Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 155 Make a joke to the whole world!

In the morning, Harry woke up.

He stretched, felt the strangeness in his body, and remembered that he was an adult now.

I wanted to wear clothes, but found that the previous wizard robes could not be worn.

Harry called and made a request.

Sure enough, it is worthy of a 5-star hotel, the service is really thoughtful, and soon someone bought two sets of clothes and sent them up.

After Harry paid for the clothes and tip, the other party left happily.

After trying on a light gray suit first, it fit perfectly, and Harry stopped trying another one.

Standing in front of the mirror, he took another look at his grown-up appearance, and then went out.


In 1985, Jobs was forced to leave Apple.

In 1986, Jobs founded Pixar Animation Studios in Galevny Asia.

In 1996, Jobs returned to Apple and started a career that was like a cheat.

It's 1992 now.

Harry wondered if Jobs could have invented the iPhone at this time.

Of course, Harry doesn't need a full smartphone, he just needs one that can function as a video camera.

Because Harry wanted to use it to record something, some necessary evidence.

The reason why Harry went to Muggles is because there is no magic capable of recording images, and the second is that although the photos taken by the enchanted Muggle camera can make people move, it is only a momentary animation, and, What Harry needs is something that can record the sound, the picture alone is not enough.


The prerequisite for using Apparatus is to have reached the destination.

Harry hadn't been to America, so he couldn't just teleport there.

Seems like a lot of trouble, but don't forget about the wizard bus.

Harry waved his wand twice.

After a while, a huge black shadow galloped over.

And no Muggle could see the gigantic bus.

Harry got into the car, and a young male conductor asked, "Where are you going?"

"America, Gallevni Asia, can I go?"

"Of course, the wizard bus, everywhere." He handed Harry a ticket as he chewed something.

"Two gold Galleons and three silver Sickles."

After paying, Harry found a seat and sat down.

Instead of moving, the bus is leaping.

Cars, pedestrians, and telephone booths jumped out of the way to make way for the bus, and returned to their original positions when the bus passed.

The bus flew over the top of the forest and across the water of the lake.

It passes through towns, villages, and cities at a high speed.

It only took twenty minutes for Harry to get off the bus.

Muggles don't know how long it will take to reach this speed.

Although Muggles have many things that are more powerful than wizards, there are some things that Muggles may take hundreds of years to achieve with technology, but for wizards, it is easy.

And likewise, the opposite is also true.

For example, destroy the earth.

"Dingling..." The bus stopped and the door opened.

As soon as Harry got out of the car, he saw a company with a huge area, mostly covered with dark blue glass, and the word Pixar could be seen from a distance.


Without any difficulty, Harry found Jobs' office.

None of the security guards or employees noticed that just now, someone passed by them.

Harry had been watching Jobs work for a while while he was invisible.

Anyway, Harry felt rather disappointed.

This can be regarded as facing a great man, who looks much younger than the future.

Harry had thought that he would be more or less agitated.

But when I actually see someone,

There is no fluctuation in his heart, he is no different from those Muggles on the street, even though he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars at this time, he is the envy of countless Muggles.

Harry looked at him, even a little looking down.

It must have been influenced by Voldemort's memory...Harry blamed it.

Harry didn't wait any longer and showed up directly.

Pensieve, ready to go.

Startled, Jobs was about to shout.

Harry threw a "speaking silence" spell over.

Jobs was horrified to find that his mouth was tightly closed, and he could only make a "buzzing" sound with his nose.

Then a confinement magic, he was completely quiet and did not make trouble.

"Shut up and be quiet," Harry said softly.

Jobs didn't move, only his eyes were still shaking, as if they were about to fall out, which showed the inner panic of the owner.

"I need you to help me build a mobile phone. Oh, there is no concept of a mobile phone yet. In fact, it is the mobile phone that you Muggles talk about. My request is very simple, compress the function of the camera into the mobile phone."

"What I need to tell you is that the first digital camera appeared in 1995, and the first smartphone appeared next year." (Remark 1)

"And you only have 10 months to complete my request."

Jobs' eyes rolled wildly.

"I know you want to shout, why are you looking for me?"

The Apple founder nodded vigorously.

