Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 726 A comprehensive bull market!

It is in the field of ‘Internet Finance’.

It is still 'the strong will always be strong', and it is still popular stocks such as 'Great Wisdom, Flush, Hengsheng Electronics, Oriental Fortune...', which are far stronger than the trend of other fringe concept stocks.

Faced with such opening situations in the two cities...

The vast number of investors inside and outside the market are somewhat disappointed.

After all, the external market trend last night can be said to have surged across the board. In addition, the news is positive about the core concept theme of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', as well as the disclosure of data on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings of the two cities yesterday. Among them, the 'Southern Group' funds are aggressively raising funds to increase their positions, various institutions and large hot money investors are still net buying investment attitude, and the financing balance continues to increase sharply.

Supported and influenced by so many favorable factors.

In the end, the major indexes only opened slightly higher, and many low-level main lines that lacked the profit-making effect yesterday basically showed a trend of opening lower.

There are even strong main lines of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’.

There is also a certain degree of long-short divergence.

There has been a trend of "high and low switching" between popular stocks and unpopular stocks within the main line and sectors.

Such an opening, under the influence of the relatively exciting bullish sentiment before the market opened, and under the high psychological expectations of the majority of investors both inside and outside the market, was naturally slightly lower than expected... relatively speaking.

"Hey, the Shanghai stock index opened higher, which is obviously a bit lower than expected!"

Faced with the opening situation of the two cities, at this moment, many retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform sighed like this.

"Indeed, only more than 60% of the stocks have opened higher."

"I originally thought that I could take advantage of the positive external market and sell the stocks that took over Qianzhou Moutai at yesterday's high level as the index opened sharply higher. didn't even open higher. The entire liquor sector index , it opened at a low price, how can I sell it?"

"Everyone wants to sell out the bargaining chip they chased yesterday at the opening of the market, but they will definitely not be able to sell it out. The main force will not be so kind at all."

“If you buy the wrong thing, don’t expect to be able to exit the position without loss.”

"The low-level main lines such as 'big consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, petrochemical industry, coal, pharmaceutical business...' that did not have a profit-making effect yesterday have basically opened lower today. The main funds simply have no intention to protect the market. With such an opening pattern, after the market officially opens, there is a high probability that there will be no opportunity to continue to advance. I would say... it is better to stop the loss early to avoid getting deeper and deeper."

"If the main line of sustained profit-making effect is not shown at the low level, and the related stocks must not be bought, naturally they cannot be held for a long time."

"The key is that the core chips of the main line of 'big finance' at this time don't feel safe, right?"

"Yes, today many popular stocks and core weight stocks on the main line of 'Big Finance' have obviously opened lower than pre-market expectations."

"Currently, except for the 'Internet Finance' line, which remains extremely strong, other core and popular main lines feel quite choked."

"But it can still be seen that the main buying orders in the market are still concentrated on the two core themes of 'big finance and big infrastructure'!"

"They are concentrated on these two main lines, yes, but the specific stock prices seem to be a bit divided!"

"It can't be said that there is differentiation. Generally speaking, the pattern of large-cap weight stocks is stronger than small-cap concept stocks. It's just that...the leading stocks in the industry that have surged before are a bit sluggish due to heavy volume."

"It can't be said that the volume is sluggish. It feels like active buying is not as active as before."

"There are no signs of differentiation in the entire collective bidding process. Let's wait and see after the market officially opens... I think the general direction of the market will definitely not change much. Under the current situation, big funds Groups, apart from speculating on the two core main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', what else can they speculate on? Look left, look right... Only these two core main lines can continue to gather popularity and continue to generate money-making effects. Bar?"

"The market's main market direction will definitely still revolve around the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', but... in terms of specific stocks..."

"In terms of specific stocks... it should be said that only concept stocks in the line of 'Internet finance' have the most certain market conditions, right?"

"At least the stock market trend of the 'Three Musketeers of the Internet Trading Platform' will definitely be the same. Without the check of 'Great Wisdom', are you going to continue to be flat?"

