Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 414 A big piece of fat fell from the sky

In the TV screen, Mr. Ge held a puppy hair dryer and said to the camera: "My hair was blown away by the puppy!"

In front of the TV, He Anan couldn't help laughing: "Is he too embarrassed to say that he has beautiful hair? I don't think he has much hair on his head!"

Next to him, Mother He said, "What did Wei Dong think, looking for a bald head to endorse the hair dryer! Aren't you afraid that things won't be sold?"

"Wei Dong said that he deliberately found a bald head to endorse the hair dryer, so that customers will have a deeper memory after seeing it. If they want to buy a hair dryer in the future, the first thing that comes to mind is the puppy brand." He Anan replied.

He's mother nodded: "Don't say it, this advertisement is really impressive. If I buy a hair dryer in the future, I will immediately think of the hair dryer endorsed by Teacher Ge. Weidong, this boy, also Quite an idea."

He Anan continued: "Wei Dong has hired a new marketing director. I heard that this plan was conceived by the new marketing director."

Mr. Ge's advertisement for a hairdryer quickly became popular, especially when Mr. Ge said seriously to the camera that he had "a head of fine hair", everyone couldn't help but want to laugh.

This also made this advertisement a great success. After all, it is unprecedented to invite a bald head to do a hair dryer advertisement. It can attract attention in an instant, and some media even report it as an anecdote.

There are also TV viewers standing beside the TV series, waiting to see Teacher Ge's advertisement for a hairdryer.

The puppy hair dryer has also received great publicity because of this. At least everyone who has seen this advertisement will remember the puppy brand hair dryer.

This is also Zhong Yemao's most accustomed publicity method, using a gimmick or a classic advertising slogan to make people extremely impressed by the brand or product.

Of course, this kind of impression is not necessarily a good impression. For example, the advertisement of "Yang Yang Yang" is often played several times in a row, and it is annoying to listen to. But impressed, that's for sure.

At this time, the news that Mr. Ge won the best actor at the Cannes Film Festival also spread back to China.

Overnight, almost all the headlines in the newspapers were news of Teacher Ge's award.

The gold content of the best actor in Cannes is still very high. If Teacher Ge can get this honor, it is naturally a voice of praise in the country.

However, when people praise Mr. Ge, they can't help but think of the advertising slogan "all hair is blown out", and of the Puppy brand hair dryer.

Mr. Ge may not be like the little fresh meat in later generations.

It brings a lot of fans to consume, but it is enough to greatly improve the brand awareness of Puppy Electric.

A brand endorsed by a Cannes actor is obviously self-contained, and in the perception of the common people, it is definitely not a miscellaneous brand.

With the popularity brought by Mr. Ge's endorsement, the brand value of the puppy has begun to jump to the first-line brand. Although it is not as good as a top brand like Haier, it has at least become a household name in China.


In a large conference room, Zhang Jiagang, the new secretary of Qinghe City, is anxiously holding a meeting of leading cadres.

"This time, I led a team to Yiwu for inspection, and the harvest was still very large, especially the newly built small commodity wholesale mall in Yiwu, which left a very deep impression on me."

Zhang Jiagang looked at the information in his hand and said, "According to the introduction of the leading comrades in Yiwu City, when the wholesale mall was first put into operation the previous year, the transaction volume was 2.054 billion yuan, and last year's transaction volume has reached 4.515 billion yuan, which is enough The foot has more than doubled, and this year's turnover is expected to exceed 10 billion yuan!

Comrades, the turnover of 10 billion yuan, how much benefit can this bring to the local government! Not only can it drive employment and raise taxes, but also the benefits brought by other packages such as transportation, catering and accommodation, I don't know how to calculate it!

Our situation in Qinghe City is very similar to Yiwu. Yiwu has small commodity wholesale, and we also have textile wholesale. Yiwu's small commodity wholesale started with street stalls, and our Qinghe textile wholesale started from street stalls. Later, Yiwu built a moon-shaped wholesale market, and we also built a greenhouse in Qinghe. commerce market!

In terms of geographical location, we also have more advantages. We are in the Yangtze River Delta Economic Circle in the south, and the Beijing-Tianjin Economic Circle in the north. The goods going from the south to the north between Beijing and Shanghai must pass through us. Yiwu in Jiangbei has even become a commodity distribution base connecting Beijing and Shanghai!

Now, Yiwu has abandoned the original moon-shaped market and built a new small commodity wholesale mall, which can generate sales of 10 billion a year. Why can't we in Qinghe learn Yiwu and abandon the greenhouse market to build a professional wholesale mall?

