Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 554: Increase production by 1 million mu

Ordinary farmers will definitely not be able to afford a cotton harvester that costs up to one million. Looking across the country, only large state-owned farms can afford to buy a cotton harvester.

In terms of agricultural mechanization, large state-owned farms have always been at the forefront. As early as the days when tractors were still precious agricultural machinery, state-owned farms used high-end agricultural machinery such as combine harvesters.

At that time, most of the few professional agricultural machinery produced by domestic enterprises were supplied to state-owned farms.

After the reform and opening up, the country implemented economic system reforms, and many state-owned farms also learned from the experience of the contract responsibility system and began to try the organizational form of contract management.

However, in relatively large agricultural reclamation areas, state-owned farms still dominate.

One of the two largest agricultural reclamation areas in the country is in the northeast. After large-scale reclamation in the 1950s, Beidahuang has become Beidacang.

It's just that the agricultural reclamation areas in the Northeast mainly grow grain, not cotton.

The second largest agricultural reclamation area is in the northwest autonomous region, which is the land reclaimed by the Production and Construction Corps.

On the farms of the Production and Construction Corps, cotton is the most important cash crop.

Li Weidong wanted to sell cotton harvesters and went to the Production and Construction Corps, which was the right way to go.

The Production and Construction Corps is a very special entity. It must complete both the border guarding tasks assigned by the state and the reclamation responsibilities assigned by the state. Engage in production during peacetime, and turn to military affairs during wartime, so that production and war preparations are both balanced.

Although the Corps is located in the front, it is under the dual leadership of the central government and the autonomous region. Its organizational structure is similar to that of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.

The Production and Construction Corps belongs to the deputy ministerial level, but according to national regulations, it enjoys separate management authority for provincial socio-economic planning. The leaders of the Production and Construction Corps will also give high allocations and identify senior officials.

By convention, the deputy secretary of the autonomous region concurrently serves as the secretary and political commissar of the Production and Construction Corps, and the vice chairman of the autonomous region concurrently serves as the deputy secretary and commander of the Production and Construction Corps.

In terms of management authority, the Corps enjoys provincial-level economic management authority, of which economic, financial and other management authority are planned separately and are directly managed by the central government;

Administrative and judicial affairs are managed by the Corps in accordance with national laws; taxation affairs are managed by autonomous regions; population and area are included in local government statistics, but GDP is listed separately.

It is precisely because the Production and Construction Corps' financial management authority is under separate planning, so they have the ability to purchase a large number of cotton harvesters.

Uncle He made an appointment for Li Weidong, and then personally took Li Weidong to see Secretary Zhang Jianshe of the Production and Construction Corps.

Zhang Jianshe seemed very enthusiastic. He poured a cup of tea for Li Weidong himself, and then asked: "Chairman Li looks so young. Is he thirty years old?"

"I am exactly thirty this year." Li Weidong replied.

"You are so young and promising! If Lao He hadn't personally brought you here, I wouldn't have believed that the chairman of such a famous Puppy Group is so young!"

Zhang Jianshe paused and then said, "Speaking of which, on behalf of the autonomous region, I want to express my gratitude to you. You have helped us build dormitories for dozens of primary and secondary schools so that more children can go to school. You have really done a great service to our autonomous region." Big problem solved!”

"Contributing to education is what I should do." Li Weidong said modestly.

Zhang Jianshe continued: "Not only education, our autonomous region also welcomes investment in many fields. For example, water conservancy, petrochemicals, and mineral resources. If Chairman Li is interested in any area, I can also arrange for someone to accompany you to inspect!" "

In a few simple words, it touches on the aspect of attracting investment.

For local areas, attracting investment is indeed a big thing. In places like the northwest, transportation is not as convenient as in the eastern coastal provinces. It is more difficult to attract foreign investment. The focus of attracting investment can only be on local enterprises. .

Big entrepreneurs like Li Weidong are naturally the focus of local investment promotion, so when Zhang Jianshe met Li Weidong, he brought the topic to investment. He was eager for Li Weidong to come to the autonomous region to invest and build factories.

Li Weidong naturally heard what Zhang Jianshe meant. He couldn't help but feel a little funny. He came to sell things to make money, but his customers turned against him.

Li Weidong had no choice but to tell the truth: "Secretary Zhang, actually I'm here to sell products this time."

