Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 751: Scattered market hot spots!

At 9:45, the decline of the two stocks of China Southern Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation Limited and China North Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation Limited expanded to 3%, and there were relatively concentrated sell orders on the market, with large orders of thousands or even ten thousand lots. Selling orders can be said to be endless, causing the time-sharing trading volume of the two stocks to continue to increase.

At 9:46, ‘Hongdu Airlines’ dropped instantly, diving straight to the 7% drop mark.

At 9:47, the index of the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector expanded to the 2% mark during the day, and within the sector, 'Chengfei Integration' and 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' have both closed their lower limits.

At 9:48, the 'Food and Beverage' industry sector changed again, especially the 'Liquor' sector, with many heavyweight liquor stocks such as 'Qianzhou Moutai, Luzhou Laojiao, Wuliangye, Yanghe...' rising. Among them, ' Qianzhou Moutai's intraday increase reached 5%.

At 9:49, the decline in the securities sector expanded to 2%, with Founder Securities falling another 5%.

At 9:50, Flush's intraday decline reached 5%, and time-sharing trading volume continued to increase. The long-short divergence on the market was once again magnified.

At 9:51, 'LeTV', 'Netspeed Technology', 'Huaguo Software' and other constituent stocks of the 'Internet software' and 'Internet application' industry sectors continued to rise. Among them, 'LeTV' The intraday increase expanded to 5%, continuing to strengthen against the trend.

At 9:52, the two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance expanded their intraday decline to 6%.

At 9:53, the intraday decline of the 'Internet Finance' sector index expanded to around 5%, and the signs of differentiation and tearing of the constituent stocks within the sector became increasingly obvious. Among them, 'Great Wisdom, Flush, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics , Jinzheng Shares, Yinjie Technology...' and other leading stocks in the sector that have risen continuously have retreated lower, while 'Shanghai Steel Union, Tianyu Information, Huake Financial...' and other low-level old demon stocks in the sector have , continued to strengthen one after another and became the leading stock in the entire concept sector.

At 9:54, the two major industry sector indexes of 'Internet Software' and 'Internet Application' expanded to around 67%, becoming the top two leading industry sectors in the two cities.

At 9:55, the two cities formed several major industry sectors, led by 'Internet software', 'Internet applications', 'automobiles', 'food and beverages', 'household appliances', and 'pharmaceutical business', while 'national defense' Military industry', 'securities', 'commercial real estate development', 'building decoration', 'building materials', 'banking', and 'insurance' industry sectors led the decline.

At 9:56, the active main financial groups in the two cities once again converged on the fields of 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'.

At 9:57, the stock price of "Oriental Fortune" also continued to dive, reaching the 5% drop mark during the day.

At 9:58, under the influence of the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', which all adjusted downwards, the Shanghai Stock Index fell by 1% during the day, falling to 3430 points.

At 9:59, "Huagong International" surged rapidly, from a position of nearly 2 points of decline under water, to a lightning red turn.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, with the rise of "Huagong International", "Huaguo Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo China Railway, Huaguo MCC..." and other infrastructure companies with "Chinese prefixes" Stocks have followed the changes and risen one after another. However, the active buying capacity of these "Chinese-headed" infrastructure stocks that have followed the trend and increased rapidly shows signs of continued weakness after a wave of rapid consumption.

At 10:01, after half an hour of transactions, the transaction volume of the two cities reached more than 270 billion. Compared with the same time period yesterday, the volume shrank again.

At 10:02, "Quantong Education" rose by more than 7%. The concept of "Internet online education" has further attracted the attention of active capital groups in the market, and has also ushered in a large number of short-term capital groups to follow suit.

At 10:03, ‘Quantong Education’ hit the daily limit in a straight line.

At 10:04, ‘Quantong Education’ closed its daily limit, and the entire ‘Internet Online Education’ concept stock followed suit.

At 10:05, the ‘Internet Online Education’ concept sector index jumped from around 75% to over 5%.

At 10:06, the ‘Internet TV’ concept sector also suddenly rose.

At 10:07, the stock price of ‘LeTV’ hit a new intraday high, further expanding the intraday increase to the 4% mark.

At 10:08, a number of constituent stocks in the ‘Internet TV’ concept sector received active and large-scale buying.

At 10:09, the share price of LeTV once again expanded to the 5% increase mark.

At 10:10, the GEM index turned from green to red.

