Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 651: The main institutions are adjusting positions one after another to follow up!

"Boss, this market sentiment is really hot."

During the lunch break, around 12:30, in the main fund trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai, Zhou Kan observed the hot topic areas of major stock discussion platforms on the entire network, as well as the discussion and comment areas of trading platforms, facing Xu Xiang lamented: "The movement of 'Big Finance' has really brought the investment sentiment and speculation sentiment of the entire market to an area with extremely high risk appetite.

Respond to such market investment sentiment and hype sentiment.

As long as the market continues to make money, it can last for a while.

Then, with the market achieving a double virtuous cycle of volume, energy and sentiment, the curtain of the ‘bull market’ has been completely unveiled.

I have to say that Mr. Su from the 'Yuhang Department' is really awesome.

Moreover, haven’t we heard that the central bank is preparing to further relax banks and increase currency liquidity in the market?

If there is another wave of macro-financial stimulation, then I estimate that the market conditions and transaction volume will continue to skyrocket and break through rapidly! "

Xu Xiang heard his emotion and said: "The current market sentiment and the risk appetite of major investor groups in the market have indeed risen. The funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' have drawn the line of 'big finance' , at present, the trend of 'high-low switching' has basically been completed."

"Hehe..." Zhou Kan laughed and said, "Fortunately, the boss has a reputation for foresight, so the two main fund products of our institution have all placed heavy bets on the main line of 'big finance'. This Just once... let the funds from the 'Yuhang Department' honestly carry the sedan chair for us!"

Xu Xiang said: "In the 'Big Finance' line, many major funds should have noticed it before and formed relatively strong expectations, but no one has as much courage as the 'Yu Hang Group' funds. It is just a matter of forcibly using tens of billions of new funds to continuously increase the market height and activate this major main line.

Of course, even so...

But I have to admire the "Yu Hang Group" capital's choice of opportunity to pull the market this time. "

Before the ‘Yuhang Department’ stormed the line of ‘big finance’.

In the early stage, the core main lines of the market such as "infrastructure" and "military industry" fluctuated violently, and they were still unable to open up a breakthrough situation and a high upward space.

In the market, many major financial groups have tried to pull the main line of "big finance".

Trying to pull out this big main line to replace the core main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that have been unable to break through upward, and realize the 'high and low switching' of funds and emotions. However, the securities sector has changed again and again, but it has never happened. It can form a consensus of expectations, truly create a sustainable market height space, and truly condense the market's hot following sentiment and follow-up capital groups, forming a substantial breakthrough trend.

The funds of the ‘Yuhang Department’.

Pull the ‘Securities’ sector, and use the ‘Securities’ sector to drive the entire ‘Big Finance’ main line to make breakthroughs.

Xu Xiang was not surprised.

What really surprised him was the timing of the funds from the ‘Yu Hang Group’.

With the market trend of yesterday's total collapse and the extremely depressed emotional reaction, if he were in the opponent's position, he would not have the courage and courage to invest such a huge amount of money to forcefully reverse the market and desperately play in the 'securities' sector. lines.

What's more, there were no positive expectations regarding securities or the direction of "big finance" in the market news at that time.

Now that he thought about the other party's trading moves in the securities sector, he couldn't help but feel admiration in his heart, and at the same time he felt ashamed.

"Yes, before the main line of 'big finance' broke out in the securities sector, no one would have guessed that the market conditions in the past two days could be so radical, right?" Zhou Kan took the words and continued, "Boss, today's market situation , for the 'securities', 'Internet finance' sectors, and even the entire 'big finance' main line of funding, the joint efforts have become more and more consistent, and the funds to raise and undertake are endless. Do you think... the afternoon's market Performance, the main line of 'big finance' that has already surged, can it go further in terms of market performance?"

"Probably we can go further." Xu Xiang said, "The market sentiment is too strong, and in terms of current macro news, isn't the good news continuing to ferment? There is also the central bank's internal monetary policy meeting in the afternoon, and the subsequent Shanghai The opening of Hong Kong Stock Connect, the opening of A50 index futures, and the opening of China Securities 500 Index futures... these are all positive expectations. What's more, the current mainline market of 'big finance' has just exploded. Its overall valuation, or stock price trend position, comparison The valuations of stocks that are core components of the early main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the stocks on the main line of 'technological growth', all have considerable room for improvement.

In other words, these positive expectations factors, as well as their own low valuation impact.

In addition, under the influence of the hot market conditions, brokerage stocks have very good performance expectations for the third and fourth quarters.

