Shao Yifu looked at Xu Cun and said, "A Cun, how about I sell Shaw Cinemas to you for 200 million Hong Kong dollars?"

Xu Cuncai didn't believe that Shao Yifu, an iron rooster, took the initiative to lower the price of Shaw Cinemas so low that there would be no other conditions! Therefore, Xu Cun said bluntly: "Sixth Uncle, let me tell you about your additional conditions."

After hearing what Xu Cun said, a trace of pain appeared on Shao Yifu's face immediately!

After pondering for a while, Shao Yifu finally said: "The fire in TVB city destroyed 372 TVB long dramas... Those long dramas carried the memories of countless Xiangjiang people including me, if those long dramas It's a pity that all the dramas will disappear forever!"

After a pause, Shao Yifu looked at Xu Cun and said, "I want to work with you to remake 30 of those long dramas."

Immediately, Shao Yifu added: "Remake 30 of those long dramas with the original cast."

After Shao Yifu finished speaking, Xu Cun said, "Including the two theaters you rented, Uncle Liu, how about I give you 240 million Hong Kong dollars for the Shaw Cinemas?"

For Xu Cun, the remake of TVB's classic TV series will do a lot of harm but not any benefit!

First of all, it is very difficult to remake those classic TV series with the original cast - many of the actors who filmed those classic TV series have now turned into film actors. Some of these actors only earned one or two thousand Hong Kong dollars for a TV series when they were filming those classic TV series, but now they can earn one or two hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars for a movie, or even more. The question is, under such circumstances, how could it be possible to easily get them to remake TVB's classic TV series? The most typical example is Zhou Runfa. Zhou Run found that his current film salary has reached 4 million Hong Kong dollars per movie, and there are many film contracts. How could Zhou Runfa be easily used to remake TVB's classic TV series?

Secondly, human beings have nostalgia, especially Chinese G people. Xu Cun is sure that as long as TVB can remake those classic TV series, it will definitely attract many viewers back! It was too late for Xu Cunfang to do this, so how could he reach out to help?

Shao Yifu looked at Xu Cun and said, "One hundred and eighty million Hong Kong dollars, Shaw Cinemas will all belong to you. You and I will each bear half of the production costs. When the TV series is produced, you and I will have half the copyright."

After a pause, Shao Yifu said again: "The 100 million Hong Kong dollars I gave you at Shaw Cinemas, even if it's not enough for your production fee, it's almost the same."

Immediately, Shao Yifu put his heart in his heart and said again: "If those TV dramas want to see the light of day again, only you and I can work together. If not, I wouldn't be old enough to not discuss this matter with you."

The 20 million Hong Kong dollars given by Shao Yifu did not have any temptation for Xu Cun, but the copyrights of those classic TV series were what Xu Cun wanted.


Although Xu Cun wants the copyright of those TVB classic TV series, but Xu Cun will not let TVB, a fierce tiger, out of the cage for the copyright of those classic TV series!

Therefore, Xu Cun said without hesitation: "Just as you said, Uncle Liu, 280 million Hong Kong dollars."


Shao Yifu sighed in his heart: "No wonder he can achieve today's achievements!"——Shao ​​Yifu's conditions are not unattractive! If it were an ordinary person, even people like Zhou Liang Shuyi and Xu Xiaoming would definitely agree, or at least hesitate, but Xu Cun refused without even thinking about it.

Afterwards, Shao Yifu took out the bottom line in his heart: "160 million Hong Kong dollars, you and I each pay half of the production fee, the TV series is produced, the copyright belongs to you, and TVB only needs the permanent right to use it." Then, Shao Yifu hid The eyes behind the glasses narrowed slightly and threatened Xu Cun: "A Cun, if you still refuse to agree, you will pay 400 million Hong Kong dollars, and I will never sell Shaw Cinemas to you, and tomorrow I will sell Shaw Brothers to you." The cinema is rented to Boy Pan at a low price, and Boy Pan will keep making trouble for you!"

Immediately afterwards, Shao Yifu's tone eased, and he said again: "After all, I helped you with the release of "Happy Ghost" and "Mr. Zombie". With your current status, A Cun, this favor should be paid back. Give it to long as you promise to help me remake 30 long TVB dramas, all the grievances and grievances between us will be wiped out, how about it?"

When saying the word "resentment", Shao Yifu deliberately added the accent—Shao ​​Yifu was telling Xu Cun: "As long as you promise to help me remake 30 TVB long dramas, you poach TVB's corners and set fire to TVB." Everything in the TV city has changed."

Shao Yifu lured and threatened him and took out the favor that Xu Cun owed him back then, and he didn't even bear the grudge against Xu Cun for poaching TVB's corner and setting fire to TVB City (Xu Cun knew in his heart that not bearing grudges must be a superficial phenomenon, I must not slack off.), so that the mind is as strong as Xu Cun can't resist it!

Pressing his temples and pondering for a while, Xu Cuncai said with a wry smile: "Uncle Six, I sincerely hope that we can get along peacefully in the future!"

This sentence came from Xu Cun's heart - to achieve his goal, Shao Yifu almost had no bottom line! Xu Cun judges others by himself, and thinks that opponents who have no bottom line are the most terrifying opponents! Therefore, if possible, Xu Cun really doesn't want to fight with the bendy and stretchable Shao Yifu!


"Big event! Sir Shao sold Shaw Cinemas to Mr. Xu Cunxu for 160 million Hong Kong dollars. DreamWorks Cinemas expanded from eleven theaters and cinemas to twenty-three cinemas and cinemas, becoming Hong Kong's No. A big theater!"

"Reminiscing about the classics! TVB and Phoenix TV will remake 30 TVB classic TV series that were burned in the TVB city fire with the original crew. Now we are asking for the opinions of Hong Kong people on which 30 TVB classic TV series will be filmed. Consultation method : Starting tomorrow, there will be a voting column on the entertainment pages of Ta Kung Pao, Wen Wei Po, and Business Daily. As long as viewers cut out the voting column and write their favorite TVB TV series and vote, then send it to TVB or Phoenix Terrace will do. (Note: One name per ticket, more will be invalid.)”

"TVB and Phoenix TV sued the fire brigade for negligence of duty and caused huge losses to themselves. The court will be held on the 7th of next month."


Because of the agreement reached between Xu Cun and Shao Yifu, Xu Cun, Shao Yifu, Phoenix TV, and TVB have dominated the front pages of major newspapers recently.

In this turmoil, although Xu Cun was praised by all parties for his high integrity, in fact Xu Cun and his Phoenix TV played the role of green leaves in this turmoil, and the one who played the role of red flower in this turmoil was Shao Yifu is TVB.

As Xu Cun expected, the reshoots of TVB's classic TV series will completely revitalize the already struggling TVB - although they have not yet broadcast, or even officially started filming those TVB classic TV series, but it is Shao Yifu who created this one. The series of hype has led to a considerable increase in TVB's ratings (currently, the ratings ratio between Phoenix TV and TVB has changed from about 7 to 3 in the past to about 6.8 to 3.2.), as you can imagine After broadcasting those classic TV dramas that resonate with the people of Xiangjiang, TVB's ratings will definitely rise sharply. Even if Phoenix TV also broadcasts those classic TV dramas, it will not change this point.

In this regard, Xu Cun, apart from forcing Shao Yifu and TVB to join the chariot in the Mainland, making Shao Yifu and TVB lose the support of the pro-British elements, all he can do is hold his nose and eat the bitter fruit he planted himself. .


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