Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 209: The Shrieking House!

Hogwarts, Whomping Willow.

A magic wand glows fluorescently, illuminating a thick tree trunk, and the figure holding the wand stands in the shadow of the Whomping Willow.

The wicker creaked like in a strong wind, and whipped back and forth like a whip.

Branches waving, light and shadow shaking.

The face under the tree is illuminated flickeringly, like a ghost.

There is a big hole between the roots of the tree, which seems to be a big tree hole that has decayed for a long time.

However, Whomping Willow grows very healthy and is in the prime of life.

If you want to get close to the Whomping Willow, it is unrealistic.

The Whomping Willow is very violent, and anything within its attack range, whether living or dead, is the target of its attack.

The seemingly tender and slender branches are sharper and harder than metal.

Even a Muggle car could be torn to shreds.

I want it to be quiet, unless I destroy it.

But this Whomping Willow is a bit special.

Its domain is within a few meters of those maliciously swishing branches, claws and claws.

If the man in black took another step forward, he would definitely be beaten and get hanged.

I saw a bolt of lightning from the wand of the man in black, hitting a scar on the tree.

The tree suddenly stopped moving, as if it had turned into stone, and even the leaves stopped shaking.

The man in black walked to the tree hole and got in.

Below the tree hole is a large cave, which slides down the dirt slope into the bottom of a very low tunnel.

After this person disappeared.

After a while, the Whomping Willow returned to normal.

It shakes its branches weakly, which is the normal state of Whomping Willow.

But only after a while, the Whomping Willow rioted again.

Because another person has touched its territory.

The Whomping Willow decided to show the enemy his weakness, and beat him severely while he was not paying attention.

As a result, the same scar was held down again.

The Whomping Willow was quiet.

Not long after, a huge black dog with gray eyes also arrived.

He stretched out his claws, nimbly passed through the branches, and pressed on the same place.

Whomping Willow: (.?`ω′?)


The passage is very long, it is estimated that it has exceeded the scope of Hogwarts school, and it seems that it may lead to Hogsmeade...

The man at the front advances fast, hunched low because he is tall.

The tunnel continued to extend forward, and the man at the front had a bad complexion. Looking at the tunnel wall, he seemed to recall something bad.

Although he has only been here once, he will never forget what happened that day.

The tunnel began to slope upwards, and after a while, it turned a corner, and the man in black saw a glimmer of light, which was a small exit.

The man in black slowly moved forward sideways, holding up his wand to see what was ahead.

It was a room, a messy, gray room, with peeling wallpaper, stains all over the floor, broken furniture that looked like it had been smashed, and the windows were boarded up.

The rooms are run down and dusty, it's obvious that no one has stayed here in years.

The man in black got out of the hole and looked around.

There was no one in the room, and a door was open on the right, leading into a dark hall.

He knew where it was, and it was known as one of the scariest places in Britain - the Shrieking Shack, because there used to be horrible sounds coming from it late at night.

Ridiculous urban legend.

Knowing the truth, he naturally knew that it was only caused by a damn werewolf.

The man glanced around the room, finally looked at the ceiling, and decided to step on the stairs that were about to collapse.

At this moment, the man in black looked alert.

Because he heard light footsteps coming from the tunnel behind him.

He dodged and hid behind the door.

A gray-haired man popped out.

"Disarm you."

"Armor protection."

The gray-haired young man had been cautious, so he reacted immediately.



Snape came out from behind the door, and Lupine came up from the tunnel.

The two looked at each other puzzled.

Snape gave Lupine a disgusted look.

It's just that there seemed to be tension between them, but the vigilance in Snape's eyes decreased.

Lupine was the first to put away his wand.

"What are you doing here?" Snape said bluntly.

Lupine smiled easily: "It seems to be the same as you."

The atmosphere was a little cold and a little awkward.

After all, that happened back then.

"Severus, I think we'd better sit down first."

Snape looked at the dirty and messy environment for a week with a sneer.

Lupine cast his clearing spell and walked to a chair to sit down.

He said at the same time: "Severus, Sirius really just wanted to make a joke for you back then, and I didn't know it, I swear..."

Snape snapped: "That's enough, I don't want to mention that again, huh, kidding? What he said was clearly murder! Did he think werewolves were harmless creatures like caterpillars?"

Seeing Snape's angry look, Lupine struggled: "But, didn't James stop you?"

Hearing this name, Snape was about to burn with anger, and his voice was sharp: "Don't you think he just prevented a life-threatening prank by his friend, and I should still be grateful to him? Think of him as my Your savior?"

Snape gritted his teeth and said, "You have to figure it out, you were responsible for that incident from the beginning to the end! You will pay for the mistakes you made."

Snape narrowed his eyes, and said in a tone of unknown meaning: "However, James is dead, and I am still alive and well, and I don't want to pursue this old-fashioned matter."

Lupine was annoyed.

At this time, a voice came from the entrance of the floor.

A big black dog appeared.

He became a man with long hair that covered his eyes.

Seeing Lupine, he immediately couldn't help hugging him tightly, ignoring Snape completely.

Snape froze for a moment before reacting.

His eyes turned red.

His wand shot out the string, bound Lupine tightly, and fell heavily to the ground.

"I've been telling Dumbledore that you are not trustworthy. It seems true, but it doesn't matter. There will be two more people in Azkaban."

Snape pointed his wand at Black: "But I want to enjoy revenge more."

Lupine said, "Severus, calm down... There is a misunderstanding here."

There was a crazy light in Snape's eyes, and he roared: "Shut up, you bloody werewolf, what do you know!"

Sparks crackled from the tip of the wand, and Black remained motionless.

He could see how irrational Snape was now, and trying to communicate with him, or even convince him of one thing, would not work at all.

Just Harry?

It was Harry who spoke suddenly in his head, telling him to come to this place.

He was surprised at what magic Harry had used, surprised that Harry seemed to know who he was.

So he came here, he thought, at least tell Harry, explain the truth of what happened back then.

The same goes for Lupine and Snape, both summoned by Harry.

But Snape was obviously too emotional to think about why Lupine and Black were here too.

A voice suddenly appeared: "Have you come already? There are some things that need to be clarified."

Harry suddenly appeared in the house.

With a shake of his hand, a black shadow was thrown out, turning into a man in the air.

Broken arms and legs, leaving only a bare upper body.

"This is your business, you don't need me to participate, right?"


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