Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 262 Emotions are at their peak and the market is turning!

I saw stocks such as Huaqingbao, Fenda Technology, Changqu Technology, Wangsu Technology, and LeTV falling sharply.

The GEM Index fell rapidly from the 1361.66 point it just set, losing the 1360 mark, and the increase fell back to less than 1%.

Potential Hengxin's stock price climbed straight up to a 6% increase, and large buying orders followed the trend and were still emerging one after another.

On the market of Xinwei Group, there was a continuous sell-off of tens of thousands of hands, and the stock price turned from red to green. At the same time, it also caused the entire concept of "reorganization and backdoor" to plunge sharply.

"Fake jump again?"

Seeing the rapid plunge of the market, most investors did not feel much concern.

After all, during the post-holiday trading period, intraday diving has become the norm, and no matter how much it dives, the index and individual stocks will always hit new highs afterwards.

As a result, everyone got used to it and firmly believed in holding shares.

"This is a washout. Just watch. Either at the end of the day or tomorrow, whether the index or individual stocks will hit a new high."

"The more continuous washouts here, the more it proves that the market outlook is worth looking forward to."

"It's good to wash it more often to wash away all the loose parts, and the disk will become lighter and lighter in the future."

"In the bull market, you need to be able to endure loneliness and know how to hold positions, so that you can make excess profits in the market. Anyway, I am full of positions, so I can sell them as I please. If the GEM Index does not catch up with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, and if Hua Qingbao does not rise to more than 20 times, I will not let it drop. car."

"Me too, there is no way out of wealth, I can't!"

"Hua Qingbao has reached the 96-yuan mark, and the 100-yuan mark is right in front of us. We have to touch it no matter what, right?"

"Yes, I also think it will touch the 100 yuan mark no matter what. After all, in this case, the market has a strong siphon effect of important levels."

“In a bull market, all corrections are buying points.”

"What's so scary about diving? The market trend after the holiday proves... Every dive is an excellent buying point. As long as you buy it during diving, you will definitely be able to make money later."

"Whoever sells it is stupid!"

"Buy, buy, buy...continue to increase your position, that's the way to go."

"Looking at the technical aspects, it is obvious that the upward trend of the index must be accelerated. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will first look at 2,500 points, and the ChiNext Index will first look at 1,500 points."

"Since June, the monthly line of the index has been positive for three consecutive times. As long as it maintains this month, the monthly line will be a golden cross next."

"In addition to the technical aspects, the fundamentals are also very good!"

"Didn't Fenda Technology reveal a substantial increase in its third-quarter results?"

"So does Internet Speed ​​Technology!"

"Hua Qingbao and Penguin are increasing their cooperation. I heard that they will jointly develop a mobile game."

"LeTV's 'super smart TV' has reached the shipping stage, and its 'smartphone' seems to be about to be launched as well. In addition, LeTV has won the domestic video broadcast rights for the 2014 World Cup. The expected potential in the future is very huge. There are also The online dramas launched by LeTV this year have also been a hit, and I feel that the online drama market will also be a big attraction in the future."

"Tianyu Information has also entered a period of explosive performance in the era of card replacement in the national communications field."

"A number of Apple industry chain stocks such as Anjie Technology, Goertek, Xinwei Communications, and OFILM Technology have a huge space in the current smartphone market penetration rate of only about 23%. In the future, these stocks Here, we can definitely become a 100-billion-dollar enterprise.”

"Yes, Apple's myth is enough to spawn hundreds of billions of supplier companies. What's more, these 'smartphone industry chain' stocks are not just suppliers to Apple. The domestic smartphone industry will definitely shine in the future. This It’s a great way to determine your investment direction and you can never go wrong.”

"With the huge determination of investment direction, all adjustments are buying opportunities."

"Buy, buy, buy...resolutely buy. Buying at this time is more cost-effective than chasing highs in the morning."

"Look... Qianquan Hengxin has six consecutive boards, and the petroleum and chemical sectors, driven by Qianquan Hengxin's six consecutive boards, have rebounded sharply. Even Qianquan Hengxin, relying on a contract from Sun Company, is holding on. The junk companies with no prospects listed on the stock of "China National Offshore Oil Corporation" can get out of the momentum of 6 consecutive boards in one breath. There is no reason for other popular big bull stocks to be weaker than the check of Potential Hengxin, at least embracing China Mobile, Telecom, and the four There is definitely room for Daxing’s Tianyu Information.”

"It's better to act than to have a heartbeat. Anyway, I will increase my position!"

"I also increased my position and increased financing to help Hua Qingbao break through the 100-yuan mark."

