Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 655: Breaking through the 3,000-point barrier!

"3000 points! The Shanghai Stock Index has been attacking here for more than a month without breaking through. I didn't expect... that it finally broke through like this."

During the short five-minute pause from 9:25 to 9:30.

The huge group of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform and major online stock discussion platforms, and the discussion enthusiasm for the market and stocks has also skyrocketed.

"Who would have thought that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index would break through the 3,000-point mark in this way?"

"The main line of 'big finance' is still strong. The main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have been rushing for more than a month, but they have not rushed forward. Unexpectedly, the main line of 'big finance' broke out and brought the Shanghai Stock Index to 3,000 in just two days." This milestone has further refreshed the market height space."

"It's not that the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are not good, it's... that at the end of the day, it's hard to defeat the enemy!"

"This is true. The intraday profit margins of main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are really too heavy."

"The main thing is the favorable cooperation of the market, right? Otherwise, the Shanghai Stock Index will continue to be trapped at 3,000 points."

"It is not the favorable cooperation of the market, but the unparalleled concentrated pulling method of Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group' that created the market's extreme upward breakthrough trend."

"Yes, I have to say, Mr. Su is awesome."

"The key is that the uprising of 'brokerages' across the board has really completely opened up the market's 'bull market' pattern."

"Haha... No one should think that this is not a bull market now, right?"

"It's necessary. I've been pessimistic in the past few months and my face has been slapped by the market."

"I really hope those guys who were short-sellers in the past will continue to be short-sellers. I just like to see them being slapped in the face by the market, haha... It makes me happy just to think about it."

"Similarly, I hope these guys will continue to bet and then chase the highs at 6,000 and 7,000 points in the future."

“Once the 3,000-point barrier is broken, the sky above will be flat.”

"Yes, once this barrier is broken, the main rise of the bull market will come."

"At the end of the year, I saw at least 4,000 points. This year is really a big market."

"Remember the last time the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3,000 points, it was in 2009. Since then, and before today, the Shanghai Stock Index has been fluctuating in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 points for 5 years! Today, the Shanghai Stock Index finally made a real breakthrough This box is 5 years old.”

"Hey, time flies and five years have passed. These five years of bear market have been really torture."

"Hehe... I finally got over it. This bull market has made back all the losses in the past five years."

"The key is that today the Shanghai Stock Index gapped past the 3,000-point mark. The sign of this gap is very important for the market performance in the future."

"This gap is the most solid dividing line between bulls and bears in the market."

"Yes, it is the dividing line between bulls and bears. As long as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can maintain its operation above this gap, there is no doubt that the bull market pattern will be in place."

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses are coming to meet each other. Yesterday's market's strong positive line performance was that cloud-piercing arrow. Today, thousands of troops and horses must be rushing to follow up."

"There is no doubt that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will most likely still have heavy volume and a strong positive line today."

"More than that, the main line of today's 'big finance' is still the absolute core of market conditions."

“As soon as the market opens in the call auction, the positions are already full.”

"It's a pity that my position has not been withdrawn from 'Huaguo Construction'. Alas, I hesitated before and missed two daily limits. Now I really plan to sell it and adjust my position to Huaxin Securities."

"The check from Western Securities opened really strong, and it even opened in a straight line."

"There is no way. This check is the absolute leader in the brokerage sector. There is a high probability that Western Securities will not be able to buy this check today."

"The check for Orient Securities should not be much different."

"The check from Oriental Securities opened at 85%. It is indeed a strong stock after Western Securities, but I think the check from 'Oriental Fortune' should be better? This check is not only the result of Mr. Su's participation in the big It is a stock with a fixed increase in scale, and it is a standard 'Internet brokerage' stock. In addition, the market value is not very large, and the future development space and performance expectations are very explosive."

"Oriental Fortune is a good stock, but compared to other securities stocks, the valuation is a bit too high. Moreover, since it was previously a key stock holding of Mr. Su's "Yu Hang Group", this check followed the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" in the early stage. It has already risen a lot ahead of schedule, and its position is a bit high compared to other brokerage stocks.”

"I think the Flush check is better, but it's a pity that it has the same straight-line price limit, so you can't buy it at all today."

"The elasticity of great wisdom should be higher!"

"It doesn't matter. I think it's okay to buy any one. According to the observation of the last round of bull market for stocks in the brokerage sector, in the end, the difference in growth rate is actually not very big. If the growth rate of the sector is 3 or 5 times that of the bull market, then , then the stock will basically increase by 3 to 5 times.”

