Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 245 They are all actors!

"Since my brother is also studying finance, he should know that our company's recruitment is very strict, and not everyone can get in." Jiang Yunpeng said, "Brother, do you know the 'Wealth Road'? The trader used by our boss, Mr. Su Seats are the road to wealth, so he is not generally strict with everyone who enters the company. Moreover, when our boss recruits people, the most important thing is not academic qualifications and status, but trading talent. There is no one who can trade twice a year. I won’t ask for performance.”

"Oh, that's it!" Su Yu said, "Then your boss's requirements are really very high."

When Shi Yuling heard Su Yu's words, he realized that the other party was lying. He couldn't help but grabbed Xu Qinglan's hand and pinched her: "Qinglan, how do you know this general... Mr. General?"

"At a party." Xu Qinglan said with a smile, "What's the matter?"

"No, it's okay!" Shi Yuling thought in her heart, not knowing how to reveal the other party's true identity more appropriately. After a pause, she couldn't help but ask, "You said...what happened to you some time ago?"

"Didn't my mother get sick and need surgery at that time?" Xu Qinglan said, "So, I went back to my hometown first. I was still short of some surgery fees, so I relied on Yunpeng's help and lent me some. When my mother had nothing to do It was a big problem. I just rushed back to Yuhang. It was also at this time that I heard that you had left Yichuang Planning and that something happened to Nana. But at that time, I was rushing to catch up with the progress of the task and at the same time, I was busy following 'Xinchuang' terminated the contract, so I didn't have time to see you, but now...everything has slowed down, and I'm really happy to see that you're okay."

"He lent you money?" Shi Yuling was a little surprised, and his impression of this person suddenly became less bad.

"Well!" Xu Qinglan said, "Yunpeng has a good heart, and I also like this about him. This time he said that his company's new fund raised funds, and there were internal investment quotas. He also generously invested 5 The quota has been given to me. I checked and found that their company's funds are really selling well, and you can make money by buying them. I heard that many big bosses in Yuhang can't even buy them if they hold on to their money. ?”

"I also heard that the new fund of 'Yuhang Investment' is selling very well, and many people can't buy it even if they want to." Su Yu continued, "But I don't know that there are five investment quotas for internal employees. .”

"These are all internal channels, and it is impossible for outsiders to know." Jiang Yunpeng continued, "If you have worked in a formal financial company, you should know that fund sales have internal quota requirements."

Su Yu smiled and said, "I know that securities firms and public equity institutions have internal demand for funds that are not easy to sell, but I have never heard of this for funds with tight sales. But this None of it is important... What is important is that Brother Jiang can really get the investment quota of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund? I want to invest too, after all, after three months, the investment return is ten times, who can not be jealous?"

"Brother, you really want to invest?" Yunpeng adjusted his glasses again, his expression suddenly became more energetic, "The starting amount of investment is 200,000, if brother really wants to invest, since you are Qinglan's friend For your sake, I can find a way to get you a place, but this matter must be kept secret. If brothers spread the word, everything will not count."

Su Yu watched the other party seriously using his name and the name of 'Yu Hang Investment' to defraud.

There are literally ten thousand grass mud horses running through my heart.

"Didn't you say that there are no investment quotas?" Xu Qinglan looked at Jiang Yunpeng with some surprise while ordering, "Didn't you say that there are only 5 quotas? And, I will give you all the 5 quotas." My good sisters, they have all collected the money, how come they still have..."

"It is true that each internal employee only has 5 investment quotas." Jiang Yunpeng hurriedly explained when Xu Qinglan questioned, "But one of my colleagues still has unused ones, and...I Don’t you think Qinglan and Miss Yuling are good sisters? Plus Brother Su asked about it, I... can only think of another solution. "

"Hey, you are too kind-hearted and don't know how to reject people." Xu Qinglan sighed, but she was very satisfied in her heart, "But Yuling is indeed my good sister. If you can think of a way to get an extra spot, Being able to help Yu Ling and the others will naturally be a happy thing for everyone."

"Miss Xu..."

Su Yu turned to Xu Qinglan and asked, "Have you really subscribed for the fund of 'Yuhang Investment' and paid the money?"

"Well!" Xu Qinglan said, "The contract is signed, so of course it is real. I borrowed the money from here and there. I wanted to give up before, but Yunpeng said that this investment quota is difficult to find, and according to the People who bought funds from this company before said that they can indeed make money if they buy it. I don’t ask for the ‘10 times return in three months’ as they said, as long as I can get a return of one or two times a year, I will be satisfied.”

"By the time……"

Xu Qinglan paused: "Yunpeng and I can buy our own house in Yuhang."

"Hey..." Su Yu looked at this silly girl and sighed softly in his heart.

In modern society, there are still people who have been sold by others and are still counting money for others, but they don't know it. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes at this moment, it would be unimaginable.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he could understand that the other party was not very old and looked about the same age as Shi Yuling. Moreover, according to what Shi Yuling had said before, the other party had been in the graphic modeling industry for several years. This showed that The other party's academic qualifications and knowledge level are very weak.

