Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 248 Yanjing Summit!

The two exchanged contact information with each other, and then Zhao Liying continued to have a brief conversation with Su Yu before leaving accompanied by her assistant.

"Mr. Su..."

As soon as Zhao Liying left, Huang Xiaoming and Mr. Guo of Guangbo Media Group, who had talked to Su Yu before, appeared in front of Su Yu. Mr. Guo introduced to Su Yu with a smile: "This is an important person in our company." Co-star Mr. Huang Xiaoming, he heard about Mr. Su’s entrepreneurial experience and admired Mr. Su very much.”

"Hello, Mr. Su!" Huang Xiaoming had already taken the initiative to say hello to Su Yu in the introduction room of Mr. Guo of Guangbo Media Group.

Su Yu glanced at him. Although he didn't know what the other party wanted, but in order not to hit the smiling person, he still stretched out his hand and shook the other person with a smile, and said: "I have watched many of Mr. Huang's dramas, they are very good. .”

"Mr. Su praised me." Huang Xiaoming smiled, "Can you treat Mr. Su to dinner another day? Actually... I am still very interested in fund investment."

"How about tomorrow night?" Mr. Guo of Guangbo Media Group intervened at the right time, "I'm going to be a host so that we can get to know each other better. After all, multiple friends also lead to multiple paths. What do you think, Mr. Su?"

Su Yu smiled and said: "I'm afraid I can't do it tomorrow night. Mr. Qian and I already have an appointment. How about... another day? If I have time, can I treat you two as hosts?"

"No problem. Since Mr. Su has an appointment, let's wait for another day." Mr. Guo replied.

Su Yu nodded slightly, then exchanged a few words with the two of them briefly, and left with Shi Yuling.

"This President Su..." Huang Xiaoming looked at Su Yu's disappearance in the background, was silent for a while, and said, "I don't feel good... getting along with him!"

Mr. Guo chuckled and said, "It's normal for young people to be a little arrogant."

"That's right!" Huang Xiaoming said with emotion, "The 24-year-old boss of a domestic private equity asset management company worth tens of billions is probably the only one in the entire fund circle and even the financial circle, right?"

In terms of status and influence in their respective circles...

At this moment, Su Yu is far stronger than him in every aspect, and his future development and earning power are far beyond his comparison.

"It is indeed the only one!" Mr. Guo said, "This is why everyone appreciates and values ​​Mr. Su. He has the authority to manage tens of billions of funds. Even if the money is not his own, within the domestic financial circle, Using such a huge amount of funds can also cause a lot of trouble, not to mention that as long as his investment reputation does not collapse, he can collect hundreds of millions in management fees a year, which is comparable to several big-budget TV dramas and movies. "

"Sure enough, our film, television, entertainment and financial circles are still incomparable." Huang Xiaoming said, "The audience says that we make money while lying down. The pay is too high and too easy. In fact, people like this Mr. Su are the real ones. It’s a wealth-making machine, you can easily earn 100 million.”

"Haha..." Mr. Guo laughed, "Although you are right to say that, the risks faced by the two are different."

"Hey, forget it, don't talk about this..."

Mr. Guo felt that he was getting further and further away. He paused and couldn't help but change the topic back: "My name, our company has launched a new project. Do you want to come and participate?"

"Okay, Mr. Guo." Huang Xiaoming responded, "I happen to have an opening at the end of the year, but I don't know if I meet your requirements or what kind of role the director wants."

"This... let's talk slowly." Mr. Guo responded.

And with the sound of the two talking, at this moment, Su Yu and Shi Yuling had already driven away...

Shi Yuling was sitting in the passenger seat, happily holding the little doll that Zhao Liying signed and gave to her, and said excitedly: "Brother, you are so awesome now, I never thought... I can get what I like. I have the contact information of celebrities, and I can talk to them and watch their performances so close.”

"As long as you like it!" Su Yu smiled.

Changes in social status brought about by money and ability, as well as changes in the people you come into contact with as your network of contacts expands.

These are all very natural changes.

With the increase in wealth and the increase in the amount of funds in his hands, he has entered the circle of the so-called upper class elite. He is no longer the former person who lived in a rented house in a village in the city and lived frugally. , the ordinary employee in the sales department of a securities firm had to carefully calculate even an additional expenditure of 100 yuan for a long time.

And along with it...

The life trajectories of the people around him that he cares about have also changed significantly.

"Qingya will have a rest tomorrow, and it happens to be the National Day, so let's go to the West Lake together!" After being excited for a while, Shi Yuling continued, "By the way... I'll call my cousin too, so we can be together, which will make it more lively. "

In the past, she felt that she was alone and lonely.

