Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 625: The retail investors are harvested back and forth!

"Hey, in the past few days, I have been reaped by the main force." Someone said with emotion, "I took the losses, cut off the gains, chased the losses again, and I feel that no matter what I do, it is all wrong."

"Yes, I got killed when I chased the market's popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and I got killed when I bought low-end main line concepts."

"The main reason is that the rotation of market sectors has obviously accelerated."

"Not only is it accelerating, it is almost unsustainable. Although on the market today, it seems that the low-level main lines such as 'tech growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance' have strengthened, and there are signs of big funds taking over, but Believe it or not, tomorrow’s popular stocks in these major main areas will still have no premium.”

"I agree, I feel that at this time, the market is killing short-term funds!"

"The main force's washout and shock will definitely kill short-term funds. If you ask this time, you can either hold the position and wait for the main force to shock, or you can take a short position and wait for the market consolidation to end before intervening."

"It makes sense. With this kind of back-and-forth and extremely intense market trends, it's better to stay down than move around."

"Today, the popular main lines of the market, 'infrastructure' and 'military industry,' have seen further increases in volume. I feel that the main funds holding positions have invested a lot. I wonder if there is a risk of continued adjustment?"

“For the popular main lines of the market such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, there are a lot of funds that want to be raised at low prices. I feel that there is no need to worry too much at the moment.”

"Indeed, if the conceptual core stocks of the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' can make another wave in the early trading tomorrow, I will definitely increase my position and intervene. I believe... investors on and off the market who have similar ideas to me will definitely Many of these core stocks with core concepts are scarce chips in the long run, so you can hold them with peace of mind and don’t have to worry at all.”

"Haha, I also feel that the adjustments to these core main lines will definitely not be deep."

"It's not a bad thing that the volume can be further enlarged. The key lies in the takeover effect of the disk. Although the core main lines of the market, 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', fell today, to be honest... the takeover effect of the disk is obviously not weak. Yes, big funds are obviously still taking care of and undertaking this field.”

“At the same time, it can be seen that there are still huge internal differences in funds on the main lines of ‘technological growth’, ‘big consumption’ and ‘big finance’.”

"Haha, I agree. At least for now, low-level main areas such as 'technological growth', 'big consumption' and 'big finance' have not yet gathered enough money-making effects and corresponding funds to follow the trend. Compared with 'infrastructure' , 'Military Industry', the core main lines of the market, these low-level main line sectors are obviously not sustainable."

"Looking at the changes in turnover in the two cities, it is obvious that OTC funds are continuing to enter the market to increase their positions."

“As long as there are incremental over-the-counter funds involved, there is no need to worry that the market will end here.”

"Where there is volume, there will be a market. As long as the balance of financing and financing is still increasing and the market turnover remains high, the market's acceptance effect will not be weak at all."

"Today's market trend is a benign correction and a technical correction."

"I think we can continue to increase our positions on dips."

"Looking at the monthly trend, the entire market, as well as the core market main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', have just begun to trend, right?"

"Judging from the monthly line, the market has just reached the bottom of the mountain and has not yet started to climb up."

"I also feel that the market is still at the bottom of the mountain."

"Anyway, we can't be pessimistic at this time."

"Whether it is a weekly or monthly line, the main market lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are already ahead of market changes, and there is a high probability that they will obviously rise in the future. Knowing this big Direction... just understand the strategy of increasing positions on dips, and the winning rate is very high.”

"In any case, at present, there is no other core main line in the market that can replace the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'."

"Let's see, the funds that went out today will definitely continue to return to the core main lines of the major markets of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' in the future."

“I don’t believe that the lines of ‘technological growth’, ‘big consumption’ and ‘big finance’ can be achieved.”

"The funds on these main lines cannot form a consistent synergy, how can it be possible? It's just... an oversold rebound."

"Anyway, I won't follow these so-called low-level main lines."