"Commodity circulation can also promote economic development, but it is rare for people to come to me to sell products." Zhang Jianshe then asked: "Chairman Li, what are you going to sell me?"

"Cotton harvester. The domestic cotton harvester jointly developed by our Fukang Agricultural Machinery Factory and the Agricultural Machinery Research Institute has successfully rolled off the production line a few days ago." Li Weidong quickly introduced.

"I have seen reports on this in the news." Zhang Jianshe nodded silently.

Li Weidong continued: "The efficiency of cotton harvesters is much higher than manual picking of cotton. A cotton harvester can work on ten acres of land in one hour. If it works ten hours a day, it will be one hundred acres of land, which is as high as The workload of one hundred people.

Moreover, the cotton harvester is a machine. As long as it is filled with oil, it can work all the time without resting at all. If a cotton harvester is equipped with two drivers, the work efficiency can be doubled. "

"Agricultural mechanization is indeed the trend of future development. In the farms of our Production and Construction Corps, the use of agricultural machinery is relatively common."

Zhang Jianshe paused for a moment, then continued; "If the price is right, we don't want to try using machines to pick cotton."

"Because many imported parts are used, the current price of cotton harvesters is still a bit high. Normally, each cotton harvester sells for 1.1 million. If purchased in large quantities, the price can be reduced to 1 million." Li Weidong said. replied.

Hearing the price of 1 million, Zhang Jianshe did not look very surprised. He just nodded calmly and then said, "Several businessmen from the United States came to me before to sell cotton harvesters. ”

The confusion on Uncle He's face flashed across his face, as if he was asking why I didn't know.

Zhang Jianshe turned to look at Uncle He, and then explained; "That happened about three years ago, when you were still in the Ministry of Machinery Industry, so you didn't know about it.

At that time, the American businessman had already introduced me to the advantages of cotton harvesters and the use of cotton harvesters in the United States. They also brought me a video tape explaining cotton harvesting in detail.

This videotape is in English, shot in great detail, and is still in the archives. I was really shocked when I watched this video. I didn't expect that American agriculture had developed to such an advanced level.

To be honest, after watching the video, I was a little tempted and wanted to buy a batch of cotton harvesters so that our production and construction corps could also use advanced agricultural machinery.

As a result, when I heard the quotation, I was immediately confused. The cheapest cotton harvester is priced at close to 300,000 US dollars, and the higher-end models cost 500,000 to 600,000 US dollars. It’s so expensive, how can we afford it?

At that time, I thought it was those American merchants who deliberately quoted high prices to trick me! Later, I asked someone to inquire about the price in the United States, and then I realized that cotton harvesters are really so expensive!

Compared with American cotton harvesters, your price of one million per unit is indeed much cheaper, but given the economic level of our country, this price is still too high! "

Zhang Jianshe said, putting on a serious tone, and then said; "The successful development of the cotton harvester has filled the domestic gap in this area, and we should also support domestic agricultural machinery research.

Well, the Production and Construction Corps can purchase two cotton harvesters and try out the effect first. If the effect is good, we will talk about subsequent purchases. "

Zhang Jianshe spoke in such a serious tone, obviously not discussing with Li Weidong, but making the final decision.

The purchase volume of just two units was not the result Li Weidong wanted.

Li Weidong thought that it was because of his personal door-to-door sales that Zhang Jianshe decided to purchase two cotton harvesters. If it had been anyone else, he might not have bought one at all.

After all, Li Weidong spent a lot of money to build dormitories for primary and secondary schools in the autonomous region. For this reason, Zhang Jianshe couldn't refuse Li Weidong directly, so he decided to buy two cotton harvesters to give Li Weidong some face.

The so-called trying the effect is just a courtesy.

"Thank you very much, Secretary Zhang." Li Weidong had to say thank you first, then changed his tone and asked:

"Secretary Zhang, the country has been carrying out poverty alleviation cooperation between the east and west for two or three years. The partner of our cooperation in Handong Province happens to be you, so I would like to ask, what is the autonomous region lacking most now?"

"What's missing? That's a lot!" Zhang Jianshe smiled slightly and counted on his fingers: "Except for natural and mineral resources, we are lacking basically everything. Lack of funds, lack of technology, lack of talents, lack of infrastructure , lack of corporate investment..."

