At around seven in the morning, Xu Jinyang took the unconscious Liu Jialing out of the motel and sent her back to her home.

Then Xu Jinyang drove back to his villa.

The next morning, it was already past noon, that is, around eleven in the morning, when his first wife He Chaoqiong woke up.

When He Chaoqiong woke up, she opened her sleepy eyes and saw the man lying next to her. She couldn't help but feel shy and happy.

Because Xu Jinyang's preparations in the past few months were particularly successful, He Chaoqiong realized that the two of them were in a two-way love, which was the love she had always dreamed of, so she felt particularly happy.

Xu Jinyang had been busy just now, but now he was pretending to sleep, and then he woke up with He Chaoqiong.

He knew that the kind of women who gave their first time to a man all dreamed of seeing their beloved man by their pillow when they woke up.

If not, when you open your eyes and feel empty, you will inevitably feel a little lost.

Xu Jinyang didn't want He Chaoqiong to feel disappointed, so he planned to lie down beside her before she woke up.

Xu Jinyang saw that He Chaoqiong had woken up, and said with a smile:"Wife, you must be hungry. I'll ask the kitchen to prepare lunch now."

Maybe it was because the relationship between the two of them developed too fast. They had agreed to be just a cooperative relationship, but overnight, they became a quasi-husband and wife relationship, so He Chaoqiong was still a little shy, blushing and said:"You call me wife so early?"

Xu Jinyang looked at He Chaoqiong lovingly and smiled:"That's because we are already husband and wife, so of course I call you wife, don't you want me to call you that?"

He Chaoqiong smiled shyly and said:"It's not that I don't like it, but I'm a little uncomfortable. Isn't it that the two of us are developing a little too fast? Didn't we already discuss it before? We are purely cooperative relationships, how can we become such a relationship so quickly?"

In fact, all of He Chaoqiong's emotions accumulated last night, as if their feelings suddenly accelerated. Now looking back, she still feels a little confused and at a loss.

Xu Jinyang could understand He Chaoqiong's feelings, and said with a smile:"Didn't I tell you last night that I didn't just regard you as a partner from the beginning? The first time I saw you, I imagined you being my wife.

But I knew you must be very resistant to this kind of political marriage at that time, so in order to dispel your guard and to be able to get close to you, I could only say that. You won't blame me, will you?"

He Chaoqiong smiled and said,"How could I blame you? If you had said it directly from the beginning, I would definitely be very resistant at that time, and might even hate you.

Husband, you are really smart. Thank you so much for your cleverness, otherwise we wouldn't be here today."

Seeing that He Chaoqiong was shy and affectionate, Xu Jinyang couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her.

He Chaoqiong couldn't help but push him away, and said coquettishly:"Husband, you don't feel sorry for me at all, I still have to work today!"

Xu Jinyang had to let go of He Chaoqiong, and said with a depressed face:"Wife, to be honest, I didn't eat enough last night. In fact, I feel that I only consumed 1/10 of my physical strength."

He Chaoqiong widened her beautiful eyes, looked at Xu Jinyang, and said in disbelief:"It turns out that you are the one who worked the most, and you have consumed a lot more than me. I feel like I ran a full marathon, but you only consumed 1/10. Your physical strength is too strong!"

In order to make He Chaoqiong accept his other confidantes, and to prevent He Chaoqiong from getting upset with him and affecting their relationship when she finds these women in the future, Xu Jinyang decided to give He Chaoqiong a shot of prevention first.

Therefore, Xu Jinyang decided to make up a story that fits his strong physique and can make He Chaoqiong accept that he has other confidantes.

Now, Xu Jinyang said very seriously:"Wife, I am not only physically stronger than ordinary men, but also stronger than ordinary men in my strength, reaction ability, mental ability, and some aspects you understand. It is not convenient to show other abilities now, let me show you my strength!"

He picked up the plump He Chaoqiong and gave her a princess hug!

He Chaoqiong was excited and shy, but said:"Although I am a little plump than many girls, you can hold me up, which means that you are stronger than ordinary men, but it is not much stronger."

Xu Jinyang smiled faintly and said:"You will see clearly next."

Then, Xu Jinyang dressed He Chaoqiong and carried her to the rooftop of the villa.

He Chaoqiong felt confused, wondering what Xu Jinyang meant by carrying her to the rooftop.

At this time, Xu Jinyang smiled and said,"Wife, do you want to fly?"

He Chaoqiong smiled and said,"Who doesn't want to fly? Flying is the dream of mankind. But how can people fly without wings?"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said,"Don't be afraid, wife, I'll catch you below."

