Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 473: Magic Profession


Helena brought back a thick stack of pamphlets, leaflets and announcements about various magical professions.

She is the administrator of Hogwarts. The deans of the four colleges only take care of the academic matters, and basically leave other chores in the school to her.

The source of these pamphlets is not collected by Hogwarts, but at this time of the year, various witch-using units will take the initiative to submit the occupations they need to various magic schools.

They will try their best to introduce the details of their occupations on the leaflets, clarify the benefits of engaging in their occupations, look forward to the prospects, and hope to attract students to join.

After the end of the fifth grade, entering the sixth grade and the seventh grade is like the end of the college entrance examination in the Muggle world and entering the university.

The better the N.E. test scores, the more majors you can choose.

And these leaflets from various industries are equivalent to the world's top 500 companies going to Harvard and Yale to give lectures and cultivate talents in a targeted manner.

The difference between the wizarding world and the Muggle world is that in the Muggle world, even if a certain occupation arouses students' interest in choosing a major, when they start working, they will have countless choices, because the same job, countless companies can provide.

But in the wizarding world, occupations and positions can be said to be uniquely determined, and there are no multiple choices.

So as long as wizards are attracted to study a certain professional magic course, it can be said that they are potential employees.


Harry's bedroom.

The lights are bright.

The four of them read the employment information that Hogwarts asked the fifth grade students to review in detail with a very relaxed and happy attitude.

Harry was lying in the middle of the bed, Zhang Qiu was on the left, and Hermione was on the right. The two girls were dressed at home, wearing soft pajamas, and their hair was messy. From time to time, Harry's left and right cheeks would have itchy black hair touch their delicate faces.

Astoria, on the other hand, lay on Harry's back, put her arms around Harry's neck, kicked her feet lively and vigorously, her head poked out from Harry's right shoulder, and looked curiously at them. Lots of brochures in front of me.

The picture is warm and beautiful, like a husband and two wives, and a well-behaved and lovely little daughter.


Hermione was concentrating on reading a leaflet with the St. Mungo's Hospital badge on the front, crossed bones and wand: "It says that to become a healer you have to pass the N.E. exam, Potions , Herbalism, Transfiguration, Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts require at least an 'E', well, they're not too demanding, are they?"

There are six levels of magic achievement.

1. Excellent Outstanding

2. Exceed expectations

3. Pass

4. Poor

5. Dreadful sucks

6. It is recommended to reopen Troll

E, um, not too demanding...isn't it, in Hermione's eyes, it's really not too demanding.

Harry glanced at Hermione blankly, wondering if his wife Liu Qiangdong, Ma Huateng of an ordinary family, and Ali Jackma of Huichuang, could add "Granger who is not demanding".

Zhang Qiu made a rare joke: "Hermione, you must not say that outside, or someone will recite Avada Kedavra."

Hermione said as it should: "Therapist is a job with great responsibility, of course you can't be careless."

Harry took the leaflet of St. Mungo's Hospital for Wizardry and Wizardry, and said, "It seems that whether it is the wizarding world or the Muggle world, the medical profession will always have the highest requirements."

Then casually thrown aside,

Pick up a pink and orange flyer titled: Do you think you would like to work as a Muggle liaison?

Requirements: An O. Certificate in Muggle Studies and above all your enthusiasm, patience and good sense of humor!

Harry said: "This is the position of the Muggle Liaison Office of the Ministry of Magic. You don't need a lot of qualifications to liaise with Muggles, but I dare say that of all the wizards of Muggle descent in Hogwarts, only Hermione can do this job." .”

"Why?" Hermione poked her head out to read the flyer.

"Hey, there are many Muggle studies, but they are all pure-blood and half-blood wizards. As a Muggle, you have to study Muggles. You are the only one."

Zhang Qiu took out a brochure, and suddenly his expression was half a smile, "I think Harry will like this profession."

Harry looked embarrassed.

It turned out to be a pamphlet about the Wizarding Bank of England, and it was beautiful.

To recruit an appraiser, you need ancient rune, history of magic, at least in the N.E. exam, one subject, one subject.

Still recruiting spellbreakers, the promotion is really exciting: travel, adventure, find treasures in dangerous situations and get rich bonuses, are you looking for such a challenging job? Then consider a job at the Wizarding Bank of England, which is currently enjoying...exciting opportunities abroad...

Requirements: Arithmancy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, get it.

But the content is not what Zhang Qiu wants Harry to see, what she wants Harry to see is the cover.

On the cover is a silver-haired woman with a peerless appearance, even dreamy, walking towards you, smiling sweetly.

"Oh, it's Fleur~~" Hermione said in a weird tone, "Harry, when are you getting married? Next year? You want to invite me, I like to eat the cake at the wedding banquet the most."

Harry put his hand on Hermione's buttocks, pinched it, and said angrily, "You're still jealous, Fleur is the one who suffers, well, how many times have you all eaten up her fiancé."

Hermione: "Bah."

Zhang Qiu: "Bah."

"Who the hell came up with the idea of ​​using a beautiful woman as a promotional cover? Is this still a pure wizard in my mind?" Harry picked through a pile of books and found the Gringotts Wizarding Bank. The cover was an ugly elf , Caves, and gold mines full of caves are shining, "I don't know how to change the propaganda style and take jujube pills."

"There is also the Daily Prophet, and the positions offered are reporters and editors. This should be the occupation that has the least relationship with N.E. It doesn't pay much attention to academic performance." If you are interested, please provide your own articles and mail them to the Ministry of Magic's Propaganda Office No. 707. The content is unlimited'." Harry clicked his tongue.

Astoria reached out a hand from behind Harry's shoulder and drew a card from a stack.

A rainbow, flying across the picture, turned into seven wizards in Quidditch uniforms.

There is text at the bottom: Do you still remember your dream when you were six years old? Become a professional Quidditch player! Come join the Tuthill Tornado team!

Astoria's smiling eyes narrowed into a line: "Look at what they said, 'The one who joined the Quidditch team at school is preferred, and it is best to have the experience of knocking an opponent off a flying broom'."

Then I picked it up again, and sure enough, there are countless professional Quidditch teams, all of which have their flyers. Astoria picked them out and set them aside.

"Pharmacist: a special branch of healers, which requires superb potion science skills and herbal medicine knowledge..." Zhang Qiu read another job introduction, and she majored in Professor Sprout's N.E. herbal class.

Her personality is already suitable for this kind of quiet, research-type work that doesn't need to deal with others.

"Also, dragon trainer, Australian Fire Dragon Zoo, Harry, don't you just raise a fire dragon, this career is very suitable for you, and you will be a dragon knight in the future..." Hermione said with a smile.

"Huh? The rookie is going around the station, recruiting middle-level managers, good at communication, optimistic, hard-working, good salary, and need to pass the Apparition test of the Ministry of Magic." Harry has a black line on his forehead, which must be Penello's. idea.

"This is... the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, with a good image. He has obtained the O. Muggle Studies Certificate and accepts waiters. Only females are required, um... and there are fine print here." Hermione carefully identified each word. Nian said: "Because our boss only likes cute girls, haha..."

Harry: "..."


The rain outside the window "squeaked" non-stop, hitting the cold window.

In the room, there is an air of comfort and comfort that makes one feel happy.


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