"That's true. I think as long as Mr. Su has intervened in the stocks in the past few trading days, you can buy them with a heavy position."

"Well, indeed, it is safest to follow the trend according to Mr. Su's buying path."

"What about the check for 'Blue Stone Reload'? What do you think? It opened 11% higher. It feels like it can hit the 24th daily limit!"

"The active funds on the market have been siphoned off by the entire 'big finance' main line. At this time, I think... it is better to give priority to the 'big finance' direction."

"'Blue Stone Reload' has been the leader in market breakthroughs in the past month or so, and represents the absolute height of market speculation. Overall, the market has taken over, and the capital follow-up effect is certain under such high market attention. It won't be bad. The only flaw is that the two sectors of 'military industry' and 'nuclear power' are no longer mainstream. The main internal financial groups in these two sectors continue to ebb, which may give rise to the situation of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'. The checks continue to hit a high level of space upwards, creating an emotional constraint.”

"I don't dare to buy the position of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' anyway."

"This check can only be touched by those with bold skills and funds, right? All you earn is the risk premium!"

"Indeed, at this time, even if there is a profit in Bluestone Reload, it is purely a risk premium, and the certainty is not as high as that of stocks in the main line of 'big finance'."

"No brain-stealing stocks in the main line of 'big finance' will do."

"Yes, the Shanghai Composite Index has broken through 3,000 points. I am optimistic that the market will continue to go crazy today. I am optimistic that the securities sector will continue to have a collective daily limit explosion trend today."

"Today, if the securities sector continues to collectively raise the limit, who knows what the market will explode like?"

In the hot discussion among retail investors...

At this moment, Su Yue was in the main group of Yuhang hot money.

After briefly sorting out the market opening situation, major hot money investors have focused their attention on the main line of 'big finance'.

"Damn it, the trend of 'Big Finance' is really crazy."

"No, I just counted, there are 11 core concept stocks with unlimited one-word daily limit, 11... This should be the time when Mr. Su led the main line of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' to make a comprehensive breakthrough. A magnificent situation that has never happened before, right? It’s really explosive!”

"The securities sector opened higher by more than 5 points. Can you imagine?"

“The mood at the opening, it was so hot.”

"There were so many positive impacts yesterday, and the central bank personally released the positive news to protect the market. Can the opening mood not be hot?"

"The key is that the Shanghai Stock Index opened, and it completely exceeded expectations!"

"I originally thought that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index would open below 3,000 points, then fluctuate violently, and then attack 3,000 points. Unexpectedly... it would directly cross 3,000 points at the opening, which is really awesome!"

"With such a strong sentiment at the opening, will there be an obvious positive trend after the opening, leading to a sell-off trend?"

"Today is different from the past. I feel that after the market opens, the probability of a high opening and a sell-off is low."

"The bull market expectations are still fermenting rapidly. At this time, the strong buying orders below are very strong. I don't think the index can continue to fall."

"Anyway, with the Shanghai Index at this position, a breakthrough is a good thing."

"Breakthroughs are naturally a good thing. The key is that without a first move, it's hard to buy at the moment!"

"If there's anything you can't buy, just buy securities without thinking."

"I don't have the ability to seal the market with billions of dollars like Mr. Su. Once I get involved in this position, I have to leave it to fate. The key is not to buy it. It's very easy to get shorted here."

"If you ask me, at this time, everyone in the 'big finance' field should have some chips."

"If you think the risk is high, can you buy half a position first and give it a try?"

"It makes sense, my dear. Now that the bull market is here, you have to change your thinking. You can't be as cautious as before. The more cautious you are at this time, the easier it is to miss the market."

"The position of 'Big Finance' is not high. Whether it is the 'Securities' sector or the 'Internet Finance' sector, I think it can be done without thinking. The stock of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' has been at the daily limit position for 23 consecutive times. There are still big guys taking over, and countless retail investors are following the trend and rushing to raise funds. The core concept stocks of the securities sector and the Internet finance sector have just made breakthroughs at relatively low prices. Is there any reason not to dare to take it?"

"In the bull market, you have to use bull market thinking. With the incredible height achieved by 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', you can definitely be radical."

"Hehe... In that case, will anyone join me in making the check for 'Oriental Fortune'? I still think there is huge room for this check to go up."

“I also think ‘Oriental Fortune’ is a good ticket.”

"I'll follow you. I still have 13 million in hand. When the market opens, I'll throw it all in and ignore it."

"Niubi, it's still 13 million directly?"

"What do I mean? Look at yesterday, Brother Zhao and Brother Sun directly invested 100 million in funds to buy stocks such as Flush, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics, Western Securities, and Oriental Securities!"