When he finished speaking, he suddenly threw He Chaoqiong away.

He Chaoqiong is 1.65 meters tall and weighs 105 pounds. She is a little plumper than some ordinary women. As a result, she flew in the sky like a beautiful bird, and flew directly to a height of more than ten meters.

He Chaoqiong was so scared that she screamed.

"Ah! Ah! It's so high!"

She never expected that Xu Jinyang would throw her away, and he could throw her more than ten meters high at once. It felt like throwing something that weighed less than 10 kilograms. It was terrible.

He Chaoqiong was so scared that she kept screaming. She reached the highest point in the air, even higher than some of the buildings next to her.

The Filipino maids in the villa were also scared out of their wits, wondering what their master was doing.

When He Chaoqiong was thrown to the top and fell rapidly, she was particularly worried. What if Xu Jinyang couldn't catch her, wouldn't she fall to death? Or even if he could catch her, with such a height and such an impact, he would... What if I get hurt?

In fact, these thoughts circled in his mind in just a dozen seconds.

As a result, when He Chaoqiong was about to fall on the rooftop and collide with the concrete floor, Xu Jinyang caught her steadily in a princess hug. Xu Jinyang at most took a step back to cushion the impact of He Chaoqiong's fall from the air.

He Chaoqiong was so scared that she burst into tears, and then she clenched her fists and hit Xu Jinyang hard a few times.

She was a little angry and scolded:"You did such a dangerous thing, tell me in advance, aren't you afraid of dropping me to death?"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said:"Look, it turned out to be okay, isn't it? I just want to use this very thrilling move to let you know how strong I am. My strength is now equivalent to more than ten times that of ordinary people, so I can throw you so high.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be a bit difficult to hold you in a princess hug, let alone throw you so high."

He Chaoqiong didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said,"I know you are very strong. You really don't need to use my body for experiments. You can just use a barbell for experiments."

Xu Jinyang smiled and said,"If I use a barbell for experiments, you may not have such a clear understanding.

Now you have a very deep impression of my strength. Do you believe what I just said?"

He Chaoqiong nodded, and said with a bit of fear,"I completely believe you now. This personal experience is so terrible. How dare I not believe it?

I'm just very curious, how can your strength become so strong.

Even the world weightlifting champion seems to be able to lift more than 200 kilograms, which is far behind your strength. How did you train?"

Of course Xu Jinyang would not tell He Chaoqiong that this was because after he dated these women, the system would reward him with an increase of 1 in all attributes.

He could also snatch the life energy of some bad guys through the [Snatch Energy] from Doctor Strange. Although he could only get 10% of the energy after purification, when accumulated together, it was also very considerable.

So his current all attributes are 12 times that of ordinary people, which also makes his physical strength 12 times that of ordinary people.

His special energy is actually equivalent to 22 times that of ordinary people, so even if he dated He Chaoqiong for three hours, for Xu Jinyang, it was like he didn't use any effort at all.

Now that He Chaoqiong asked, Xu Jinyang could only say:"When I was in America, I met a very mysterious old Chinese man. He taught me some internal kung fu and taught me how to exercise my physique.

I didn't believe it at first, but I had nothing to do, so I followed the method he gave me to exercise. As a result, I found that all my physical attributes have been greatly improved, and the speed of improvement is also very amazing. Now not only my strength, but also other aspects related to physical fitness have been greatly improved. Now I feel that I may be a bit like……"

He Chaoqiong said happily:"Superhero? I feel like you really are a superhero in Marvel."


Although the Avengers in Marvel seem like something that only appeared in the new century, the Marvel world as a comic book has existed for a long time.

As early as April 1939, Marvel created the world's first mutant anti-hero, Namor MacKenzie, in the inaugural issue of"Movie Comic Weekly". This was Marvel's first superhero, and he was half a year earlier than the company was founded. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the same year, Marvel created the world's first cyborg superhero, the first generation of the Human Torch, in the first issue of"Marvel Comics", and introduced Namor MacKenzie into it. This dual cooperation of water and fire struck the first punch in Marvel's history.

Subsequently, Marvel created Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Hulk, Hawkeye, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Deadpool, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, The Punisher, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Shang-Chi, Ghost Rider, Blade, Star-Lord and other superheroes, as well as superhero teams such as the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, Defenders, Illuminati, Inhumans, Eternals, and Midnight Sons.


Xu Jinyang smiled bitterly and said,"My ability is far from that of a superhero. Fortunately, there are no superheroes in this time and space.

