Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 4 Chapter 104: The royal family is destroyed!

He is dead.

  In a word, the ward became quiet. Wang Guangtang, who originally wanted to "consult" with Xia Shao, was stunned on the hospital bed, stiff like a bleak furnishing in a dark room. I don't know how long it took, he opened his mouth, trying to speak, but his voice was hoarse.

Xia Shao's finger gently stroked Wang Guangtang's neck, an invisible yin air sealed his throat, and Xia Shao's expression was completely cold, "Shut up. Don't ask me what I'm talking about. Don’t ask if what I said is true or false, I am not here to report your funeral."

  Wang Guangtang’s mouth was still open, and his eyes were entangled in confusion, shock, and doubt, and he looked at Xia Shao’s fingers. He couldn't make a sound in his throat. Is it because the girl in front of him did it? He didn't even think about it. Only the words she had just said in his mind.

  She said...who is dead? [

   "I'm here, I have a few words to tell Member Wang about the latest chapter on Flower Protection." Xia Shao retracted her hand, but suddenly folded in the air and waved!

  Wang Guangtang’s pupils suddenly shrank, and the veins of the hand that had been holding it under his belly were exposed, and a mouthful of blood came out!

   "I want to say, Xu Tianyin, you can't handle it." Xia Shao said slowly.

  Wang Guangtang’s injury under his belly was severely painful. Before he squirted a mouthful of blood, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Xia Shao incredulously—what did she and she mean? How did she know?

   "I want to say that Mr. Xu knows the power of the Wang family in the Military Commission, but he also knows that the military rank on his grandson's shoulders is exchanged for blood and life!" Xia Shao's words confirmed Wang Guangtang's thoughts.

  She really knew it!

  But, how did she...

   Before I finished thinking about this idea, Xia Shao waved his hand again, and Wang Guangtang put his hand to his stomach, and sprayed another mouthful of blood!

"The merits of the Wang family will not be forgotten. But it belongs to Mr. Wang, not to you Wang Guangtang!" Xia Shao's voice was low, and with a wave of his hand, Wang Guangtang leaned back. In the dark ward, his face was " "Lose" can actually be seen to be pale.

"Xu Tianyin's feats were earned by his ten years of blood and life! Upright, well-deserved!" Xia Shao's voice was already filled with anger, and Wang Guangtang's face was almost devoid of humanity. , I don't know if it is because of Xia Shao's words or because of injuries.

"Without the Wang Family, you Wang Guangtang is nothing. Without the Xu Family, Xu Tianyin can be famous in the military. Everywhere on his body is his merits, and no one can deprive him of his merits! Who wants to take away his merits? , I'll take his life!" Xia Shao's tone was cold, and there seemed to be a murderous sword in the air, "plugging" into Wang Guangtang's heart!

  Wang Guangtang fell on his back on the bed, his eyes staring at the ceiling, his face turned from white to blue, and his pupils had lost focus.

  Xia Shao slowly lowered her hand and stared at the blood-stained quilt on the bed, her eyes still cold. Killing is no more than nodding, even if it is an enemy, someone who has grudges with her like Wang Zhuo, or even wants to kill her, she can give him joy. Only those who want to touch the brother, she will never be merciless!

  Wang Guangtang looked at the ceiling. The several serious injuries left by the car accident on his body seemed to have been run over again. Things that surpass common sense were completed with a single wave of hands, and Wang Guangtang no longer had the energy to think about it. His mind gradually turned pale, and while he was still dead, he heard a word in his ears.

  "You can be reunited with your son. Soon, your family will be reunited."

  Wang Guangtang's body suddenly shook! The eyes that were clearly distracted suddenly condensed some light, the eyes widened, and then widened, and finally the body straightened and softened...

  No one knows how he felt at the last moment in his life, and Xia Shao didn't want to know. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, but she left the ward slowly as she did when she came. When she came to the outside of the ward, she looked at the two guards. They were possessed by the yin men. At this moment, they were still standing on guard quietly, with no sense. Xia Shao lifted his palm, and the vitality gathered lightly shook at the two people's dantian, and then quickly made a clear light talisman in the void with his fingers, went to the two people's hall, and then left quickly!

   When Xia Shao was leaving, two dark things came out of the two guards and retreated with Xia Shao.

  After about three minutes, the eyes of the two guards slowly became clear. When they woke up, they frowned at the same time, but turned around and looked at it, and they seemed to be confused about why there was a strange feeling. But seeing that they were still standing in their original positions, the two of them didn't think much about it and continued to stand guard. [

  A little later, a woman wearing a pink jacket appeared in the corridor. She walked over. When the two guards saw her, they paid a military salute, "Miss Wang, you are back."

