First of all, let me explain why Xu Jinyang went to so much trouble to let Liu Jialing go undercover?

As I have said before, it was set from the beginning that Xu Jinyang's soul was a mainland project engineer who had a grudge against the Xu family in 2023, and Xu Jinyang's body also had a grudge against the Xu family.

His biological mother was killed by Xu Jinheng's mother, and Xu Shixun also knew about this, but not only did he not punish Xu Jinheng's mother, he also kept suppressing Xu Jinyang's body!

Moreover, there is a huge secret that has not been revealed until now, and Xu Shixun himself is still unclear. Xu Jinyang's body actually has nothing to do with the Xu family. Xu Jinyang's biological father is not Xu Shixun, but a very powerful person with world-class influence. It will be revealed in the future!

Therefore, Xu Jinyang will not only have to deal with Xu Jinheng and Xu Jinheng's mother in the future, but even Xu Jinheng's father Xu Shixun.

After all, the Xu family is a chaebol. The strength shown on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more things that even Xu Jinyang himself is not clear about. Xu Jinyang’s people have not yet been found out.

It is not yet October 1987. Xu Jinyang has not yet obtained super financial resources and strength by shorting Wall Street during the stock market crash. If he fights the Xu family openly now, it can only be a pebble hitting a stone. Therefore, Xu Jinyang’s current strategy is to use the fact that he is a member of the Xu family and use the tiger skin as a banner.

On the other hand, it is to let Liu Jialing penetrate into the enemy’s interior and prepare for the future subversion of the Xu family! In any case, it is reasonable for Xu Jinyang to use the Xu family on the one hand and send Liu Jialing to penetrate the Xu family, subvert the Xu family, and humiliate the Xu family on the other hand. I hope everyone can understand Xu Jinyang’s motives.

Now Liu Jialing asked doubtfully:"Husband, what method will you use to make Xu Jinheng believe that this child is his?"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said:"I will arrange a meeting with him, and you will know then."

It was at this late night that Xu Jinheng, drowsy and yawning, met Xu Jinyang. After meeting Xu Jinyang, Xu Jinheng was not alert at all, because he looked down on this younger brother from the bottom of his heart. As the son of a chaebol, Xu Jinyang went to make a movie, which was more degenerate than him, a dandy who did nothing all day to pick up female stars, so Xu Jinheng did not take Xu Jinyang seriously at all.

Xu Jinyang tried to deceive Xu Jinheng from the beginning:"Brother, I just want to make good movies and promote the art of film. I have no interest in ocean shipping, real estate, etc., so I am not going to compete with you. I just hope that the family trust fund can give me more money. I have no other extravagant hopes!"

Xu Jinheng thought that Xu Jinyang had compromised with him, so he became even more proud and arrogant:"You are finally a little smart, so I will tell my mother about this and let her persuade my father to give you more money. As for the inheritance of the family, it has nothing to do with you."

At this time, Xu Jinheng was completely relaxed mentally, but he never expected that at this moment, he had been hypnotized by Xu Jinyang!

Xu Jinyang did not use any hypnotic props used by ordinary people, but just stared at Xu Jinheng's eyes, and with his mental power far beyond Xu Jinheng, coupled with language hints, he quickly brought Xu Jinheng into a hypnotic state.

Then Xu Jinyang fabricated a lot of facts and instilled them into Xu Jinheng:"……Your ability is not completely hopeless, although most of the time you seem listless.

A few days ago, when you were asleep, you acted like a man.

At that time, Liu Jialing was with you.

Liu Jialing is now pregnant with your child.

Haven't you always doubted that you are not a man? Liu Jialing's pregnancy can prove that you are a man with fertility, and you can get married with a child.

When you have a child, who dares to doubt you?……"

These words completely entered Xu Jinheng's subconscious mind, making Xu Jinheng think that the consciousness surging deep in his heart made him think that he had really been with Liu Jialing when he was dazed at night these days, and that the child Liu Jialing was pregnant with was his child.

Because hypnosis has a very strong principle that it cannot violate the will of the hypnotized person. What the hypnotized person tends to listen to should be instilled into the hypnotized person's related consciousness.

And the words that Xu Jinyang told Xu Jinheng were all made up.

In fact, Xu Jinheng was a waste at those nights, a guy with 0 special energy, and even worse than a eunuch.

After all, some eunuchs have not been pickled clean.

The child in Liu Jialing's belly is 100% Xu Jinyang's child, but Xu Jinyang's made-up words are very consistent with Xu Jinheng's expectations.

Xu Jinheng's subconscious mind has no resistance, completely accepted it, and believed it without a doubt.

Even if the hypnotic state is lifted, it has become a part of his memory and will never change.

Liu Jialing was stunned watching from the side. He didn't expect Xu Jinyang to have such advanced hypnosis.

Before this, Xu Jinyang had watched 5 movies about hypnosis in a row, and his hypnosis skills had been constantly evolving from elementary hypnosis to top-level hypnosis.

He originally wanted to get top-level hypnosis skills directly by acting in movie roles like"Inception", but was told by the system that this was not possible.

