Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 192: A full-scale outbreak of the main market situation

While the two were talking, 9:30 arrived and the two cities entered the formal trading stage.

I saw large-scale active funds in the market continuing to pour into stocks related to the concept of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone". The entire "Shanghai local stock" sector has seen more and more red stocks, and as long as it follows the "Shanghai Stock Exchange" Other non-Shanghai-listed local stocks that may be somewhat related to the Shanghai Free Trade Zone are also being scrambled by a lot of funds in the market at this moment.

And under the guidance of this high emotion...

The major indexes quickly rushed upward for a while, and then gradually fell back when they found that there was insufficient support and the selling pressure from above was still heavy.

"As expected, funds are increasingly concentrated in the hot hype direction of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'." Seeing the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' that is still spreading, and the index that has begun to rise and fall, Li Li Meng turned his head and looked at Su Yu, his eyes full of admiration, "Mr. Su, your guess is too accurate."

Su Yu chuckled and said: "It's not difficult to guess. After all, the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is such a huge benefit, and the money-making effect of the gathering is too strong. The funds on the market are all profit-seeking. At the beginning of the announcement of the benefits, When the expectation is too late to be realized, as long as you buy the relevant chips, you will make a profit, and there is no reason why everyone should not follow."

"It's just... I didn't expect that the liquor sector would be so miserable today!"

In Su Yu's eyes, at this moment, the core stocks of the liquor sector, Qianzhou Moutai and Jincheng Fenjiu, have fallen by about 6.5%, and selling to kill the decline is still emerging in endlessly. It seems... If the market index continues to fall, It is very likely that it will continue to fall.

"Liquor section?"

Li Meng turned his gaze back, glanced at this sector and the trend of core stocks, thought for a while, and said: "The consumption of the three public affairs has further tightened, and contemporary young people do not have a strong 'wine table culture' and prefer beer to beer. The social development trend of liquor and the overall demand for this industry should be declining rapidly. The future expectations are quite pessimistic. In addition, institutions like to form groups in this industry. Now expectations and confidence have further collapsed. With such a drop today, I think ...It’s not surprising.”

In her opinion, this industry does not have much future potential.

Moreover, the expectations of the industry's fundamentals are still severely pessimistic, and there is no hope of a reversal at all.

"When you are pessimistic, naturally everything will be negative." Su Yu smiled and said, "This industry has little hope in the short term, but it still has great potential in the long term. After all, our country is still a human society." Culture is not something that can be changed simply by changing it. Moreover... the business model of this industry has the natural advantage of not having to worry about inventory accumulation and asset losses. If the fundamentals of the industry reverse one day, this advantage will , will bring a long-term profit growth trend to all operating companies."

"You mean... you can try to pick up some blood chips?" Li Meng reacted.

Su Yu looked at Qianzhou Moutai, whose stock price was about to fall to double digits, thought for a moment, and replied: "Forget it, we don't have that much funds at the moment, and we don't have any position restrictions."

Qianzhou Moutai, priced below 110 yuan, really moved his heart.

It’s just that at this time, the liquor sector is really in a bad situation, and the market’s future expectations are extremely bad. Although its stock price has not fallen much at 10.6 times PE, the reversal of expectations and the reversal of the overall plight of the industry has indeed It's still far away. At this time, even if there are idle funds to intervene, it will still be a waste of money and time.

And just when Su Yu was thinking that Qianzhou Moutai at this time was already attractive enough for investment...

Yuhang, inside Jingda Investment.

General Manager Gu Chijiang stood in the trading room with a dark face and angrily giving instructions to the traders to clear the fund's heavy positions of 'Jincheng Fenjiu' and 'Qianzhou Moutai', withdraw funds, and reduce the size of the entire fund's positions. , to prevent the fund from losing too much in heavy positions and directly touching the liquidation line.

"Mr. Gu, do you really want to sell them all?" asked Lin, the leader of Jingda Fund's trading team.

His philosophy is indeed inconsistent with Hao Weilai, who advocates heavy investment in the liquor sector, but now the liquor sector is experiencing negative news at a low level. In his opinion, the decline is limited, and the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" is the main line of speculation. , most of them have already risen dramatically, and it doesn’t make much sense to withdraw at this time. Moreover, even if they are all sold and the funds are withdrawn, the liquor sector that has exhausted all the profit margins in other directions at this moment may not be safe.

"Sell, sell everything!" Gu Chijiang emphasized, "If you know you are wrong, you must stop the loss."

"What's the next direction after the funds are withdrawn?" Team leader Lin hesitated and continued to ask.