I just happened to encounter a magical inner power. Of course, this kind of inner power has both good and bad sides.……"

At this point, Xu Jinyang received a call from the company's assistant president Liang Anqi, who needed him to go to the company to deal with some things.

Xu Jinyang said to He Chaoqiong:"Wife, there is something going on in the company, I have to go and deal with it, you should have a good rest!" But

He Chaoqiong hugged Xu Jinyang's neck, reluctant to let him go, and asked him to accompany her to finish lunch before letting him go.

It can be seen that He Chaoqiong still needs some time to recover, and now she can't walk normally.

Fortunately, He Chaoqiong is one of the three main bosses of their Tianji Public Relations Company. If He Chaoqiong is not there, the other two can also make decisions.

After lunch, Xu Jinyang hugged He Chaoqiong and returned to the soft big bed in the master bedroom.

He Chaoqiong fell asleep again after a while.

Because she was so tired last night, it was like running a full marathon.

Xu Jinyang watched her fall asleep lovingly, and then left quietly.

Before leaving, he told the Filipino maids to pay close attention to when He Chaoqiong woke up and send those blood and qi supplements in time.

Xu Jinyang found that without Pansy Ho's initiative to ask anything, Xu Jinyang would take the initiative to show his concern for Pansy Ho.

Xu Jinyang had thought before that when he had several girlfriends, he must be a master of keeping things balanced, and would not favor one person alone, but would only treat them equally.

However, he found that he still had a thick and thin distinction.

His love for Pansy Ho was the deepest and the most, followed by Yau Shu-ching, and then he had to wait a long time before he could get Liu Jialing.

When Xu Jinyang came to the film company, he found that"A Better Tomorrow" had basically been completed, and it was being edited while filming, and it was estimated that a finished film would be available in a week.

In addition, they still have many problems to solve, the most important of which is the theater release.

Because movies of this theme are relatively rare in previous Hong Kong movies, they are simply epoch-making masterpieces.

It is precisely because some of them are different from the current mainstream comedies that those theaters are not particularly able to accept them.

They are worried that after the movie is released, no one will watch it, which will be a huge loss for their theaters.

Xu Jinyang thought for a moment and told the publicity staff and Wu Yusen and others

"We can try to do a midnight preview and try to show it for a week.

If the audience likes the midnight show, it means the movie itself is still in line with the audience's taste.

If the midnight show is successful, you can talk to several theaters about increasing the schedule of the film."


Xu Jinyang remembered that the crew of A Better Tomorrow had encountered the same thing.

It turned out that in that life, when A Better Tomorrow was finished, Di Long, Zhou Yifa, and Zhang Guorong all agreed that it was a good film.

But with the trend at the time, this film might not have a dazzling box office.

When Xu Ke and Wu Yusen showed the edited film to Cinema City executive Ma Jia, he didn't expect that the first sentence he said after reading it was:

"Don't do it, just put it on ice."

This sentence was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the two.

Xu Ke couldn't bear to see such a good film buried, and couldn't bear to see his good friend's hard work go to waste, so he argued with the company.

In the end, the company agreed to arrange a preview of"A Better Tomorrow" in the midnight show for a week.

Xu Ke and Wu Yusen were unsure, but Wu Yusen decided to go to the theater in person to see the audience's reaction.

Xu Ke didn't dare to go in, but just waited anxiously at the door.

The result was beyond everyone's expectations."A Better Tomorrow" directly ignited the entire midnight show.

When the audience found that Wu Yusen was also in the hall, they stood up and applauded him.

Wu Yusen walked out of the theater as if in a dream, and said to Xu Ke:"It's done,"A Better Tomorrow" is done."

There is another episode here. After filming"A Better Tomorrow", Zhou Yifa was negotiating another new movie. The salary was 400,000 yuan, and the investors thought it was too expensive.

Zhou Yifa took the director of the new movie to watch a show of"A Better Tomorrow".

As soon as he entered, he was recognized by the audience and was surrounded by people.

The director hurried out to call the investors: Sign Zhou Yifa quickly, and his price will not be this high in the future.


After solving these problems and handling the daily affairs of the investment company and the film company, Xu Jinyang returned to the villa and continued to accompany Pansy Ho.

Accompanying his first wife Pansy Ho, the two of them were very affectionate and inseparable!

In the evening, Xu Jinyang wanted to continue the date.

Pansy Ho was terrified and said quickly,"Honey, I really can't continue. I need to rest for a few days to recover."

Xu Jinyang suddenly turned red and looked like he was about to explode.

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