Because real hypnosis skills should not be shown in movies. If you get this skill by acting in a movie, there is a risk of being exposed when the movie is released.

So the system compromised and made a plan. You must watch 5 movies that reflect different levels of hypnosis in a row to get top-level hypnosis skills.

Among them, the intermediate hypnosis comes from"Hypnotist". Xu Jinyang recalled the introduction of"Hypnotist" and wrote it out.

"Xu Ruining, a well-known domestic psychotherapist who is good at hypnosis therapy, is at the peak of his career. All the patients he has treated have recovered and been discharged from the hospital, which has doubled Xu Ruining's confidence and made him arrogant. Even his students' doubts about his theory in class were fought back without restraint, which was seen by Professor Fang, Xu Ruining's university teacher.

After Xu Ruining's lecture, Professor Fang was asked by his students to let Xu Ruining diagnose a special patient, Ren Xiaoyan, but Professor Fang told Xu Ruining that the patient was very strange and none of the psychologists she had seen could treat her condition.

Ren Xiaoyan's words were difficult to distinguish and she knew how to fight back against the therapist.

The patient mentioned by Professor Fang made Xu Ruining very interested in her, and he arrogantly believed that there was no patient who could not be cured.

When Ren Xiaoyan came to Xu Ruining's clinic, Xu Ruining found that the patient was indeed very strange as Professor Fang said. Ren Xiaoyan claimed that she could see dead people and seek her help to complete things she had not done before her death. Xu Ruining did not agree with her, but Ren Xiaoyan explained that she did not have any mental illness at all and what she saw was real.

After Ren Xiaoyan's crazy talk, Xu Ruining decided to use hypnosis therapy to treat her. When Ren Xiaoyan successfully entered the hypnotic state, Xu Ruining wanted to find out the psychological shadow of Ren Xiaoyan, but he never thought that he was led into a terrible trap."

《The script of"Hypnotist" is not particularly outstanding, and the gimmicks and reversals also have traces of refurbishing similar Western films.

However, the story rhythm and suspense reversal settings of"Hypnotist" are relatively good, and the compact plot promotion also adds color to the entire story framework.

The PK between the heroine and the hero Xu Guangtou in cross hypnosis has also become the biggest highlight of the story. Hypnosis and anti-hypnosis, the tension and excitement are quite brilliant

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for initially intercepting the film project"Hypnotist". The host will be rewarded with the film script and copyright of"Hypnotist", as well as intermediate hypnosis. Intermediate hypnosis can treat people with mental illnesses through hypnosis!"

The advanced hypnosis comes from a Hong Kong movie,"Hypnotic Judgment". The male protagonist in that movie is played by Zhang Jiahui, and his hypnosis is a bit too magical.

Xu Jinyang remembered the introduction of this movie:"The Lin family murder case that shocked Hong Kong entered the last day of the trial.

When the jury was about to retreat to discuss, one of the members, Xu Lisheng, suddenly received news that his daughter Yinyin was kidnapped.

The mysterious man asked Lisheng, who was once an international hypnosis authority, to use hypnosis to make the jury find the defendant guilty of murder, otherwise his daughter would be killed.

This means that Lisheng must hypnotize at least 4 people in a small space, in full view of the public, without professional tools.

After Lisheng secretly forwarded the news of Yinyin's kidnapping to his uncle Yang Kai, who was once a member of the domestic special forces, he entered the retreat discussion room.


Xu Jinyang has actually watched this movie. In addition to remembering the introduction of the movie, he also remembers the general plot.

"��Professor Xu Lisheng, who teaches hypnosis courses, has a magical ability to hypnotize others anytime and anywhere. Xu Lisheng once helped the police hypnotize criminals and successfully made them submit.

The police captain knew that he had this ability, so he took bribes, kidnapped his daughter, and threatened him to let Xu Lisheng, a member of the jury, hypnotize other jury members to unanimously determine that the defendant was guilty of murder. However, the defendant was the daughter of a shareholder who was falsely accused in the murder case of the Lam family that shocked Hong Kong. Obviously, there were many loopholes in the case.

Xu Lisheng used various hypnotic methods to successfully hypnotize many members of the jury, and let a member with epilepsy have a seizure, take out his message for help, and let Xu Lisheng's brother-in-law save his daughter. However, there was also an insider of the captain in the jury. This person also took bribes and was responsible for supervising Xu Lisheng's every move.

Finally, Xu Lisheng hypnotized the insider, woke up everyone else, and let the insider report false information. When the captain released the people, Xu Lisheng's brother-in-law successfully rescued his daughter.

Xu Lisheng hypnotized the captain who came to kill him, and also hypnotized the captain's subordinate who was waiting outside the building. The captain shot and killed his subordinate, and his consciousness fell into endless darkness."(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The film promotes the principle that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be punished with evil, but the hypnosis is exaggerated. The hypnosis in it is not so magical, and not everyone can be hypnotized easily. Those with strong willpower may not be able to be hypnotized.

