Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 203: Emotional climax, reduce positions and stop profits!

"Today's situation seems to be significantly different from the previous few days!"

Seeing that within a few minutes of the opening, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's material trade quickly broke through and reached near the daily limit price. Inside the Yuhang Investment Company, in the trading room, Li Meng said: "Almost all the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept stocks, Everything is changing, and Waigaoqiao has really hit ten consecutive boards since the resumption of trading.”

"Further stimulation of good news, full divergence of hot spots..." Su Yu stared at the market and responded, "The hype of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' should have entered a comprehensive climax stage."

"With such intense speculation in the early stage, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Waigaoqiao generally increased by two or three times, and other core local stocks in the Shanghai Stock Exchange also generally increased by 30% to 50%. Isn't this considered a comprehensive climax stage?" Wang Can asked, "I feel like this main line has been speculated for a long time!"

Su Yu said with a smile: "Although the hype time span of this main line is not short, the hype themes under this main line in the early stage all came one after another. First it was the local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, then the core free trade zone concept stocks, and then the 'Port , logistics, real estate' industry sectors, followed by low-end marginal concept stocks, emerging concept stocks that have a hard pull relationship, and finally the speculation of free trade zones in Yuzhou, Jinmen, Qingdao, Haizhou, Nansha and other places..."

“Funds are being speculated one after another and transferred one after another.”

"But during this period, there was no collective linkage among all the hype path sectors."

"Look at today's market..."

"Spurred by the news of the new 'Free Trade Zone Financial Reform Pilot' last night, the market launched today with the theme of 'Financial Reform', which directly triggered all the previous 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' hype-themed riots. Now , all branches are linked together.”

"This phenomenon is the extreme divergence of emotions."

"It shows that this main line of speculation has now entered the climax stage with the best money-making effect."

"Of course, once any speculation market enters this market stage, it means that market expectations have been completely fulfilled, the main line of speculation is about to turn from prosperity to decline, and it is time to gradually make profits and leave the market."

"After all, any performance will gradually come to an end after the climax."

"Understood!" Wang Can said, "Then...are we going to sell our positions in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group now?"

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "The Shanghai-Hong Kong Group's liquidity is relatively abundant, and our position in this stock is not too heavy compared to its liquidity. If we want to exit, It can be done in half a day, so don’t be too anxious, it’s the Shanghai Stock Exchange..."

"Today's breakthrough may seem beautiful, but in fact it is a final attempt to lure bulls with the help of emotions."

"We have a very heavy position on this check. We cannot wait until the climax subsides and the mood changes before we start to exit. Now... we have to exit slowly."

Calculated based on the current Shanghai Stock Exchange stock price and market value.

In the fund account alone, the total holdings on this check have a market value of 435 million.

If you include the 206 million market value of the check held in his personal account.

Their main funds alone hold a total of 641 million chips in this stock, accounting for more than 4% of the overall market value of this check.

Such a heavy warehouse size...

If you are not in the emotional climax stage, reduce your holdings in advance.

According to the current average daily turnover of the Shanghai stock market of about 1.5 billion, when the market really turns from strong to weak, they will not be able to get out at all.

What's more, at the moment, the stock holdings in Shanghai Stock Exchange are among the main ones.

Not only is he a lurking behemoth, there are also major funds such as Zexi Investment and Jiefang South Road.

Su Yu estimated that the market value of the other party's positions was much lower than his, but if it was really the turn of the two parties to compete for market liquidity, no one would be able to safely exit the market.

"How?" Li Meng asked again when he heard that he was about to start taking profits on the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Currently, the Shanghai stock market has reached its daily limit, and orders are closed, exceeding 150,000 lots.

If we really want to cut profits on a large scale, at this time... we can sell out two to three hundred million or even more chips in one breath.

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "The current market has just begun to fully diverge. Such extremely fervent sentiments, stimulated by another round of good news related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', should be able to last for a few more days, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Mao and Waigaoqiao, the two absolute leading stocks on the market's main line, are not lacking in financial attention and popularity. It is estimated that they can last for a few days, so... we don't need to smash the market here to stop profits. "

“Large orders can be transformed into mid orders and small orders, and it’s enough to release them slowly.”