"Now that we have identified the market as entering a 'big bull market', there is no need to hesitate."

"We raised 50 million yuan yesterday, and we will continue to work today!"

"I also opened the two-financing business in an emergency yesterday. Now the available funds have finally reached the goal of 100 million. I will directly follow Mr. Su Securities. November is destined to be the world's securities market."

"Damn it, are you all so fierce?"

"It makes me feel itchy, so I won't say anymore. When the market opens and I put in my funds, I will also go to the sales department to open the margin financing business. Alas... when the market comes, I always feel that the funds in my hand are not enough! "

"Haha, there are so many people taking care of the business of securities companies. Is it reasonable to not do securities and stocks?"

"There is no doubt that if the market volume of 600 billion can be achieved, the securities companies will make crazy profits!"

"Basically, the performance of securities companies in the third and fourth quarters is estimated to have increased by at least five times, and it is not impossible for core leaders to have their performance increase by 10 times."

"5 times or 10 times the performance increase? Damn it... Isn't this supposed to be a big deal?"

"Isn't that right? Now comparing its expected future performance, the stock price of the securities firm's stock is really a no-brainer to buy at this position."

"As I said before, in the brokerage sector, at least look at doubling first."

"Buy as much as you have before it doubles."

"I agree. Now the entire brokerage sector is in a stage of mindless long-selling and frantic rush to raise funds."

With the rapid refresh rate of news in the group, as well as many large hot money investors, in the analysis, they concentrated their attention and funds on the "big finance" field, the "securities" sector, and the "Internet finance" concept sector.

The market time hand has quickly reached 9:30.

I saw that the stagnant disks of the two cities began to beat rapidly again.

Moreover, when the market began to beat again, in just five minutes of emotional brewing, more and more follow-up funds and funds were rushed into the main line of "big finance", causing securities, insurance, banks, etc. , Internet financial sector index, the moment it officially opened, it exploded upwards.

At the same time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index are also experiencing the continued violent outbreak of "big finance".

There was a linear upward trend simultaneously.

9:31, only one minute before the official opening.

The stock of Oriental Securities, which opened about 8 points higher, hit the daily limit under the continuous push of thousands of major buying orders, and quickly sealed the daily limit, interrupting the subsequent concentrated rush for funds to follow the trend. aisle.

At the same time, the securities sector index jumped from about 5% at the opening to more than 6% in this minute.

There are also insurance and banking sector indexes, which have also risen linearly by more than 3%.

The 'Internet Finance' sector index also rose in a straight line, jumping into the 4% increase range. The core stock 'Oriental Fortune' rose in a straight line to around 7%, also showing traces and desire to reach the upward limit. .

At 9:32, driven by "Big Finance", the Shanghai Stock Index touched the 3020 point mark, and the intraday increase quickly approached the 2% position.

At 9:33, Southwest Securities suddenly emerged and closed the daily limit in a straight line. Within one minute, the volume reached about 6.9 billion.

At 9:34, CEFC Securities hit the 7% increase mark, and the intraday trading volume reached 7.8 billion in just 4 minutes.

At 9:35, ‘Pacific Securities’ followed suit and hit its daily limit.

In just 5 minutes, the number of stocks within the securities sector reached the daily limit, reaching 4, and the volume has exploded and is still increasing.

At 9:36, the net inflow of funds in the entire securities sector once again reached the level of 1 billion.

This net inflow of funds, coupled with the total net inflow of funds in the previous two trading days, in just two or three trading days, the net inflow of main funds into the securities sector has exceeded 10 billion. This proves that the entire market is rushing to raise funds. The funds for stocks in the securities sector are really a mindless rush to raise funds regardless of cost, which is extremely crazy.

At 9:37, the stock of 'Oriental Fortune' only fluctuated briefly for a few minutes near the 7% increase. That is, it was quickly pushed up to the daily limit position by a series of large orders from tens of thousands of buyers. The rising limit trend of the Second Board has simultaneously reached a new annual high and a record high since its listing. The overall market value has reached the 40 billion mark. It ranks second among the GEM constituent stocks in terms of market value. It is far away from the market value of Wangsu Technology. But there is a gap of 1.5 billion.

At 9:38, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose by 2%, and the securities sector's intraday increase further expanded to around 7%.

At 9:39, the board of the 'Leiman Optoelectronics' branch in the 'Sports Industry Development' branch has nearly doubled its share price since its low breakout, thanks to the daily limit of 'Leiman Optoelectronics' , a number of concept stocks in the field of 'sports industry development', such as Annie Shares, Snowman Shares, Pathfinder, Rhine Sports, Xinlong Health, Qujiang Culture and Tourism, etc., also surged straight up at this moment.