Stocks in the main line of "big finance" have strong speculation logic and motivation, and also have a certain logic and space for supplementary increases.

At this time, the main financial groups of all parties in the market.

The most fundamental core factor in the extreme rush to raise stocks in the direction of "big finance" is not the influence of the funds of the "Yu Hang Group", but the strong investment logic and hype expectations in the direction of "big finance".


On the line of ‘big finance’, even without the all-out attack and tough pull from the ‘Yu Hang Group’ funds.

As the market trading time goes by, as more and more good news appears on this line, and subsequent market good news arrives, this major mainline market will still gather the joint efforts of various funds in the market, attracting More and more main funds are paying attention to it, and it has made a substantial breakthrough.

However, there is no direct stimulation from the funds of the ‘Yuhang Department’.

Maybe the market reaction of the 'big finance' line will be slower, its breakthrough trend will not be so rapid, and the intensity of the explosion will not be so strong. "

Zhou Kan heard Xu Xiang's analysis, pondered for a moment, understood, and said with a smile: "So, Mr. Su from the 'Yuhang Department' is just following the trend?"

"Of course we are going with the trend." Xu Xiang smiled and said, "The main attack path of any top trader in the market, or all trading strategies, are formulated in accordance with the market trend. In the financial trading market, the most The strong synergy is also its own trend development force.

We make orders, trade, and speculate.

Its essence is just to understand the possible trend changes in the market through various analyzes and predictions.

In the entire A-share market, which is worth tens of trillions, there is no major financial institution that can buck the trend and go against the entire market in trading operations.

Over the past few years, the "national team" has hundreds of billions and trillions of funds silently sitting on the field.

These funds, under the demands of regulators, have always wanted to activate the market, create sustained money-making effects, stimulate a bull market, and finally open up direct financing channels in the market. But after a few years, have they succeeded? Isn’t it true that if you pull the market once, the marginal effect will become weaker each time, and in the end it will achieve the opposite effect?

This means failing to follow the existing development trends and laws of the market.

Going against the trend, no matter how huge the amount of capital is, it cannot move the market and make the active capital flow of the entire market form a unified situation in one direction.

The strength of the 'Yuhang Department' is not the amount of funds he holds.

It is his sensitivity to changes in market conditions and trends. Mr. Su from the 'Yu Hang Group' is always able to capture the transition points of changes in market sentiment, and decisively invests huge amounts of money to guide and ultimately form the market. Changes in macro trends.

I have never seen this among traders from other major domestic institutions.

Of course, even I can't do this.

Therefore, there is only one market legend, and there is only one performance myth of the ‘Yu Hang System’. Other people and other institutions cannot and cannot copy it. "

Zhou Kan didn't expect that the boss would have such a high opinion of Mr. Su of the 'Yu Hang Department'. He smiled softly and said, "The boss is also very impressive. This time, we lurked just right and lurked the heavy positions in advance." Stocks happen to be the stocks with the most violent outbreak in this wave of market.

that is……

In the concept of "Internet Finance", there are not enough funds deployed and not enough chips obtained. "

Before, before the whole ‘big finance’ riot.

Because of the funds of the 'Yu Hang Group', I have long held a lot of 'Internet Finance' stocks.

Therefore, the adjustment of the "Internet Finance" line has not been strong enough, and there have not been many opportunities to buy at low prices.

At the same time, coupled with the various financial groups in the market, there is a crazy pursuit of the stocks held by the "Yu Hang Group".

As a result, the general valuation level and stock price position of the constituent stocks of the entire 'Internet Finance' sector are higher than those of the entire 'Big Finance' main line core sector.

This also led them to build positions on the main line of ‘big finance’.

Considering the cost of building a position, the core position building direction was not included in the "Internet Finance" sector.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Xiang smiled and said, "Everything can't be perfect. It would be great if we can lay out heavy positions in advance and get relatively low-level core brokerage stock chips to seize the opportunity of the outbreak of 'big finance'. There is endless profit in the market, and our predictions about market conditions cannot be too accurate. We should be very satisfied with the current situation."

"Yeah!" Zhou Kan nodded.

After more than a month of continuous accumulation of positions, and lock-up operations waiting for the main line of the market to change.

Their institutions now have a total holding volume of 10 billion in the core sectors of "big finance" such as securities, insurance, and banking, accounting for 60% of the positions of the two main funds, so... at this moment Naturally, there is nothing to complain about the all-out explosive trend of 'Big Finance'.

