Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 278 Good opportunity

Open a well-known domestic search engine and search for "country with the most frequent military coups". The first few pages are basically related to Thailand.

Thailand believes in Buddhism and is known as the most docile country. However, in the past 60 years, there have been more than 20 military coups, and 27 prime ministers and 52 cabinets have been replaced.

There is a joke on the Internet that the president of South Korea is the most dangerous profession in the world, because every South Korean president does not end well in the end.

In fact, the prime minister of Thailand is not too much. The president of South Korea can complete his term. Before the 21st century, there was not even a prime minister in Thailand who could fill his term.

Political instability will naturally affect the economy. If a country cannot provide a stable business environment, it will inevitably affect industrial production.

Moreover, frequent government changes will also lead to a lack of continuity in policies. The country's economic policy is the same today, but it will change tomorrow after changing people. The uncertainty is too great, and businessmen are naturally reluctant to invest, lest the policy change, and they will The money invested is wasted.

Therefore, Thailand has an excellent geographical location and has received a lot of investment. It has been developing for decades, but it has never been able to become a strong industrial country. The instability of three days and two ends is a very important reason.

Fortunately, Thailand has fertile land and strong agriculture, so every time the trouble is over and the industry self-harms, it can always rely on agriculture to gradually recover the country.

The growth of crops depends on sunlight, land and water, so even if the political situation in Thailand is unstable and many people strike, the crops will continue to grow, and the output value of agriculture will always be stable.

In the 1990s, Thailand was able to attract a large amount of foreign investment and become one of the four tigers in Asia, not because of the development of industry, but because of its loose and free financial policies.

Loose financial policies have made it easier for foreign capital to enter and leave Thailand, which has indeed brought a lot of foreign capital to Thailand in a short period of time.

However, success is also financial freedom, and failure is also financial freedom. Thailand's financial freedom has made Thailand an ATM for international financial giants. During the Asian financial crisis, Thailand was the first to be attacked by international financial giants.


Li Weidong is a rebirth after all. He remembers that in late February 1991, Mr. Chachai in Thailand was ousted by General Shuntong.

So when Li Weidong knew that his only competitor was Thailand Total, Li Weidong knew that he was in a safe position to win.

What Nakano Co., Ltd. needed was a stable line of microwave ovens that could supply Nakano Co., Ltd. in time. If the situation in Thailand is unstable, then total will naturally be out of the game.

Li Weidong began to think of ways to delay the time. He invited Kenjiro Shimizu to travel, just to delay Kenjiro Shimizu's return to China. As long as there is an accident in Thailand in late February, it is impossible for Total to get the production line of microwave ovens.

At this time, after Kenjiro Shimizu informed everyone about the news from Thailand, the meeting room fell into a brief riot.

The executives have all been publicized by Tsuchiya Takata and decided to support the total company. Today, Li Weidong will speak.

It was just a passing scene. They didn't take Li Weidong to heart. No matter what Li Weidong said, these executives would not change their decision.

Now, however, the situation is completely different.

The situation in Thailand is unstable, and it is not a wise move to dedicate the production line to Thailand at this time.

No one knows how the situation in Thailand will get better or worse.

If the microwave oven production line is sold to the total company, it is unknown when the production line can be debugged, when the employees can be trained, and when the microwave oven can be put into production.

If Thailand is in chaos for a few years, the microwave oven production line will not be able to be put into operation for a few years, and Nakano Co., Ltd. can only give up the microwave oven business. This is not what Nakano Co., Ltd. wants to see.

Although the executives of Nakano Co., Ltd. received Tsuchiya Takata's Rolex, at this time, everyone still has to give priority to the company's strategic interests. After all, everyone has the company's shares. This is a real investment, no one will Lose yourself for a Rolex.

At this time, Tsuchiya also felt a little guilty.

Tsuchiya Takata also doesn't know what the current situation in Thailand is, and whether the situation is serious or not.

If the situation is not serious, it will affect the economy a little at most, but if the situation is serious, then whether his total company can continue to operate is still a question mark.

Now Tsuchiya Takata has stopped thinking about the microwave oven production line. He only hopes that his totol company will not suffer too much loss.

At this point, the executives of Nakano Co., Ltd. had no other choice, and Li Weidong finally showed a winner's smile.

"Everyone, I just said that China can provide a stable business and production environment, and this is obviously impossible in Thailand!" Li Weidong smiled at everyone, and then said: "That's all I want to say. , I hope you can vote for your precious vote for me!"

"So far, do we have any other choice!" President Nakano secretly thought.


The matter of the microwave oven production line has finally settled.

Although this was a second-hand microwave oven production line, the price was still $1 million, which was quite expensive at the time.

In 1992, Galanz introduced a microwave oven production line from Japan, which cost only more than 5 million RMB, which was much cheaper than the production line introduced by Li Weidong.

However, the Japanese production line introduced by Galanz did not include technical support, so the first batch of microwave ovens produced were not qualified.

Later, Galanz recruited a chief engineer of the radio factory, and it was only after giving money and giving houses, did it recruit people and achieve stable production and mass production.

The production line introduced by Li Weidong at a cost of one million US dollars has technical support. After all, Nakano Co., Ltd. has not given up the microwave oven business. They also hope that the production line can be put into operation as soon as possible, and of course they will provide technical support to Li Weidong.

