"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the master for successfully snatching Li Ruotong from Cathay Pacific, and reward the master with 10% of Cathay Pacific's secret shares!"

Cathay Pacific is the largest airline in Hong Kong and even in Southeast Asia, with a total asset value of 10 billion.

Cathay Pacific itself is controlled by English capital, so the shares Xu Jinyang obtained are currently secret, and even Cathay Pacific's internal staff are not clear about who is the controller behind the 10% shares.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the owner for successfully snatching Li Ruotong from her first boyfriend. The owner will be rewarded with $1 million.

The $1 million came from the family bank account of Li Ruotong's first boyfriend.

After a series of traceless operations, it entered the owner's account.

The owner can use it with confidence."


You can't fly directly to Las Vegas from Hong Kong, you have to transfer in Los Angeles.

After transferring in Los Angeles, the first-class stewardess was no longer Li Ruotong, but two blonde and blue-eyed white women.

These two blonde and blue-eyed stewardesses were good-looking, but Xu Jinyang had no interest in them.���

Because it can be seen at a glance that these two white stewardesses have very open private lives and frequently interact with first-class passengers. It's too bad!

Although Xu Jinyang does not have a particularly strong concept of chastity, he can accept a woman who has been in love once before.

But if there have been too many men before, even if she is as beautiful as a fairy, Xu Jinyang will find it difficult to accept


After a transfer, Xu Jinyang arrived in Las Vegas, a total of 16 hours.

Five domineering extended Hummers arrived at the airport to welcome Xu Jinyang.

This is the bodyguard team that Xu Jinyang had contacted long ago.

In fact, when Xu Jinyang was studying at Harvard University, he was not a standard nerd, but actively made friends with many important American figures.

Among them, he met a retired general Vernon Lewis by accident.

Under the persuasion of Xu Jinyang, the retired general Lewis established a security company MP. It is composed of a large number of retired generals, officers and non-commissioned officers from the American Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Forces.

There are more than 2,000 retired military personnel, and the company's senior management is full of generals.

This MP company is more powerful than the later Blackwater Company, but not as stupid as Blackwater Company.

Blackwater Company abused prisoners in the Middle East, and many missions were cancelled, and it declined from prosperity.

Because Xu Jinyang is a friend of the boss of this MP company, they dispatched 50 elite bodyguards to protect Xu Jinyang.

After all, whether it is 2023 or 1987, the social security in America has always been bad, and there are many problems.

Without the protection of these elite bodyguards, Xu Jinyang is still not at ease with just Wang Jianjun.

The head of the elite bodyguards of this MP company is named Howard, a white man in his early 30s, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looking very gentle.

No one knows that this person was once a person in charge of the American elite force Delta.

Howard said very respectfully:"Mr. Xu, you are a friend of our boss and an important customer of ours.

We will do our best to protect your safety and meet all your American requirements!"

Xu Jinyang did not do anything just because he was a friend of their boss.

He still took out 5 million US dollars in real money as a reward for their bodyguard team for the next 15 days.

Xu Jinyang examined Howard's team and found that the past resumes of these 50 bodyguards were relatively clean.

They were all pure military personnel who had changed jobs, and no one had ever done the kind of business that murdered their employers.

Xu Jinyang was relieved to let his bodyguard team take charge of his future trip in the United States.

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