Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 187 Piece-rate wages are not available every day

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As early as 1978, the state issued the "Notice on Implementing the Rewards and Piece-rate Wage System", emphasizing that qualified enterprises can implement the piece-rate wage system to reflect more work and more rewards.

However, it was a state-owned enterprise at that time, and it was difficult to implement piece-rate wages in state-owned enterprises.

What state-owned enterprises are all about is egalitarianism. At the very least, they have the same level and the same seniority in the same position, and they earn the same salary, even if they are short of a dollar, they may even be in trouble at the factory director’s office.

When Li Weidong contracted the garment factory, he thought about implementing the piece-rate wage system, but considering that the garment factory is a state-owned enterprise after all, and the garments are also all employees of the state-owned enterprise, Li Weidong finally gave up the plan of the piece-rate wage.

In state-owned enterprises, piece-rate wages may not be beneficial if you do them well, and you may even attract complaints from those "scumbags of state-owned enterprises";

Therefore, Li Weidong at that time used the means of overtime pay to motivate the workers of the garment factory.

Overtime pay is given additionally, which is equivalent to the basic salary, allowing employees to earn an extra sum. It turns out that the wages are not low, so there will be no objection from the employees of the state-owned enterprises. The employees of the garment factory are still very happy to work overtime to make money.

Today's electric furnace factory is Li Weidong's own business. Basically, there will be no resistance to piece-rate wages. What can workers do if they don't agree? .

What's more, Li Weidong's piece rate of 70 cents a piece is definitely a high salary. Including the basic salary, it is no problem to earn 120 yuan a month, and skilled craftsmen can earn 150 yuan. Equivalent to the level of state-owned enterprise workers.

For workers in township enterprises, it is already a good thing to be able to reach the wage level of employees of state-owned enterprises.

As for how much piece-rate wages should be given to workers, Li Weidong has also calculated.

In later generations, when Foxconn OEM iPhone 7, the OEM fee for one unit was only 5 US dollars. Excluding Foxconn's various operating expenses, it would be good to have 2 US dollars allocated to the assembly line workers. And the 2 dollars is divided by the assembly line workers of several processes.

When the iPhone 7 was launched, the price of 32G was $649, the price of 128G was $749, and the price of 256G was $849. Based on $700, the salary that the assembly line workers could get was only 0.28% of the price of an iPhone.

Li Weidong's air fryer sells for nearly 300 US dollars. According to the same ratio, Li Weidong should give workers 0.8 US dollars for each air fryer processed, which is 3 yuan in RMB.

But one thing cannot be ignored. The efficiency of Foxconn assembly line workers is much higher than that of electric furnace factory workers.

The first is the addition of the assembly line. It is normal for a set of assembly lines to increase the production efficiency by two to three times.

Secondly, Foxconn has the world's top management level. Under the management system of Foxconn, the efficiency of workers is almost squeezed to the extreme, which can never be replicated by a small enterprise such as an electric furnace factory.

Therefore, the production efficiency of the electric furnace factory may not reach a quarter of Foxconn's. Li Weidong's piece rate of 70 cents per unit is considered generous.

At this Canton Fair, Li Weidong received orders for more than 40,000 air fryers in total. According to the piece rate of 7 cents per piece, that is 30,000 yuan. For Li Weidong, this amount of money is just a drizzle.

But if you can use a mere 30,000 yuan to ensure the production capacity of the electric furnace factory, it will definitely be super cost-effective.

They have already won an order of 12 million US dollars, do you still care about the 30,000 yuan!


When Li Weidong mentioned the matter of cutting wheat, Ma Zhongyi immediately understood Li Weidong's true intentions.

Ma Zhongyi thought for a while and said, "Wei Dong, I can understand what you mean, you gave such a high piece rate just to make the workers not go back to harvest wheat,

Instead, they stay in the factory to continue production, so that they can deliver quickly. "

"Yes, Brother Ma, do you think this trick will work? In this way, ordinary workers can earn one hundred and fifty yuan a month, and they can hire someone to cut wheat for ten yuan! Can you hire someone in the countryside?" Li Weidong said.

Ma Zhongyi shook his head: "Hehe, Weidong, you still don't understand the countryside! For ten yuan, you can hire someone to help you harvest the wheat, but it's the season when the wheat is ripe. Snow in front of the door?

If you want to hire someone to harvest wheat, you have to wait until those people have finished harvesting their own wheat, and then they will free up their hands to help you harvest the wheat. At that time, if the wheat is harvested, half of it will be lost, and if it is too much, it will be lost 10%.

And I think most people are reluctant to spend more than ten yuan to ask someone to harvest wheat. Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself if you save a dozen bucks? "

Li Weidong suddenly remembered a joke, saying that if there is $100 on the ground, Bill Gates will definitely not pick it up, because from an economic point of view, he can make more money when he picks up the $100.

