Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 682: Bear markets often rise sharply, and bull markets often plummet!

Chapter 683: Bear markets often rise sharply, and bull markets often plummet!

"Damn it, why did you fall so hard?"

Many retail investors were shocked. A group of retail investors gathered in the stock discussion area of ​​the trading platform, staring at the market, completely unable to understand.

After all, they have not seen and felt this kind of unilateral plunge for a long time.

At the same time, the bull market that everyone thinks should not have such an extreme heavy-volume plummeting trend.

It seems that since the market rebounded strongly at the end of June and continued to break through and rise, everyone has forgotten the previous tragic market trend.

Therefore, facing this sudden heavy volume plunge, I was a little confused for a while.

Especially in the past two weeks, after the Shanghai stock index exceeded 3,000 points in volume, some new investors entered the market. Now they see that the market has swallowed up the gains of the previous few days within an hour of opening. The stocks they held had swallowed up the gains of the previous week in just one hour, which made them feel even more panicked and incomprehensible.

Of course, for these novice investors.

This is also the first time they have truly seen the cruelty of the market.

Many investors who previously thought that making money in the stock market was just a piece of cake, at this moment... were completely silent.

"Isn't it a bull market? What's going on in this market? The news is not bad at all!"

"That's right! Why did it plummet for no reason?"

"The key is to increase the volume and plummet unilaterally. This trend... is really scary."

"Many stocks have gone straight to the bottom. Even the most powerful 'securities' and 'Internet finance' sectors, many popular core stocks, are in an extreme downward trend. Even the 'flush' check, What the’s all hitting the limit.”

"Damn it, is the 'bull market' going to end so soon...?"

“Can a ‘bull market’ that ends so soon be called a ‘bull market’?”

"I feel like the Shanghai Stock Index may not even be able to stand at 3,200 points today! Damn... it has fallen too hard. I am holding a full position and forcing myself to hit the lower limit!"

"The key is to measure energy. It's a really bad feeling when the price plummets and the amount increases."

"Yeah, hell, how long has it been since the market opened? The volume of the two markets is almost approaching 400 billion. It's just... you can't go to 800 billion in the whole day?"

"Usually only at the top will there be such a huge sell-off trend, right?"

"Damn it, your logic of not knowing the 'bull market' has been falsified, right?"

"The key is that there is no substantive negative news in terms of macro news. What is the force of this decline? With such a large trading volume in the two cities, what kind of funds are selling?"

"With such a large amount of energy, it must be the main funds that are dumped!"

"Didn't you say 'bull market'? Why are the main funds throwing so much money?"

"I'm afraid that the slogan of 'bull market' is what the main funds are used to harvest! In fact... I have always felt that the index has not broken away from the rebound trend, and it is really hard to predict a reversal."

"The key is that securities have also collapsed. There is no main line that can support the two markets today."

"That's right, 'the strong are always strong' does not exist at all."

"Only the 'sub-new stocks' sector currently has a certain market trend and can barely hold on."

"'Sub-new stocks' have very little circulation in the first place. This is just a grouping of hot money to avoid risks, and its impact on the changes in the overall market is simply insignificant."

“But after it has fallen so much, it is not worthwhile to stop the loss during the session!”

"Let's take a look again. Remember last week, before the Shanghai Stock Index hit 3,000 points, didn't the Shanghai Stock Index fall extremely sharply in the early trading? But in the afternoon, the securities sector exploded. Maybe it will be the same today?"

"There is no hope. The securities sector was at a low level at that time. Is there any main line now? Does it have the explosive power and expectations of the securities sector at that time?"

“Isn’t ‘big consumption’ okay?”

"'Big consumption' is obviously impossible, so why not be as dynamic as the 'technological growth' line?"

"I feel that it was mainly the 'Chengfei Integration' check that caused the market to collapse. If it hadn't been for the impact of the check's lower limit during the call auction stage in the early trading, the two markets would have continued to open higher."

"Yes, the check of 'Chengfei Integration' has shaken the investment logic and foundation of the entire conceptual theme of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises'."

"It's impossible. The impact of the 'Chengfei Integration' check won't be so great."

"The limit drop of the 'Chengfei Integration' check can only be an inducement for the entire market. The main thing... is the increase in the market's incremental capital group. At this position, it is a bit difficult to take profit orders and unwind arbitrage. Got the chips.”

"Also, in the recent news, there are no new big news, right?"

"If it is really a matter of profit taking and arbitrage, then the logic of the 'bull market' in the market is still there. As long as the logic of the 'bull market' is there, then the market adjustment should not be a big deal."

"Concentrated selling pressure from taking profits and unwinding arbitrage will also create an avalanche effect!"

"Are you afraid of something? The Shanghai Stock Index has already deviated far from the 20-day line. Even if today's sharp decline has occurred, its upward trend has not been broken. With this determination, what stocks are you speculating on?"

"Indeed, holding shares is like being a widow. Holding shares requires determination."