After all, this microwave oven production line is the technology of Hitachi Electric, plus the technical support of Japanese engineers, it is indeed worth the money.

One million US dollars in foreign exchange is not a small amount, so after Li Weidong returned to China, he immediately rushed to the Provincial Foreign Trade Department and asked Ma Dexing to sign a note.

Ma Dexing's office, Li Weidong has been here many times. He walked to the door with ease, knocked on the door, and then pushed the door in.

I saw that besides Ma Dexing, there were three other people in the room. All of them were fresh faces, and they should not be the staff of the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.

"Director Li is here, take a seat first!" Ma Dexing pointed to the sofa, and then said, "Let me introduce you, this is Director Li Weidong of Qinghe, who just recently negotiated a microwave oven production line from Japan! "

"Microwave oven production line? That's a money printing machine! Now money can't buy things. Manager Li is really young and promising!" One of the bald men said.

Ma Dexing then introduced: "This is Director Zhang of the Provincial Agricultural Machinery Factory No. 1, this is Director Wang of the Provincial Tractor Factory, and this is Director Zhao of the Taishan Agricultural Machinery Factory!"

After Li Weidong greeted the three, he sat on the sofa and waited.

I saw Ma Dexing took out three pieces of manuscript paper with red heads, quickly started writing, and then stamped the official seal on them.

"Director Zhang, Director Wang, Director Zhao, the letter of introduction is ready for you. I can help you here, and then it's up to the Ministry of Agriculture to give you a chance!" Ma Dexing will three The manuscript paper was handed to the three of them.

"Thank you, Director Ma!" The three quickly thanked and exchanged a few words before leaving.

Ma Dexing sent the three away and turned to look at Li Weidong: "The one million dollars you want has already been approved by the leader, but you still have to stamp a few seals. Don't worry, just go through the process, after all, the leader has It has been signed, and no one dares to block you!"

As Ma Dexing said, he walked to the desk and took out a document bag, which contained documents related to foreign exchange exchange.

"Thank you, Director Ma!" Li Weidong took the file bag and then asked, "Are the three just now engaged in agricultural machinery? Are you planning to do agricultural machinery export business?"

"You asked what they were doing?" Ma Dexing asked subconsciously.

"To be honest, I just took over the agricultural machinery factory in our district, so the three just now are my colleagues!" Li Weidong replied.

"Those three are all provincial-level enterprises. You belong to a district agricultural machinery factory. How dare you go with them?" Ma Dexing smiled and continued, "These three asked me to open a letter of introduction!"

"Introduction?" Li Weidong asked curiously.

"The Ministry of Agriculture wants to organize a group to go abroad to participate in the agricultural machinery exhibition. The number of places to participate in the exhibition is limited. These factories want to fight for it. Going abroad to participate in the exhibition is also an activity related to foreign trade, so they came to me and opened a letter of introduction. Go to the Ministry of Agriculture to register." Ma Dexing said.

"Which country held the agricultural machinery exhibition?" Li Weidong asked again.

"It was done in Japan, it seems to be in Hokkaido." Ma Dexing replied.

"Hokkaido Agricultural Machinery Exhibition!" Li Weidong nodded suddenly.

In the 1990s, Hokkaido Agricultural Machinery Exhibition was the largest outdoor agricultural machinery exhibition in Asia. Not only agricultural machinery manufacturers from Europe and the United States participated in the exhibition, but also many customers from European and American countries came to purchase agricultural machinery.

The next second, Li Weidong suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity.

So Li Weidong said immediately; "Director Ma, why don't you write me a letter of introduction, I also want to go to Hokkaido to participate in the exhibition!"

"Don't be ridiculous! This is going abroad to participate in the exhibition, not our Canton Fair. What are you mixing up!" Ma Dexing said.

"I'm not trying to mix things up, I'm really planning to go to the exhibition!" Li Weidong paused, then said, "My farm machinery factory has a product that is more suitable for earning money from foreigners, which can be used for export to earn foreign exchange. If you are lucky, you might get an order of millions of dollars.”

Hearing the words "export to earn foreign exchange", Ma Dexing's attitude suddenly became serious.

Li Weidong went on to say: "When it comes to exporting foreign exchange, when have I disappointed you?"

When Ma Dexing thinks about it carefully, it is really the same thing. Li Weidong's record at the Canton Fair is really amazing and convincing.

Ma Dexing thought for a moment, then said, "If you want a letter of introduction, I can open it for you, but I'm going to talk about it earlier, whether you can go to Hokkaido to participate in the exhibition, it doesn't matter what I said here, the final decision is in the hands of the Ministry of Agriculture. My letter of introduction is to allow you to enter the door of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Moreover, the applicants who applied to the Ministry of Agriculture are all large state-owned factories. As far as the three you just saw, I am afraid that none of them will be selected by the Ministry of Agriculture. I estimate that the ones who will eventually be selected to go to Hokkaido must be the Yituo factory. Level, you go to a county-level agricultural machinery factory to sign up, it is impossible to be selected! "

Li Weidong nodded: "I understand, you open the letter of introduction to me first. As for the Ministry of Agriculture, I will find a way myself."

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