"I am also optimistic about the three stocks of the 'Three Musketeers of Internet Trading Platforms'."

"The Three Musketeers of 'Hengsheng Electronics, Jinzheng Technology, and Yinjie Technology' who mainly focus on banking, insurance, and securities trading systems are not bad, right?"

"Well, it should also be a stock that directly benefits from the bull market, but I feel that the elasticity is a little worse than the three stocks of 'Oriental Fortune, Flush, and Great Wisdom', and the future expected space and performance elasticity should also be a little worse, right? But right? The 'Hengsheng Electronics' check also has a hidden concept of 'Ali Baba' that can be speculated on, but I don't know if this concept will be recognized by the main funds in the future."

"What about 'Huaxin Securities'? This check should be the Chinese military stock that is the main trend in the market, right?"

"'Huaxin Securities' represents the securities sector and is also the absolute leader of the securities sector. It should also be the valuation center of the main line of 'big finance' in the entire market, right?"

"'Huaxin Securities' is good, but the circulation is too large, and the daily turnover is also ridiculously large."

"Yes, there is a turnover of more than 10 billion every day. If this turnover is dispersed among a large number of small and medium-cap stocks, it can pull up dozens of small- and medium-cap concept stocks."

"It's a pity that the main financial groups in the entire market don't seem to like small and mid-cap concept stocks?"

"Yes, on the whole, it's still the trend of heavyweight large-cap stocks."

"It's mainly heavyweight large-cap stocks, and their valuations are very low, right?"

"There can't be so many, 'big consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, petrochemical industry, coal, pharmaceutical business...' These low-mainline large-cap stocks have very low valuations, and many of them have broken the net, so they still won't rise, right?" ? To be precise, the only ones that are strong...are the heavyweight large-cap stocks on the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'."

“That shows that the main hype logic of the market is actually the expected logic of ‘bull market’, right?”

"You can also say that..."

"There are also the two core conceptual themes of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'. Overall, the most core hype direction of the market is actually spurred by bull market expectations." The main line of big finance' investment, as well as the two main lines of conceptual themes mentioned just now."

"Well, the market for the main line of 'big infrastructure' spawned by the two major conceptual themes of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' feels like it has been rising for more than half a year!"

"As long as expectations are not fulfilled and there are continued benefits, why can't it continue to rise?"

"Last year, the market trends of 'Internet finance', 'smartphone industry chain', 'domestic software', 'mobile games' and other 'small-cap growth stocks' dominated by the GEM and small and medium-sized board indexes not only lasted for most of the year, but even The market situation in a year? Now we can only say that... the wind and water will take turns, right? "

"Eh... If you think about it this way, you are right. Last year was a bull market for GEM and small and medium-sized stocks. Today is a bull market for Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and A50 Index. No wonder I said that the market performance of large-cap stocks this year will always be much stronger than that of small- and medium-cap stocks. It turns out that small and mid-cap stocks have risen in advance.”

"Yes, to be precise, the main board is the supplementary increase."

"So, where should we calculate the starting point of the bull market? From when the GEM market started to explode last year?"

"So the bull market has been going on for a year and a half?"

"Hehe, for sure! Do you still remember the famous post that Mr. Su published last year? At that time, Mr. Su said that the bull market was already on the way!"

"Damn it, let's put it this way... I was so late to the party!"

"Actually, the market trend since the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3,000 points should be regarded as the beginning of a comprehensive bull market, right?"

"No matter what, at this time, it's just right to continue buying and make orders based on the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'."

“Is it already a full bull market?”

"It must be a full-scale bull market. We are optimistic that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will reach 4,000 points by the end of the year."

"The turnover of the two cities is already 800 billion yuan. Isn't it still a full bull market?"

"Hey, if you ask me, if you still have money to buy and positions, don't choose leading stocks or popular stocks. There are so many analyzes, just grab a stock and buy it. The overall bull market situation is basically It’s not a really bad stock, it will all go up in the end.”

"The position is already full, but it does not affect my continued financing to buy."