"The most important thing is that we still lack people, right?" Li Weidong asked with a smile.

"Yes, there is a shortage of people! In the final analysis, talent is the foundation of economic development. If you want to develop the economy, you must first have people. Only with people can you do economic construction." Zhang Jianshe nodded.

"Does Secretary Zhang feel that insufficient population has limited the economic development of the autonomous region to a certain extent?" Li Weidong asked next.

Zhang Jianshe opened his mouth and replied: "It cannot be said that it has restricted economic development. If the population is too large, it will consume more resources and put a greater burden on employment, so the country will formulate family planning policies.

But on the other hand, if there are more people, the demand for life will increase and opportunities in all aspects will increase. This will in turn drive the development of many industries and promote employment.

So population is also a double-edged sword, with pros and cons. But for our autonomous region, we generally welcome ambitious young people from the eastern region to find employment here. "

At that time, the Northwest Autonomous Region had a population of approximately 17.5 million, which was relatively small among all provinces in the country. Taking into account the autonomous region's huge area of ​​1.66 million square kilometers, there were only ten people per square kilometer on average.

Li Weidong continued: "In fact, there are many people who come to the autonomous region to look for opportunities, but most of them do not plan to live here long-term. Many people stay for two or three years and then go back to the east.

There are also some seasonal workers. For example, during the annual cotton harvest season, don’t labor forces from all over the country gather here? Can 300,000 people come to pick cotton every year? "

"It's more than 300,000, sometimes it's more than 400,000, sometimes it's more than 500,000!" Zhang Jianshe replied.

"Is half a million people enough?" Li Weidong asked immediately.

"In terms of our cotton planting area, it is barely enough at best. During the cotton picking season, many farms have to work for more than twelve hours so that they can complete the cotton picking in time." Zhang Jianshe said.

"Then why not introduce more people to pick cotton?" Li Weidong continued: "I heard that the pay for picking cotton is still very good. One month of work is equivalent to the usual income of three or four months. There must be many people willing to come here. "

Zhang Jianshe replied: “We also want to find more people to pick cotton, but due to transportation capacity constraints, so many people cannot come.

Every year during the cotton harvest season, even if we open a few more special trains, if all seats are occupied, we can only bring tens of thousands more people. For us here, it is just a drop in the bucket. "

The cotton-picking labor force is naturally reluctant to spend money to fly, and they will choose the cheapest train.

A train can carry about 1,200 passengers. If the soft sleepers are replaced with hard seats and some station tickets are sold, the number will be about 2,000 passengers.

Calculated in this way, even if five additional special trains are added a day, it can only transport 10,000 more people.

The time cost of critical transportation is very high.

The land area of ​​the Northwest Autonomous Region is too large. At the speed of the train at that time, even if it entered the autonomous region, the train would have to run for several hours before reaching Urumqi.

If you go to other relatively remote places in the autonomous region, it is normal to spend several days and nights on the road.

A special train trip to the autonomous region may take seven or eight days to go back and forth, but how many seven or eight days are there in the entire cotton picking season?

So under normal circumstances, the special train can only run two round trips at most. After two trips back and forth, almost one-third of the cotton picking season has passed, and there are no cotton picking armies continuing to enter Xinjiang.

Due to transportation capacity constraints, the number of laborers who go to the autonomous region to pick cotton each year peaks at around 500,000 people.

Of course Li Weidong knew about the limited transportation capacity. He immediately followed Zhang Jianshe's words and continued; "Secretary Zhang, the cotton harvester we produce can perfectly solve the problem of insufficient manpower during the cotton picking season."

"Why is it related to the cotton harvester again!" Zhang Jianshe was slightly startled.

Before Zhang Jianshe could speak again, Li Weidong continued; "A cotton harvester only needs one driver to replace 100 laborers. Two drivers working in two shifts can support 200 people.

With a cotton harvester, you don't have to worry about no one picking the cotton. At the same time, you can expand the cotton planting area. Therefore, if the Production and Construction Corps wants to expand the cotton planting area, it should purchase cotton harvesters in large quantities! "

Zhang Jianshe said: "In fact, in recent years, the cotton planting area in the autonomous region has been steadily increasing. For now, manual picking can still meet our demand for increased cotton production.

