in the city.

  Xia Zhimei's three family members all heard that Xu Tianyin ate too much at noon and was uncomfortable. They were all a little surprised, and then a little bit emotional. Grasping Xia Zhiyuan, he told Liandou to persuade him to talk. Xia Zhiyuan said that he would talk about it when he arrived at the hotel.

When I arrived at the hotel, the atmosphere of the evening banquet was much warmer than at noon. The Xia family looked at Xu Tianyin’s eyes more peacefully than at noon. Xia Zhitao no longer persuaded drinking, and the elderly did not persuade to eat. Go up one by one, eat slowly, and talk slowly.

  Li Juan poured a glass of warm water in front of Xu Tianyin. Xu Tianyin got up and picked it up. The waiter happened to come in to deliver the tea. Xu Tianyin took it and poured a cup of tea for all the elders present. When he handed it to Xia Zhiyuan, Xia Zhiyuan took a deep look at the young man in front of him, sighed, and let him sit down. .

  Xu Tianyin sat down, the banquet hall was silent, and everyone looked at Xia Zhiyuan.

Xia Zhiyuan’s attitude this time is calmer and not hostile anymore. He just sighs with emotion, "Xiao Xu, when you are a father, you will understand one day. Uncle doesn’t want to say too much, what you two young people mean. , We are all clear. We have also heard that Xiao Shao has been to Xu's house and met your Xu family. I heard that the old man likes her. Actually, we also like you very much. We have known each other for several years, you We can see clearly what kind of person it is. However, as parents in the world, we, as parents, always hope that our children will live happily. Your aunt makes sense. We cannot walk your way for you. But As a father, I still want to say, if my daughter follows you, can you promise not to let her be wronged?"

   "Yes." Xu Tianyin looked at Xia Zhiyuan with a good look for a moment.

Xia Zhiyuan could see the firmness at the moment in those usually lonely eyes, so he sighed and nodded, "Okay, I'll remember your guarantee. Since you two are willing, so be it!" "

  There was a moment of silence during the dinner, is this considered as an agreement?

  I finally agreed!

   "Thank you, father-in-law." Xu Tianyin nodded.

   "Yeah." Xia Zhiyuan accepted the title, but he remembered something again, and said, "However, Xiao Shao is still young and is still in college. My mother and I think we are married..."

  He wants to say that it’s too early to get married, so he won’t talk about it until he finishes his studies.

  But, I didn’t finish this sentence.

  The waiter knocked on the door and came in with a respectful gesture, "Miss Xia, three distinguished guests have arrived."

  ------Off topic------

  My computer time is slow, what a tragedy! tt

  Guess who is it?

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