Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 592: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (5)!

I can only see the emotions brewing at noon and the impact of market news.

As soon as the two markets opened, the entire market continued to explode rapidly, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index once again quickly broke through the 2520 point mark.

At the same time, the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the core conceptual lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', are further absorbing a large amount of market share. After raising the main funds, its driving role in other traditional sectors of the market has gradually become more prominent.

At 1:15, the 'big financial' sector surged further upward.

The major weighted industry sectors of banking, securities, and insurance all increased by more than 5% during the day, fully keeping up with the gains of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

At 1:25, the "big consumption" related sectors moved strongly, and conceptual sectors such as white goods, food, and liquor saw an explosive increase in market volume.

At 1:35, the non-ferrous metals cycle, coal, and petrochemical sectors also began to move significantly, and the weak sectors were obviously compensating for gains.

And when these traditional fields are driven by several core main lines of the market.

Its internal core weight stocks.

Stocks such as Qianzhou Moutai, Shenhua Coal, Huaguo Petroleum, as well as major heavyweight banking stocks, securities stocks, and insurance stocks also surged upward.

At the same time, these traditional fields have been driven by several core main lines of the market.

The main weight line of 'Technology Growth', which has been relatively deviating from the trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and has been in a weak adjustment, is also booming at the moment.

That is, the source of huge amounts of funds for several core main lines of the market.

It does not come from other main lines of the siphon market, but it does come from the large amount of new incremental funds that follow the trend after the Shanghai Stock Index breaks through 2,500 points, opening up bull market expectations and room for growth, and there is only a large amount of new incremental funds. Only with the influx of investors can we fully take over the market conditions at this moment and form a situation of comprehensive market rise.

"Boss, the market trend today is crazy!"

At 1:42, when the Shanghai Stock Index once again exploded to a new intraday high of 2527 points, inside Yuhang and Yuhang Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, Wang Can looked at the overall rise in the entire market, as well as the overall The market was close to 80% of the stocks trending in the red. The whole person was very surprised and exclaimed: "This is really a strong breakthrough trend. The entire market...all sectors are rising."

Su Yu stared at the market and said with a smile: "When the mood and expectations of the entire market begin to change, this is the real explosive power of the market. Just watch... This is just the beginning. After the Shanghai Index breaks through the 2,500-point limit, the follow-up will begin." It is the real main upward trend of the market.

Of course, the market's overall explosive trend at this moment did not come out of thin air.

If not for the previous two months, the Shanghai Stock Index had made small steps forward, and the accumulated market continued to make money, as well as the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime As the future expectations and investment sentiments of the core concepts of "Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" gradually deepened and fermented, investment confidence in the entire market changed.

Today's market breakthrough is expected to be variable.

Judging from the hot scenes in many investment markets outside the market, is the market actually short of funds? No shortage.

What is really missing is the investor confidence that has long been wiped out during the bear market in 6 or 7 years.

Now, as the money-making effects of these major market main lines continue, and regulators continue to provide favorable stimulus at the macroeconomic level.

Market confidence, which is more precious than gold, has finally begun to fully recover and reverse.

When market confidence is gained, then...all the previous pessimistic expectations will quickly and gradually turn to optimism. And when the expectations are fully optimistic, then the overall valuation of the market that has been severely suppressed before, and the investment logic that has not been taken seriously before, will Under such optimistic expectations, there will be great improvement.

At the same time, sentiment picked up due to a reversal of expectations.

Stimulated by the strong money-making effect of the market, the funds that were originally idle on the sidelines and other risky investment funds will quickly participate in the market to further take over the market conditions.


If the subsequent market volume explodes, it will become even more rapid.

The overall volume of the market will increase and the trend will become steeper, and the trend slope of the market will further increase. The pace of the bull market we are looking forward to is gradually approaching! "

"You can indeed feel that the entire market trend ecology is changing rapidly." After Su Yu analyzed the market, Li Meng responded, "At the same time, today's incremental funds and traces of rapid intervention in the market are really visible to the naked eye. , it’s not yet 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the daily trading volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has already exploded to 120 billion. This was completely unimaginable two months ago. Calculated based on this explosive volume, the number of new people entering the market today The incremental funds are at least over 30 billion, right?"

"Oh my God, it's an increase of 30 billion in one day!" Wang Can couldn't help but exclaimed in excitement.

Su Yu smiled, with a normal expression. He looked around at everyone and thought to himself: "What is an incremental capital of 30 billion? In a few months, the market turnover will reach trillions. That will be shocking."

However, he just thought about this in his heart and would definitely not say it out loud.

"Master, today the market is in full swing. In addition to the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', there are also the core concepts of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'" Outside the main line, other traditional main line fields are also in a situation where incremental funds are fully involved." Liu Yuan paused and said, "The 'big finance' field you mentioned before is also changing very frequently today. There are many major funds involved.

Our current main holdings are all in the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the core concept lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'. It's a pity that we can't extend the investment front too long! "

Since the market has fully broken through, and the Shanghai Stock Index has broken through the 2,500-point limit without any hindrance.

So, as the bull market expectations in the market become stronger and stronger, the "big financial" sector, which is the vanguard of the "bull market", will definitely have investment opportunities.

Now, their main positions cannot be moved or converted.

At the same time, the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main concept lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', are currently experiencing rising prices. It has almost just begun, and it is impossible to carry out position conversion at this time.

This made Liu Yuan feel it was a pity.

At the same time, I suddenly realized that the company's main funds, despite their asset management scale, have now officially exceeded the 50 billion mark.