But now, with Su Yu as her support, she suddenly realized that she was the happiest person in the world.

"Okay!" Su Yu responded, "I haven't been to the West Lake for a long time."

After coming back from rebirth, for almost half a year, he has been thinking about how to make money quickly, establish his own initial foundation, and solve his family and his own situation. He has never seriously played around. At this moment, it is not easy to have some free time during the holiday. God, he felt good about walking around and shopping around.

The two were chatting...

After Su Yu sent Shi Yuling home, he returned to his residence.

The next day, and even the next few days, Su Yu was invited by Shi Yuling to visit the West Lake, visit ancient towns, climb mountains, look for delicious food, and explore the surrounding areas of Yuhang.

Then, on October 4, Su Yu was accompanied by his secretary Li Xiaoling.

Then we set off for the Huaxin Hotel in Yanjing to attend the ‘Future Investment’ summit hosted by the Fund Industry Association.

When the two of them arrived at Yanjing Huaxin Hotel, it was already around 4 pm. After checking in, before Su Yu could take a rest, someone already knocked on the door.

"Mr. Xu..."

Su Yu opened the door, but he didn't expect that the person occupying the room outside was actually Xu Zhongji, general manager of Yuhang Minghui Capital. He smiled and said: "Mr. Xu is very well-informed. I've only been here for ten minutes, and you're already here. "

"I just arrived not long ago, and I happened to see you checking in at the front desk of the hotel." Xu Zhongji said with a smile, "There is a prepared tea room down there, do you want to chat for a while?"

"Okay!" Su Yu said, "Mr. Xu and I haven't seen each other for a long time."

With that said, Su Yu, at the invitation of the other party, came to the open tea room in an elegant and quiet area of ​​the hotel.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Zhongji skillfully cooked and brewed tea on the tea set prepared by the assistant, while chatting with Su Yu with a smile: "Last time, regarding the stock of Hua Chuang Xin Test, Mr. Su helped to save the We haven’t had time to thank Mr. Su for the performance of our Minghui Capital main fund.”

"Mr. Xu's words are serious." Su Yu took the tea he had brewed and said with a smile, "We are all just working together for a win-win situation. It doesn't matter whether we help or not."

Xu Zhongji laughed loudly and responded: "So, it's true that I have seen something different."

"Yeah." Su Yu nodded in response, "Thanks to Mr. Xu's news, our 'Yuhang Investment' is also in Huachuang Information Testing, oh... now it is called Xinwei Group, and we have made a lot of money. As for the pen, it can be considered a win-win cooperation, mutual benefit, and speaking of it... I still admire Mr. Xu’s vision and determination in reorganizing the layout and Chongcang Huachuang Information Testing."

"Don't boast." Xu Zhongji said, "The heavy warehouse almost failed to recover on the line of restructuring and backdooring. Not to mention the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', even 'mobile Internet' and ' The two lines of the smartphone industry chain have not been grasped. From the end of September to now, the net worth of various funds has skyrocketed. Speaking of which...the overall investment strategy this year has failed."

"If performance that outperforms the index growth in all aspects is considered a failure, then there will really be very few that can be seen in the domestic fund industry, whether private equity or public equity." Su Yu responded, then paused and said, "In terms of investment strategy and performance, there is no need for Mr. Xu to belittle himself."

Xu Zhongji chuckled and said: "There is no way, compared to your 'Yuhang Investment', our 'Minghui Capital' is really not good enough."


Xu Zhongji paused, suddenly changed the topic, and asked Su Yu: "What do you think of this 'Future Investment' summit? It is so close to the annual fund industry summit at the end of the year. In previous years, it would not have been possible at this time. , organizes such a big industry event, so... I always feel that this event is a bit complicated."

"It's just blowing the wind." Su Yu smiled and said, "The regulators dream of a bull market. They probably want to organize everyone to talk and call on us to take more responsibilities for the construction and development of the domestic financial market. We call on everyone to increase their holdings of relevant stocks!”

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Xu Zhongji said, "I really just call on everyone to enter the market. Simple guidance is enough. There is no need to hold such a big event, right?"

Su Yu stared at Xu Zhongji, thought for a while, and asked, "What is Mr. Xu worried about?"

"I don't know either." Xu Zhongji said, "That's why I want to talk to Mr. Su and hear your thoughts. Currently, our fund is heavily invested in the concept of restructuring and we haven't had time to exit yet. If the market direction changes suddenly, it will be very difficult for us. To say... it's not a good sign."