   "Hmm." Wang Zihan nodded, with a dignified temperament, with a smile on his face that was rare during this period of time. Obviously, going to Jiang's dinner tonight made her feel good, "Open the door, I will take care of my father tonight."

  She was talking and scanning her fingerprints in a familiar way. After the security guard entered the password, Wang Zihan entered the lady and lured you into the account.

  But two minutes later, a panic shout came from the ward!

  But, everything is too late.

  Wang Guangtang was rushed to the emergency room, but before he was sent to rescue, he stopped breathing.

  That night, the news of Wang Guangtang’s death shocked the upper echelons of the Republic and Wang Pan’s family. People at the top held an emergency meeting and stayed up all night. Wang Guangtang is the fifth in command of the Military Commission, and his sudden death has a huge impact on the military and even on the factional fighting in the capital. How to make the announcement to the public? After a whole night, I discussed and verified that Wang Guangtang’s sudden departure was caused by the deterioration of his condition. The death was announced to the public, a memorial service was held to appease the old ministry of the old man, and to compensate the Wang family.

   And when this decision was made, the Wang family was also not peaceful! Wang Guangtang passed away suddenly, which is different to the Wang family from a thunderous explosion! On the first night, the news had not yet dispersed, and the Wang family kept Pan Zhen from it. The next day, both the hospital and the forensic prescription confirmed that his condition had indeed deteriorated and he passed away suddenly. On the third day, Pan Zhen, who was getting better, was going to see her husband. No matter how Wang Zihan lied to persuade him, it was useless.

  So Pan Zhen became the first person to be killed by this thunder. When she learned that her husband had passed away suddenly, she suffered a heart attack on the spot and fainted and was sent to the emergency room. Her vitality is also strong, the cause of her son’s death is a mystery, and her husband suddenly passed away. In just a few days, she and her daughter are left in the family. This kind of grief and indignation of God’s injustice is hard to describe in words. But under this circumstance, she persisted for three days and three nights before waking up from the emergency room.

  The first sentence Pan Zhen woke up was to ask for a thorough investigation of the cause of Wang Guangtang’s death.

  Wang Guangtang’s cause of death is indeed suspicious. He was clearly out of the dangerous period before, so why did he suddenly pass away? Moreover, the hospital monitors his body, but that night he did not receive any alarm for abnormal physical indicators. Isn’t it surprising?

  This is obviously suspecting the hospital, which is very depressed and innocent. They did not receive any alarm that night. The experts and nurses in the hospital are among the best in China. The medical equipment is also the most advanced in the medical world. It is fine if others use it. Only Wang Guangtang has failed here. Isn't it bad luck? ?

  The two guards responsible for the security work that night were also under investigation. Both said that they had not heard Wang Guangtang’s call for help and thought he was resting as usual. The surveillance video from the hospital that night also showed that everything was normal.

  Finally, the hospital and the forensic examiner insisted on their original judgments and agreed that Wang Guangtang had an acute illness and died from vomiting blood.

  This conclusion caused Pan Zhen to vomit blood and die. She spit out blood and her heart seemed to be crushed by someone. Before she died, she looked at the ceiling of the rescue room, exactly the same as Wang Guangtang’s last moment. However, what came to her mind before her death was not her husband or son, but a sentence from Xia Shao.

   "Mrs. Wang, enjoy the last time after you go back. The days of the Wang family are running out."

   People are about to die, often more wise than usual. At the last moment of life, Pan Zhenbi clearly believes that everything in the Wang family was caused by Xia Shao. But she didn't understand, how did she do it?

  The answer to this question, maybe she will know it when she gets to the bottom, but at least in the world, it will always be an unsolved mystery.


  But the unsolved mystery is not over yet.

  In just one month, Wang Guangtang, Pan Zhen’s wife and Wang Zhuo passed away one after another, and the power of the Wang family has fallen by half. When it was supposed to be busy holding a funeral, the rest of the Wang family was already planning to save the power. Originally, Wang Guangzong and others wanted to persuade Wang Zihan to win over the Jiang family's heart, but where did Wang Zihan still have this thought? Her parents and elder brother died and became orphans for a while, which was a huge blow to her who had been smooth sailing since childhood. Seeing that Wang Zihan could no longer be used, the Wang family put their minds on some upper-level meanings.

