Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 31 Mysterious Plant (please collect and recommend)

After the apes finished their dinner, they entered the temple one after another, leaving a few apes guarding the door. Today is the most frightening day in the lives of the apes, and it is also the happiest day. They have eaten the most delicious food and can enter the king's palace to rest.

Ye Xun was lying under the statue covered with a deerskin quilt and fell asleep. Half asleep and half awake, he felt a vibration coming from the ground. The apes guarding outside screamed and hid in the temple in panic, as if something terrible was happening outside.

Suddenly, Ye Xun opened his eyes, and he felt a terrifying aura coming from outside. Like the giant beasts he killed during the day, they were all overlord-level ferocious beasts. I have some doubts in my heart, why is the overlord-level beast so worthless? I encountered the second one today.

The footsteps outside stopped, and then there was the sound of digging. Ye Xun was a little confused, what was this vicious beast doing? With curiosity, he got up from the deerskin quilt and walked towards the entrance of the temple in the awe-inspiring eyes of the apes.

A giant beast over ten meters tall was swaying in the moonlight, and it was so dark that it was difficult to see what it was doing. Quietly, Ye Xun approached, covered by the sound of huge digging, he quickly reached the vicinity of the giant beast. It was a creature that walked upright, its huge arms dragged to the ground, and its two long curved teeth were exposed, shining coldly in the moonlight. The stubby lower limbs support a huge belly, which looks a bit like the legendary Behemoth.

Its two arms were constantly digging into the ground, and it dug out the corpses of apes that had been buried during the day. At the same time, its hands kept picking up the corpses from the soil and putting them in its mouth. Along with the movement of its mandible, there were sounds of broken bones.

Ye Xun's mental power spread out quietly, covering the Behemoth beast. There was no resistance, and the mental power easily entered its body. Just like the totem beast he killed during the day, there was no blood in the body, and the core of power was missing. He was curious as to what happened to these overlord-level ferocious beasts, so that their blood and power cores were drained.

He stood quietly behind the big tree nearby, feeling uneasy in his heart and smelling the smell of conspiracy in this matter. Without disturbing the Behemoth beast that was working hard, his mental power monitored the beast's every move. He wanted to see what the corpse-like beast wanted to do.

The power of the giant beast was terrifying. It collected the buried corpses of more than a hundred apes and quickly dug them up. The huge, lifeless eyes looked around and settled on the flesh of the totem beast. The huge body walked over, his thick arms picked up a piece of minced meat, put it in front of his nose, sniffed it, and then threw it on the ground like garbage.

The giant beast turned and left with heavy steps. The trees blocking the road were directly smashed by it, and it pushed across all the way. The ground was a mess. Ye Xun followed, jumping on the tree from a distance, the strength in his body slowly moving, supporting his body forward.

The figure of the giant beast moved in the snow under the moonlight, and the sound of the tree being destroyed could be heard in the distance. As the giant beast moved forward, a faint fragrance slowly filled the air, and Ye Xun couldn't help but feel greedy in his heart, as if there was a huge treasure in front of him, attracting him to move forward.

He stopped, stood on the tree, and concentrated on using his mental power to suppress his strange greed. Frowning, Ye Xun hesitated. The smell almost confused him. I am afraid that the reason why these giant beasts became like this has a lot to do with the smell. If you work hard, you have the mental strength, so be careful and you should be fine!

After struggling internally for a moment, he decided to follow the giant beast and take a look. It wasn't very far from the temple, and he felt uneasy if he didn't know it clearly. If there is really a big terror, we can lead the apes to migrate in time. Otherwise, after working hard for so long, they will be destroyed and the loss will be too great.

With a movement of his feet, Ye Xun turned into a black shadow and moved towards the giant beast in the distance like a ghost. His steps were very light, and with the support of his strength, he easily jumped over ten meters. With his toes on the branches, he leaped forward again for more than ten meters. If any modern person saw it, they would definitely shout for Qinggong and cry and beg to become a disciple.

Not long after, Ye Xun closed the distance between him and the giant beast, and at the same time, the fragrance in the air became stronger and stronger. With his alertness, these hallucinogenic smells had no effect on him. The giant beasts trampled on the snow, making loud noises. Ye Xun keenly discovered that as he went deeper, there were fewer and fewer animals nearby.

After walking further, a corpse appeared in front of him, lying on the snow, not covered by snow. It seemed that he died after the heavy snowfall. The mental power swept over the corpse, which was presumed to have just died. There was no blood in it, and the muscles all over the body were shriveled, as if they had lost water. Ye Xun was shocked. Logically speaking, it was impossible for such dead animals to lose their water and turn into mummies so quickly.