"What the hell... continue to be firmly optimistic about the market outlook. What's the big deal? The Shanghai Index will hit the 3,000-point gap. It should be almost at its limit. It is absolutely impossible to fall back rapidly and fall below the upward trend line. After all, there are so many major financial groups in front of it. With a large-scale entry into the market at a low level, and Mr. Su’s ‘Yu Hang Group’’s main capital group holding a position of hundreds of billions, how can we let the index fall back and allow short-term funds to enter the market at a comfortable low level?”

"Haven't you heard this sentence? Bear markets rise sharply, and bull markets plummet!"

"Yes, yes, this sentence is a classic. Let me see... today's plummeting trend is a washout of investors who are not determined to hold shares."

"I won't come out anyway, unless Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seats are sold on a large scale on the Dragon and Tiger list after the market closes today."

"Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Department' has a capital position of hundreds of billions. It will definitely not be able to get out for a while. I don't believe that the index will reach its peak here."

"Yes, if this is the top of the index, then why bother trying to break through 3,000 points?"

"Backstepping, definitely backstepping!"

"Don't worry, the index has just broken through the platform that has been suppressed for several years. I don't believe it will fall back."

"The funds for selling are simply ridiculous."

"The main funds that are selling today are definitely a group of funds that have no structure and no courage. What the hell... these guys are the best to sell, and then wait for the index to rise, and then let them chase the high price."

"Hey... although I also believe that the index here is definitely not the top, but this sell-off pattern is so scary. First... sell the profit-taking part first to reduce the cost of holding the position."

"I will also sell part of it first. Today's explosive and extreme downward trend, even if it needs to be repaired in the future, it shouldn't be possible in a short time, right?"

"I also want to sell part of it, but damn, the stocks I hold are almost at their limit now. If I sell them at this position, hey... it's really unnecessary."

"Yes, it's completely unnecessary to throw it away at this time, right?"

"If you want to run, you should run when the market opens. That's when it's the right selling point. If you run now...if you run again, you'll probably be washed away, right?"

Among the concentrated discussions among many retail investors...

The market's long-short sentiment is also changing rapidly. Many unsteady stock-holding investor groups have begun to reduce their positions and take profits. However, many OTC investor groups who originally had less willingness to pursue positions and buy positions are less willing to adjust their positions. Under this emotional interpretation, the strong investor group on the market also began to hesitate.

Due to this emotional reaction, the market's long and short forces have become further unbalanced.

I saw the two cities spending an hour after the opening.

Whether it is the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, or the GEM Index, or the core main lines of the market such as 'Big Finance', 'Infrastructure', 'Military Industry', 'Technology Growth', and 'Big Consumption', their volumes have exploded. The situation has not slowed down, but is still accelerating further.

At 10:42, the turnover of the two cities exceeded 410 billion.

The Shanghai Index's intraday decline expanded to 3%, approaching 3,200 points, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index's intraday decline also expanded to more than 70%. Even the strongest A50 index became the core of the market's decline today. The index fell by 11% at this moment.

In addition to the core index and the performance of the core main lines.

Of the nearly 2,000 stocks participating in transactions in the two cities, there are only less than 150 stocks, which are still in the red market.

Moreover, in the two cities, a total of more than 50 stocks are now locked at the lower limit.

For example, 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment, Hongdu Airlines, Beijiang Communications Construction, Shanghai Construction Engineering, Chengfei Integration, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Changliang Technology, Yinjie Technology, Orient Securities...' all lines have been closed to the limit, and 'flush' ' and 'Western Securities', two popular leading stocks in the main line of 'big finance', have seen their intraday declines expand to more than 6% at this moment.

Even a number of core weight stocks in the fields of 'big finance', 'infrastructure', 'military industry' and 'big consumption'.

Stocks such as 'Huaguo Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaxin Cement, Huaxin Building Materials, Huaxin Securities, Huaguo Pacific Insurance, China Airlines Shenyang, Aviation Power...' also fell across the board, with the market falling. Both were greater than 3%, and the volume continued to plummet.

And in addition to these areas.

Conceptual leading stocks and conceptual core stocks where hot money gathered in the past.

Such as 'Ciwen Media, Huace Film and Television, Inspur Information, Huaguo Software, LeTV, Internet Speed ​​Technology, 2345, Hengsheng Electronics, Oriental Fortune...' A number of stocks are also showing unilateral killings at this moment. In the falling trend, selling is emerging one after another. At a glance, it seems that all the main funds are smashing the market to stop profits and retreat.

Suddenly, the entire market.

It seems that we have returned to the extreme bear market stage. At a glance, there are only green eyes.

"Today's trend... doesn't look like a market washout? Can this be considered a technical correction?"

Seeing that the major indexes in the two cities have no signs of stopping their decline, and the declines of the major indexes have all approached the 3% decline mark, the market trading time is approaching 11 o'clock, and it is about to enter the last half hour of the morning trading session. At that time, Su Yu was in the main hot money group of Yuhang.

All of you hot money tycoons who have a keen sense of market conditions, and at the same time, your technical capabilities and information channels are better than those of retail investors.