At 10:11, the intraday growth gap between the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the GEM Index once again expanded to more than 1%. This phenomenon has not occurred since the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index exceeded 3,000 points.

At 10:12, the A50 index fell during the day, reaching 5%.

At 10:13, the intraday trend of the A50 index and the trend of related stock index futures showed that the premium narrowed.

At 10:14, the increase of 'Huagong International' expanded to more than 3%. However, in view of the main line of 'big infrastructure' that has shown obvious adjustments since the beginning of the morning, 'Huagong International' bucked the trend and strengthened, and the driving effect was really limited, and it was not able to It has comprehensively promoted the entire 'building decoration' and 'building materials' industry sectors, and has continued to put pressure on the trends of a number of core component stocks and leading weight stocks in these two sectors.

At 10:15, the intraday trading volume of ‘Huaxin Securities’ reached 2 billion. Compared with the volume performance of the same period yesterday and the previous volume performance, there was also a significant shrinkage.

At 10:16, within the securities sector, ‘Western Securities’ fell by 3% during the day, and active selling orders on the leading stocks in the past increased significantly.

At 10:17, among the three core main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', none of the related industry sectors could maintain a red market, and there was a trend of decline across the board.

At 10:18, the Shanghai Stock Index continued to fall, breaking through the 3420 point mark.

At 10:19, the market trend premium of the A50 index and its main stock index futures contract fell back to less than 1%, which is basically synchronized.

At 10:20, the stock price of Huagong International fell sharply.

At 10:21, ‘Huake Financial’ hit the daily limit, and many ‘old monster stocks’ continued to perform in the market.

At 10:22, the stock price of Huagong International fell back to a flat position.

At 10:23, ‘Hua Ke Financial’ sealed its daily limit, but it failed to drive a significant rebound in the ‘Internet Finance’ sector index.

At 10:24, the intraday increase of ‘Qianzhou Moutai’ reached 5%. At the same time, the intraday increase of ‘Hengrui Medicine’ and ‘Changchun High-tech’ also reached the 3% mark.

At 10:25, the stock of "Yangtze Electric Power" also rose by 2% during the day.

At 10:26, in the 'automobile' sector, the intraday increase in the stock of 'Shanghai Automobile Group' also reached the 2% increase mark. However, with the rise of 'Qianzhou Moutai, Yangtze Electric Power, and Shanghai Automotive Group' The rise of a number of heavyweight stocks and the trend of the A50 index have not been reversed.

At 10:27, the two major industry sector indexes of banking and insurance fell below the 1% mark.

At 10:28, the stock price of Huagong International turned green again.

At 10:29, the intraday decline of the two checks of China Southern Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited hit a new intraday low of around 5%.

At 10:30, in terms of concept sectors in the two cities, the 'Yu Hang System Position Concept' sector, which has been sought after by various financial groups in the market, and its constituent stocks have all received extremely heavy selling pressure today. 'The stocks holding positions are all in a continuing downward trend.

At 10:31, the number of red stocks in the two cities was still around 50%, but the trends of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index were already terrible.

At 10:32, the securities sector and Internet financial sector indices fell by 2% during the day.

At 10:33, the net outflow of main funds in the main line of 'big finance' has once again reached the 3 billion mark. More and more fund holding groups in the 'big finance' field have begun to escape this obvious continuous adjustment trend. core thread.

At 10:34, the intraday decline of 'Founder Securities' expanded to 6%, once again setting a new intraday low, and completely engulfing almost the previous week's continuous gains.

At 10:35, ‘Oriental Fortune’ fell 5%.

At 10:36, the intraday decline of ‘Huaxin Securities’ also reached 3%, but compared with the previous few days, the volume was still relatively shrinking.

At 10:37, "Shanghai Sanmao" hit the daily limit.

At 10:38, the "Shanghai Sanmao" daily limit reached its daily limit, achieving the second consecutive board. However, it also failed to stimulate the recovery of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept sector.

At 10:39, the ChiNext Index, which had already risen in the red, was once again pulled down by the falling Shanghai Stock Index, causing the three major indexes of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index to return to the green market. At this moment, the entire market only had small and medium-sized stocks. The board index can still maintain a barely red plate.

At 10:40, the ST sector and the restructuring and backdoor sector changed.

At 10:41, in the field of ‘film and television media’, the concepts of celebrity stockholding and celebrity equity participation, as well as the concepts of film and television production and mobile games, are gaining strength.

At 10:42, the decline in the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector expanded to 3%.