At 9:40, the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', the leading concept stock in the two cities that has no emotional support from the 'military industry' and 'nuclear power' sectors, and also the big monster stock that has received the most attention in the market recently, also rose strongly at this moment. It set a new high since its listing, and set a new record for stocks in the two cities to reach 24 daily limit positions.

At 9:41, thanks to the violent trend of ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’.

The main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', which had lagged behind the market trend for several days, were finally revived, such as 'domestic aircraft carrier', 'military-civilian integration', 'Beidou Navigation', 'nuclear power', 'steel', and 'cement'. ', 'Building Decoration'... and many other related sectors, as well as related concept stocks, have exploded in volume.

At 9:42, ‘Fushun Special Steel’ went straight up the market, creating a money-making effect for the ‘nuclear power’ and ‘special steel’ sectors.

At 9:43, the Shanghai Index broke through 3025 points, once again setting a new intraday rise. At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also surged past the 2% level.

At 9:44, there were more than 2,000 stocks in the two cities, and the number of red stocks once again exceeded 1,700.

At 9:45, only 15 minutes after the market opened, the market turnover had exceeded the 100 billion mark.

At 9:46, the daily limit of stocks in the two cities exceeded 50, and the scope of daily limit stocks is no longer limited to the main line of "big finance", showing a trend of full bloom.

At 9:47, the price of ‘Qianzhou Moutai’ suddenly rose rapidly, and the liquor sector moved abnormally.

At 9:48, 'Qianzhou Moutai' briefly increased by more than 3%, and the intraday increase stood at the 5% mark. At the same time, Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao, Jincheng Fenjiu, Shede Liquor... and other liquor stocks , their volumes have skyrocketed, and the entire 'big consumption' field related to it has also begun to move across the board.

At 9:49, the stocks of two major white goods companies, Gree Electric Appliances and Midea Electric Appliances, surged upwards. On the market, funds for raising began to increase sharply.

At 9:50, the non-ferrous metals and petrochemical industries also began to move frequently.

At 9:51, ‘Huaguo Petroleum’, a heavyweight stock with a market capitalization of trillions, rose with volume, rising by more than 3%, outperforming the broader market index.

At 9:55, the Shanghai Stock Index further stood at 3,030 points, completely breaking through the 3,000-point barrier.

At the same time, the growth rate of the securities sector further fluctuated upward, reaching 5%. Within the sector, there were 6 securities stocks with daily limit.

At 9:56, LeTV went riot, rising straight up and being blocked. The daily volume reached 600 million, and on the daily limit board, there were terrifying 50 consecutive orders of 50,000 lots.

At the same time, according to market news.

Chairman Jia, the head of 'LeTV' who disappeared for almost half a year, appeared in public again and expressed the company's subsequent business strategy. At the same time, he also broke the market rumors that LeTV was under investigation by regulators and fled abroad. Dare some rumors about returning to China.

At 9:57, thanks to the riot of ‘LeTV’, it hit the daily limit.

The ‘Film and Television Media’ sector surged rapidly, rising by more than 2 points in a straight line.

Its internal component stocks, such as 'Huayi Brothers, Guangguang Media, Ciwen Media, Huace Film and Television, Yue Media, Phoenix Media, Yuanji Technology, Hua Qingbao...' and other stocks have also moved up one after another, among which , Ciwen Media’s check quickly followed the trend and hit the daily limit.

At 9:58, ‘Film and Television Media’ quickly rioted, and ‘’ hit its daily limit.

The Growth Enterprise Market Index rose rapidly, reaching an intraday increase of 3%. At the same time, the small and medium-sized index also quickly kept up with the growth of the Growth Enterprise Market Index.

At 9:59, with the two cities soaring across the board, at the opening of the market, in the fields of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that were obviously abandoned by large capital groups, the core weight stocks held by the 'Yu Hang Group' in the early stage, such as 'Huaguo Construction, Stocks such as Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo MCC, Conch Cement, China Airlines and Shenyang Aircraft, Avi Technology, Avi Power... At this time, stocks also began to make up for the rise and ushered in a lot of bargain hunting. Funding intervenes.

It’s 10 a.m., exactly half an hour after the market opens.

The turnover of the two cities has reached nearly 200 billion, and the major core market indexes have all reached a 5% increase.

At the same time, when the Shanghai Stock Index opened, there was a gap left.