"No," Su Yu said, "If you are calling on everyone to enter the market and do more together, then in any case, it will be a benefit to you."

"Hey... I hope so!" Xu Zhongji sighed softly.

"Mr. Su thinks..." Xu Zhongji paused for a while and then said, "The two main lines of the 'mobile Internet' concept and the 'smartphone industry chain' concept, which have been hotly speculated by the market recently and have far outperformed the market this year, will continue to grow in the future. …Is there still a sustainable market?”

"What do you think, Mr. Xu?" Su Yu asked.

Xu Zhongji smiled helplessly and said: "To be honest, I am a little hesitant. Investment is like playing a game of Go. If you make a wrong move, you will make every wrong move!"

"We missed the opportunity to lay out these two main lines before."

"If you want to intervene now, the cost will inevitably be high."

"If the subsequent changes in expectations of these two industries can keep up with the increase in stock prices, then... maybe we can get some meat after we intervene at a high level."

"But in these two industries, the subsequent expected changes are almost meaningless."

"The correction of relevant sectors at a high level is quite scary. We can't afford such a huge correction if we intervene at a high level."

"Speaking of which..."

"I deliberately moved my position in these two directions."

“But since we don’t have a cost advantage and can intervene at a high level, it will be difficult to hold on to the bargaining chip if we encounter a huge correction, so we have always been hesitant.”

"In investment, without firm confidence, it will be difficult to hold the bargaining chip and make money, whether at a low position or a high position." Su Yu said, "I think... if Mr. Xu has hesitation in his heart, It is better to give up this opportunity. In fact, I feel that there is never a shortage of opportunities to make money in the market. In the face of an uncertain market, it is not a particularly regretful thing to give up."

“Moreover, everyone’s investment style and cognition are never the same.”

“It is enough to only make money that is within your own investment style and knowledge.”

Xu Zhongji thought about Su Yu's two words, and thought of the sluggish performance of several major funds of 'Minghui Capital' in the past two years, and the investment strategy mistakes they made one after another, and he felt a little awakened.

Indeed, in the financial market, only money that is consistent with your own investment style and knowledge is the real profit.


Even if you make money by chasing hot spots for a while, you will most likely pay it back if you don't know clearly next time.

The scope of his investment circle of competence has always been restructuring and backdooring. As long as the standards and rules of restructuring and backdooring have not changed, and as long as IPO is still at a standstill, this concept will always have a market, and there will always be companies that are eager to go public and will choose this concept. A shortcut to achieve the purpose of listing.

So, why should he sacrifice the near for the distant.

How about investing money in some areas that you are not familiar with to make money that is beyond the scope of luck and knowledge?

"That's good. Only opportunities that suit your investment style and are within your scope of knowledge can you make real profits." While the two were talking, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties with a slight bald head also smiled. Hehe walked over from a distance, glanced at Su Yu with a smile, and then said hello to Xu Zhongji, "Mr. Xu, long time no see. In the financial market, you want to take advantage of every opportunity. You are really greedy."

"Am I greedy?" Xu Zhongji chuckled, not angry, "As fund managers, we must be responsible for the investors who invest in us. In the financial market, who doesn't want the fund products he manages to have better performance? ? Even you, Mr. Gao...are not someone who is indifferent to fame and fortune and have no desire for fund performance, right?"

"Oh, Mr. Su..."

After replying to the other party, Xu Zhongji remembered to introduce the other party's identity to Su Yu: "This is the senior executive of Yanjing Anhe Fund."

"Mr. Su?" Gao Tianhe, general manager of Anhe Fund, said something, his pupils shrank slightly, and he said with some surprise, "This is... the new star in your Yuhang private equity fund circle, right? Huashang Securities Yu Hangzhou Fortune Road Avenue Sales Department, the fund manager of the 'Yuhang No. 1' Fund!"

"Hello, Mr. Gao!" Surprised by the other party, Su Yu put down the tea cup in his hand and took the initiative to extend his hand, "I am the fund manager of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund. Su Yu, the name of Mr. Gao of Anhe Fund, yes. For me, a junior in the industry, it is also well-known. I am very impressed that the 'Anhe Future No. 1' fund led by you has been able to go through the bull and bear years from 2007 to now, recording positive returns every year and significantly outperforming the market. .”

"The performance in six years is not as good as Mr. Su's performance in three months." Gao Tianhe laughed at himself, "How shameful!"

"Investment is a long-distance race. As a newbie in the market, I may not necessarily have the endurance of Mr. Gao." Su Yu said, "Isn't there a common saying in the industry? A person who doubles his time in one year is like a crucian carp crossing a river, and one time every five years. Funds that have doubled, but few are like morning stars, in my opinion... funds that can continue to make profits and go through bulls and bears are very good funds, and fund managers who can create such fund performance are very good fund managers.”

