Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 190: The benefits of pouring the sky

"It's finally here, it's finally here..."

Seeing the big announcement that the state has officially approved the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone, Li Meng was excited, with smiles in his eyes. He looked at Su Yu and said, "This market hurricane we were looking forward to has finally arrived. It’s blowing up, and according to the announcement document, the core location of the free trade zone is the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone. This wave of ours... can be regarded as completely hitting the policy node."

Although in such an announcement, the relevant details are not yet clear.

However, this top-level design of the 'regional special economic zone' concept is already a huge boon to the market, enough to bring about huge speculation and market expectations.

"Yes, we're finally here!" Su Yu chuckled, feeling very happy in his heart.

"According to the document, the scope of the pilot free trade zone established in this round is 28.78 square kilometers, and with this pilot zone as the core, its future policy benefits will directly radiate to the entire surrounding Yangtze River Delta economic group. According to last year's According to published data, the GDP of this Yangtze River Delta economic group is as high as 10 trillion." Li Meng excitedly continued to analyze the benefits of the document and the country's consideration of the 'economic development strategic guidelines' in this top-level economic design, and continued "According to this logic, the impact of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' on the national economy is probably no less than the impact of the 'Shenzhen Special Economic Zone' established in the past."

"With a top-level design like this, let's not talk about the future..."

Su Yu said: "In view of the development results of the Shenzhen market, the market's expected space will not be small. Speaking of which, this document, amid the market's hazy speculation, can be said to have been waiting for it for a long time. Ah, the hype line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has now entered a new stage."

Previously, the entire market was in a hazy and dubious stage of speculation.

Now that the announcement has been made and certainty has arrived, the next market... should be a stage of full-scale deterministic anticipation and speculation.

Of course, at this stage...

The most core "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept stocks will definitely be subject to further frenzied fundraising from various funds.

"Well, with such a big benefit, most of the core concept stocks of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' will definitely be listed tomorrow." Li Meng said happily, "Fortunately, we have completed the position building, and we just need to wait and see the market changes. , you can just lie down and make a lot of profits.”

Thinking of this, she had to admire Su Yu's decision in this matter.

Without Su Yu's persistence, the current position bias of the entire fund would probably still be in the core concept constituent stocks of the GEM, and there would never be such a comfortable position ratio as it is now.

While the two were talking, on the Internet at this moment...

The broad investor group has also entered an unprecedented level of interpretation, analysis, and discussion of this major news.

“After the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, is this the first time the country has established a ‘regional special economic zone’?”

"It's really a huge blessing. I'm just saying that the 'local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange' have moved too frequently during this period, which is obviously abnormal. I see..."

“With the establishment of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’, the future growth potential of the ‘Yangtze River Delta Economic Cluster’ will be greater than that of the ‘Pearl River Delta’, right?”

"This is another economic engine created at the core of the 'Yangtze River Delta Economic Cluster'!"

“The top-level design, the centenary plan, and the establishment of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ can directly boost the entire ‘Yangtze River Delta Economic Group’’s economic volume of RMB 10 trillion.”

"Good news, really big news!"

"No wonder the Shanghai stock market is so strong. Hot money tycoons from all walks of life have gathered together, and countless people are rushing to raise funds. It turns out that it follows this bottom-level hype logic. It's awesome! It's awesome!"

"The introduction of macro policies and its overall impact have been demonstrated by the Shenzhen market on the entire Pearl River Delta economy. Everyone should have a clear expectation. Needless to say, I think it is better to discuss this benefit, which can directly affect , good sectors and individual stocks, this is the most important thing, after all, no matter what kind of good news, it must be implemented in order to bring us tangible profits."

“The essence of a free trade area is to sign a free trade agreement to mutually cancel most tariffs and non-tariff barriers on goods, remove market access restrictions for most service sectors, and open up investment, so that goods, services, capital, and technology can be The free flow of production factors such as people and people can complement each other’s advantages and promote common development.”

"But for this round of establishment of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', in addition to the original demands, the country is also preparing to build the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' into a new experimental field for domestic economic development, implement changes in government functions, and implement financial system changes. , trade services, foreign investment and tax policies and other reform measures, and will vigorously promote the development of Shanghai stock market re-export, offshore business, and other reform measures.

"All in all... this is a measure that will have a profound impact on our economic development."

“According to the content of the document and the essential development of the free trade zone, in terms of stimulating direct industry sectors and individual stocks in the market, it should be the ports, trade, logistics, commercial real estate development, and financial services sectors in the free trade zone. , of course...the core Shanghai stock market local stocks of these sectors have actually been repeatedly speculated by big funds before the news was announced, and it is not easy to intervene at the moment."