At 10:43, the conceptual theme sector of "Sports Industry Development", which has a strong correlation with the past trends and is more closely related to "sub-new stocks", suddenly strengthened independently and rose against the trend. The core component stocks in its sector area, as well as the concept leading stocks 'Leiman Optoelectronics' bucked the trend and soared 5%.

And by this time...

It can be clearly seen that the hot spots in the two cities are rotating, as well as the hype of conceptual themes.

After losing the guidance of the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', it began to become obviously scattered. The main financial groups of all parties, as well as active short-term financial groups, were in the direction of attack. There are different ideas and disagreements about the hype of hot concepts.

"I can't keep up with the speed of this hot spot's rotation!"

At this moment, in the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu is located, the discussion news in the group is refreshed.

Many hot money tycoons are watching the real-time changes in the two markets and seeing hot concepts changing, ranging from liquor, white goods, domestic software, mobile Internet, smartphone industry chain and other fields, to celebrity stockholdings, celebrity ownership and other fields. Equity participation, film and television production, sports industry development, ST sector, restructuring and backdoor... There are many conceptual hot areas, but there is no centralized direction of attack and sustained direction, so people can't help but complain.

"It seems that the three main directions of 'big consumption', 'mobile internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have not been unanimously recognized by the main financial groups in the market. Otherwise, today's hot spots would not be so scattered. , it won’t be so disorganized.”

"Yes, the hot spots are so chaotic, which shows that the capital groups that have withdrawn from core main areas such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' have not been able to form a consistent attack direction, and the market has switched between high and low 'The situation and the expected trend are divergent."

"The main reason is that except for the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', there are no such clear and strong expectations in other directions of the entire market, and cannot be unanimously recognized by all financial groups."

"Since various financial groups cannot form a unified force in one direction, it means that there are still doubts about the subsequent market sustainability and money-making effects of these newly emerging hot spots and main areas!"

"The sustainability is inherently questionable. Are there strong enough expectations for the core line of 'big consumption'?"

"I would say that the current pressure on the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' is too great. At the same time, there is no clear positive support in terms of news in the current market, which has led to the decline in stock prices. Retracement. Seeing that the market hot spots are so scattered, I feel that it will not take long for the capital groups chasing these scattered hot spots to realize that these hot spots do not have the sustained market explosive power and cannot form a consistent long situation and expectations. They will definitely reverse quickly. Go to the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'."

"There is no doubt that this is for sure, but before the funds from all walks of life turn back to the two core main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', there is still time and space for adjustment. In other words... at this time , it is still not a good time to increase your position in core stocks in the main line areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'!"

"That's true... But at this time, whether you hold shares, temporarily stop profits and reduce positions, or pursue other hot spots, it's quite uncomfortable. Just hold on. The stock price continues to retreat and you lose profits. Sell it. I don't know what to buy. ? And I don’t know how sustainable it will be after I buy it.”

"I can't hold it any longer anyway."

"I'm too lazy to bother. Since the expectations for the two main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' are still there, let's adjust. Anyway, sooner or later the price will rise again."

"Currently, the only hot spot in the market should be the hidden line of 'old demon stocks making up for their gains', right?"

"Well, this hidden line is indeed worth noting. It is also the only hot spot in the entire market today where the money-making effect is relatively concentrated and strong."

"'Shanghai Steel Union', 'Shanghai Sanmao' and 'Quantong Education' have all reached their daily limit. The short-term profit-making effect should have been achieved. Those who participate today should also get a premium tomorrow."

"Yes, you can try to make tickets for 'Beijiang Communications Construction, Shanghai Construction Engineering, Huayi Brothers, Huaqingbao, Fushun Special Steel, Yingkou Port, Shibei High-tech, Beixin Road and Bridge...' I am It feels like this hidden line, and the number of financial groups paying attention, is still increasing.”

"What about 'big consumption'? In fact, the liquor, white goods, and automobile sectors are doing well today."

"Although the trend of 'big consumption' can still be seen today, compared with yesterday, it still shows a diminishing profit-making effect. Preliminary judgment is that it should be a rebound market, not a reversal of the continuous market. I think...' The technological growth line is more sustainable than big consumption."

"To be precise, it should be the major industry sectors of 'film and television media', 'Internet software', and 'Internet application' in the main line of 'technological growth', right?"

"Yes, these are the major sections!"