"I have increased my position in Wangsu Technology. I feel that this check is too stable, and I feel that institutions are still increasing their positions in this stock. The future expectations... will definitely reach 300 yuan."

Across the market, the vast majority of investors remain positive and optimistic.

As for the market diving, or being stagnant, or increasing positions...

The trading time passed 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the market briefly fluctuated sideways after the dive. It did not quickly recover the decline as the vast majority of investors in the market expected. Instead... it continued to dive and continued to fall at high levels. .

"What's going on, double jump?"

Seeing that the market did not pull back, but continued to dive, some people among the optimistic investor group finally became anxious.

"Is there another 'immortal guiding the way'?"

"The GEM index actually turned green. The diving trend this afternoon is a bit fierce!"

"The long-term trend is there, there is nothing to be afraid of, and...there is nothing negative in the market, and there is no reason or room for a sharp decline."

"I'm worried about the hammer. If I can't take it back today, I will definitely give it back tomorrow."

"I don't believe that Hua Qingbao can't cross the 100 yuan stock price mark. If I continue to increase my position, if I have the ability to make another jump, I will increase financing leverage."

"The bull market does not always rise. It is normal to turn back in three steps or two steps in three steps."

"It would be better if the price rises slower. I can just raise a little more money."

"Even if there is an adjustment, it will only hit the 10-day line at most, not that far away."

"Looking at the trading volume of various popular big bull stocks, although the selling is very strong at this moment, the funds taken over are also very strong. I feel that as long as this wave of profits and unstable chips are cleared, the follow-up will be very fast. It’ll be a new high soon.”

"Keeping stocks is like being a widow. Don't be afraid of ups and downs. Staying still is the highest state."

"In a bull market, sudden declines are followed by rapid rises. With this market situation... I really have nothing to fear."

"If you dare, drop the limit. I think the position is not enough."

However, with the discussion that the vast majority of investors are still optimistic...the market is really heading in the worst direction this time.

I saw the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index turning from red to green.

In less than ten minutes, their declines exceeded 1%, not only swallowing up all the gains in the morning, but also swallowing up yesterday's index gains.

And what makes the majority of investors even more thrilling...

The two main related concept sectors of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' that have been leading the market rise have been under 'dark clouds' at the moment and have encountered huge profit-making selling pressure. Their related concept sectors Within the core popular stocks, such as 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, Tianyu Information, LeTV, Huake Financial' and a series of bull stocks, their diving declines were all in the two cities. Among the top losers.

As if suddenly, these stocks changed from leading the gains in the two markets to leading the declines.

What makes the majority of investors even more frightened.

It is the main line of 'restructuring and backdooring' that broke out after the holiday, and the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' that bottomed out after oversold. The core popular stocks in these two fields... all collapsed at this moment.

The only bright spot between the two cities.

At this time, only the petrochemical sector is left, driven by the potential of Hengxin's 6 consecutive boards, which came from behind, the sector rose, and remained in the red.




We have not yet waited for the majority of investors to completely recover from the continuous market plunge and change their emotions.

At this time, a series of exclamations sounded throughout the market.

With these exclamations, the market trends of the two cities continued to be interpreted, and it was seen that Hua Qingbao, which has attracted the most attention in the market and is the most popular, has already "flyed down three thousand feet" at 2:43. In an instant, it was sold by two transactions totaling 13,000 lots and more than 100 million yuan, which directly knocked it off the altar, and the stock price hit the limit.

Then, the next second.

There was almost no counterattack, and Hua Qingbao was blocked on the lower limit by the main seller's large order, and the price of the falling order reached more than 50,000 lots in an instant.

"Is it really down to the limit?"

Seeing Hua Qingbao's trend that shocked the entire market, many investors were in disbelief.

"Washing the dishes? Washing the dishes?"

"Who smashed it? Has the stock price reached its peak? Isn't the benefit of cooperating with Penguin Company to develop games worth even a 30% increase?"

"Is there any sudden bad news? It shouldn't be!"

"Did Fortune Road show up?"

"Fortune Road will not make such a splash when it comes out. Moreover, Fortune Road will definitely not be able to get out of this stock once. It will not be good for him to make such a splash."

"Changqu Technology has also plunged crazily, and the decline has expanded linearly!"

"The declines of Tianyu Information and Fenda Technology are also expanding in a straight line, and selling is emerging one after another. Internet Speed ​​Technology... has also fallen below the 130 yuan mark."

"Go on, today the 'mobile Internet' and the 'smartphone industry chain' have completely collapsed!"

“Not only the two lines of ‘mobile Internet’ and ‘smartphone industry chain’, but also the concepts of ‘reorganization backdoor’ and ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ are not much better.”

