After the words of Qinglan were finished, they were basically confirmed. She agreed with Hong Qiang. [23[w]x

In fact, it is also well understood that the young people cannot see the future of Hong Kong. After all, the existence of the big loser system is definitely from the higher level of wisdom than the green.

As for what it is, Qinglan can’t see it, and Hong vigorously...

What kind of jokes, our big defeated family, will think about such a complicated problem? So Hong Qiang asked: "That is the bluebird sister, can I go out and play?"

Qing Yan smiled and nodded: "Go, have fun."

"Okay, that's the bluebird sister, I will take Aka out to play." Hong Qiang smiled and screamed: "I wish the younger brother and sister live more and more young, the more live the more beautiful, the year before. now!"

He said to him directly in a sentence: "Bad boy, this is sweet, go play, since you can be friends with animals, then I will not arrange for you to kiss me, I like to ride. What?"

Well, what do you like to ride, this sentence is good!

"Blue Bird Sister," Hong is full of innocence: "Do you have a beautiful sister here?"

"Mixed boy fights!" Qingyi directly fanned out Hong’s strength. When Hong vigorously flew in the sky, Qingyi did not forget to order: "Right, remember to wait enough, come back to me, I have other things to tell you."

It saves you from walking, wow hahahahaha! Hong vigorously promised: "Know it, then I will go!"

Waiting for the flood to completely disappear into the field of vision, the green stunned look at the direction of the hole. She made a slight pause, then shook her head helplessly, muttering: "This stinky boy, hey, his future, I don't know what it will be, a chaos, such a person, I am really the first time. see……"


"I am coming back!" Hong Dali’s head was topped with Aka and went out. It was a cheer: "Bluebird’s sister has already seen it. She said that we can move freely. Where do I want to go and play, wow hahahaha Dog legs, let's go on vacation!"

His cheering, suddenly attracted the attention of some people in the place. Wait until he hears his words. Everyone is talking about it -

"Look and see. It's the strongest black and white class! It's a enchanting 30-layer enchanting! And it's not dead again!"

"No, this is really a person who is dead, so enchanting. I have never seen it before!"

"It’s not seen before, even I have never heard of it! Even the 30th floor does not die, such a enchanting, there are not many Dim stars in the field? Hey, how many birds on his head?"

When I mentioned this problem, everyone carefully thought about it and finally made an amazing conclusion!

The bird that the enchanting brought out must not be a normal bird, and it must be a super enchanting bird! Referred to as the demon bird!

"The bird must be old and horrible, hey, what do you say about the bird?"

"I want to say that the young bird that is sure to get the super powerful bird is estimated to be given by the younger brother!"

"Hey, you swear by others, as soon as you come in and come out, you bring such a sturdy bird out, there is no way to compare it!"

Well, it’s no wonder that they didn’t think that Aka was a young child. It’s mainly that Aka’s really long is too ugly—especially because of the beauty of the younger brother. How can her children not be so embarrassed...

"Strongly," seeing Hong vigorously came out, Tang Muxin and others quickly hung up. Tang Muxin said with a smile: "What did the bluebird sister say to you? Can we really want to go anywhere?"

Others are also watching Hong Dali deeply, waiting to see what he said.

"Of course," Hong said with a strong smile: "Sister Bluebird said that I can go anywhere, and I can go anywhere."

When I heard this, other people still didn't have much, but Jiang Qianxue was really stunned. She looked at Hong Dali with a dull moment. After a while, she sighed: "Dongly, you know, don't know, what does it mean to say this?"

Eh? Is there any special meaning for this?

Everyone was curious, and then they waited until they saw the envious and hateful eyes of the black-level peripheral nobles around them. They suddenly realized that it seemed to have such a small meaning.

"Hey? Is there anything different?" Hong said with awesome words: "I just said that I can just go play, isn't this?"

“There is nothing yet!” Jiang Qianxue pulled up Hong Dali and hurriedly walked away: “The meaning of this saying is that you can go everywhere, as long as you find the soul stone, it is yours! Understand it. Others are just appointed by the Sayādaw to go to a specific place to practice. It is good luck to find the soul stone. If you can't find it, then there is no way. So this time, you are really developed!"

I rely on! There is still such a reason!