"Haha..." Gao Tianhe laughed loudly and liked Su Yu very much.

He originally thought that a person of Su Yu's age, who had made achievements that many seniors in the industry had not made for several years or even since he started his business, and who had reached the pinnacle of performance at the beginning of his business, would be the kind of person who was so crazy that he couldn't help but feel crazy. Bian, I despise these old guys.

But I didn't expect that the other person talked warmly and was very friendly.

It was completely different from the sharp-edged image he had imagined.

"There is no hierarchy among teachers, and those who master first come first." After laughing loudly, Gao Tianhe continued, "Mr. Su's insights are admirable. No wonder Mr. Xu wants to ask you for advice on investment strategies."

"What is asking for advice? This is called discussion." Xu Zhongji replied, emphasizing, "'Future Investment' exchange summit, have you read the theme?"

"Okay, okay, let's discuss." Gao Tianhe chuckled.

As the three people spoke, more and more people began to enter the open tea room. Many of them were famous figures in the domestic private equity fund industry and even the public equity fund industry.

Su Yu looked around at these characters...

In his mind, he recalled the future life trajectories of some famous people in the industry that he was familiar with. Thinking of the ups and downs of many people in the cycle of bull and bear transitions, he couldn't help but smile.

Especially when he saw Xu Xiang appearing in his field of vision, he felt even more emotional.

"Mr. Su..." Before Su Yu could say hello, Xu Xiang recognized Su Yu and extended his hand to him with a smile, "The two slashes between Shanghai Steel Federation and Shanghai Materials Trading are really memorable to me! "

Su Yu looked at the other party, also sizing up this legendary person, who was not only the top hot money player in the market, but also the head of Zexi Private Equity Fund. He smiled and stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and said, "Mr. Xu's battle over Yuzhou Beer. It still impresses me to this day. Speaking of which...I learned some of my market knowledge and trading skills from you."

"I dare not take it seriously." Xu Xiang replied, "Your talent in trading is better than mine."

The other party, through the speculation of a series of bull stocks and monster stocks such as "Hua Qingbao, Tianyu Information, Shanghai Steel Union, Shanghai Materials Trading, Waigaoqiao", successively and accurately laid out multiple main line market trends, no matter how arrogant and arrogant Xu Xiang was , and had to admit that the other party was better than him in terms of trading talent.

At least, when he was 24...

He is far from being able to achieve the trading skills and hot spot control like Su Yu, let alone achieve ten times the performance in three months!

"Mr. Xu is so complimentary." Su Yu said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that Mr. Xu would come."

In Su Yu's inherent impression, Xu Xiang is a rather withdrawn person. He doesn't like crowded situations and is not good at talking. He rarely participates in investment summits or annual summits.

"I mainly want to meet you." Xu Xiang spoke quite directly, "I'm just curious about what kind of person you are."

Su Yu chuckled and said, "Then... you should not disappoint Mr. Xu, right?"

"Are you telling the truth?" Xu Xiang said with a smile, "Actually, I'm quite disappointed. I'm disappointed that you are much more handsome than me. They say that we don't have beauties or handsome guys in the private equity industry. Now... you are responsible for your appearance. As for your appearance, Beauty……"

Xu Xiang was about to say something like 'beautiful women still need to be discovered'.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a tall and beautiful woman in her twenties, who looked about the same age as Su Yu, had already appeared beside the two of them.

And the other party's bright eyes were also staring at Su Yu.

"You are Mr. Su Yu, the general manager of Fortune Road and Yuhang Investment, right?" The girl looked at Su Yu carefully, with a hint of surprise in her eyes. She stretched out her hand to Su Yu gracefully, "I It’s Xie Wanting, an intern from the Anlan Foundation.”

When the girl smiled and stretched out her hand, she looked at him carefully.

Su Yu's eyes also followed the other person's slender fingers, which were as white as silk, and landed on the other person.

I saw that the other party was wearing a red evening dress, with a slim figure, exquisite facial features, tall figure, fair skin, and a bright smile on his face.

Regardless of appearance, figure, and temperament, they are among the top beauties Su Yu has ever seen.

Even Xu Xiang on the side couldn't help but take a second look and couldn't find any faults.

"Xie Wanting?" Su Yu, after being stunned for a moment, reached out his hand and shook her symbolically, "Miss Xie should know Mr. Xie Zhenhua from Zhenhua Capital, right?"

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