Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 229 The clown turned out to be me

Cai Qianjin and Jiang Aiguo walked into the conference room side by side. At this time, there were seven or eight audience members in the conference room, and they each found their seats.

For those in the system, this kind of advanced experience report is not unfamiliar. For similar lectures, they listen to at least a dozen sessions every year, and some of them have also given reports as advanced individuals.

Jiang Aiguo found a front seat and sat down, and then asked the people around him: "Old Zhang, today's meeting is to introduce advanced experience in foreign trade work, do you know what to talk about?"

"No one has signed the big order yet!" Lao Zhang replied.

"How big is the list?" Jiang Aiguo asked.

"It seems to be six million dollars!" Lao Zhang replied.

Jiang Aiguo pouted: "In previous years, when the foreign trade situation was good, six million US dollars was not a lot. Although the foreign trade situation is severe this year, six million US dollars is a lot, but it is not necessary to make a special report on advanced experience. Will you?"

"If it was only six million US dollars, I would definitely not hold this advanced experience report meeting, but this time it seems to be different. I heard that I got the order from the Japanese, and it is a big Japanese company." Lao Zhang After a pause, he continued: "Xizhi Electric, you must know!"

"Xizhi! It's really a big company." Jiang Aiguo nodded: "The foreign trade situation is so severe now that many foreign businessmen are avoiding us. The few foreign businessmen that we cooperated with in our province did not come this time. It's not easy to get a $6 million order."

Beside him, Cai Qianjin also asked, "Do you know how it came down?"

Lao Zhang shook his head: "If I knew, there would be no such advanced experience report meeting."

A few people chatted for a while, only to see Liu Dawei also coming into the conference room.

"Cough cough!" Liu Dawei coughed dryly, signalling everyone to be quiet, and then said: "The people are almost here, let's start the meeting now. This meeting was temporarily organized by the ministries and commissions, but because the leaders of the ministries and commissions are busy, so I was assigned to call everyone over and preside over the meeting.

As you all know, the situation at home and abroad has undergone relatively great changes this year, which has also brought great challenges to our foreign trade work. At present, the foreign trade environment is severe and complicated, and you must have understood it through this Canton Fair. Faced with this situation, we should always remain sober and calm, prepare for the worst, work hard for the best, scientifically analyze our own situation, know ourselves and the enemy, and respond rationally..."

Liu Dawei made a lot of opening remarks, but for Cai Qianjin, Jiang Aiguo and others, they have heard similar words 800 times. That's always what it says.

Liu Dawei chatted for a long time, and finally got to the point: "In such a severe foreign trade environment, many companies have overcome difficulties,

Seizing the opportunity, looking for a turning point in the crisis, and creating a new situation in the changing situation, we have achieved great results.

For example, a few days ago, one of our Canton Fair exhibitors took advantage of their own advantages to actively explore new overseas markets. Through bold attempts and innovation, they successfully transformed and upgraded the traditional foreign trade work. Placed an order of 6 million US dollars from Xizhi Electric! "

Hearing the number "six million dollars", everyone immediately began to whisper.

"Six million dollars? Who signed it? Why didn't I hear about it?"

"I don't know, if it wasn't for this meeting, I wouldn't know about it!"

"The order of six million US dollars is not small. Which province signed it? The confidentiality work is very strict!"

"Xizhi Electric is a Japanese home appliance giant. Did they send buyers to the Canton Fair? Why don't I know."

"I don't know. There is no one from Xizhi Electric on my important customer list."

"This order appeared so suddenly, I don't know if it is true or not."

"Director Liu is a leader of a ministry after all. What he said shouldn't be false, right?"

Many orders at the Canton Fair are signed on the spot, so it is difficult to conceal some large orders. Basically, just after the front foot has negotiated the order, the news of the back foot spreads.

Exhibitors from various provinces are also competing with each other. Whoever signs a big order can't wait to publicize it to the world, and it also shows that they have a face. Therefore, it is impossible to keep an order in the amount of six million US dollars.

What's more, Xizhi Electric is a well-known international company. If a buyer of Xizhi Electric appears at the Canton Fair, it will definitely be on the list of important customers. Then the exhibitors from each province will also know this information.

Now, the order of six million US dollars came out suddenly, and everyone has not received any information about Xizhi Electric's buyers coming to the Canton Fair. Naturally, they are all guessing.

"Cough cough!" Liu Dawei coughed again, signaling everyone to be calm, and then he said, "You don't have to guess, the order of six million US dollars from Xizhi Electric is true, and the ministry has confirmed it. As for the order, it was the Handong exhibitor group."

Everyone's eyes turned to Ma Dexing.

"It turned out to be the Handong exhibitor group. They face Japan across the sea. There must be some foreign trade channels that we don't know! That's why we can get orders from Xizhi Electric." Jiang Aiguo said in a low voice.

