Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 837 The eve of the good news!

"Damn it, institutions continue to increase their positions in the main line weight stocks of 'big finance'."

Seeing that in the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities, institutions continue to increase their positions on a large scale in the popular stocks with the main line weight of 'big finance', and also pay attention to the net purchases of main funds in the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities, which once again showed a large-scale upward trend. For a time, many investors among the countless retail investor groups gathered in major stock investment exchange forums across the Internet made sounds of surprise.

Originally, everyone thought that today's market trend was so volatile that the major financial groups on the market must be in a state of large-scale exit and selling.

Unexpectedly, the main funds actually flowed in net.

This completely exceeded everyone's expectations and surprised everyone.

Of course, this kind of unexpected surprise is also the result that everyone likes to see, or is relatively expecting.

"Hey, during today's trading, weren't there many people who said that the market price of the core main line of 'big finance' should have almost reached its end? Looking at it now... is this the form of the end of the rise? It has really reached the end of the rise. Will the main funds continue to increase their positions in this position to raise funds?"

“The data on the Dragon and Tiger rankings of the two stocks ‘Harbin Investment Capital’ and ‘Huaxin Securities’ really exceeded expectations today.”

"The dragon and tiger ranking data of the three checks of 'Great Wisdom', 'Huake Financial' and 'Shanghai Steel Union' were somewhat beyond expectations today. Unexpectedly, the main funds continued to increase their positions in these tickets. , This can completely explain that the market situation of the 'big finance' line has not come to an end at all!"

"It is definitely not over yet. Comparing the growth rate of the main line of 'big finance' in 2006 and 2007, the current weighted stocks of securities, banks, insurance, and many high-quality component stocks, whether it is the historical stock price position or valuation level, , are still at an absolutely low level, if you ask me to say...the main line of 'big finance' has not yet reached the stage of real improvement, it is just lingering at the bottom of the mountain."

"Comparing the valuations of many financial stocks in 2006 and 2007, they are definitely still at the bottom of the mountain, but I feel that the valuations cannot be compared like this, right?"

"Even if we can't make such a comparison, the current position of the 'big finance' line is definitely still at a low level."

“Does the fact that institutions are so eager to raise funds for core stocks in the main line of ‘big finance’ mean that the news that the central bank will cut interest rates and lower reserve requirements this month is almost clear?”

"I don't know, but I don't rule out the possibility of institutional funds coming in, just to bet on the fulfillment of this expectation."

"Whether it can be realized or not, it should not affect the medium and long-term logic of the core line of 'big finance', right? Anyway, I think that as long as there is a bull market, as long as the basic logic of the bull market does not change much, then 'big finance' With this core line, there will definitely be investment opportunities, and it will definitely not underperform the market index."

"The current stock prices of the four major banks and several major insurance-heavy stocks are indeed at a very low position, and they also have high enough investment value for money."

"The most flexible ones have to be the securities and Internet finance sectors, right?"

"The Internet finance sector is really magical. No matter what the market trend is, this sector can rise."

"Last year, the concept of mobile Internet and the concept of Internet finance were highly speculated. This year, speculation in securities, finance, and the concept of Internet finance were also highly speculated. It seems... having a good concept and a good industry is far better than having a good concept." Good performance helps."

"That's for sure, otherwise how can we say that pigs on the wind can fly?"

"The line of 'Big Finance' has indeed exceeded expectations. However, the trends of the two big monster stocks, 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huake Dawn', are quite different today."

"The two checks, 'Huake Dawn' and 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', have a very different market today."

"Although the differences are large, they do not show obvious money-losing effects. These two checks serve as short-term weather vanes and emotional weather vanes for the entire market. I think as long as there are no problems with the overall market conditions, there is a high probability that after the adjustment of these two checks, there will be Then it goes up.”

"Will it continue to rise? These two checks have already increased tenfold from the bottom of the listing, right?"

“In a bull market, what’s ten times?”

"Can we have a better pattern and achieve a tenfold increase? This is just the beginning."

"Overall, today's market conditions are actually not bad."

"It wasn't bad to begin with. Except for 'big finance' counterattacking in the late trading and pulling out gains, today's popular main lines such as 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', and 'film and television media' also have good money-making effects."