“Xinwei Group also dropped to the limit!”

"The Shanghai stock market's Sanmao is also going straight to the limit!"

"Why did it suddenly collapse? Is this... still a benign correction?"

"Haven't you heard of the sharp declines in bull markets? Bear markets are the ones where the decline continues, and the purpose... is to shake up positions through sharp declines."

“I was talking about the 10-day line just now, but now... it’s directly to the 10-day line.”

"Buying the bottom, buying the bottom, in an upward trend, such a sell-off correction is definitely irrational. If you buy the bottom today, you will definitely eat big money tomorrow."

“Since we have reached the 10-day line, let’s increase our positions as planned!”

"To be honest, I don't believe the index has peaked here."

"The future expectations related to the 'mobile Internet' and the 'smartphone industry chain' are not fully reflected at all now. How can it be possible that it is the top here?"

While many people still hold an optimistic attitude...

After experiencing a wave of extreme selling, the market ushered in a brief rebound at 2:51.

Finally, when the market officially closed at 3 o'clock, several major indexes recovered some of their losses, and many popular core stocks that were diving rapidly also fell back some in the last ten minutes.

In the end, the GEM was designated at 1332.22 points, with a drop of 1.73% and an amplitude of more than 3.5% throughout the day.

Among the core concepts of the two cities, concepts such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', 'backdoor reorganization', and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' have all suffered heavy setbacks. None of the related concept sectors have a red plate, and other concepts The average decline of popular stocks related to core concepts is more than 3%.

Especially the stock Hua Qingbao, which has received the most attention and popularity in the market.

In the end, although the lower limit was opened, it still closed at a drop of 9.98%. Not only did it fail to hit the 100 yuan stock price mark, but it even lost the 90 yuan mark, which seriously dampened market investment sentiment and confidence.

And besides Hua Qingbao...

Xinwei Group and Shanghai Sanmao also closed at the limit.

Of course, even though the overall market performance is quite tragic, there are also stocks that exceed everyone's expectations.

For example, Potential Hengxin, during this huge market adjustment, became the market leader and got out of the six-continuous board situation and became the only six-continuous board stock in the market, setting the market's short-term speculation height at 6 board height.

“Today’s market performance is really unexpected!”

After the market officially closed, inside the 'Yuhang Investment' company, in the trading room, Li Meng sighed: "We didn't sell many positions. I didn't expect that after midday, the entire market would actually be like this."

"The profit margins in the market are too heavy." Su Yu continued, "Although we didn't sell many positions overall, our emotions exploded. After the market's long-short dynamic balance was lost, it was a mixed situation. In the morning, the market was very volatile. It’s difficult, even if we don’t throw it away, the market dive in the afternoon is foreseeable.”


Su Yu paused and continued: "I didn't expect Hua Qingbao to fall to the limit."

"Originally, according to my expectations, this check is the core of popularity and confidence in the current market. The liquidity and acceptance power should be very abundant."

"What's more, it has just found Penguin, a strategic partner."

“We are on the cusp of a positive wave.”

"As a actually dropped to the limit!"

"This proves that when the market reaches this point, it is basically the limit of capacity. Beyond that, there are neither sufficient expectations nor sufficient incremental funds to continue to take over the market."

"Also, the check from Xinwei Group has not been able to hold up today." Li Meng said, "The concept of 'reorganization and backdoor' has come to an end with the limit of Xinwei Group, right?"

Su Yu smiled and said: "The 'reorganization and backdoor' line has been able to last for so many days, which is already beyond my expectations. It is estimated that Xinwei Group's peak market value of 80 billion will not be seen again within a year. Today's takeover The funds in this stock will most likely remain in a high position for a long time.”

Of course, corporate funds have a position in this stock.

With an unexpected performance of nearly 15 daily limits, it also made a lot of money.

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded and continued, "Today's market turnover has exploded to 120 billion, but the trend is really ugly."

"In this situation……"

Li Mengmeng thought for a while, and then said: "If the regulators provide small or medium-sized favorable incentives, will it still be useful?"

"The trend of the market is never based on human will." Su Yu said, "If the chip structure is loose, even if it is loose, if you continue to stimulate, the profit-making funds on the market will also run away."

“And there’s no real money invested.”

"The benefits that only remain in slogans, once, twice, three times...the marginal impact is diminishing."

"If the most critical credit gap is not loosened, and there is no way to drive funds into the stock market from other places, the market turnover will not increase, and naturally it will be impossible to get out of a continuous bull market."

"Just watch..."

"Today's Dragon and Tiger Ranking should be quite exciting."

