Company Name: DreamWorks

English name: DreamWorks

Headquarters location: Xiangjiang

Established: March 8, 1978

Business Scope: Movies, TV shows, music, animation, game production

Company nature: individual proprietorship

Xu Cun got the company license of DreamWorks, and it has been eight days since she met Li Saifeng.

Speaking of Li Saifeng, I have to explain - she is now the first female artist signed by DreamWorks.

One of the reasons why Li's father gritted his teeth and signed a 15-year contract with Xu Cun was that the TV series "Shanghai Bund" was just about to start filming. After it was recently adapted into a TV series', Father Li, who was always hesitant, immediately picked up his phone and entered the phone number Xu Cun had left for him.

Because he wanted to help Zhao Zhenqiang adapt the script of "Shanghai Bund", Xu Cun was unable to find the actors and filming locations needed for "Happy Ghost" in person.

In desperation, Xu Cun could only hand over these two tasks to Dong Wei and Zhong Fa who were too idle.

So Dong Wei and Zhong Fa, who were ordered to pick up girls, uh, were ordered to find actresses, drove around the middle schools in Xiangjiang every day in a Toyota car rented by Xu Cun, dressed in sleek clothes.


At the beginning of 1978, Zhao Yazhi was even busier—she not only invested in and starred in a movie called "The Whirlpool", but also acted in a movie called "Peel the Wrong Tooth and Remove the Wrong Bone". On "Shanghai Bund", it can be said that she is very busy!

Zhao Yazhi was so busy, which made Xu Cun feel distressed—Xu Cun even regretted making Zhao Yazhi the heroine of "Shanghai Bund".

There is another person who loves Zhao Yazhi as much as Xu Cun, and this person is Huang Yuanshen, the popular niche of TVB.

At this time, Huang Yuanshen has not acted in "Heroes Huo Yuanjia" nor sang "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" in the Spring Festival Gala, so he is far from being as popular as he will be in the future, but he has acted in more than ten film and television dramas. Xiangjiang has also gained a lot of fame.

In last year's annual drama "Great Revenge", Ma Zhenzhong played by Huang Yuanshen had many rival scenes with Zhao Yazhi played Wei Ting. Since then, Huang Yuanshen has fallen in love with Zhao Yazhi at first sight.

This year, Zhao Yazhi invested in the filming of "The Whirlpool", and Huang Yuanshen even played a supporting role in "The Whirlpool" due to his great fame. This shows how much Huang Yuanshen loves Zhao Yazhi.

After more than half a year of fermentation, Huang Yuanshen finally refused to be secretly in love, and began to express his love and admiration to Zhao Yazhi frequently. Recently, he frequently asked Zhao Yazhi under various names.

For example at this moment...

Just as Xu Cun and Zhao Yazhi came out of the Qingshuiwan studio to have afternoon tea, Huang Yuanshen in a suit and leather shoes greeted him, and then he looked at Zhao Yazhi with a smile and said, "Azhi, let's have lunch together?"

To be honest, Huang Yuanshen is not bad, and he takes good care of Zhao Yazhi. Therefore, Zhao Yazhi still has a good impression of Huang Yuanshen.

Therefore, facing Huang Yuanshen's invitation, Zhao Yazhi felt a little bit difficult - after all, she had just accepted Xu Cun's invitation.

How could the sophisticated Xu Cun make Zhao Yazhi feel troubled? He took the initiative to smile and said: "Brother Huang, Ah Zhi and I are going to have afternoon tea and talk about her filming my next movie, let's go together."

Huang Yuanshen looked at Xu Cun with doubts on his face and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Xu Cun, the screenwriter of "Shanghai Bund", and also A Zhi's friend." Xu Cun stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

Huang Yuanshen shook Xu Cun's hand and said, "Hello, hello... Oh, I remembered, you are the author of "Shanghai Bund."

"It's the younger brother. Brother Huang, let's have afternoon tea together. I wanted to meet you a long time ago." Xu Cun invited again.

Huang Yuanshen waited here foolishly for more than two hours, in order to drink afternoon tea with Zhao Yazhi to bond with him, Xu Cun sincerely invited him, how could he not go?


The tea restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel is a tea restaurant that everyone in the Xiangjiang film and television industry likes to go to. The three of Xu Cun also had afternoon tea here today.

During this period, Xu Cun and Huang Yuanshen had a very happy conversation, and they seemed to hate the lateness of meeting each other.

When Zhao Yazhi was going to the bathroom, Huang Yuanshen carefully took out a delicate bracelet and a folded letter paper and handed them to Xu Cun, saying: "A Cun, please help me hand over these two things later. Give it to Azhi."

Xu Cun showed a knowing smile to Huang Yuanshen, and said: "Brother Huang, don't worry, this matter is on me."