Now Hong vigorously understands, the meaning of the blue bird sister, it is simply telling him that this is a big treasure. As for how many treasures can be brought back, it depends on your ability - of course, the most important thing is that as long as you find it That is yours!

"Wow!" Tang Muxin listened to the eyes straight: "Why don't we say that we can go to the world to find the soul stone? How much do you find them? Then how much I count..."

It turned out to be the case, all of them are staring at Venus! The power of Levi's and the blood demon is so terrible. If other people can get the soul stone, then when the team of Hong Li vigorously, isn't the person blocking the killing Buddha to stop the Buddha? !

"It sounds like it's really a good look!" Hong vigorously touched his chin: "Let's go look for it, haha!"

So in the eyes of someone who is extremely envious in the whole place, Hong Li’s team, all the members set off!

The mountain where Qinglan is located is more than 30,000 meters high. The halfway up the mountain where the green dragonfly is located, it is no exaggeration to say that there are two heights of Mount Everest on the earth.

Originally such a height, here should be an extremely cold zone, but the planet does not know what is going on, the temperature here can only be considered a little bit cool, about 15 degrees Celsius.

It's a bit cold, but it's very comfortable.

"Oh..." I left the cave entrance, and there were no other people around. The environment was quiet, and everyone could feel the environment of this fairy.

The sky is blue, and the trees are almost a few meters in diameter, straight into the sky. The ground is covered with grass, and the air has a hint of earthy aroma. Those trees are grotesque, and there are many colors. There are many fruits with lanterns on them. There is nothing on the surface, but when they are in the shadows, those fruits will emit light blue fluorescence and beautiful.

"Strongly, the soil here is so soft," Tang Muxin jumped on the ground and laughed. "It looks like a spring bed, but it is much more comfortable than a spring bed, hehe."

After listening to him, everyone jumped two places in the same place, and then nodded in the brush: "Well, it is very good, fun!"

Everyone was talking. Suddenly, from the front of the bush, a little puppy-like little guy looked at the brain and looked at it. When he came into contact with everyone’s sight, he began to retract.

This puppy bear is about one meter high and tall, and all of them are dark and short black hair, and the nose is white. A pair of small diced eyes are very cute.

"Yehahaha, so cute little guy!" As soon as I saw the puppies, Hong Dian suddenly burst into the eyes and grabbed it. It was a bear hug: "Come on it, it’s rare, haha! It’s so fun. !"

Speaking of it, Hong Li’s title of the good friend of this animal is still very strong. The black bear was hugged by Hong, and the original look was quiet, and then he arched in Hong’s arms. At the end, I turned over on the ground and called Hong to touch his belly.

"Haha, so cute," Tang Muxin, Li Nianwei and other women are especially resistant to this furry little guy. They all come around and touch their little belly.

Tang Muxin: "This stomach is soft and soft to the touch."

Li Nianwei: "Well, the fluff is black, smooth like a satin, and it feels very comfortable."

Jiang Qianxue: "Strongly, are you very good with animals? I think it seems to be very scared. As a result, if you touch it, you are not afraid."

Zhang Yi: "The gene of this little guy must be very good. I don't know what the name is."

Lin Chuanyin: "Hey, it seems that there is no danger. Should I take it back for research?"

Everyone has a bad cold...

Playing with this cute little black bear for a while, Hong vigorously smiled and touched his chin and asked: "Little black, is there any fun place near here? Take us to see? We don't know Road!"

In fact, he just asked casually. Anyway, he was planning to play around here. With his ability, this fairy star can be said to be a squat, not afraid of any danger, so he is not worried at all.

As a result, he just said a word, the little black bear nodded very seriously, then stretched out his small claw and pulled Hong Qiang's arm and went inside the deep woods.

Everyone looked at each other, Tang Muxin curiously said: "Strong, it seems to be taking you to somewhere?"

“It seems to be?” Hong Dali waved very simply. “Let’s walk and see what it’s going to take us to.” Wow, hahahaha! I like this planet, all of them are cute little animals. Right? It’s great!”

With Hong vigorously nodded, everyone followed this little black bear to the depths of the woods.

Although the little black bear seemed to be dull, but the walk in the woods was very flexible, and after a while, he took Hong Qiang and others to a huge cave.


Well, I haven't written animals for a long time, everyone should miss it too? Hey!

Don't forget the monthly ticket! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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