"First sell out the more than 48 million, a total of more than 27,000 lots of chips that we increased our positions on August 27, so as not to cause panic in the market and allow the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange to stay at a high level for a long time. Some, at the same time, can easily paralyze opponents.”

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded.

Then, together with other traders, he began to sell chips from the Shanghai stock market through intermittent selling orders.

At the same time, Su Yu took a look at his personal account. He originally bought more than 78 million, but now has reached 206 million in his personal position account. He also began to sell large orders to small ones and intermittently sold chips from the Shanghai Stock Exchange to gradually stop profits.

And as they sell...

The overall trend of the market in the two cities has not been affected in any way.

The various branches of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' have continued to change, and more and more stocks have reached their daily limit, especially the 'financial reform' and 'Yuzhou, Jinmen, Nansha, Qingdao, Hainan, etc.' The two branches of the free trade zone in Zhou' and other places have continued to gather active funds in the market, breaking out of the trend of rising and limiting the sector.

Finally, it closed at noon.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose 1.36%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index rose 1.21%, and the ChiNext Index rose 1.02%, achieving a certain degree of extravagance.

Under this situation, the "financial reform" stocks, such as Jinshan Development, Aijian Shares, Dajiang Shares, Duolun Shares and other mid- and small-cap concept stocks, have all reached the daily limit, and their profit-making effect can be described as It has been interpreted to the extreme; the core concept stocks of the free trade zones in "Yuzhou, Jinmen, Nansha, Qingdao, Haizhou" and other places. At this stage, the number of daily limit stocks has also exceeded 10, which can be said to be a full-scale explosion.

The previously relatively core ‘Shanghai local stocks’, as well as the early popular concept stocks of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’.

There are also industry sectors that benefit from core free trade zones such as ‘real estate, ports, and logistics’.

It has also become the target of significant attacks by funds. Even large-cap concept stocks such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Lujiazui, which are difficult to speculate, rose by more than 5% again today, and the trading volume has further exploded.

And in the afternoon...

The interpretation of this situation has become increasingly out of control.

The attack direction of hot money and institutions has not only begun to deviate from the core concepts related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", but has also begun to spread in the direction of "Internet Finance" and even "Big Finance".

Especially the two stocks of Essence Trust and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank.

In the afternoon trading, it became the core of the major capital attack in one fell swoop, and became the absolute core stock in the direction of "financial reform" under the main line of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone". Even, at 2:21 p.m. , Anxin Trust directly ushered in a buy order of 100,000 lots, directly pushing its stock price to the daily limit, and at the same time... it also pushed the hype of the entire market to the ultimate peak.

After Anxin Trust hit its daily limit, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank rose more than 7%.

The entire 'big financial' sector began to riot.

Finally, in the last half hour of trading, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continued to rise, reaching a 3.5% increase for the first time after experiencing a sharp decline on June 24.

Finally, when the market closes at 3 o'clock.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange is priced at a 3.63% increase, breaking through the 2150 point; the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is priced at a 2.53% increase; the GEM is priced at a 2.48% increase, reaching 1169.31.

Among them, the two cities achieved a general surge.

All the concept sectors of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' have exploded into a very strong money-making effect. Among several branches, the total number of concept stocks with daily limit reached 35, second only to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' news. After the announcement, the number of concept stocks reached the daily limit on August 20.

After the market closed, faced with such market performance...

Regardless of retail investors, hot money, or large institutional groups, all investors on the market are extremely excited and excited.

After all, today around the core theme of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", all the stocks with daily limit numbers, except for a few one-word board stocks, all have the opportunity to participate, and their financial participation and money-making effects, Compared to August 20, it was countless times stronger.

Moreover, even if the stocks held are not in the main line of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone".

In today's generally rising market, you can still make money.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve made money so heartily, it’s great!”

"The overall market volume has expanded a lot today. The turnover of the two cities has once again touched the 100 billion mark. I feel... the bull market is really close."

"Haha... The main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is still strong. You can make money no matter what you buy."

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange's big positive line broke through today. Can it be considered that it has completely got rid of the previous shock range of 2000 points to 2100 points? It's really beautiful. This large positive line with heavy volume is moving so beautifully."

"Yes, today's market trend is so beautiful."