Huang Yuanshen may have rarely done such a thing, he was a little thin-faced, and after giving the bracelet and letter to Xu Cun, he felt uncomfortable all over.

So, after sitting for a while, Huang Yuanshen said to Xu Cun: "A Cun, I have an appointment with Director Li at three o'clock to talk about the new play, so let's go first, and you can tell A Zhi for me later."

After finishing speaking, Huang Yuanshen left in a hurry, without even letting Xu Cun see him off.

After Huang Yuanshen left, Xu Cun glanced upwards from the corner of his mouth, then stuffed the bracelet and letter into Zhao Yazhi's handbag without hesitation, then left his seat and walked to the bathroom.


After returning from the bathroom, Xu Cun preemptively asked Zhao Yazhi, "Where is Brother Huang?"

"I don't know, he's not here when I come back." Zhao Yazhi said with a blank face.

"Hey, didn't you get mad at him?" Xu Cun said with an ambiguous smile on his face.

Seeing Xu Cun's smile, Zhao Yazhi straightened his expression and said, "A Cun, I have nothing to do with Brother Huang, you are not allowed to think about it, and you are not allowed to go out and talk nonsense!"

Zhao Yazhi's husband doesn't like her coming out to film and wants her to be a full-time wife. For this reason, Zhao Yazhi and her husband often quarreled. Since returning to filming after giving birth, Zhao Yazhi often comes home very late and sleeps alone in the guest room. As a result, Zhao Yazhi's husband became suspicious, suspected that Zhao Yazhi had a wild man outside, and quarreled with her even more fiercely.

Compared with Zhao Yazhi's husband, Huang Yuanshen is not only more handsome, but also gentle. Zhao Yazhi felt that getting along with Huang Yuanshen was very easy, so Zhao Yazhi regarded Huang Yuanshen as a good friend who could confide in. However, they were just good friends - Zhao Yazhi knew very well that she and Huang Yuanshen both had families, and it was impossible for them to be together.

Therefore, Zhao Yazhi didn't want to have an affair with Huang Yuanshen, because it would ruin both her and Huang Yuanshen's reputation.

"Don't worry, Azhi, I'm not a big mouth who likes to gossip, I won't talk nonsense. Besides, everyone knows the love of beauty, Azhi, you are so beautiful, even I, who has always been pregnant Even a modest gentleman who is not chaotic can't help but like you, let alone Huang Ge, an ordinary person? Of course, I only have admiration for you who is beautiful and holy, and I have absolutely no intention of profane. As for Huang Ge, I guess most of them also Same as me." Xu Cun said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Since Xu Cun has been taking care of her and strongly recommending her to be the heroine of the big drama "Shanghai Bund", Zhao Yazhi vaguely guessed that Xu Cun liked her, but she didn't expect Xu Cun to admit it so frankly.

Looking at Xu Cun's not-so-handsome but exceptionally attractive face, Zhao Yazhi's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and in an instant, there was a secret joy of being admired and praised by the opposite sex.

Immediately, Zhao Yazhi suppressed his ecstasy, feigned anger and said, "Don't make fun of me, I'm a woman with a family!"

Then, Zhao Yazhi smiled slightly and said, "Besides, don't you have Lin Qingxia? By the way, what is going on with you?"

"It's not like that - I have a crush on her, and she doesn't like me." Xu Cun said with a wry smile.

"You didn't chase her?" Zhao Yazhi asked curiously.

"Why not? I write a joke to her every day, and I spent more than a thousand on stamps." Xu Cun said with an exaggerated expression.

"A joke?" Zhao Yazhi said with wide eyes.

Then, Zhao Yazhi covered his mouth and smiled, "Other girls send love letters when they chase girls, but you send jokes, no wonder Lin Qingxia doesn't like you at all!"

"Forget it, don't think about her. I'm still young, so of course I have to focus on my career. Love, marriage, all go to hell!" Xu Cunji said casually.

What Xu Cun didn't expect was that his words resonated with Zhao Yazhi. Zhao Yazhi sighed and said, "You can't get married too early, otherwise it will be inconvenient to do anything."

How rich is Xu Cun's experience? As soon as he heard Zhao Yazhi's words, he guessed that Zhao Yazhi's marriage must be a red light, and then Xu Cun made a more despicable decision in his heart.


Farewell to Zhao Yazhi, Xu Cun found a public phone, and then dialed the number of Zhao Yazhi's home according to the phone number Zhao Yazhi asked for.

The phone rang three times, and a magnetic male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hi, hello, who are you looking for?"

Xu Cun pinched his neck, pretending to be very hesitant, and said, "Is it Dr. Huang? I have something, I don't know if I should tell you..."


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