Yiwu has been successful. I think we should learn from Yiwu and build a professional textile wholesale mall. We can build Qinghe City into the largest textile distribution base in the north!

Today I convened this meeting to discuss the feasibility of building a wholesale mall. Comrades, you may wish to express your own opinions, and if you have any ideas, you may wish to share them, and let's discuss them together. "

A leader immediately said: "I very much agree with Secretary Zhang's idea. Our Qinghe City has a large population, and most of the area is located in mountainous areas. There are no easily exploited mineral resources in the jurisdiction, and there is no support from large enterprises, so we have always compared Poverty. Since there are no mines in our family, we can only improve the economic level by developing commerce and trade, and when the economy is up, we can develop other industries.”

Another person also said: "I also think the plan to build a wholesale mall is feasible. As far as I know, before the reform and opening up, Yiwu was also very poor, but with the wholesale of small commodities, many Yiwu people have become rich, and their homes are covered with small oceans. Building, driving a car, and the entire economy of Yiwu has also developed. We can learn from Yiwu's successful experience."

Another person added: "And Yiwu is a county-level city, and we are a prefecture-level city. As a prefecture-level city, we can mobilize more resources and use policies than county-level cities. Our wholesale mall, It should not be worse than the wholesale mall in Yiwu."

"Leader, although I also agree with building a shopping mall, but there is a question, where does the money come from?" The comrade in charge of finance said: "Our city's political participation budget for this year has already been compiled, and there is no extra money to build new buildings. 's mall.

In addition, the financial situation this year is also relatively tight. Many enterprises are operating poorly, and they have stopped production and closed down. The enterprises that have stopped production and closed down have also produced a large number of unemployed workers. All these require financial allocations for emergency relief.

In addition, starting next year, the "Labor Law" will be implemented. At that time, a social insurance fund will be established, and the retirement of retirees will be paid out of the social security fund. However, the social security fund has just been established, and there must be no money in the account. Financially, part of the money needs to be used to subsidize the social security fund.

Therefore, according to my estimation, not only is there no money this year, but in the next few years, our city's finances will be relatively tight, and we may not be able to spend so much money to build a textile wholesale mall. "

Zhang Jiagang nodded, of course he also understood these situations. The finances are very tight, and the money is simply not enough to spend, so there is no spare energy to build a wholesale mall.

If it is a people's livelihood project such as roads, electricity, tap water, etc., Zhang Jiagang can also write an application to ask for some funds from the province, but the wholesale mall is not a people's livelihood project, and it is basically impossible for the province to pay for it.

Therefore, the funds for building the wholesale market can only be solved by Qinghe City itself.

So Zhang Jiagang asked, "If construction starts next year, how much money can our city finance squeeze out at most?"

"Leader, now you ask me how much money I can squeeze out, and I really can't give you an answer." The man sighed and continued; "If the funds from the social security fund can't be solved, the pensions for retirees won't come out, say I might have to trouble you next year and ask the province for money!"

Zhang Jiagang nodded helplessly and said, "I did some research when I visited Yiwu. They built a small commodity wholesale mall, which cost a total of about 28 million. If it doesn't work, we will make the scale of the mall smaller, according to Yiwu. Wholesale malls are half as big to build.”

"That's 15 million! For such a large amount, I can't even get a fraction of it financially." The comrade in charge of finance immediately said.

The comrade in charge of construction immediately corrected: "It's not 15 million. If the construction starts next year, I estimate that it will cost at least 50 million to reach half the scale of Yiwu Mall."

"Why so much? Three times the price!" Zhang Jiagang asked with a puzzled look.

"Secretary Zhang, Yiwu's Small Commodity Wholesale Mall was built in 1990, started in 1991, completed at the end of that year, and put into use in 1992. At that time, both building materials and labor were much cheaper than now." In charge of construction The leader went on to explain:

"In the last two years, prices have been rising. Buying a bag of flour this year is 30% more expensive than this time last year, and building materials have risen even more dramatically. In 1991, a shopping mall that cost 15 million yuan to build will cost 4,000 yuan this year. Wan can only be built, next year will definitely be 50 million, and when it is built, 50 million will definitely not be able to stop!"

Since 1992, China has ushered in a wave of very rapid inflation. At that time, the CPI index exceeded 20%. Especially in 1994, the CPI index of food exceeded 30%, of which the price of food rose by more than 50%, and the price of oil rose even more. is reached 60%.