"It's not just us. With today's market trend, many major funds should have realized that something was wrong and reduced their positions on a large scale, otherwise the index would not be like this."

In Su Yu's opinion, there are always a lot of smart money in the market.

If he can realize that the market index cannot go up here, and there are serious problems with market acceptance, then... other smart money in the market will definitely realize it as well.

It's not so much that today's board was smashed by him.

Rather, it is the law of the market itself and the result of the operational decisions made by everyone based on the balance between future profits and risk ratios.

And while the two of them were talking...

At this moment, the Magic City, Shenzhen City, Yanjing and other places.

Relevant core figures within private equity institutions such as Zexi Investment Company, Xiniu Fund Company, and Anlan Fund Company have also expressed quite pessimistic thoughts about today's market trends. At the same time, everyone is also speculating on the path to wealth, that is, Changes in positions of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund managed by Su Yu.

"Today's Dragon and Tiger List, the Wealth Road should appear, right?"

In the trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Magic City, Xu Xiang said calmly after a brief review: "The market has most likely peaked. If the road to wealth has not emerged at this time, then it really shouldn't be possible!"

"I have to say, this Mr. Su can really endure it!" Zhou Kan, standing next to Xu Xiang, sighed, "The market fluctuated so violently after the holiday. His seat was literally invisible. There was no buying or selling. Sell, by the way, the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund he manages can be considered to be fully closed. There has been no movement of opening a position for such a long time?"

"How do you know he has no movement to open a position?" Xu Xiang said, "The larger the amount of funds, the more you have to learn to hide the motives of your operations, because the larger the amount of funds, the more they lag behind the market. If exposed in advance, Motives, before I can react, others will pick the fruit."

"If my guess is correct...he should have deliberately hidden his seat."

"I just don't know the direction of his secret plan. Where is it?"

"Petrochemical sector?" Zhou Kan pondered for a while and said, "Today, this is the only sector with reverse inflow of funds. Moreover, this sector has fallen for a long enough time, and the chips are clean enough. It has the potential to weigh the trust of this 6-year-old company." There are even popular benchmark stocks, maybe they can be speculated.”

"Petrochemical industry?" Xu Xiang was speechless, "With such a huge amount of capital, how can he speculate on two barrels of oil? No way!"

Zhou Kan thought for a while and thought it was unlikely, but he muttered in a low voice: "In other directions, there has been no movement in the past few days. Originally, the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor' and the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' The concept has shown signs of replacing the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' concepts and switching to the main line of market trends, but now... the two lines of the 'restructuring backdoor' concept and the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept have also collapsed. , then it is certain that Mr. Su did not lay out these two lines."

Xu Xiang thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "If you can't guess, just look at the Dragon and Tiger List!"

As he said that, he glanced at the time and saw that it had reached 5:30. He couldn't help but sit in front of the computer again and opened the refreshed Dragon and Tiger List.

I saw...

Among the stocks on the list, this time, the seat of Huashang Securities Yuhang Fortune Road Sales Department is no longer invisible.

Moreover, not only the seat of Fortune Road appeared, but also the seat of Fusheng Road, which is linked to Fortune Road, also appeared on the list today.

"Huaqingbao sold more than 89 million yuan, Fenda Technology sold more than 76 million yuan, LeTV sold more than 110 million yuan, Tianyu Information sold more than 63 million yuan, and Xinwei Group sold 130 million yuan..." Zhou Kan stared at Longhu. On the list, Fortune Road appeared in the stock seat and was shocked, "On the list alone, the sales volume reached about 500 million!"

"Hey, the road to recovery..."

"The related seats on Fortune Road actually bought more than 20 million potential Hengxin."

"What's going on? Am I right in guessing that this really making a large-scale move towards the petrochemical industry?"

Following Zhou Kan's words, Xu Xiang looked at the data on the Dragon and Tiger List, feeling both shocked and puzzled. He thought to himself: "The 500 million yuan withdrawal plan is so urgent. Could it be that the warehouse has been locked up before?" , are you starting to reduce it now? your next goal really the petrochemical industry?"


At this moment, I saw the road to wealth and the road to recovery, and countless investors, including many large financial institutions, appeared in the trading seats of the Dragon and Tiger List at the same time.

They all had the same confused and surprised looks.

Of course, for the majority of retail investors, it was a bolt from the blue that Fortune Road appeared on the Dragon and Tiger list on such a large scale. Originally, many had hopes for the market outlook and felt that today's market adjustment was not surprising, and many even thought that it was not surprising. Retail investors who were chasing after today's highs, adding positions, and buying bottoms felt as if they were falling into an ice cave in an instant.

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