At this moment, everyone also frowned, and their hearts became completely uneasy.

"Yeah, the killing is really fierce. You can't just kill it directly to the 20th line in one day, right?"

Along with a sigh, someone in the group echoed.

"Now the index has dropped by 3 points, and there is no sign of shrinking to stop the decline. Most likely... it will reach the 20-day line in one go and directly break through the 3200 point!"

"I really didn't expect...the adjustment would come in this form."

"This is a trend that was hit by no obvious negative news in the market. If there had been clear negative news last night, the trend... would be unimaginable."

"I thought that the market's emotional state and investment confidence had completely reversed, but I didn't expect..."

"Looking at it now, we still can't be too optimistic about the market outlook!"

“Yes, I feel that the expectation of a full-scale ‘bull market’ has to be re-estimated.”

"Have you not seen this kind of plummeting pattern for a long time?"

"Even if there was an index adjustment before, if it pulled back after deviating too far from the 20-day line, such an extreme trend would not occur!"

"Actually, the main reason is that the profit and settlement orders accumulated in the market during this period are too heavy."

"I agree. The original range of 3,000 to 3,500 points was the area with the heaviest holdup in history. However, since the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3,000 points, the market has not had a decent adjustment. It has been short-selling and rising, and the accumulated profits have been reconciled. Can there not be too many sets?”

"Hey, I thought the Shanghai Stock Index should hit above 3,500 points before there would be a major adjustment."

"Now you have to lower your expectations."

"I think there's nothing wrong with adjusting it. Originally, profit taking and arbitrage were at this position, and it's time for a big cleanup."

"But for this kind of extreme adjustment, in the short term, don't think about quick fixes."

"In short, today is not a suitable day to open a position."

"Well, the key is that the 'big finance' line failed to hold up today."

"In the early trading, the 'big financial' line originally wanted to protect the market and shoulder the leading role alone, but unfortunately it was not able to hold on."

"At this time, supporting the market will intensify the time and space for subsequent adjustments. There is no harm in following the decline."

"The main thing is to examine whether there are any problems with the logic of the 'bull market'. If there are no problems... I think it is not objective to deny the market outlook based on today's extreme market trends alone."

"Today's plummeting pattern should be unavoidable, and there is no possibility of a deep V. After all, whether there is such a large amount in the morning depends on the market's recovery tomorrow."

"I agree. In fact, at this position, we can still try to reduce the profit-making position and reduce the cost of holding positions."

"The funds that were empty before must be comfortable today."

"Hey, that's not necessarily the case. In this form of plummeting, the funds that were previously empty may not be dared to buy."

"Don't talk about anything else, just you and me...under this situation, do you dare to catch the flying knife?"

"Today is not a good time to buy. With this kind of trend, the market will definitely open lower tomorrow without extreme positive stimulation. Isn't it good to wait until it opens sharply lower tomorrow before buying?"

"The logic of the 'bull market' should undergo a new round of tests under this trend."

"But there's no need to be pessimistic, right?"

"I think... maybe there is a possibility of a deep V in the index in the afternoon?"

"It depends on the next half hour. The two cities will share the time and capacity, and whether the volume can be reduced or not."

"I always feel that the vast majority of chips sold today are still unsteady 'profit-making' and 'untying' capital groups that have just untied their arbitrage. They are really the core main force like Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group' The institutional capital group will most likely remain unchanged today."

"If it's really a washout... then this is actually a good place to buy."

"Whether it is a long-short turning point in the market or a bullish momentum-building point in a washout, we have to wait until the market's time-sharing volume can gradually shrink. Only by shrinking can we see the real motivations of the main financial groups in the market."

"Well, indeed, shrinking also means that the differences between long and short are gradually decreasing..."

When the news in the group is refreshed rapidly, hot money tycoons are discussing intensely, conducting in-depth analysis of the market, and making different position adjustment strategies and trading strategies at the same time.

The trading hours of the two cities quickly entered after 11 o'clock.

As the market entered the last half hour before the midday close, finally... the time-sharing trading volume of the two cities began to gradually decline, and the extreme panic selling situation gradually passed. The core stocks of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and GEM Index The index also began to fall within the range of 25% to 50%, and gradually went sideways.

As for the major core lines of the market...

Such as the main line of 'big finance', the main line of 'technological growth', the main line of 'big consumption', etc.

At this stage, as the extreme sell-off in the two cities gradually weakened, a lot of early short-term funds also ushered in concentrated bargain hunting, and the corresponding core stocks rebounded.

However, when core stocks ushered in fund hunting, they rebounded slowly.

Such as the main line fields of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the marginal main line fields such as 'non-ferrous cycle', 'petrochemical industry', 'agriculture' and 'animal husbandry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises'. ', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and several major concept themes, industry sectors and concept sectors that are closely related to each other, as well as a number of related concept stocks, their market prices are still fluctuating and declining. Although the selling force on the market, It has weakened compared to early trading, but it still continues to suppress long buying.

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