"It's a pity, because when I think of what I need, you are the first thing I think of, so I came to you."

"Don't worry that you have no idea, because I will show you exactly what I want."

Harry put his wand against his temple, and gently pulled it away, and a bunch of silver flowing things were brought out, placed in the Pensieve, and spun.

Jobs' eyes widened, which was beyond his imagination.

"Let me show you what a mobile phone is."

After Harry finished speaking, he pulled Jobs into the Pensieve and entered part of Harry's memory.

Harry intercepted many mobile phone brands, allowing Jobs to see how mobile phones are innovated, developed, and improved step by step.

Jobs looked at the strange world in shock, and the rapid changes in mobile phones over the past few decades.

Those unprecedented functions kept refreshing his cognition. It turned out that it could still be like this.

Suddenly, the sky turned.

Jobs found himself back in his room, sitting in his chair.

He sat on the chair blankly, his heart was shocked, and his mind was filled with thoughts, as if they were about to explode.

Harry's magic was secondary to him, and his mind was drawn to everything he saw in Harry's memory.

He said "ah" twice, and suddenly found that he could speak.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Are those just now real? Can they really be realized? That thing called a smartphone."

"What do you say?"

"You are very clear about what I want. You have to give me a finished product within 10 months. As for the video camera and the mobile phone company, you have to figure it out yourself. I came to you only because I think you are a Muggle It's just a genius."

"Who the hell are you?" Jobs asked.

"You don't need to worry about it, just finish what I want seriously. If you can finish it, I will give you something you can't imagine."

"And, if you don't finish, the penalty..." Harry smiled.

Jobs shuddered.

"Do your best and don't let me down." Then, Harry disappeared suddenly.

After a long time, Jobs came back to his senses.

He slapped his face and said, "It's not a dream."

He just wanted to tell others about this unbelievable thing. He picked up his mobile phone and made a call with trembling hands. (Remark 2)

"beep, beep"

"Fils, I..." Jobs suddenly opened his mouth wide, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make a sound.

He hung up his friend's phone in fear.

After a while, he tried to speak again, and found that he could speak again.

He suddenly picked up a pen and wanted to write this on paper.

But his hands didn't work.

Of course, Harry didn't forget to magically prohibit Jobs from speaking about it.

This spell has a silly name called "Secret No Third Man Knows".

No matter what form, even if it was a dream, Jobs would never reveal this matter.


Jobs finally gave up.

He dialed the secretary's phone: "Lev, buy all my funds to buy the shares of Sony and IBM. Immediately, I will sit on their board of directors tomorrow!"

"You're crazy!"


Harry ignored what Jobs would do, he just left it to the professionals.

After doing nothing, Harry suddenly had a prank idea.

But he searched all over, but couldn't find the surveillance camera he wanted.

However, isn't there still a movie camera?

Harry came to Hollywood.

He found the film crews that were filming one by one, and then acted as a passerby inside, showing a lot of faces.


Harry smirked twice as he thought of what might happen in the future.

Later, Harry went to the Muggle and Wizarding World photo studio and took a lot of pictures.

How can you not leave something when you grow up early.



The whole world was shocked by a news.

Reuters, Xinhua News Agency, and the Associated Press all broadcast the news.

This is the most powerful evidence that proves the existence of space-time travel.

A young man, he suddenly appeared on the China News Network.

He told the whole world that he came from the future and that his space-time shuttle was successful. He traveled for the first time in 1992 and left evidence.

He himself said that the reason for publishing it was because he wanted everyone to know that he was a genius.

Then, it disappeared again.

Just two messy hosts left facing the camera, facing the world.

The world is seething.


And the wizarding world.

The wizards laughed and said, "Look at those stupid Muggles, they are being played around by Minister Potter." (Remark 3)


Remark 1: In 1995, Sony released the first DV camcorder. In 1993, IBM released the first smartphone.

Remark 2: In 1992, mobile phones were already in circulation.

Remark 3: In the future, Harry Potter will disband the Ministry of Magic of all countries and integrate them into one, including all wizards registered. Wizarding groups, such as the International Federation of Magicians, the Order of the Phoenix, etc., were all disbanded. Harry Potter became the first Minister of Magic, vigorously reforming and accepting Muggle things.


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