But it seems that she still feels that there is not enough funds in the face of the increasingly approaching bull market.

"No need to be regretful." Su Yu smiled and said, "Our company's fourth main fund product is already in preparation, and the scale of fundraising this time will be significantly improved.

At the same time, we have completed the acquisition of ‘Anzhao Fund’.

Although the current asset management scale of this fund company is not large, under the semi-open trading rules, its fund scale continues to skyrocket.

This can provide us with more main line layout opportunities.

Let us get sufficient bottom chip opportunities as the bull market approaches. "

And the moment Su Yu mentioned the company 'Anzhao Fund'.

At this moment, Yuhang, inside the 'Anzhao Fund' company, in the main fund trading room, a group of traders were surprised when they looked at the market trend of a comprehensive breakthrough.

Facing several of the company's main fund products, the scale more than doubled in one day.

Originally, they were already at the absolute heavy position level, but now due to the rapid increase in scale, the position has become less than 50%. The whole person's heart is both excited and shocked.

"Mr. Qin, our scale has skyrocketed, almost reaching 12 billion." Trading team leader Zhou Hui said with emotion, "With such a large size, the positions of several of our funds are significantly lower than the industry average. At this moment ...I’m afraid I have to further change my trading strategy and continue to increase my positions!”

Qin Qiuyue looked at the automatic reduction of positions after the fund scale increased, with a smile on her face. She had never felt so satisfied. She smiled and said: "It is true that we have to change our trading strategy, but 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' The two main lines, as well as the main directions of the core concepts of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', the current position is a bit high, and there are no suitable entrants. At the market point, it seems inappropriate for us to chase the high at this position.

Also, since our company has been acquired by ‘Yuhang Investment’.

If the main fund products of our fund continue to invest heavily in the same investment direction as the main funds of the "Yuhang Series", I am afraid that the risks of their positions will be highlighted.

What if there is any sudden change in the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main lines of the core concepts of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'? What about the negative consequences?

Several fund products of our parent company, the "Yuhang Series", have huge holding cost advantages.

They can be unafraid of adjustments, but we are not.

Therefore, although we need to change our investment ideas, change our current trading strategies, and continue to increase fund positions, the specific direction of increasing positions...

I'm afraid we have to discuss it again. "

Zhou Hui still agreed with Qin Qiuyue's idea. After thinking about it, she responded: "If we can't continue to increase our positions in the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' and 'New Era Road, If we look at the core concepts of "Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises", we can only invest in other main lines. The current market has strong expectations for the main lines of the market.

In addition to the two main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry", as well as the core conceptual lines of "Eurasian Economic Belt", "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises".

There are only "technological growth", "big finance" and "big consumption" directions, which should still have core medium and long-term investment logic.

If we want to increase our position, I think it is best to mainly consider these three directions. "

"Technological growth, big finance, big consumption..." After hearing Zhou Hui's words, Qin Qiuyue thought about it carefully for a while and said, "Although the line of 'technological growth' still has medium and long-term investment logic, and 'mobile Internet', The 'smartphone industry chain' market is still on a development track of rapid expansion.

However, its internal chip structure is not good, and its valuation is the highest in the entire market, even generally higher than the 'military industry' sector.

In addition, the main funds in this field are still continuing to flow out, and the trend is relatively significantly weaker than the broader market.

This shows that although its investment logic is not broken, the current valuation level and current expectations cannot be unanimously recognized by the main funds in the market.

At the same time, the overall main style of the market is currently concentrated in the direction of the main board.

A series of growth stocks in the GEM and small and medium-sized board fields always feel that they lack some emotion and investment confidence.

Therefore, we will not consider the line of ‘technological growth’ for the time being. "

Zhou Hui nodded and said: "The only two main lines left are 'big finance' and 'big consumption'. Mr. Qin feels that it is better for us to focus on consumption or finance."

Qin Qiuyue thought: "'Big consumption' follows the expectation of macroeconomic recovery and is the main logic of boosting domestic demand. This logic... At present, it is still relatively hazy. At the same time, the certainty of economic recovery is obviously not as good as that of macroeconomic recovery." The main line of 'big infrastructure' continues to be stimulated by policies.

Let’s look at the main line of ‘big finance’.

The bull market expectations are getting stronger and stronger, and the market turnover has also begun to rise.

As the core force of the domestic asset management system, whether it is securities firms, banks, or insurance, there should be expectations of explosive performance. At the same time, under optimistic expectations, their valuations will also increase.

Compare the two main lines of ‘technological growth’ and ‘big consumption’.

Relatively speaking, the investment logic of the main line of 'big finance' should be clearer and more certain.

Zhou Hui, what do you think? "

Zhou Hui responded with a smile: "Boss Qin and I have the same idea. I also think this is the right time to lay out 'big finance', and the current valuation of the 'big finance' line in the market is quite low." , there is expected certainty in the future, and there is an extremely low valuation as a risk support for the downward trend. Looking at the current... entire market, if large funds are invested, there is no more suitable investment field than this main line."

"In that case..." Qin Qiuyue said with a smile, "Then there is no need to hesitate!"

After saying that, she was about to give orders to the traders to increase their positions. At this time, she remembered the phone call.

Seeing that it was Su Yu calling, Qin Qiuyue hurriedly answered the phone. Before she could speak, Su Yu was on the other side of the phone and asked her what she thought of the main investment line of 'big finance' and whether she had any plans to invest in this line. Any thoughts on investing in the main line’s position-increasing layout? "

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