  The upper class intends to comfort the Wang family, and also intends to appease the old man of the old man, will the Wang family continue to have a place in the military commission? If that is the case, it is very likely that Wang Guangzong will succeed Wang Guangtang and be promoted to the Military Commission. [

  This is a very possible magic weapon repair expert. Because the Wang family is sitting in this position, even if the Wang family's foundation is still there, it is enough to comfort people's hearts for some of the old men of the Wang family. If this is the case, then the Wang family hasn't fallen yet! The Wang family still has the potential to rise.

  Even the Qin family felt this. Therefore, when they felt that the high level had this intention, the Qin family strongly opposed Wang Guangzong’s military merits as a member of the Military Commission. But at this time, the country's chief leader seemed to value the merits of Mr. Wang, and he personally attended the memorial service in Wang Guangtang and his speech was thought-provoking. Gradually, even some local officials felt the momentum of Wang Guangzong's promotion to the Military Commission and began to clamor for favor.

  But at this moment, Wang Guangzong Xu was dead, and unexpectedly had a car accident at this critical juncture.

The car accident was caused by Wang Guangzong on his way home from a meal celebrating his promotion to the Military Commission. He did not kill him, but his car rolled over and his right side was hit. He was severely crushed and eventually amputated his right hand and foot, announcing the need to be accompanied by a wheelchair in the future.

  A person who wants to be with a wheelchair for the rest of his life can no longer sit on the seat of a member of the Military Commission. Some people were surprised, some regretted, some laughed behind their backs, and some were dumbfounded.

  The Wang Family is completely stunned! Anyone should think that this is too unlucky! Is it possible that the Wang family has run out of fortune and is destined to not eat the food of the Military Commission?

  This guess really relies on a little spectrum.

  Wang Guangzong’s car accident was not caused by Xia Shao deliberately, but was caused by the Feng Shui of Wang’s family ancestor’s grave.

   Xu Tianyin’s Feng Shui on Wang Jiazu’s grave was to kill the game, but Xia Shao went back to the cemetery one night and absorbed a part of the evil spirits of General Longlin, which ended in decline.

In this case, Wang Guangzong’s wife and daughter and Wang Guangshu’s family did not kill Xia Shao. Although they belonged to the royal family and shared a community of interests with the Wang family, Wang Zhuo and others should be responsible for what Wang Zhuo and others did. , Should not be tolerated by others. The punishment of condemning to sit down and afflicting the nine tribes should not reappear in modern society.

  Xia Shao knew that she was not a pure and kind person, and an enemy who touched her bottom line, she could end up her life without hesitation. But those who have not done anything to harm her can never want her to take her life, she does not bear this karma! Of course, Xia Shao would not be so kind as to disregard her own interests. She will see to what extent the Wang family can be affected by the decline of Feng Shui. When it is critical, she doesn't mind using her hands and feet until the Wang family is not enough to be an enemy of her. until. In short, letting go of these people's "life" does not mean she renounced her own interests.

  Facts have proved that ancestral tomb Fengshui still has an impact on future generations.

  In ancient times, the influence of ancestral tomb feng shui on children and grandchildren was better than in modern times. This is not to say that the lack of modern feng shui inheritance and modern people’s belief in feng shui are not as good as ancient times, but that the ancient forms of burial are mostly earthen. In modern times, if we use more scientific methods to explain the influence of ancestral tomb feng shui on children and grandchildren, we can only put forward the theory of genetic inheritance and similar magnetic fields. In this view, the modern popular cremation has already weakened the influence of the magnetic field. Generally speaking, ancestral tomb feng shui, whole body burial has a shorter effective time than ashes burial, and ashes are more effective than cloak burial.

  Elder Wang’s family is the ashes grave, so after Wang Guangzong’s accident, the decision from above was not issued until three months later.

  Military committee this bowl of rice, the Wang family can still eat. But Wang Guangzong, who had lost his leg and arm, could no longer serve as the commander of the military command in the capital. Under a transfer order, Wang Guangzong was transferred to the local government in the name of recuperating, and he took an idle position in the provincial military district. Although the boss did not treat Wang Guangzong badly, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general before the transfer, and the treatment was good, but in fact it was just a comforting act. Compared with his actual job, no matter how good the treatment was, Wang Guangzong could only be idle and disabled. Jiang, took his wife and daughter away from the capital circle of the military and political core.

  Wang Guangshu, who has married out of the Wang family, has also been slightly upgraded to one level, but she is a civilian in the military area, which is not only of little use. Now that the Wang family has lost power, her military rank has been promoted and fewer people have contact with her.