Liu Dawei went on to say: "Next, please, Mr. Li, the director of the Handong Exhibition Group, who has won this order, to introduce his experience, everyone applauds!"

"Papapapa..." The crowd immediately began to applaud, and Cai Qianjin and Jiang Aiguo also clapped along with the crowd.

The next second, Li Weidong got up from the corner of the back row and walked forward calmly.

"Li Weidong! Why is he here!" Cai Qianjin and Jiang Aiguo immediately stayed on the spot, and the hands that were applauding were also hanging in the air.

Li Weidong had been staying in the back corner, so Cai Qianjin and Jiang Aiguo didn't notice Li Weidong entering the venue.

"Liu Dawei said just now that it was Director Li who introduced the experience. Could it be Li Weidong?"

"Li Weidong is from the Handong Exhibition Group! Did he win the six million dollar order from Xizhi Electric?"

Cai Qianjin and Jiang Aiguo looked at each other, and then both saw shocking colors in each other's eyes.

I saw Li Weidong walking forward and said, "Dear leaders, my name is Li Weidong. It is a great honor to stand here today and report to the leaders..."

Seeing Li Weidong start his speech, Cai Qianjin and Jiang Aiguo were finally convinced that the protagonist of this advanced experience briefing was Li Weidong!

At this time, the two of them remembered at the same time that at the beginning of the Canton Fair, they specially ridiculed Li Weidong!

Before the meeting started, the two also went to find Li Weidong to whip the corpse!

Thinking of the smug look in front of Li Weidong, Cai Qianjin and Jiang Aiguo suddenly felt ashamed in comparison to now.

The clown turned out to be me!

Li Weidong got an order of six million dollars from Xizhi Electric, which is enough to slap his face. Now he has to give them an advanced experience report, which is even more appalling than a slap in the face.

If the two of them just talked to Li Weidong in private, the situation would be better. The key is that when the two mocked Li Weidong, they were exhibitors in the entire home appliance exhibition area!

Now that this incident happened, it must be known to everyone.

It's nothing to be slapped in the face, but to be hung up and publicly slapped in the face, it's really too embarrassing.

After realizing this, the two of them could not wait to find a crack to get in.

"What a shame this time! After this meeting, I, Jiang Aiguo, have become the laughing stock at the Canton Fair!" Jiang Aiguo said with a gloomy expression.

"Does this Li Weidong have three heads and six arms? In such a severe foreign trade situation this year, he can get an order of six million US dollars from Xizhi Electric! This Xizhi Electric is blind, why give him the order!" Cai Qianjin complained.

Jiang Aiguo sighed and said, "Lao Cai, this Canton Fair, I won't be here in the future."

Cai Qianjin was stunned for a moment and asked, "Old Jiang, what do you mean? You are not afraid of that Li Weidong, are you? That Li Weidong is just the factory manager of a township enterprise, and you are also a cadre of a provincial foreign trade department!"

"I'm not afraid of him, I'm afraid of embarrassment!" Jiang Aiguo shook his head and continued; "I'm at this age, so I still have to save some face!"

"Don't, if you don't come, I'll be left alone!" Cai Qianjin looked at Jiang Aiguo with a resentful expression, as if to say: If you leave, don't you want me to be embarrassed in the future? Carry it alone?

Jiang Aiguo did not answer, but patted Cai Qianjin on the shoulder and sent an encouraging look!

Brother, hold on!

The enemy is very fierce, and if it breaks, the chance of death is relatively high. This kind of thing is left to you, I will withdraw first!


After the Canton Fair, Li Weidong's electric furnace factory also officially opened the OEM mode.

Li Weidong's main task is still to do a good job in production and complete the production task of the egg steamer with good quality and quantity. As for other things, Li Weidong basically doesn't need to worry about it.

Because the OEM order for these 300,000 egg steamers is still completed under the framework of the Canton Fair, the foreign trade department is still responsible for the delivery, export, customs clearance and payment collection.

In this series of processes, all Li Weidong can do is to go to the foreign exchange adjustment market to settle the foreign exchange after the payment from Xizhi Electric has been received.

It is impossible for township enterprises like Li Weidong to obtain the right to operate import and export, so if they want to export goods, they can only go through the foreign trade department.

The country's opening of the right to operate import and export will wait until the implementation of the "Foreign Trade Law" in 1994, and the threshold for foreign trade has not been lowered since then. With the gradual relaxation of the policy, small enterprises, general taxpayers, private enterprises, and even individual industrial and commercial households can apply to "engage in the import and export business of goods and technologies", and foreign trade has also become simpler.

After intense production, the first batch of egg steamers were shipped as scheduled, and appeared in major department stores in Japan before Christmas.

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