"What's even more beautiful is the hype related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. I just counted. There are nearly 40 stocks with daily limit related to the main line of speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and the increase is 5%. There are more than 100 of the above, and even the big Shanghai Pudong Development Bank almost hit the daily limit during the session today, releasing nearly 4 billion in energy. The market is so hot today, which is really unexpected!"

"That's right, you can make money by buying whatever you want. It's like suddenly dreaming back to the bull market."

"This is called an explosion. The hype of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has officially arrived. This wave... will definitely produce ten times the number of stocks."

"Are you talking about the Shanghai Stock Exchange? The breakthrough trend of this leading stock today is also very beautiful."

"Waigaoqiao is also possible, right? From tens of billions to hundreds of billions. As the absolute core leading stock of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", there is still room for imagination for giants worth hundreds of billions in the future, right?"

“I just can’t buy it all the time, which is annoying.”

"Ten boards have been played in a row, but the volume has not been increased yet. I wonder how many boards can be opened?"

"Everyone said before that they would open the market at a height of seven or eight boards, but now... with the current market enthusiasm, I'm afraid it will have to go above fifteen boards."

"No matter how many boards there are, I just hope I can buy them as soon as possible."

"If Waigaoqiao can't buy it, it can only buy Shanghai Stock Exchange. This check is also a direct beneficiary stock of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and is also the core leader of the market."

"It's not necessary to buy these two checks."

"Yes, in today's market, as long as it is a concept stock under the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', you can make money by buying any one."

"Yes, even Shanghai Pudong Development Bank can reach a position close to the daily limit, which shows how much the main funds are pursuing the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line. Looking at today's sentiment, in this direction, the follow-up will definitely There are still great opportunities, so feel free to participate...I estimate that funds will continue to circulate on this main line from this year to the end of the year.”

"Indeed, you just have to be brainless. If you don't make money when it's so easy to make money, you won't be able to make money even if you want to when the market goes down."

In the discussions among retail investors, hot money, and institutional groups, many ideas of continuing to increase positions and further deepen the speculation regarding the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" that has once again exploded have arisen in their minds.

"From the speculation of local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, to the speculation of the logistics, ports, and real estate industries, to the hype of the concept of local free trade zones, and now to the concept of 'financial innovation, financial reform'..." At this moment, the Magic City, Ze Inside Xi Investment Company, Xu Xiang reviewed the overall market trend today and said with a smile, "The main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', its hype potential and deepening direction are really unexpected!"

"Indeed, it completely exceeded expectations." Zhou Kan stood beside him and nodded.

"I originally thought that the climax of the hype stage was over." Xu Xiang said, "I didn't expect that the real hype has just begun."

"Very good, the index has broken through upward."

"The main line concept has also been fully developed, and each branch line has also been recognized by funds."

"Moreover, as soon as the concept of 'financial reform' came out, 'big finance', which is the core weight of the market, was also pulled out. The key is the market volume, which once again touched the 100 billion mark."

"It seems that if the regulatory authorities come up with some favorable cooperation, institutions will also actively enter the market."

"With the continued recovery of investment sentiment in the market and the continuous profit-making effect that has been finally formed around the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', it is not impossible to kick off the bull market!"

The more Xu Xiang talked, the more excited he became, feeling that more opportunities were coming.

At the same time, he also has higher hopes and expectations for the main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone".

"Mr. Xu, what should we do next?" Zhou Kan paused amidst Xu Xiang's emotion and continued to ask.

Xu Xiang thought for a while and said: "The ten consecutive rebounds after Waigaoqiao's resumption of trading can be said to have completely opened up everyone's expectations and the height of market speculation."

“Next, let’s work around the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ line!”

"It's just that the focus needs to be fine-tuned."

"The 'financial reform' line, as the last sub-concept to appear in the main line of speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', has not yet fully exploded its potential, and in this direction, whether it is with the 'Internet Finance' Whether it's linking up with emerging concept sectors or linking up with the market's 'big finance', it can work both ways."

"Here, we have to focus on it and adjust our positions."

"Of course, we cannot let go of the two real leading stocks, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Waigaoqiao."

"Since funds from all walks of life in the market have combined their efforts to push this main line into a higher level of hype, then let's let go and do it boldly."

"The funds in the entire market are too focused and in-depth in the direction of this main line."

"Whether you admit it or not, this line has become the core driving engine for the upward trend of the two cities. It has become the area where market funds gather the most and have the strongest money-making effect."