“However, for relatively weak weighted mainline stocks such as Founder Securities, Huashang Securities, Huayin Securities, China Commercial Bank, Industrial Bank, China Baosteel, China South Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation, China North Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation, etc., the market divergence is still very large. We saw obvious traces of main capital outflows.”

“I feel that even the core main lines such as ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’, and ‘military industry’ are currently out of the general rising market situation.”

"Yes, I also feel that several popular main lines and corresponding component stocks are beginning to differentiate."

"The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak, isn't it normal?"

"It's normal, but I always feel that the market is at this position. Although the probability of a sharp decline is low, the pressure to continue a strong upward move is still very high."

"I think at this position, we should focus less on indexes and more on individual stocks. Buying the popular leading stocks in the market every day is the most cost-effective way to invest."

"Today, the stock 'Flush' is not going up very much."

"The discrepancy of the 'Flush' check should be larger than that of other core mainline component stocks, right?"

“Among the three Musketeers of Internet finance, it is obvious that ‘Great Wisdom’ is now the leader.”

"If you want to buy in the short term... you will definitely choose the stock of 'Great Wisdom' first."

"The check of 'Huagong International' seems to be a bit sluggish, but this check has already risen a lot. It is normal to stop and rest for a while at this time."

"In fact, in the securities sector, the leaders have been switching recently."

"Yes, from the original Western Securities, to Huazhong Capital, to Southwest Securities, Pacific Securities, to Xiangcai Securities, and now to Huaxin Securities and Harbin Investment Capital... it has always been changing, but I think this kind of change is still very good, switching between high and low, and rising in relays with each other. Only in this way can we continue to expand the profit-making effect of the sector and increase the room for growth even higher."

"Not to mention, not only the securities sector, but also the main areas of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', there are also signs of this kind of leading switching and rotation."

"Yes, the emotional leader of the main line of 'big infrastructure' has actually been changed several times."

“From the initial MCC and China Railway Construction, to Beijiang Communications Construction and Shanghai Construction Engineering, to Bayi Iron and Steel, Fushun Special Steel, to Yingkou Port, Dalian Heavy Industry, to CSR, From CNR, China Railway Construction, to today's 'Huagong International, Huaguo Construction', the leaders have actually been changing."

"This shows that the market's takeover effect is good, and it shows that low-priced stocks that are not popular leading stocks now have the opportunity to become popular leading stocks in the future."

"In short, I think at this time, there is no problem in continuing to follow institutions and many hot money tycoons to increase their positions."

"It is said that if it should fall or not, it is strong. The current market index is in this shape. It seems that the technical aspects are becoming more and more divergent, but in fact it is a good opportunity to increase positions."

"In the main rising market, it is normal if the technical aspects do not deviate."

"The technical picture has been distorted. If you follow the technical picture, you will suffer big losses sooner or later."

"Technical aspects cannot be said to be completely useless. They can only be said to have a certain reference value. However, in general, judging market trends must be based on various dimensions such as sentiment, chip structure, news, and fundamentals. A comprehensive analysis will make it more reliable."

"I don't understand this. Anyway, I just know that this is a bull market."

"Yes, why are you thinking so much? Just know that this is a bull market and the market will rise sooner or later."

"I wonder if 'big consumption', 'non-ferrous cycle', 'petrochemical'... these sectors can currently lurk some bargaining chips? There are also the main directions of consumer electronics, mobile Internet, and smartphone industry chains that were highly speculated last year. It should also have gone up, right?”

"If these mainline sectors want to rise, they should have to wait for the main funds to withdraw from popular mainline fields such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', right?"

"Yes, I think so too."

"At present, it seems that it is not yet time for the market to switch between high and low."

"Wait patiently, wait patiently, it will rise sooner or later."

"I think that when the news of the central bank's interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts comes to light, and when the market turnover crosses the trillion mark, the market will definitely usher in a wave of sustained general gains."

"The transaction volume of the two cities has reached more than 980 billion. It should be this week or next week at the latest, the transaction volume will exceed the trillion mark, right?"

"This week's market conditions should still be dominated by shocks."


"Because we have to wait for the Federal Reserve's interest rate meeting to be held, the real super major financial institutions in the market should still stand still with a high probability before the Fed's interest rate meeting is held."

