Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 267: The Locket and the Beginning of School!

British Telecom Tower.

Located in Fitzrovia, London.

At 189 meters high, it was once the tallest building in Britain.

The tower is surrounded by windows, and it looks like a huge glass column from a distance, soaring into the sky.

It also takes on the important task of handling hundreds of thousands of long-distance calls at the same time. FM microwave, which transmits the signal to one hundred and thirty rebroadcasting stations in London and around the UK, can also be transmitted to the European continent, and communicate with the world via satellite.

Now, on that high top platform, out of sight of the Muggles.

A figure suddenly appeared.

Harry remembered the building, and after leaving Grimmauld 12, he Apparated to this proximity without delay.

Harry spread his hands.

In the hand is a golden ancient locket and a silver necklace. The locket is octagonal, and above it is a transparent gemstone cut with many planes. There is a circle inside, and a golden engraved beside the circle. Magic characters, there is a green S in the circle, shaped like a small snake with a snake letter and its tail raised.

Harry smiled slightly: "Voldemort, you are one step closer to true death."

This is exactly one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, Slytherin's locket.

Say it.

He threw the locket high, and the locket was in the air, and the transparent gemstone reflected light like a brilliant diamond.

Harry stretched his hand into the air and gave it a light squeeze.

Read: "Gaber!"

The sky seemed to be gloomy for a bit.

A black thunderbolt lightning appeared out of thin air.

Silently running through the golden locket.

Just as a gray, empty shadow was about to emerge, it was immediately scattered, leaving only a painful whine in the world, saying goodbye to the world.

Fragment of Voldemort's soul, pawn.

The locket floated back into Harry's hands.


Now not only Voldemort's soul in this Horcrux was destroyed, but also a bunch of magics imposed by Slytherin to prevent other wizards from opening this locket were also broken by Harry.

Slytherin's locket has been circulating in the wizarding world for so long, but no one has been able to open it.

The Black family had it in their collection, but they hadn't been able to open it.

No one knows what is hidden in this souvenir box.

Now, there is no limit.

Even a Muggle can open it at will.

Harry would have liked to press the catch, open it, and see what was inside.

But he's not a voyeur, and he doesn't have that strong curiosity to know the privacy of that bad old man in Slytherin.

So Harry put away the Slytherin locket, Apparated again, and disappeared.

But what Harry didn't know was.

The BT tower was down.

When the black lightning appeared over the telecommunications tower, all electromagnetic waves were distorted, the communication equipment was affected, and the connection with the satellite was disconnected.

All the internal staff panicked and didn't know what happened.

At the same time, the Muggles who were watching TV at home in various counties in the UK, saw the TV screen suddenly covered with snowflakes, and fell into deep thought: What happened to the TV station again.


January 5, 1994.

Today is the start of Hogwarts.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross must have started.

Those young or old students will return to the campus life that they have missed so much throughout the Christmas holidays in the evening.


Headmaster Dumbledore's office.

A bright red bird was squatting on Dumbledore's shoulder. He stood at the door, looking at everything in the round room with longing eyes.

He never thought that there would be a day for him to leave here.

He thought he would stay in this place until he died...

The portraits of the former headmasters of Hogwarts on the wall are saying goodbye to Dumbledore with smiles on their faces.


Earlier today, for example, when the chubby Minister Fudge was still lying on the bed sprinkled with galleons, a wizard broke in suddenly.

It was one of the few wizards Fudge still had at his disposal.

He woke up Fudge, and faced Fudge's angry insults, he didn't care, but turned pale, and said with a cry: "The coup! You... have stepped down, and now Albus Dumbledore is the Minister of Magic Now, most of the families that usually support you, as well as the public families, have turned to support Dumbledore..."

Fudge was in a fit of rage from getting up, flushed with anger, waving his arms, and yelling reprimands at whoever came.

Hearing what the visitor said, he said a few more words, and then he seemed to have just reacted, puzzled, puzzled, and even a little scared, and said, "What did you just... say?"

The wizard who reported the message burst into tears, explaining the situation to Fudge intermittently while crying.

From his mouth, Fudge slowly learned what happened this morning.

It turned out that early in the morning, without anyone notifying Fudge, all members of the Ministry of Magic had arrived. Witnessed by all the media in the magic world, the former senior officials of the Ministry of Magic presented the latest voting results of the people.

The will of the people was clear: they wanted Fudge to step down and Dumbledore to be Minister for Magic.

The few wizards from the Fudge camp in the Ministry of Magic looked at the unsurprised expressions of their colleagues around them, and the reporters from the "Daily Prophet" and other major newspapers were not shocked at all, but just snapped at Deng with their cameras. Bullido can't stop taking pictures like this.

They felt cold.

This is a premeditated and organized operation.

It turned out that apart from them, the entire wizarding world knew about it, and someone had been secretly collecting votes from wizards.

But the most shocking thing is that they were completely kept in the dark about this referendum.

They even felt sad. Fudge Connelly, the dignified minister of the Ministry of Magic, had such a weak control over the magic world that he could be concealed by the people below. It was probably unprecedented for him to be concealed like this.

They looked at each other and understood what the others were thinking and what they should do.

So they pulled out genuine smiles and joined the crowd cheering for Dumbledore.


Listen to what's going on.

Fudge was like an angry boar.

He kicked down a huge vase half a person's height, walking around like an ant on a hot pot, with bruises on his forehead: "How dare dare they...they...I'm going to find them...those The patriarchs...they clearly promised well, and Dumbledore! It's's all his fault...I turns out that he was doing things for me before, and he was always lowering my vigilance , he wanted to steal my position...Damn it...I actually believed his lies!"

Fudge suddenly stared at the wizard who reported him with cold eyes: "Did you laugh, did you laugh just now!"

"No, I didn't." The wizard who reported the message hastily argued.

Fudge was furious, and kicked the Messenger Wizard: "Get out, get out of here... how dare you laugh at me."

Seeing that Fudge was still looking for a wand, the wizard who reported the message scrambled and ran out of Fudge's house.

Fudge was left roaring in the room.

The wizard who reported the message changed his face as soon as he left Fudge's house.

He straightened up and took a sip in front of Fudge's door.

"What the hell. I came to you because I thought that if you had any means to regain the position, you would end up feeling sorry for yourself."

"I'd better go to Dumbledore's cheering party first. It's the most important thing to show your face in front of him. It's not good if you leave a bad impression if you're late."

The sound of a defeated dog came from the house.

But who cares?

Fudge was already a complete loser, and no one would pay attention to him anymore, and he gradually disappeared from the memory of the wizards.


Dumbledore was still thinking about his teaching career for most of his life.

Harry suddenly Apparated and appeared next to Dumbledore.

Said: "The last time I came to see you, I forgot to give you this."

Dumbledore was a little puzzled: "What?"

Harry handed over two books.


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