“And since the trend is like this, we have no choice but to follow it.”

"I just don't know if Fortune Road's capital has such a pattern..."

As he said that, he looked at the time and saw that it was already around 5:30. He couldn't help but hurriedly turned his attention to the refreshed Dragon and Tiger ranking data.

There are obviously many more stocks on the list today than yesterday.

As for Shanghai Stock Exchange, a stock that has been at the center of market sentiment and attention for more than a month, it is no surprise that it is on the list.

"Hey...this guy actually appeared today."

Seeing the seat data disclosed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Dragon and Tiger List, Xu Xiang's eyes showed a hint of surprise: "More than 76 million yuan was sold on Fortune Road, and more than 50 million yuan was sold on Fusheng Road. The total amount is 126 million yuan. Forbearance." After so long, this guy actually left the market when both the stock price and the index broke through, which is really unexpected."

"The more than 76 million funds sold on Fortune Road should be all the more than 48 million funds purchased on August 27, right?" Zhou Kan looked at the data on the Dragon and Tiger List of Shanghai Stock Exchange and said, "As for the more than 50 million funds raised on the way back up, it should be less than half of the position he originally bought."

"Yeah!" Xu Xiang nodded, "Based on the more than 78 million yuan purchased by Fushenglu on August 19, Fushenglu's current holdings of the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock should be around 200 million. If you sell 50 million, you only have about a quarter of your position, which is understandable."

"It's just that all the ways to get rich are gone, which is a bit...incomprehensible."

"'s okay to get out."

"Without the funds from Fortune Road and Fusheng Road to disrupt the situation, the internal chips of Shanghai Stock Exchange will be cleaner, which will be more conducive for me to control the check."

"Fortunately, this guy came out at today's daily limit and didn't hit the market."

"It still gives me a certain amount of face."

When he was controlling the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange, he was actually always worried about the funds on the market, Fortune Road and Fusheng Road, so he suddenly and quickly hit the market.

Therefore, in the past, market sentiment was not sufficient and the market force was not very strong.

Only then did he maintain the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange in the price range of 23 to 26, which fluctuated for a whole week. Only now did he wait for a consistent bullish sentiment and breakthrough opportunity.

But he didn't expect it at all...

The other party endured the shock for a whole week, but when it just broke through, it suddenly reduced its position on a large scale.

"Damn it, Fortune Road actually appeared?"

When Xu Xiang was surprised and couldn't quite guess Su Yu's motives, other investors in the entire market who were paying attention to the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock were also astonished after seeing the data on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Dragon and Tiger List. Confidence: "The market has just made a breakthrough in terms of volume. What is the intention of Fortune Road to reduce its position?"

"I can't understand it, but it's definitely worth being vigilant about."

"Has the Shanghai Stock Exchange reached its peak? No, Waigaoqiao is still shrinking in a straight line. As the absolute core leader of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', there is no reason why the market would be cut off here. , and according to its intraday trend of breaking through the shock range today, setting a new rebound high, and having a strong seal, this is obviously a trend that is about to start a second wave. How could the market stop here?"

"Did Fortune Road reduce the wrong position today?"

"I really can't understand this hand. Can anyone explain it?"

"Damn it, I was secretly proud of my chasing purchase today, but now that I see Fortune Road coming out, I feel very anxious again."

"It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has done quite well today."

"And the index really broke through the positive line with heavy volume."

"I'm speechless. I never expected that Fortune Road would appear on a large scale today. Tomorrow...what will happen to the Shanghai Stock Exchange tomorrow? This breakthrough...can't be a false breakthrough, right?"

"I don't think there's anything to worry about. Although Fortune Road and Fusheng Road both appeared on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's sales list today, and the total sales amount reached 126 million, but I just turned over this Based on the historical buying data of the two stocks in Shanghai Wumao stock, it was found that the 126 million sales should only account for half of the positions held by Fortune Road and Fusheng Road funds in Shanghai Wumao stock. about."

"In other words, the funds from Fortune Road and Fusheng Road still have a position of more than 100 million in the Shanghai Stock Exchange?"

"To be precise, there are still more than 100 million positions in Fusheng Road."