When the two of them analyzed the existing market situation and market trends, and looked forward to the market opening in the afternoon...

Also inside the ‘Yinghui Fund Company’ in Shanghai.

In the main trading room of the 'Yinghui No. 2' fund, fund manager Shao Xiaoyun frowned visibly when he saw the "big finance" outbreak in the entire market. The securities and Internet financial sectors were all setting off a rising trend. Anxious.

The fund product "Yinghui No. 2" he manages.

Although early popular main lines such as "infrastructure" and "military industry" were withdrawn in advance, the sharp decline adjustment of these early popular main lines in the past few days was avoided.

However, the fund's heavy holdings focus on the main line of 'technological growth'.

This also means that although their fund has escaped the sharp decline in the past two days, it has also missed out on the overall riot of "big finance".

At the same time, the entire market’s capital groups are converging in the direction of ‘big finance’.

The stocks in the main line of 'Technology Growth' that their fund held heavily had limited liquidity on the market, so even if he quickly adjusted his position to the main line of 'Big Finance', he couldn't do it for a while.

"Hey..." Shao Xiaoyun paced around the trading room for a while and sighed helplessly, "The benefits in the direction of 'big finance' are still fermenting, and I heard that there may be important changes in the central bank's internal monetary policy meeting in the afternoon. It’s easy to release pounds, but in this situation, we really can’t advance or retreat!”

Trading team leader Liu Changling thought for a while and said: "Manager Shao, my suggestion is that we should exit the positions in the main line of 'Technology Growth' as ​​soon as possible and quickly transfer the positions to the main line of 'Big Finance'.

Now that the market has made a choice in the main direction, we cannot hesitate!

What's more, although the 'big financial' direction and the 'securities' sector have now surged across the board, generally rising by more than 10 points from yesterday's bottom position, compared with the entire market, it has just made a substantial breakthrough. The form is still at a relatively low position.

If we hesitate at this time.

Then I am afraid that if you want to adjust positions on a large scale in the future, it will be even more uncomfortable in terms of the cost of holding positions and the timing of intervention.

In fact, if we intervene now, the cost of the funds of the 'Yuhang Department' will not be much lower than the funds generally involved at this time.

The line of ‘technological growth’.

Since it has been proven that it has been abandoned by the main market funds, it is probably difficult to get the concentrated attention and concentrated speculation of the entire market's active capital groups before the main trend of "big finance" is completed.

Once the core main line of the market is formed, the market's consensus expectations are once formed.

In the market trend, the strong will always be strong.

If we don't change our strategy at this time and follow the existing trend choices of the market, we will only become more and more passive in the future. Moreover, with such a strong market sentiment, coupled with the intentional stimulation of funds from the 'Yu Hang Group', macro news Possible big positives...

under the combined influence of these factors.

The "big financial" line may not adjust in a short period of time, giving short-term funds a good buying point.

There is a high probability that the short squeeze will continue.

Moreover, the Shanghai Stock Index is only one step away from 3,000 points above.

We will not intervene at this time. We will wait until 'big finance' drives the index to cross 3,000 points, and the 'bull market expectations' are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Then, if we want to catch up with the 'big finance' line and complete the overall adjustment of fund positions, we can It's getting more and more difficult. "

"But currently in the entire 'Securities' sector, many core stocks have reached their daily limit." Shao Xiaoyun said, "Now, even if I want to buy it, I can't buy it."

Liu Changling said: "There are still stocks that have not reached the daily limit. Core stocks such as 'Huaxin Securities' can obviously be bought with heavy positions. If funds are used to speculate in securities, and if 'bull market expectations' are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the main uptrend of the bull market will begin." , in the continuous surge of the line of 'Big Finance', can funds avoid the hype of 'Huaxin Securities'? It is obviously impossible to avoid it. It is better to chase the high price at this time and buy it later than to chase the high price later. "

"Okay!" Shao Xiaoyun thought for a while, finally nodded, and said, "Then starting from the opening in the afternoon, quickly liquidate the stocks held in the main line of 'Technology Growth', regardless of the cost, and chase the positions to buy the securities sector and the Internet finance sector. core component stocks."

Liu Changling nodded and quickly issued corresponding trading instructions to the traders.

At the same time, you should also be prepared to adjust your trading strategies accordingly.

At the same moment, in the main fund trading room of Yinghui No. 1 next door to them.