��In fact, the advanced hypnosis to top hypnosis provided by the system has exceeded the scope of ordinary hypnosis. It is precisely because of this that Xu Jinyang is more interested. Otherwise, it is just a general ability in reality. What's the point of it? If it is like a hypnotist in reality, spending dozens of minutes repeating with various words and various props, it is very boring. What's the point?

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the master for initially intercepting the film project"Hypnotic Judgment". The master is rewarded with the film script and copyright of"Hypnotic Judgment", as well as advanced hypnosis. Advanced hypnosis can help the master hypnotize others anytime and anywhere!"

The movie that gave birth to top hypnosis is"Inception". Xu Jinyang recalled the introduction of"Inception" and wrote it down.

"Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the best in his profession, with the ability to steal valuable secrets from within the subconscious during the dreams when the mind is most vulnerable. Cobb's rare skill makes him a coveted target in the dangerous world of corporate espionage, but it also makes him an international fugitive and the one he loves.

Now Cobb has a chance to redeem himself and his life will return to normal with one last mission. Unlike previous missions, this time Cobb and his team are tasked not to steal minds, but to implant them. If they succeed, it'll be the perfect crime. But even with meticulous and expert planning, there's no way to foresee what will happen next.���The dangerous enemy already knows their actions, and only Cobb can predict the enemy's whereabouts."

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for initially intercepting the film project of"Inception". The host will be rewarded with the film script and copyright of"Inception", as well as top hypnosis. Top hypnosis can help the host implant ideas into other people's subconscious minds!"

When Xu Jinyang had top hypnosis, he found that people had a lot of misunderstandings about hypnosis.

The biggest misunderstanding is that many people think it is a therapy to promote sleep. In fact, hypnosis has nothing to do with sleep, but through a variety of techniques, people can enter a special state of consciousness.

Westerners invented the word hypnosis with the name of the god of sleep in Greek mythology, but when translating it that year, because the relevant theory was not popular enough in China, they had to use this"wrong translation" that was deeply rooted in people's hearts.

If the hypnotist lets the hypnotized person fall asleep, this is an extremely unsuccessful case.

The most common method of ordinary hypnosis is that a professionally trained hypnotist first asks the hypnotized person to lie down, keep deep and slow breathing, and start to relax the whole body, usually from the toes to the head, through repeated verbal instructions.

, let people put aside their doubts first, so as to fully cooperate with the hypnotist's instructions.

Then through repeated verbal suggestion, normal people can enter a temporary, sleep-like state.

Most people can achieve the effect through verbal suggestion.

The hypnotist can also use some auxiliary props, such as pendulums, flames, small balls, fingertips, etc.

(any small objects that can be noticeable in the background will do), to make the hypnotized person visually fatigued and produce a state of half-sleep, so as to facilitate entering the hypnotic state.

Many people still have a misunderstanding about hypnosis. Many people are afraid that after being hypnotized, they will be deceived by the hypnotist to do bad things, or get their bank card passwords, and thus reject hypnosis from the bottom of their hearts.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this - the subconscious is the most primitive and instinctive part of human beings, and its code of conduct is happiness. Principle, which is what the saying goes"do whatever makes you feel good", so of course you won't do anything that goes against your own will, unless you have been planning to tell the hypnotist your bank card password.

When Xu Jinyang got the top hypnosis, he found that this top hypnosis can not only be used to deal with enemies, but also make himself and his teammates stronger.

Because hypnosis involves the human subconscious, which is a deep-seated psychological activity under the consciousness, and it is also the source of a mysterious power hidden under our consciousness.

The subconscious mind gathers information at the genetic level of human beings for millions of years.

It encompasses the most important instincts, neuroendocrine, immune system functions and cosmic laws for human survival, that is, all the best survival intelligence that humans have obtained in the past.

This subconscious resource is like... A gold mine with infinite reserves, incomparable value, and urgently waiting to be developed. Whether it is physical or mental, everyone has a gold mine with unlimited resources, and hypnosis is the best way to mine the gold mine.

Hypnosis therapy will develop the functions of the subconscious mind, make healing adjustments to the physical and mental abilities, so as to achieve harmony between the body and mind, and thus realize the all-round development of the mind, body and spirit.

It can be said that there is almost no wish that cannot be realized by using hypnosis to develop the innate ability of the subconscious mind.

Of course, because top-level hypnosis is too powerful and consumes a lot of energy, there are certain limitations.

At this stage, it can only be used once a month, and it is not allowed to be used to hypnotize women to do bad things.

Even if there were no such restrictions, Xu Jinyang would not use this kind of hypnosis to deal with women, because he prefers women to be attracted to him and take the initiative to be with him.


In this way, Xu Jinyang successfully hypnotized his cheap elder brother Xu Jinheng, making Xu Jinheng naively believe that the child Liu Jialing was carrying was his.

Xu Jinheng excitedly announced to the public that he would marry Liu Jialing with the child.

Xu Jinheng never dreamed that all this was a big pit set for their Xu family by his cheap younger brother Xu Jinyang, whom he despised!

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