Gu Chijiang looked at the net value of the entire fund, which was only 0.79. He was silent for a moment and asked: "Team Leader Lin, how sustainable do you think the hype of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is? If we want to participate, at this time ...and how to lay it out?”

Team leader Lin was silent for a while, looked at the highly fermented 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' hype in the two cities, and replied: "Looking at the degree of capital gathering today, the entire market has at least more than 10 billion active funds. The surge in this direction should last for ten days and a half, after all, the degree of involvement of various funds in this wave should be very deep."


Team leader Lin paused and then said: "We have missed the opportunity to build a position. At this time, this main line of speculation is at its peak. Related core concept stocks are all in a straight-line pattern. There are Even if you have sufficient funds, you can’t buy it.”

"If Mr. Gu wants to use this main line to win the game, I think it will be quite difficult."

"Of course, if you have to choose this direction of layout, chase hot spots."

"My suggestion is to avoid the hot local core stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and choose low-priced stocks with relatively pure concepts in the ports, logistics, and commercial real estate sectors."

"But the stocks that are still low at this time are basically not local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange." Gu Chijiang said.

"That's okay." Team leader Lin smiled, "I think if the market sentiment of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' continues to ferment, the funds overflowing under the main line of the market will definitely choose to do it. When it comes to other 'local free trade zone' concepts, after all, since the country can approve the establishment of a 'free trade zone' in Shanghai, there is no reason to favor one thing over another, right? Aren't other local governments jealous and won't apply?"

When Gu Chijiang heard what Team Leader Lin said, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed and said: "Awesome, this should be called divergent thinking, it makes sense... Just follow the layout in this direction, I don't believe it, can you be wrong this time? "

Team Leader Lin nodded, and used the funds withdrawn from the liquor sector to quickly buy non-Shanghai local stocks in the port, logistics, and trade sectors with very pure concepts, waiting for funds to buy the "Shanghai Free Trade" After the area's core stock chips, overflow sentiment spread in this direction.

When Jingda Investment fired Hao Weilai and Liu Ze, it made a timely position adjustment strategy.

Yanjing, inside Anlan Fund.

General Manager Zhou Guohua, after discovering that all the stocks with the core concept of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" in the market have seriously shrunk and cannot continue to increase their positions, he thought about it and also aimed at increasing his positions with enough cheap chips that have not yet changed. Other non-Shanghai local 'free trade zone' concept stocks that can be picked up.

Of course, at this moment, there are not a few institutions and large investors who think the same as Jingda Investment and Anlan Fund.


With these thoughts gathered together, after 11 o'clock.

When the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" line in the market has been hyped to the extreme, and they have gathered on the core concept stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", various funds that obviously feel that they cannot get chips begin to quickly withdraw their orders and chase Other hype concepts extended from the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'.

"The market continues to diverge. Even among the local stocks in Yuzhou and Tianjin, many core concept stocks belonging to ports, logistics, commercial real estate development, and trade are now being attacked by many major funds." When new trends appear in the market Li Meng, who has been observing the changes in market conditions, saw that the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' continued to extend into new branches of speculation. He couldn't help but be surprised and said, "The entire main line of concept stocks feels that it has changed from the initial few From ten branches, it has expanded to more than 200 branches now.”

Su Yu also noticed what Li Meng said, nodded slightly, and said, "The more the divergence occurs, the deeper the market's hype will be. This is a good thing."

Only big mainline market trends can create sustained money-making effects.

Only the continuous money-making effect can attract free funds from the sidelines, allow more investors from the sidelines to enter the market, and bring more incremental funds. Only with the entry of more incremental funds can the market continue and be healthy. cycle, bringing better money-making effects.

Otherwise, it will always be just a game of existing funds, and the market will never go too far.

Therefore, Su Yu hopes that the main concept of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' can extend to more branches and drive more stocks in the two cities.

After all, only in this way can he reap more profits by investing heavily in the market.

As he pondered...

It was approaching 11:30. After experiencing a wave of highs and lows, the market prices of the two cities slowly recovered part of the decline and finally stabilized near the opening position.

Then, at 11:30, the two cities ushered in the midday closing time.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose at 0.78%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index rose at 0.63%, and the ChiNext Index rose slightly by 0.23%.

The popular stocks in the two cities, the more than 20 most popular concept stocks in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", are still shrinking to the daily limit, basically not releasing too many chips; among the GEM constituent stocks, the early popular highs' Pan Mobile Internet's stock has been fluctuating violently near the opening price. It has not fallen deeply, but it has not risen high. In the liquor sector, which led the decline, Qianzhou Moutai has a rare unilateral decline. The half-day drop reached 7.7%, and the stock price is infinitely close. 100 yuan mark.

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