  The defeat of the Wang family is a foregone conclusion.

  In the end, even the Jiang family gave up on the Wang family, and did not mention the marriage to Wang Zihan, and Wang Zihan and Jiang Zhengqi were indeed not officially engaged, even if they wanted to say it, the Wang family couldn’t say anything. After Wang Zihan experienced great family changes and his fiance regretted his marriage, he suffered a lot of trauma. He went through the formalities of suspension from Beijing University, and followed Wang Guangzong's family to the local provinces and cities to recuperate and refused to be ambiguous. .

  The Wang family was far away from the core stage of republican politics in a short period of time.

  For this kind of ending, many of the old men of the old man were sighing, but they were just sighing. Even if they want to help the Wang family, there is no one who can support the Wang family. They can only say that the descendants of the Wang family are too unworthy. In this matter, the pension given above is not bad, and in the future the Wang family will only be able to spend time in the locality with the benefits.

  Of course, these veterans did not make trouble, and naturally they have a certain relationship with the compassion given to them. The so-called shorthands, there are upright people in the world, and there are also people who are wise to protect themselves. Even if they are all the old ministry of Mr. Wang, they may not be united.

  Wang family affairs have been widely discussed in all walks of life. Ordinary people can’t help but talk about the catastrophe of the Wang family after dinner, from the bizarre death of Wang Zhuo, but the death of Wang Guangtang and his wife one after another, to the car accident of Wang Guangzong, and the withdrawal of Wang’s family from the capital circle. In a short period of time, how can this be seen? Unfavorable taste.

  City talks have never been in the eyes of the senior management, but this time it is really different, and some people in the senior management think so. That's Xu Yanshao's family!

  The fact that even Mr. Xu was kept in the dark, Xu Yanshao and his wife’s heart is like a mirror, all these are Xia Shao’s handwriting!

  As early as when their family went to Dongshi at the beginning of the year, Xia Shao had said that there was a good show in Beijing for them to watch. At that time, Xu Yanshao only suspected that Xia Shao might be related to Wang Guangtang's car accident, but now, she is not only related to Wang Guangtang's car accident, and the decline of the entire Wang family is all her work!

  It's not just the Wang family. After the Wang family's decline overnight, the Jiang family also suffered heavy losses! Now, the situation of the Qin family is very good, maybe the future political situation will be so fixed!

  In this world, it is not easy for a person in politics to influence the political situation, let alone an apolitical person who can influence the political situation!

  Furthermore, it is the subversion of a twenty-year-old girl who flips over her hands!

this is too scary……

  Xu Yanshao felt not only terrible, but also fearful. Even if his father is still alive, he said that Wang Guangtang is the same committee member as him. In the eyes of the world, this is the highest peak of power, and the nobleman of the red top has actually ended in such a desolate and miserable end.

   Power and status, perhaps in the eyes of a certain type of people in this world, are indeed easily destroyed like a bubble. The person at the top of the world may not be at the top of the power at all.


  After the decline of the Wang family, not only the political situation in the capital has changed, but the situation in the market has also changed.

  Pan's enterprise declared bankruptcy when the early summer came.

  In this case, Xia Shao could only say that she had thrown a brick. She just fought an online public opinion war, which brought Pan's enterprise to the forefront and damaged its reputation. But it was Anqin Group that bankrupted Pan's enterprise. Gong Muyun never mentioned that Wang's family wanted to buy Xia Shao's life. Watching Xia Shao's disposal, after leaving the capital, he dealt a commercial blow to Pan Zhen's family's Pan enterprise. The assets and strength of Pan's Enterprise and Anqin Group are really not enough to see. After several crises, they declared bankruptcy.

  After the bankruptcy of Pan's enterprise, Jingcheng Xipinzhai also suffered a sharp decline in business due to the decline of the Wang family and the counterfeit case.

  Huaxia Group declared its leading position in the antique and auction industry in Beijing.

  ------Off topic------

  In other words, tomorrow is actually the wedding date, alas, dizzy, I actually just want to sleep, is it swollen?

  There will be a small event in the comment area tomorrow. If you want to participate, you can come and have a fun, but if I'm not here, I will show up in the evening and send out wedding candy.

  I will update the chapter earlier, at 8 o'clock in the morning.

  Tomorrow, diamond flowers or something, don’t smash it, don’t waste it. If you have a monthly pass, you can vote for two if you are willing to vote.

  Fiction Network

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