With the improvement of the transportation environment, especially the increase in transportation capacity brought about by the speeding up of trains, the number of laborers coming to pick cotton is also increasing every year. I believe that the transportation capacity situation will get better and better in the future. "

Zhang Jianshe's implication is obviously that even without cotton harvesters, with the improvement of transportation capacity, we can still expand the cotton planting area.

Li Weidong smiled slightly: "Secretary Zhang, you have overlooked one thing, that is, if cotton is picked manually, the labor supply is not stable.

Let me give you an example. For example, on a certain farm, 200 people came to pick cotton this year, but who can guarantee that 200 people will come to pick cotton next year? If only 100 people came, wouldn't half of the cotton be lost?

How many acres of cotton are planted each year is something that cotton farmers can decide, but how many people can come to pick cotton every year, cotton farmers have no way to decide, right?

Some workers who came this year may not come again next year if they find better jobs. Even if some people come every year, if the wages offered by other farms are better, they will leave their jobs elsewhere.

If you use a cotton harvester, you won't have this problem. You can buy the machine, wait until the cotton picking season, and find a driver to harvest the cotton. For the Production and Construction Corps, it shouldn't be difficult to find drivers, right?

And the cotton harvester does not need to take a break. A cotton harvester needs two drivers to work in two shifts. In one cotton picking season, up to 10,000 acres of cotton can be picked.

In other words, if you buy a cotton harvester, you can plant 10,000 acres of cotton every year without having to worry about no workers picking. This is the stability brought by the cotton harvester.

Although the one-time investment of a cotton harvester will be relatively high, there is no need to bear the risk of manual picking when picking cotton. This is equivalent to spending more money, increasing output, and reducing risks. "

As Li Weidong spoke, Zhang Jianshe's brows gradually wrinkled, and he began to think seriously about Li Weidong's words.

Zhang Jianshe had never considered the theory mentioned by Li Weidong before. He had always focused on the cost of cotton picking and ignored the risks of cotton picking.

For something like cotton, the best time to pick is just a few days. Picking it too early or too late will affect the quality of the cotton.

For cotton farmers, planting cotton but not picking it in time will inevitably cause great losses. Instead of having no one to pick cotton, it would be better to leave the land fallow and plant nothing, at least not to lose money.

If you use a cotton harvester, although the cost will increase, the risk of picking will decrease. The workload of a cotton harvester is fixed. With one more cotton harvester, the planting area can be steadily increased.

In this regard, cotton harvesters do have advantages over human picking.

Li Weidong continued: "The Production and Construction Corps is different from ordinary cotton farmers. Cotton farmers have a relatively small production scale and are relatively flexible in each step of production.

For example, if a cotton farmer who has planted one or two hundred acres of cotton cannot hire anyone to pick it, he can ask relatives and friends to help him, and he can complete the picking in time without much loss.

However, the Production and Construction Corps are all state-owned farms, with tens of thousands of acres of cotton fields at every turn. If they can't hire people, asking relatives and friends for help will be a drop in the bucket, and it will be impossible to complete the picking.

This kind of large-scale agricultural production requires stable output, so I think cotton harvesters should be used in state-owned farms of the Production and Construction Corps to ensure stable output of cotton. "

In production or economic activities, the larger the scale, the more risks must be avoided.

For example, buying stocks with one million funds in hand is definitely different from buying stocks with 10 billion funds in hand. Retail investors often hit several daily limits when trading stocks, and can double their capital in a year. Buffett can make 20 yuan a year from stock trading, and he is already known as the "Stock God."

Zhang Jianshe understood this truth. He thought for a moment and then nodded: "Large-scale agricultural production, reducing risks and pursuing stability are indeed in line with the objective laws of agricultural development."

Li Weidong continued to add: "Secretary Zhang, we can make another calculation. One cotton harvester can pick 10,000 acres of cotton. If there are 100 machines, then one million acres of cotton can be picked.

In other words, if the Production and Construction Corps purchases one hundred cotton harvesters, it will be able to grow one million acres of cotton every year during sowing time!

How many more tons of cotton can be produced every year by increasing the cotton field production by one million acres! If we rely on manual picking to increase production by one million acres, we don’t know how long it will take us to do it in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. "

After hearing the words "increased production by one million acres", Zhang Jianshe's expression finally changed.

The temptation to increase cotton production by one million acres is too great! 13056/9825084

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