"I also think that funds will wait for external expectations to materialize before pulling the trigger."

"There is a high probability that the central bank will cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios next week, right?"

"Therefore, there is no need for everyone to have too high market expectations for this week. Just hold your shares with confidence and wait patiently for the news to come to fruition. Anyway, the index will rise sooner or later."

Amidst the intense and high-pitched discussions on the entire Internet...

The vast majority of investor groups in the market still maintain a high degree of enthusiasm and optimism about the subsequent market conditions.

And there are a lot of institutional groups outside the market, financial media, as well as various stock commentators, analysts, investment consultants, and even some so-called Internet influencers and stock gods.

It also continues to use various market news and information to explain with various logics that the basic logic of the bull market has not changed, and continues to actively sing the bull market.

As for the regulatory direction, as well as external market news.

Although there is not much useful blockbuster news coming out, from the various gossips circulating, it is still biased towards the bullish direction.

In this way, it ranges from various retail investor groups to major institutional groups.

They are all singing long, and they are actively bullish on the market outlook.

In the evening, the News Network continued to report on the special topic of "New Era Road and Maritime Silk Road" and continued to release benefits related to the main direction of "big infrastructure".

Late at night, U.S. stocks, as well as other foreign stock markets, continued to open higher and break through higher.

Looking around the world, all stock markets are basically in a bull market state.

This kind of news, as well as the performance of external market trends, undoubtedly added more emotional fire to the A-share bull market that was already in line with expectations.

So, the next day, December 5th, Friday.

With the focus of the majority of investors, the two cities generally opened higher again.

And the market is opening higher.

Yesterday's late trading stage was eye-catching, showing the counter-offensive trend after the adjustment. The main line of 'big finance', whether it was securities, Internet finance, banking, or insurance sectors, was concentrated by the main buying capital groups in the collective bidding. As a result, these major sectors jumped to the top of the growth lists of industry sectors and concept sectors in the two cities and even led the gains when the market opened.

Among them, the specific performance of individual stocks...

The two checks of "Harbin Investment Capital" and "Huaxin Securities" that have attracted much attention were directly opened at a higher price of more than 5%, and they were recognized by a number of securities stocks in the entire securities sector.

The three popular leading stocks in the Internet financial sector, namely 'Great Wisdom', 'Huake Financial' and 'Shanghai Steel Union', also opened higher with an increase of more than 4%. Among them, 'Great Wisdom' is even more popular. It opened directly higher at a 21% increase, and it is likely to continue to rise by the daily limit.

As for yesterday's intraday trading, there were two monster stocks, Huake Shuguang and Bluestone Heavy Equipment, which had sharp differences in long and short positions.

At today's opening, both stocks maintained a flat opening pattern with heavy volume, showing neither an obvious profit-making effect nor a relatively obvious money-losing effect.

"Both cities are opening higher across the board. It seems that the market is indeed indicating that the adjustment is over. Moreover, today is Friday. Many potential long funds that were hesitant before will bet on the good news over the weekend, right?" At 9:26, at this moment In the magic city of Yinghui Financial Company, in the main fund product trading room of 'Yinghui No. 1', Liu Guanhai, the product fund manager, stared closely at the frozen opening patterns of the two cities. He pondered for a moment and said with emotion, "'Big The financial line is probably going to be the first stage, and the final major promotion."

Hearing Liu Guanhai's words, Yu Lei, who is the leader of the fund product trading team of 'Yinghui No. 1', pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Liu, the main line of 'big finance' and the current position, although it is said that the closer it is to the clearer good news, At this point in time, the market trend will become stronger, but once the good news that everyone is looking forward to is completely realized, it is easy to form a trend pattern in which all the good news will be exhausted and turned into a bad trend. "

"So..." Liu Guanhai asked with a smile.

Yu Lei responded: "I am thinking that at this position... we should gradually take profits and reduce our positions to cope with the implementation and realization of the news. If the news does not form the positive news I mentioned, As you can see, if we increase the position and buy it back on the right side, the impact will not be very big. However, if the good news is realized and all the good news turns into bad news, then we will make a lot of money by reducing the position and taking profit. "(End of chapter)


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