"I will firmly hold positions in the two main stocks of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry'. Again, if I don't see Mr. Su's seat on 'Wealth Road' and sell on a large scale on the Dragon and Tiger List, I will not lighten my position and withdraw." , and as long as there are lows, no doubt... I will continue to add to my position."

"At this stage, I will not reduce my position. I don't believe that during this period, so many new strategic funds in the direction of 'big infrastructure' have been issued on the market. So many funds will not take advantage of this opportunity to increase their positions in 'infrastructure', 'Military industry' stocks?"

“It’s normal for some people to sell and others to buy.”

"The major market lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have been rising for a long time. In fact, it is understandable to adjust."

"Well, I also think sideways adjustments are understandable."

"Whether it is adjusted or not, it is impossible for me to hand over my chips at this time anyway. The main force can shake the position at will. If you can shake me out, you are considered the main force."

"Hey, you can use part of the funds to do T. I feel that it has been very easy to do T in recent times."

"Although the core market lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are currently showing signs of sideways adjustment, and the overall turnover rate is increasing, the effect of low-level undertakings is strong, and such sideways adjustments are not allowed when It’s over, T is just flying chips, but it’s totally not worth it.”

"It makes sense, then it's better to hold the position unchanged and just pretend to be dead."

"I wonder what's happening on the Dragon and Tiger list today?"

"I guess there won't be much change, right? What's certain is... Mr. Su's 'road to wealth' will definitely not appear!"

"Mr. Su's 'Wealth Road' is probably still locking up positions. I mainly want to see the movement of the institutional community. I feel that there should be a lot of chips sold by the institutional community today."

"I feel so too……"

Amidst the heated discussion among the people.

At around 5:30 p.m., the rankings of dragons and tigers in the two cities were refreshed.

With the attention of countless investors in the entire market, a total of 46 stocks from the two cities were on the list, among which the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime' Concept stocks with the core logic of speculation, such as "Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises", still account for more than half of the stocks on the Dragon and Tiger List.

Among them, the popular stocks ‘Chengfei Technology, Shanghai Construction Engineering, China Airlines Hi-Tech, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Hongdu Aviation, Aerospace Development...’ and many other popular concept stocks are on the list.

And based on the data of the Dragon and Tiger List disclosed by these popular concept stocks.

The market's main hot money seats are still active, and the enthusiasm for undertaking them is still high.

As for the main selling seats, the ones with the largest and largest selling amounts are, as everyone guessed, institutional groups generally selling at profit.

Of course, when many institutions take profit and sell.

At the same time, there are also many major financial institutions on and off the market who are making large purchases and continue to take over and compete for chips in the core main line areas of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

"There are quite a few institutional seats that have been on the Dragon and Tiger list for a few days and are in net sales!"

After seeing the market ranking data released, Zhou Kan, inside the main fund trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai, said with emotion: "Boss, does this mean that large financial groups are in popular markets such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'?" The thoughts and expectations on the core lines are becoming more and more common, right?"

Xu Xiang carefully browsed the market's dragon and tiger list data, pondered for a moment, and responded: "It's almost like this. Many institutional groups should be able to see that the popular market main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are internally The short-term and medium-term profit orders are too heavy, and at the same time, there is an obvious pattern of heavy volume and stagflation on the technical surface. If the trend continues to break through, it will rest for a period of time. Therefore... Judging from the data of the Dragon and Tiger List, the funds for profit-taking and profit-taking are in significantly increased.

And the amount of profit-taking funds has increased significantly...

This will further suppress the upward trend of popular main lines in the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

However, there are many institutions selling and many institutions buying.

Recently, there have been many newly launched fund products in the market.

The current general positions of these newly issued fund products are insufficient, and there is a strong willingness to enter the market to increase positions.

However, judging from the current market situation, if these new funds entering the market want to increase their positions, the main directions they can choose are except 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', which have already gone out of trend and have great potential. There is no other choice for the main line sector with strong continuous profit-making effect.

After all, at the current stage, whether it is the two low-level main sectors of 'tech growth' and 'big consumption', or the main line of 'big finance', they are not able to clearly gather investment sentiment and continue to make money, while institutional groups We usually follow market trends when it comes to investment choices and investment strategy formulation.