"The domestic film market, with huge policy support and substantial box office subsidies, does have the potential to explode on a large scale, and as far as the film market and box office trends in the second half of the year are concerned, this trend is already there," Film and Television Media 'The sector is indeed worth noting, and it is indeed supported by continued future expectations. This sector is good. It is no wonder that the stock price of 'LeTV' can quickly reverse from the bottom."

“As for ‘Internet software’ and ‘Internet applications’, the logic behind this is that the ‘mobile Internet’ is still the hot spot!”

"These two major industry sectors can actually be combined with the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'."

"How to combine them?"

"Isn't that what Internet finance is? Doesn't it mean that the the era of the Internet of Everything? There should be nothing wrong with hyping and making deals in this direction."

"What do you think about the direction of the 'smartphone industry chain'?"

"Have you been adjusting this direction for more than half a year?"

"The adjustment for the past six months was mainly due to the past two years. The new products released by Apple have not been able to meet everyone's expectations. In addition, investment expectations in the main line of the entire 'smartphone industry chain' are still too high. , even though the entire industry and industry chain companies are developing well, it should be difficult to achieve excess investment profits and sufficient expectations."

"Yes, the main line of hyping the 'smartphone industry chain' is the problem of poor expectations. Everyone knows that the 'smartphone' market will become bigger and bigger, which means that the valuation of related core stocks cannot be reduced at all, and at the same time, it is hidden The large number of chips within it are unwilling to be easily cut off anyway. In this situation, if the main line of the entire 'smartphone industry chain' does not exceed market expectations, it will be difficult to speculate and get out of the smooth flow. rising trend.”

"There are still too many smart people in the market, and it's all your predictions and my predictions, which is difficult to do."

"In fact, the two major sectors of 'Internet software' and 'Internet applications' also have this problem. In the era of 'mobile Internet', everyone knows that this is a major trend. If expectations are high, it will be difficult for things to exceed expectations. Naturally, it will be difficult." There’s a smooth movement.”

"Compared, compared, the straight line of 'film and television media' is relatively better."

"'LeTV' is actually pretty good. It has expectations of 'mobile Internet' and 'reversal of the fundamentals of the film and television industry,' and there is also a story to tell about 'Internet TV.'"

“Has the concept of ‘Internet TV’ ever come to fruition?”

"I don't know, but the story is still very beautiful."

"I always feel uneasy about the company 'LeTV'. There are quite a lot of concepts and stories, but how to turn them into performance has always been a problem for this company!"

"As long as the story is good, let's leave the problem of performance realization to long-term investment institutions!"

"That's true. There is a fundamental difference between short-term investment thinking and long-term investment thinking."

"The Shanghai Stock Index is approaching 3,400 points. I didn't expect it... to fall back so quickly. I originally thought that even if it was blocked at 3,500 points, it would still hover around 3,450 points for a while."

"Quick adjustment has the advantage of quick adjustment, so I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index should form a short-term box shock platform at this stage, right? The upper edge of the box has been found to be 3,500 points. I wonder what the lower edge of the box will be?"

"It shouldn't be lower than 3300, right?"

"It's hard to say, just take one step and look at it. In recent times, the overall money-making effect of the market should have weakened. I hope the adjustment will not be too drastic, otherwise it will hurt the bull market sentiment and bull market confidence that have just been fully reversed."

"It shouldn't be too drastic. After all, the regulators also hope that the market can emerge from a big bull market. Nowadays, the bull market pattern of the market has just emerged, that is, the bull market has just taken a prototype. Considering the macro policy direction, Regulators will definitely not let this fledgling bull market die like this."

"It makes sense, but whether it is the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, or the securities and Internet financial sector indexes in the main line of 'big finance', or even related weighted core stocks, the technical deviation is serious enough. If we want to step back on the important supporting moving average below, time, No space is too small.”

"In the past two days, investors who were chasing high prices were going to feel uncomfortable for a while."

"It's really not that easy to get over 3500 points. Fortunately, I was cautious and didn't add leverage. After this wave of market has completed the retracement, I can add leverage."

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, and the in-depth analysis of market conditions by many big guys in the group.

The trading time of the two cities has already reached after 11 o'clock amid fierce trading, entering the last half-hour trading period before the midday closing.

As the trading time enters the last half hour before the midday close.

The market performance of the two cities has gradually stabilized.

The three main lines of 'Big Consumption', 'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain' have been comprehensively formed to lead the rise, and the three main lines of 'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry' have led the decline. During this period, the hot spots of each branch line have continued. Interpret and rotate the market pattern of speculation.

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