Prince Guo's Mansion.

Now it should be called 'Baicunju', which was named by Mr. Deng himself.

Looking at the plaque hanging on the study (this plaque is from the cottage, even Deng Gong’s name, Xu Cun, was omitted. The plaque that Deng Gong gave to Xu Cun was kept by Xu Cun in the secret room. In the cabinet.), Xu Cun couldn’t help thinking: “Did Mr. Deng choose this name because there is a word ‘Cun’ in my name? Or did Mr. Deng get this name because Mr. Deng wanted to ensure that I had the Prince Guo’s Mansion for a hundred years? ?”

Thinking that in a few years G will have only 70 years of land use rights, and thinking that no matter how hard he lives, he will never live another 100 years. Xu Cun smiled sarcasticly: "After I die, if future generations have If I have the ability, I can keep it. If I don’t have the ability, I will have the right to use it forever, and it won’t be named Xu forever!”

After opening his mind, Xu Cun looked at Liang Congjie and said, "Mr. Liang, you just said that this neighborhood will be planned as a side road of the West Second Ring Road and Financial Street?"

Liang Congjie said happily: "Thanks to Mr. Xu, you bought the Prince Guo's Mansion. Otherwise, the former site of the Prince Guo's Mansion is the side road of the West Second Ring Road and a part of Financial Street. It is because you bought the Prince Guo's Mansion. After rebuilding here, they moved the side road of the West Second Ring Road and Financial Street to both sides for one kilometer.”

Xu Cun frowned and said, "It's so close to the side road of the West Second Ring Road and Financial Street, will it be a bit noisy? Also, you should be able to see everything in the courtyard clearly with a telescope from the Second Ring Bridge or the tall buildings on Financial Street Bar?"

There are still some things that Xu Cun didn’t say—that is, the side road of the West Second Ring Road and Financial Street are so close to his home, and there is no way to guarantee safety. After all, the tallest building in his home is only three floors, as long as there are snipers Standing on the Second Ring Bridge or a tall building on Financial Street with a sniper rifle, the people in his house may lose their lives at any time.

If it is an exaggeration to say that anti-snipers are a bit exaggerated, what about anti-all-pervasive paparazzi? As long as you stand on the Second Ring Bridge or a high-rise building in Financial Street, take a good camera and an astronomical telescope, you can take pictures of everything in Xu Cun's house, and Xu Cun's private life is extremely indiscriminate!

The question is, how could Xu Cun not guard against these things?

Liang Congjie suggested: "How about you buy the surrounding land and plant a tree wall?"

It would be a good idea to plant tall trees around, but Xu Cun was still not satisfied.

Seeing that Xu Cun was still dissatisfied, Liang Congjie thought for a while and said, "How about building a park or an ecological park in the direction of the side road near the West Second Ring Road and Financial Street?" It's a bit small...I'm afraid it's not enough to build a park or an ecological park."

Hearing what Liang Congjie said, Xu Cun had an idea and said, "Can we discuss with the planning bureau that they will move the side road of the West Second Ring Road and Financial Street to each side for another two or three kilometers, and then plant trees around my house?" A circle of tree walls and a road with a width of 20 to 30 meters will be built, and then a large park or a large ecological park will be built on the other side of the road."

After thinking for a while, Xu Cun added: "I spend money to build these things, um... After the construction is completed, the large park or large ecological park will be donated to the country."

After hearing what Xu Cun said, the corner of Liang Congjie's mouth twitched! I thought to myself: "How rich is this master? Just to avoid being quarreled by others and not letting others see his house, he has to spend hundreds of millions of RMB."

What Liang Congjie didn't expect was that Xu Cun said again: "How about this, I will donate another 100 million Hong Kong dollars to the Planning Bureau for... Make excuses for yourself, in short, let the Planning Bureau cooperate with you in your work."

Then Xu Cun asked Liang Congjie: "Mr. Liang, do you think this is okay?"

Liang Congjie glanced at the plaque on the study that said 'Baicunju', and said: "With it, you just don't donate money to the Planning Bureau, and donate the parks or ecological parks you built to the country. I will also consider your suggestion."

Xu Cun waved his hand and said, "You can't be so domineering."

Liang Congjie thought, "Aren't you overbearing? In order to have a peaceful place, you let the side road of the West Second Ring Road and Financial Street give you three or four kilometers each, and built a circular park or ecological park." Block all your one-acre three-point land!"


In 1982, ZJ vigorously cultivated opera newcomers, and selected 400 opera students from more than 2,000 opera students in the province to participate in the provincial opera "Xiaobaihua" performance, and 200 rookies won the "Excellent Xiaobaihua Award" and "Little Hundred Flowers Award". Afterwards, 40 Yue Opera rookies (with an average age of 18 years old) were carefully selected from more than 70 professional Yue Opera troupes in the province who won the awards in the above two performances, and they were concentrated in ZJ Art School for rigorous training. They have been personally handed down their skills and carefully guided by the invited famous artists from the Yue opera circle and Beijing, Kun, Wu and other operas. Famous playwrights in the province wrote innovative plays for it, and organized excellent directors, composers, stage artists, and band personnel to work together to rehearse new plays and excellent traditional plays. On September 3, 1983, 28 beauties were selected from the trainees to form the Xiaobaihua Performance Troupe of Shaoxing Opera in ZJ Province.

After the troupe was established, it went on tour in SH, Beijing, Changchun, Nanjing, Wuxi and ZJ provinces (later visited the United States, France, Holland, Belgium, RB Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Xiangjiang, Omen, Taiwan, etc.) and other places), where the grand occasions were unprecedented, and the successors of Shaoxing opera were praised.

Moreover, among the twenty-eight beauties of the Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe, several Yue opera masters, even famous film and television actors—for example, Mao Weitao, He Ying, Dong Kedi, He Saifei, Fang Xuewen and... Tao Huimin .

This time, Xu Cun spent more than 6 billion Hong Kong dollars to help the inland government, and finally got the inland government to allow him to establish movie theaters and branches of Baye Bank in various parts of China. Naturally, Xu Cun had to seize this hard-won opportunity!

The first stop of Xu Cun's site selection was Beij.

Although he has already obtained the imperial decree, Xu Cun really didn't dare to do too much in Beijing J. After a few days of selection, Xu Cun only built ten DreamWorks movie theater sites and ten Baye Bank branches in the Beijing J circle. site. Like the cinemas built in SH Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Wuhan, DreamWorks Cinemas are all one-story multiplex cinemas. The branches of Baye Bank are also one-story independent buildings covering an area of ​​at least 1,000 square meters.

While Xu Cun was in the process of choosing the sites for the DreamWorks Cinema and Baye Bank branch in Beij, the Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe happened to tour to Beij.

Therefore, under the circumstances of entrusting others, Xu Cun's good students Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige and others set up a thread for Xu Cun and the Xiaobaihua Yueju Opera Troupe who lacked funds and wanted to put the Shaoxing opera "Five Girls Blessing Their Birthday" on the big screen. .


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