Fund manager Liu Guanhai squinted at the fixed prices of the two cities and browsed the hot topic area of ​​the relevant stock discussion platform. However, he was in a obviously good mood. There was a smile in his eyes and on his face, and he smiled at Yu Lei, the trading team leader on the side, said: "Xiao Yu, you are still awesome. This time, we adjusted our positions to intervene in the main line of 'big finance'. It was really wonderful, and we hit the best adjustment of the market conditions." Node, not only did it perfectly avoid the sharp decline in the main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' in the early stage, but it also completely caught the sharp rise in the main line of 'big finance'. In just two trading days, the net profit of our fund was It has skyrocketed by nearly 10 points!”

Trading team leader Yu Lei responded with a smile: "The main thing is that Mr. Liu is so awesome. I just provide some analysis and opinions. The final decision is made by you."

"Haha..." Liu Guanhai laughed, "We finally learned from the previous lessons and made a correct position adjustment. However, the funds of the 'Yuhang Department' are really powerful enough. Not only did they complete it silently In addition, on the main line of promoting 'big finance', the timing is just right...

Moreover, with such a rapid pull, no one else can be found in the entire market and the entire industry!

I really don’t know how this guy developed his understanding of market conditions and his keen market insight.

It’s so enviable!

It’s no wonder that in the market, so many retail investors and so many main funds follow the trend of the ‘Yu Hang Group’.

This Mr. Su from the 'Yuhang Department' is truly genius-level in his ability to operate the market. "

He still remembered the scene when he met this person in Yanjing during the National Day last year. At that time, he mocked him a few times, thinking that the funds of the 'Yuhang Department' were nothing special.

But after a year.

When he saw this main force in the market, its operations shocked the market investors again and again, led market breakthroughs time and time again, and set breathtaking explosive performance again and again... At the same time, in June, he misjudged the market situation, stood on the opposite side of the 'Yu Hang Group' fund, and suffered the largest retracement since he took charge of the 'Yinghui No. 1' fund.

He is concerned about the "Yuhang Department", Mr. Su.

Even if you don't like it in your heart, you still have to admire the other party's trading ability and keen insight into market conditions.

Yu Lei nodded and said: "This Mr. Su is indeed a unique legend in the market. No one expected that the 'big finance' line would achieve a breakthrough under such circumstances. And formed the core main line of the market, 'high-low switching'."

"It's no wonder that the 'Yu Hang System' can reach a scale of hundreds of billions in just over a year!" Liu Guanhai said, "It is foreseeable that the future 'Yu Hang System' will most likely become In the domestic asset management industry, it is a giant asset management company that cannot be ignored.”

He seemed to have seen a financial giant rising up.

Likewise, at the same time.

Many major financial groups who have cut into the main line of 'Big Finance' in advance and ambushed good positions when the 'Yuhang System' pulls the main line of 'Big Finance' are also reveling at this moment, and the emotional reactions in their hearts are the same. Unconcealable excitement and amplitude.

And those who failed to follow the main line of "big finance" concentrated on riots.

They mistakenly concentrated their positions on the main capital groups in the main areas such as 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'non-ferrous cycle'.

At this moment, it was inevitable that they would feel a little regretful, and they all made some trading strategies to adjust their positions.

Of course, those are the super main institutional groups that have not been able to withdraw from the main line fields such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', especially in the past month or so, and have become heavily involved in the main line fields such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

At this moment, not only did it miss the main line of "big finance" riots, but it also suffered huge retracements and losses.

My mentality is really close to bursting.

And many institutional managers, feeling helpless and complaining, couldn't help but start cursing the funds of the 'Yu Hang Department' managed by Su Yu.

Many of them, in their high positions, were responsible for the main market trends such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

The important logic of position adjustment intervention is that the main funds of the 'Yu Hang System' will continue to lock positions to maintain these main market trends. Unexpectedly...

The funds of the ‘Yuhang Department’ came out quietly.

And the positions were quickly transferred to the direction of 'big finance', causing the liquidity of the early popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' to be instantly lost, making them, the main institutions with heavy positions here, unable to withdraw their positions at all for a while. , and if you cannot withdraw your position, you will naturally be unable to participate in the riots on the main line of 'big finance'.

Of course, any major fund in the market.

It is impossible to be liked by all the following capital groups.

After all, in this financial market, the nature cannot escape from the game. If no one loses money, then no one makes money.

Su Yu would not sympathize with these major financial institutions that failed to immediately withdraw from the early core main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' and became the last to stand guard and take over the business. Of course, he would not care.

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