Could it be that... he had a bad feeling in his heart, could there be some kind of blood-sucking creature here? Thinking of two overlord-level ferocious beasts that have lost their blood, I am afraid that this creature is also very powerful. He took a deep breath, suppressed the unknown fear in his heart, and finally decided to find out. With his spiritual power, he could escape in time even if there was any danger at a distance of two hundred meters.

Steadying his mind, the energy in his body flows slowly. He is highly focused and moves forward cautiously following the perception of his mental power. The rich aroma entered the lungs through the nostrils, and in the dark jungle there was only the sound of the giant beast's footsteps.

After walking for more than a hundred meters, the footsteps of the giant beast stopped, and it seemed that it had reached its destination. Ye Xun looked around and could only see the black shadow of the giant beast there, its huge body crawling on the ground. Since it was too far to see clearly, he couldn't help but speed up his steps. As he got closer, his mental power finally came into contact with the giant beast's body.

In the mental perception, a flower plant with a diameter of two meters was growing there. The giant beast was kneeling on the ground, its ferocious mouth opened, as if waiting for something. The plants were filled with energy, blocking his mental perception, making it impossible to see clearly the internal structure of the plants. There was a special wave coming from under its root system, which exerted an attraction on Ye Xun's spiritual power. It was similar to when he faced the giant dragon statue in the temple. Is there a certain inheritance buried under this flower? Ye Xun felt a little hot in his heart.

At this time, the flower in front of the giant beast's head suddenly bloomed, and the pink petals spread out, looking extremely beautiful. Several dark green vines that twisted like tentacles grew from the core of the flower. The vines seemed to be alive, and stretched crookedly into the mouth of the giant beast.

Ye Xun clearly saw through his mental power that the plasma in the giant beast's belly was flowing along the vines towards the flowers. In just a moment, the flesh and blood essence of more than a hundred apes was swallowed up by it. Suddenly, he felt a spiritual power coming from the plant, colliding with his own spiritual power. There was a pain in his head, and his mental power was damaged. He thought to himself, "Oh no, I didn't expect this plant to have mental power."

Without hesitation, Ye Xun turned around and left. Unprepared, he was suddenly attacked by mental power, which shocked his mental power and caused him to faint. I am afraid that the spiritual power of this plant is very huge, at least one level higher than mine. With the memory inheritance, he naturally knows the terror of the magician. His mental strength is not damaged and he still has the strength to fight. It is better to leave as soon as possible.

Just as Ye Xun turned around, the giant beast next to the flower let out a loud roar, stood up from the ground with its huge body, and chased after it with heavy steps. Ye Xun escaped through the dense jungle that was difficult to walk through to block the giant beast's footsteps. The giant beast pushed the big tree blocking the way and made a loud noise.

Ye Xun gritted his teeth and was furious. The pain in his head made him unintentional to fight. The giant beast was in hot pursuit again, and simply used the method of meditation while escaping. Forcing himself to calm down, a stream of cool air flowed into his brain from the outside world, and the tingling feeling seemed to weaken a bit.

effective! Ye Xun's eyes showed joy, he gritted his teeth, and ran away while meditating. Half an hour later, the stinging pain in his head was almost gone. He stopped and stopped in the way of the giant beast charging towards him. Now that the headache problem is solved, naturally we have to get rid of the tail that is chasing after us.

The giant beast pushed forward all the way, waving its thick hands continuously. With one punch, a big tree would crash to the ground, leaving a mess behind it. Its gray-white eyes stared at Ye Xun, and its pace accelerated a lot. It had no thought, and had only one thought in its mind, which was to kill the intruder in front of it.

The giant beast was getting closer and closer, and the vibrations on the ground were getting louder and louder. The ordinary creatures nearby were frightened and fled in all directions.

Ye Xun's mental power was shaken, a magic rune was successfully condensed, and the surrounding dense green elemental particles continued to gather here. His mental power pushed the magic formed, and the invisible light mass floated towards the giant beast and submerged into the ground.

Several thick vines roared through the soil, and under the control of mental power, the giant beast's legs were tightly tied. The sudden change caused the giant beast to lose its balance, and its body tilted forward, driving a huge airflow and slamming into the snow-covered ground. It instantly caused a large vibration and made a big hole in the ground.

Ye Xun moved his feet and jumped towards the giant beast. He took three steps in the air and a terrifying momentum gathered under his feet. The giant beast felt the danger and struggled instinctively, using its two thick arms to protect its head underneath.

Ye Xun's body fell from the air, and with the support of his legs, the void was a little distorted by the impact. The flying leaves were twisted to pieces ten centimeters away from his legs.


A sound exploded, followed by a huge sound of bones shattering. The giant beast's arms curved strangely under Ye Xun's feet. With just one move, the giant beast's arms were crushed by his step. Under the huge impact, his head hit the ground hard, forming a huge crater. One of the teeth protruding outside the mouth broke and fell to the cold ground.

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