"In terms of ports, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group is definitely the core; in terms of logistics, Shanghai Materials Trading has also stepped up; in terms of trade, Shanghai Sanmao should be regarded as the core; in commercial real estate development, Waigaoqiao has stated in the private placement document The project direction of its fixed increase is to support the development of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone". Coupled with the regional delineation of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", the most core sector is the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone. This one is definitely Among the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept stocks, the core is the core, but unfortunately it has been suspended, and there is no chance to participate at all; in terms of financial services, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank is naturally the core target, of course... I think Shanghai Steel Union counts, but This check increase has been overdrawn too much..."

"Don't talk so much. What you can buy tomorrow is the best."

"Yes, just based on this good news, I will definitely not be able to buy the core concept stocks tomorrow. Most of them will only have the opportunity to buy some 'leftover' stocks."

"Hey, every time there is a major positive event in the market, big money always predicts it in advance. It's so unfair."

"There is nothing we can do about it. What are our financial advantages and information channel advantages? In fact... this time's major announcement of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has been rumored by the market for a long time. I I remember I heard someone say it last week, that is... trading is always easier said than done. You know, you may not be able to do it. I watched the Shanghai stock market go up for a few days, and I also heard about this news. But I just didn’t dare to chase the rise and buy.”

"Yeah, easier said than done..."

"Indeed, with such great benefits, I will definitely not be able to buy the core concept stocks of the first line tomorrow."

"Originally, I was thinking about following the trend and trying to get promoted tomorrow, but... now it seems that I have no chance to do it."

"By the way, today's 78 million on Fuxing Road was bought at the right time. There won't be any inside information, right?"

"There have been rumors in the market for many days. It shouldn't be considered inside information, right? And... isn't it normal for such a large fund to have inside information?"

"Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, you should be able to buy it tomorrow, right? I don't believe that such a big guy can still reach the daily limit."

"There is a high probability that it will not rise to the daily limit, but this kind of super bank blue-chip stock has a market value of hundreds of billions, and there is not much room. It is a huge benefit, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to rise by three boards. Chase the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. It’s really unnecessary, it’s better to chase Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, which is also a core stock.”

"Shanghai-Hong Kong Group may not be able to buy it tomorrow..."

In the midst of an unprecedentedly heated discussion among the vast retail investors in the market, about half an hour after the release of the blockbuster document on the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’...

Major financial media, financial websites, and financial influencers across the Internet have also begun to interpret the positive news one after another.


The Director of the Strategic Research Department of the Great Wisdom Trading Platform said that the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone is the second top-level design since the opening of the country’s economy, and its far-reaching impact is comparable to the establishment of the ‘Shenzhen Special Economic Zone’.

Huashang Securities, chief analyst, said that the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone is a national strategy aimed at exploring the path to deepening reforms and expanding opening-up models. It is an institutional experimental field that can bring reference experience and experience to other regions across the country. With a demonstration effect, it may be able to start a new round of rapid economic growth and serve as a new economic engine.

Jinshi Finance, an influential financial V, said that the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone is another starting point for the country's economic take-off, and it is to stimulate the inner vitality of the 'Yangtze River Delta Economic Group' and enable it to further develop. Effective performance of the country’s economic engine.

And as time goes by, more and more people in the financial circle are speaking out.

At the same time, countless media outlets rushed to report on it, making this major good news break out and attract everyone's attention.

Of course, in the meantime...

Many substantial market participants, after the initial excitement and excitement, began to focus on the substantial impact of this good news on many stocks in the market, and began to study the opportunities therein.

Among them, many are within large institutions.

The Strategic Investment Department and Fund Trading Department worked overtime that night to sort out the core stocks of each sector that could participate in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", as well as its extended concept stocks.

And in this extremely excited and exciting mood of the entire market.

At this moment, within Yuhang and Jingda Investment, Gu Chijiang, as the general manager of the company, was furious.

Before the announcement of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", the company's main fund held heavy positions in Waigaoqiao and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, the two real core concept stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone". , however... in the end, all the low position reductions were missed by mistake.

"Hao Wei, this guy really made a mistake!"

Gu Chijiang was in his villa, holding the tea cup in his hand, and almost exploded in his heart: "If I didn't enter the market at a low position, I would have at least doubled the profit.'s really too late to adjust positions."

"Hey, the key is that the year-end results cannot be completed, and I can't explain to Mr. Ning of Pengyuan Real Estate."

Most of the funds in the fund he manages come from the Ning family of Pengyuan Real Estate. If the performance commitments are not fulfilled, most of the funds from the Ning family will not be handed over to him in the coming year.

Thinking of this, Gu Chijiang became more and more angry and almost dropped the tea cup in his hand.

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