However, in reality, Bill Gates said that if there is really $100 on the ground, he will definitely pick it up.

Because daily life is not economics, picking up money is instinct. When Bill Gates saw $100 on the ground, he first did things by instinct, rather than thinking about economics first.

There are many such situations in reality. For example, an author of an online article repeatedly compares the prices of a certain group and a hungry person when ordering takeout, to see which side can save an extra dollar. If you have the time to code a few more words, it is not as good as calculation. What a bargain for this dollar!

It is human nature to calculate petty profits.

The workers of the electric furnace factory also have this kind of mentality. Wouldn’t it cost more than ten yuan to find someone to cut the wheat, go home and cut the wheat and save the money, I’m very happy!

At this time, Li Weidong already realized that what Ma Zhongyi said was more reasonable. Piece-rate wages alone were not enough to keep these rural workers in the factory.

Li Weidong thought for a moment, then secretly said: "It seems that a competition mechanism has to be introduced, so that workers can rush to work!"

So Li Weidong said: "Brother Ma, I went to the Canton Fair this time and received orders for more than 40,000 air fryers. According to our current production speed, it will take three months to complete.

So I thought, simply divide the production tasks of these 40,000 units into three batches. After the first batch of orders is produced, stop for a day, and then release the second batch of production tasks.

At the same time, we have to announce every day that this batch of orders is being produced, and how many pieces are left unfinished. In this way, the workers in the factory will know that there are fewer and fewer orders left. If you don't do it, others will rush to do it, and then there will be no more orders! "

Ma Zhongyi nodded: "This is an idea, but you are smart and have a trick in your mind!"


The piece rate of 70 cents a piece is very attractive, plus the basic salary of 30 yuan per month, the workers carefully calculate, according to this new salary standard, they earn more than before. Skilled masters can earn wages that are comparable to those of state-owned enterprise workers.

As long as it can bring benefits, there will be no resistance to reform. For reforms that can make more money, the workers of course support it with both hands.

The only thing that makes the workers a little nervous is the daily announcement of how many air fryers are left unfinished, and that number is posted on the wall. This is like the countdown of a time bomb, which makes people feel flustered.

There are 13,000 pieces left today, 12,000 pieces left tomorrow, 12,000 pieces left the day after, and only 7,000 pieces left in a few days. Every morning, when the number dwindles, the workers feel that money has slipped out of their hands.

Every time this figure is reduced, it is seven cents!

On a certain day in late May, the number was finally just over 300.

In the production workshop, worker Liu Tao had just finished assembling an air fryer, but when he went to get the materials, he found that the materials were gone.

"Why are there no more materials?" Liu Tao asked the person in charge of distributing the materials.

"It's all finished. There are only more than 300 production tasks today. If you have a quick hand, you can make one more. If you have a slow hand, you can only assemble one less." The other party replied.

Liu Tao looked back and found that there were indeed several workers in the workshop who had just started assembling a new air fryer.

"Seven cents less!" Liu Tao's face was depressed.

Then Liu Tao found the workshop director and asked, "Director, I've run out of materials, what should I do next?"

"If you run out of materials, then rest. Wait for the next batch of production tasks." The workshop director replied.

"When will the next batch of production tasks come?" Liu Tao asked quickly.

"I heard from the director of the horse factory that it might take a day or two." The workshop director replied.

"A day or two? That means there's no work to do tomorrow?" Liu Tao asked.

The workshop director nodded: "It is estimated that it is. Otherwise, you will not come tomorrow, and you will not live anyway!"

"That's not possible, even if you don't live, you will have a basic salary of one yuan as long as you work!" Liu Tao paused and said, "It's a big deal if I bring a deck of playing cards, and the day's work will be over. ."


The next day, before the new production task came, the workers were playing cards and bragging about the radio in the workshop. They didn't do any work and earned a basic salary of one dollar in vain.

But everyone doesn't seem to be happy. In the past, they used to make three or four dollars a day, but today they only made one dollar, and rounding up seems like a loss of 100 million!

Of course, this was deliberately arranged by Li Weidong. Not to arrange work for one day is to let the workers understand that the piece rate of 70 cents a piece is not available every day!

On the third day, some workers were already getting restless, and at this moment, the next batch of production tasks finally came.

The workers waited for a whole day, and now they have a new production task, and immediately put themselves into the production of the new task.

And the number of remaining production tasks on the wall is still decreasing every day.

In the blink of an eye, it's June.

The solar term of the mango seed is coming soon, and the wheat in Qinghe City has grown to the ninth maturity, and it is time to harvest.

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