At the same time, the state's investment in fixed assets is also growing rapidly. In 1992, the investment in fixed assets increased by 44.42%, and in 1993, the investment in fixed assets increased by 61.78%! At that time, China officially entered the era of investment-driven economic growth.

The investment in fixed assets will naturally cause the price of building materials to rise. The average annual growth rate of investment in fixed assets exceeds 50%, and the price increase of building materials is also exponentially increased.

To say that a house that cost 1 million yuan to build in 1991, and 3 million yuan in 1994, may not necessarily be built.

Therefore, if the Yiwu Wholesale Mall, which invested 28 million yuan in 1991, had been constructed in 1994, it would have cost at least 100 million yuan!

Based on the financial situation of Qinghe City, it is definitely impossible to spend 50 million RMB to build a textile wholesale mall.

However, Zhang Jiagang was not discouraged, he said: "In terms of funds, we can also learn from Yiwu and raise funds. When I went to Yiwu for inspection, I also asked the question of funds. Yiwu is the way to raise funds to build a shopping mall. method to raise funds.

In addition, Yiwu has also established another Small Commodity City Co., Ltd., which is specially responsible for the operation of the small commodity wholesale mall. Those merchants who raise funds can obtain the company's shares and become the company's shareholders. Every year, the company has profits, and shareholders receive dividends. of.

I think we can also consider adopting this method to raise funds from merchants, or to absorb some social capital, and then set up a special company to manage the wholesale mall and distribute dividends to shareholders at the end of the year. In this case, there will definitely be social capital willing to join. . "

"Leader, in this case, the wholesale mall will not be managed by our government!" Someone said.

Zhang Jiagang smiled: "In the market economy, power should be delegated to those that should be devolved, and market operations should be conducted in a market-oriented manner. What's more, what we want is not a shopping mall, but the employment and taxes that this shopping mall can bring. , and the benefits to the city's economy."

Having said that, Zhang Jiagang looked at the leaders in charge of industry and commerce again, and said, "Well, let's start with the textile business merchants and mobilize some merchant representatives to discuss raising funds to build a wholesale mall.

If the merchants are willing to actively raise funds and make up the 50 million RMB, then it will be the best. If there is not enough, we will try to introduce social capital. Build it up! "


To Zhang Jiagang's surprise, those self-employed people who do textile wholesale business are not willing to pay to build wholesale malls.

The self-employed in Qinghe are mainly divided into two parts, one is the businessmen from Wenzhou who come to Qinghe to do business, and the other is the local businessmen in Qinghe.

Businessmen from Wenzhou are willing to pay, but they ask for more booths, one for one booth. .

This is probably like the demolition of old, broken and small in many places. According to the compensation of one to one area, the households are unwilling in all likelihood, and many people wish that their houses can be compensated for five, six, seven or eight new houses.

However, according to the calculation of one household and two booths, the scale of the wholesale mall will have to be expanded. At that time, the funds of 50 million will definitely not be enough, so it is definitely unrealistic to give two booths to one household.

And the local self-employed in Qinghe, when they heard that they wanted to raise 50 million yuan, on average, they would need to invest several tens of thousands, and they immediately retreated.

In terms of doing business, the self-employed in the north should be more conservative. They would rather spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy treasury bills and earn interest, rather than invest in the wholesale mall that is still on paper.

This result made Zhang Jiagang very helpless. You must know that when Yiwu built the mall, half of the merchants were willing to invest, but in Qinghe, less than 10% of the merchants were willing to pay.

Zhang Jiagang had no choice but to adopt the second set of plans, to find those well-known enterprises to attract investment, and see if he could complete the plan of raising funds to build a shopping mall through the enterprises in Qinghe City.

And this time, Zhang Jiagang decided to be a lobbyist himself to convince these companies.


Li Weidong, as a representative of the private economy in Qinghe City, naturally received an invitation letter from Zhang Jiagang.

"It should be Zhang Jiagang's idea to raise funds for the construction of a textile wholesale mall!" Li Weidong muttered to himself.

In Li Weidong's impression, Zhang Jiagang is a very promising leading cadre. During his administration, he carried out the so-called "Ten Major Projects" in Qinghe City. Although two or three of them were unsuccessful, most It has indeed brought benefits to the people's livelihood, economy and urban development of Qinghe.

"Wholesale mall, this is a big piece of fat falling from the sky. No matter whether others eat it or not, I have to eat it." Li Weidong thought, and pulled out a thick document from the drawer.

The title of the document is officially "Qinghe Mall Planning and Implementation Plan"!

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