"Financing to buy 'Huaxin Securities', this should be the most certain investment opportunity at present."

"Yes, the price of the 'Huaxin Securities' check will at least double."

"More than double, the current market value of 'Huaxin Securities' is less than 300 billion. Even if it is compared with several similar foreign investment banks, the market value should be between 800 billion and 1,000 billion. It is obviously at least 5 times." Space."

"These stocks in the securities sector have definitely not yet reached the desired growth rate."

"The two strongest sectors in the market are currently the securities and Internet finance sectors. If you want to increase your position... the first choice must be stocks in these two sectors."

With everyone's heated discussions, and related stock topics refreshed rapidly.


The short suspension time between 9:25 and 9:30 passed in a blink of an eye, and the two cities ushered in the official continuous bidding trading period.

After just five minutes of emotional brewing, investors’ understanding and analysis of the market conditions were revealed.

The two markets have just jumped again.

A number of industry sectors and concept sector indices related to the two core main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', as well as many of their associated component stocks, once again faced attacks from a large number of major buying capital groups in an instant. Whether it is the corresponding sector index or the corresponding component stocks, they have all gone straight higher.

At 9:31, in just one minute, the securities sector index surged to a 75% increase.

At the same time, the index growth of the banking sector and insurance sector also broke through the 25% increase mark in one fell swoop, reaching the 3% increase position.

There are also industrial sector indexes such as commercial real estate development, public transportation, machinery and equipment, construction decoration, and building materials, which have also quickly surged to an increase of more than 1%.

And at a time when various industry sectors are soaring.

Internet finance, securities concepts, reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises, New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road, Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Northeast Revitalization, Eurasian Economic Belt, cement, steel, military-civilian integration... and a series of related concept sections, It also rose across the board, ranking at the top of the conceptual sector gainer lists in the two cities.

At 9:32, a number of low-level mainline-related industry sectors and conceptual theme sectors that showed a trend of rising and falling yesterday, such as 'big consumption, nonferrous metal cycle, petrochemical industry, coal, pharmaceutical business...', all fell further one after another. Many people who participated yesterday The capital groups undertaking stocks in these sectors have cut their positions to stop losses.

This leads to industry sectors and conceptual theme sectors in these main areas.

In an instant, it became the industry sector and concept sector that led the decline in both cities, forming a sharp contrast in trend with the industry sectors and concept sectors related to the main line areas of "big finance and big infrastructure".

At 9:33, 'Pacific Securities' suddenly closed its daily limit, becoming another new leading stock in the securities sector, and stuck with 'Hua Investment Capital'. At the same time, the straight-line daily limit of this check also drove the entire securities sector. In the field, a number of low-price stocks quickly followed suit.

And also at the same time...

In the banking and insurance sector, a number of low-priced stocks are also following suit.

At 9:34, ‘Minsheng Bank’ rose sharply, rising by more than 5%. Other low-priced bank stocks also surged higher.

At 9:35, the always strong "Flush" once again sealed the daily limit upwards.

At 9:36, the 'sub-new stock' sector suddenly changed. 'Huake Shuguang', which was still among the top three investors in the two cities, hit the plate again amid rapid explosion of volume, and sealed the daily limit in a flash, making this The check reached the 18th consecutive daily limit record since its listing.

At 9:37, with ‘Huake Dawning’ strongly sealing its 18th daily limit, ‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’, which had a weak opening, turned red again, and the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector index surged by more than 1%.

At 9:38, the two checks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited once again moved hand in hand, and their volumes increased to the 3% increase mark.

At 9:39, the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Group" rose, and the main concept theme of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" also strengthened again.

At 9:40, the securities sector once again rose by more than 2%.

At 9:41, the intraday increase of the 'Internet Finance' sector hit the 5% mark again. 'Great Wisdom' hit the daily limit, 'Flush' hit the daily limit, and 'Oriental Fortune' surged by more than 5%. At this point, the stocks of 'Three Musketeers of the Trading Platform' The stock price has once again set new annual highs and historical highs, and has been strongly pursued by various financial groups in the market.

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