At this moment, it has become the most solid market support in the market, attracting countless financial groups outside the market, investing funds into the market like crazy, and grabbing stock chips for various main lines.

At this stage, after "Big Finance" has completely opened up the market situation and driven the Shanghai Stock Index to break through the 3,000-point constraint.

The expectation of a ‘big bull market’ has begun to take root in people’s minds at a rapid pace.

In the entire market, with extremely abundant capital liquidity, there is no longer a so-called differentiated market. Countless funds are attacking across the board, and it is basically an overall surge.

"This market performance is really crazy!"

At 10:05 a.m., within Yuhang Minghui Capital Group, in the main fund trading room, General Manager Xu Zhongji stared at the market where the pattern of the two cities had become clear, and couldn't help but sincerely sigh: "It has been more than 6 years. Have you ever seen such a crazy market?"

"Well, almost." He Hong, the fund manager standing next to him, nodded lightly and responded, "It has indeed been more than six years since the last time such a market happened. It seems...the securities sector today, It will continue to be crazy for one day, and maybe there will be a collective daily limit trend."

"After all, they are the vanguard of the bull market." Xu Zhongji chuckled, "When the market's 'bull market expectations' are reached, there will be only one trend left in this field, and that is continuous skyrocketing, which will at least fill the market's 'bull market' Expectations' and everyone's third-quarter and fourth-quarter performance expectations for the entire brokerage sector will slowly stop."

"I don't know if it's the securities sector!" He Hong said, "Today, all the main sectors in the market have moved, and even 'LeTV' has gone straight to the daily limit."

“The double board of ‘LeTV’ is worth noting!” Xu Zhongji said, “It is very likely that the line of ‘technological growth’ will be adjusted to the end.”

"If the adjustment ends, can the market support the parallelization of the two core main lines?" He Hong asked.

Xu Zhongji thought for a while and said: "Looking at the performance of the market's energy volume, if the market can maintain the energy volume above 600 billion, or continue to go further, then let alone the two terms of 'big finance' and 'technological growth' The main lines have surged in parallel, and it is not difficult to bring together the early popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

Once the liquidity of the market begins to flood.

Moreover, the investment sentiment and investment confidence of investor groups inside and outside the market will begin to evolve towards an extremely optimistic trend.

Then, in the market, as long as the stocks are relatively hot, valuable, and have the potential for speculation, they will become the focus of intensive speculation by funds on the market.

Just like the check for 'Blue Stone Reload'.

Can you imagine a stock like 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' that has neither performance support nor strong fundamental reversal expectations? It is just a stock with the concepts of 'military industry' and 'nuclear power', but has a small circulation and a low issue price. , has it been speculated by the market to the current height of 24 daily limit?

Don't tell me that you couldn't imagine it before, and I can't imagine it either.

But this is what has happened!

Under the bull market, both investment strategies and trading strategies will be different from before. We have to change our thinking. "

He Hong nodded and said: "Half of our current main fund positions are on the 'Big Finance' main line, a quarter are on the 'Technology Growth' main line, and a quarter of the positions are originally on the 'Big Finance' main line. On the main line of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', according to the point of view you just said, Mr. Xu, we...should still maintain static positions?"

Xu Zhongji thought for a while and said: "The current market is already in a situation of comprehensive rise regardless of each other. At this stage, there is no need to rush to adjust positions to chase higher prices. You can wait for the market to end this wave of general rise and enter differentiation again. Let's look at the saying, 'In a bear market, you have to close when the market is good, but in a bull market, you have to hold on to your stocks and not be afraid of adjustments.' I think there should be no problem if we maintain static positions at the moment.

After all, the line of 'big finance' launched by the 'Yu Hang System'.

Basically, it is a continuous trend of opening high and moving high, and many core leading stocks have a continuous daily limit trend.

Such an extreme breakout trend.

Since we have lost the opportunity to increase our position, it is not easy to pursue the price regardless of the cost. We can only hold on to the existing chips and wait and see. "

"Okay!" He Hong nodded and stopped talking.

At the same time, it was also inside the Jingda Investment Company in Yuhang, in the main fund trading room.

Fund manager Lin Tingzong stared at the skyrocketing market, looked at the 70% holding weight of the company's two main fund products in the main line of 'technological growth', and then looked at the 'securities' and 'securities' that still did not give any chance for correction. In the Internet finance sector, there was an obvious frown.

I am hesitant to know whether it is better to take advantage of the overall rebound of the main line of "technological growth", reduce my holdings while the price is high, and adjust positions to pursue stocks in the securities and Internet finance sectors, or whether I should continue to hold static positions and wait.

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