So, looking at it all...

The two main industry lines of the market, 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main lines of market concepts currently centered around the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' The market situation of a series of hyped concept sectors is that there is pressure at the top, support at the bottom, heavy profit-making selling at the top, and strong support for incremental funds at the bottom.

And in this situation.

The amplitude of adjustments to the popular main lines of the market, "infrastructure" and "military industry," will not be too drastic.

Adjust the depth and it won't be too deep.

I estimate that for a period of time, most of these popular main lines will maintain a trend of heavy volume and stagflation, and most of them will fluctuate sideways to digest profits.

Of course, if it is the other low main lines of the market.

For example, in the major low-level main line fields such as 'Technology Growth', 'Big Consumption' and 'Big Finance', a certain main line has been stimulated by the heavy positive macro news, forming a relatively strong and consistent long expectation, creating a sustained trend. The money-making effect enables the market to form a substantial trend of 'high-low switching' on the core main line market.

Then, there are several popular main lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ that are at a relatively high level in the market.

I am afraid that when the situation cannot be opened up and the money-making effect gradually wanes, a lot of the main funds accumulated in it will further flee, causing these major main lines to continue to lose blood, and then there is a high probability of repeating the "technological growth" of these few months. The market trend of this main line.

But, if the index can stably break through 3,000 points, it will form a comprehensive breakthrough.

And the market's "bull market expectations" are getting stronger and stronger.

In other words, the bull market situation has been confirmed and unanimously recognized by the majority of investor groups inside and outside the market.

This will further increase market investment sentiment and investment confidence. At the same time, market capacity and the balance of financing and financing can also be raised to a higher level, reaching a capacity of 600 billion or more than 700 billion.

Then, the main line rotation effect of the market may gradually disappear.

A comprehensive general rising market will come quickly with the support of quantity and energy.

By then, it is not impossible that the core main lines of ‘infrastructure’, ‘military industry’, ‘big consumption’, ‘technological growth’, and ‘big finance’ will all skyrocket.

But this is the most optimistic expectation.

At present, there is no such trace in the market trend.

Therefore, we can make guesses and analyzes based on the most optimistic expectations, but in terms of implementation of specific trading strategies and investment strategies, we still have to respect the actual market trends and follow the changes in market shapes and trends to make decisions. final decision. "

"Yeah!" Zhou Kan nodded after hearing Xu Xiang's analysis and said with a smile, "No matter how the market goes next, if we follow the trading strategy we formulated before, there should be nothing wrong."

As long as the hot main lines of the market, "infrastructure" and "military industry", are certain to adjust, and the traces of adjustment are getting heavier and heavier.

Then, the strategy they formulated to gradually reduce their positions is right.

As for the position adjustment strategy, although the current 'big finance' direction, like the 'tech growth' and 'big consumption' directions, has not formed consistent expectations of the main funds, nor has there been a consistent synergy of the main funds in the market, as well as news. The big news is good for resonance.

However, this does not mean that their position adjustment direction is wrong.

At least for now, the market is adjusting sideways on the popular main lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

It is a fact that the line of ‘big finance’ continues to absorb the inflow of major funds.

Subsequent market conditions will change further, and when the main market line is 'switching high and low', the probability that the 'big financial' line will converge and break through will still exist.

Since market trends and morphological changes are not divorced from their investment strategies and trading strategies.

Then we can only continue to execute and wait for further changes in market conditions and trends.

While the two were discussing the market data, they further examined their previous investment strategies and trading strategies.

Within and outside the market, other institutional groups, as well as major hot money groups, are constantly adjusting their investment strategies and trading strategies while reviewing market data.

It's in this emotional evolution.

In the evening, the external market continued to rise, which further stimulated the bullish sentiment in the domestic market.

Subsequently, stimulated by the continued stimulation of the external market and the more or less generally good news, the two cities once again opened generally higher the next day during the call auction stage.

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