"Haha... Then there is no need to worry. Look at it this way... the funds from Fortune Road and Fusheng Road are just reducing positions, not clearing them. If I had been holding from the bottom for so long, I would definitely reduce some of my chips and lock in some profits. , Reduce the risk of profit retracement.”

"And there is still no wind on Jiefang South Road today, so don't worry too much."

"Okay, okay! If you calculate it this way, it seems very reasonable. The moment I saw the data on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, I was really shocked."

"But the funds from Fortune Road and Fusheng Road are really the market's super midas masters."

"This major force is involved in the Shanghai stock market. In this wave, they basically made more than 100 million, more than double the profit, right? It's really amazing, and it's really scary."

"To be honest, the check of Shanghai Materials Trading is really not controlled by Fortune Road and Fuxing Road this round."

"It looks more like Jiefang South Road. The chief rudder is in control, but who can let the other party hold on to the leading stocks? It's the other person's turn to make the money."

"Hey, I have to learn to hold the chips too."

"In the past week of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, I was really beaten to death, but now... at least I have managed to survive."

Everyone was extremely surprised and confused...

At this moment, within Yanjing and Anlan Fund, Xie Wanting couldn't understand it after seeing the data of the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Dragon and Tiger List: "Teacher, this is the right time to reduce the position of this fund, isn't it?"

"It's wrong, but it's not wrong." Zhou Guohua said, "In transactions, some weaknesses of human nature are still difficult to overcome. This capital has made extremely huge profits in the Shanghai stock market. It can be observed The floating profit reached is more than 100 million. If we do not reduce the position and lock in the profit, we will need a lot of patience to hold positions."

“This is the saying that losses can be held but profits cannot.”

"Actually, this stock of funds has been able to lock up positions from the bottom to now, and it has only begun to lighten its positions. It is already quite powerful. If I... it must have been the first divergence after the end of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Just reduce the position and take profit, but this guy also increased the position on that day."

Xie Wanting heard Zhou Guohua's words and understood some of the logic of the other party's reduction of positions. She paused and continued to ask: "With the influence of this capital on the market, the teacher estimates... how will the Shanghai stock market market be tomorrow?" ?”

"It is estimated that the price limit will still rise!" Zhou Guohua said, "There will be differences, but since there is a breakthrough, it is a situation of failure or collapse."

“In the current market, the main line of ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ has once again exploded.”

"Look at the various funds disclosed on the Dragon and Tiger List today. Hot money has been mobilized on a large scale. 25 well-known hot money seats have been revealed, and 12 institutional seats have been revealed."

"Market sentiment has completely heated up!"

"Shanghai Materials Trading is the absolute core leading stock in the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. It has extremely high popularity and financial attention, and the height of the hype of this check directly affects the hype sentiment of the entire market, and The direct hype and continuity of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line is high."

"At this stage, the index has just broken through."

"Whether it is in terms of volume, energy or technical form, it is a bullish trend."

“Such a market shape can attract more incremental funds.”

"So, in the short term, the impact of this fund should be overwhelmed by the overall market sentiment and the combined force of funds. Overall... this fund will not lead to a change in the trend. The check from the Shanghai Stock Exchange will be affected by various channels." Funds and the combined efforts of retail investors in the entire market have brought us to this level.”

"This is unless there is a clear divergence in the overall market sentiment."

“Unless another core concept stock, Waigaoqiao, opens and has a trend that is seriously worse than everyone’s expectations, affecting the entire market, otherwise, this capital alone will not be able to move the market in the counter-trend direction. We ...Don’t worry too much about the impact this capital reduction will have on the market.”

"Okay!" Xie Wanting nodded, digesting the market logic relationships mentioned by Zhou Guohua.

And as the two of them talked...

The entire market and the majority of investor groups gradually understood Fortune Road's move to reduce their positions from negative to positive in disguise, and they continued to be mindlessly bullish on the market in their excitement.

Then, in the still passionate and excited mood of everyone.

The market enters its second day of trading.

At 9:15, the stock price of Shanghai Materials Trading Co., Ltd., which has been highly anticipated and watched, has been controversial and has been hotly discussed by investors all night, jumped from yesterday's closing price of 28.14 yuan to 30.01 yuan in an instant. Not only did it not After opening low, it crossed the important mark of 30 yuan, and opened high with an increase of 6.53%.

PS: Two in one, more than 7,000 words!

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