Finance is an industry that ordinary people don’t understand and can’t handle at all.

Lack of basic knowledge.

In this way, under the influence of greed, there is a certain rationality in being fooled by others. What's more, the other party also defrauded people in the name of employees of the company "Yuhang Investment", specifically claiming that "three months, ten years" It is a high-profit gimmick to defraud novices who have no understanding of the financial industry.

"Yes!" Jiang Yunpeng took Xu Qinglan's words and said, "The current 'Yuhang No. 2' fund has been closed. Non-internal employees cannot subscribe. If Brother Su really has this intention, I can go all out to do it." Help get a quota, if you don’t have the intention, forget it.”

"But I heard that the investment threshold for private equity funds is not 1 million?" Su Yu continued to ask with a smile.

When Yunpeng was asked this question, he still remained calm and replied very calmly: "For external investors, the starting investment threshold is 1 million, but for our internal employees, through our For investment channels for internal employees, 200,000 is enough.”

"Oh, that's it." Su Yu responded, pretending not to understand very well.

When Jiang Yunpeng saw that Su Yu didn't question him and seemed to have believed him, he couldn't help but ask again: "Brother Su, I think... if you are interested, I can ask my colleague to see if he can For my sake, transfer an investment quota to me."

"If my brother really can get an investment quota, let alone 200,000, I will also invest 2 million." Su Yu continued to fool the other party, and at the same time... he was also thinking about how to deal with this guy.

"Two million!" Yunpeng's eyes lit up obviously.

From the first moment he saw the other person, he felt that although the other person was dressed in ordinary clothes, his bearing was extraordinary. At that time, he guessed that the other person was probably a rich man.

Now's true.

Of course, based on Su Yu's previous words, he did not think that the other party was a person who was very proficient in the financial industry. At most, he only had some specious understanding.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be fooled by him.

"Since...Brother Su has such perseverance in investing, and coupled with Qinglan's relationship." Jiang Yunpeng paused and said, "I will definitely handle the matter of investment quota for Brother Su."

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Su Yu responded with a smile.

Bian Bian had already taken out his cell phone and sent a message to the company's legal adviser, Lawyer Shao, asking him to report the case and to notify Officer Huang, who he was friends with, to come here to file a case.

Deal with this kind of social scum who ruined him and the company's reputation, cheated money and sex.

Su Yu will never show mercy.

At the same time, Su Yu also took advantage of the other party's serious phone call to secretly take a photo, and then sent his photo and name to Lin Antu, director of the company's intelligence department, asking him to find out this person's identity as quickly as possible. Identity and background information.

5 minutes later…

After the other party made the call and was already attracted by his investment amount of 2 million, the conversation with him was already relatively heated.

Su Yu received a message from Lin Antu. Lin Antu said that the photo of the person Su Yu sent him did not match his name at all.

Jiang Yunpeng is another person.

The man in the photo Su Yu sent was named Huang Tiantong.

"How interesting!" Su Yu looked at the message sent by Lin Antu on his mobile phone and thought to himself, "It turns out that even the name is fake. Hey... this friend Yu Ling is really a bad person!"

However, just as he was sighing, Lin Antu sent another string of messages.

Su Yu looked at it carefully and couldn't help but chuckle to himself: "Director Lin is awesome. He is indeed a former elite member of the National Security Bureau. He found out all the information about this person so quickly. I didn't expect...this guy is actually Mr. Qian's The customer owes a lot of money to the Financial Lending Company!"

"Brother Su, what do you think?" As Su Yu secretly sent a message and was meditating alone, the person whose real name was Huang Tiantong and whose pseudonym was Jiang Yunpeng said, "I just asked my colleague and he said that he can transfer an internal investment quota to me. , the fastest...the contract can be signed after the National Day."

"No problem." Su Yu said with a smile, "As long as things work out and you make money in the future, it doesn't matter if you divide the money between the two brothers."

Su Yu said, and sent another message to Mr. Qian, asking him to find someone to collect the bill. In this way... the show he arranged was very interesting.

During the heated conversation between the two...

Shi Yuling, who knew Su Yu's identity, stared blankly at the two people who became more and more excited as they talked, feeling increasingly confused.

She clearly knew that the other party was a liar, but she didn't know why Su Yu continued to follow the other party's words for so long.

"Well, it's better to choose the right day than to hit it." After Su Yu initially gained the other party's trust and initially made the other party think that he was a fat sheep, he continued with a smile, "It's better to transfer your generous investment quota to my brother. How about inviting your colleagues and friends over and thanking you in person? And all the expenses incurred by my brother, Miss Xu, and your friend in the store today will be charged to me."

"elder brother……"

When Shi Yuling heard this, he couldn't help but tug on Su Yu's sleeve.

"It's okay, everyone is happy." Su Yu gently patted Shi Yuling's hand to reassure her, and at the same time, he quietly sent her a message.

There is only one sentence in the message, titled ‘Just wait and see’.

Shi Yuling glanced at the message and knew that Su Yu had already made arrangements, so he said nothing more.

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