Rebirth of the Little Wolf Cub

Chapter 28: transition

The sky was still bright, and Mu Jiu was awakened by the noise nearby. There are not many people in the street, there are many motorcycles passing by, and the snack bar opens in the morning to do business, and the voice of the boss’s wife can reach a hundred meters away.

After Yan Xu had a nightmare last night, Mu Jiu never slept well. After lying on the bed for more than half an hour before returning to sleep, Mu Jiu had to get up and closed the window tightly so as not to also wake Yan Xu.

On the second floor, Pan Yun was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Why is Xiao Jiu so early today?" Mu Jiu usually sleeps until 9 o'clock on weekends before getting up, but today Mu Jiu woke up before 6 o'clock, which really surprised Pan Yunyun.

Mu Jiu fell on the sofa and refused to get up, and said faintly, "Lang Lang had a nightmare last night, and I didn't sleep well all night."

Pan Yunyun: "Langlang has a nightmare?!" Pan Yunyun came out with a towel and wiped his hands. "Wait for Lao Mu to take a look at his pulse."

"Yeah!" Mu Jiu patted his face to make himself awake. At this time, the kitchen smelled of porridge. Mu Jiu pressed his empty stomach, a little greedy, "Auntie, what kind of porridge are you cooking?"

"Pig liver is lean meat. Lingling is going to take the college entrance examination in a few days. The supplement is too bad, so she can only try to boil some blood-enriching soup." Pan Yunyun patted Mu Jiu's thigh, and Mu Jiu moved lazily and moved his thigh. Shrinked to the right.

Pan Yunyun sat down where Mu Jiu had moved out, turned on the TV, and turned the sound to the minimum.

A few days later, it was Mu Lingling's college entrance examination. She studied hard for ten years. If she is not nervous, she has been insomnia for several days. She didn't fall asleep until two or three in the morning. Pan Yunyun felt distressed when he saw Mu Lingling's pale face and heavy dark circles under her eyes. He only hated that he couldn't take the exam for his daughter in person. Now, all he can do is to make more delicious food for her to replenish her body.

Mu Jiu looked at the family secretly worried, but also helpless. No matter how much comfort he said, it didn’t work. He didn’t even remember the test questions of his college entrance examination that year. He didn’t remember the test questions of the previous college entrance examinations. He only knew Mu Lingling. I will definitely be admitted to a school in the capital. Even if it is not a century-old school, the school is not bad. After graduation, my career has been smooth sailing. Apart from some misfortunes in marriage, my life is generally satisfactory.

So I can only get through this time slowly, which is also a kind of experience for Mu Lingling.

At the end of the three-day college entrance examination, Mu Lingling was finally liberated.

"It's not easy." Mu Lingling moved all her review materials to the living room. When the class was high enough to tear up all the textbooks and notebooks and threw them downstairs, Mu Lingling arranged her textbooks in a very calm manner. Going home, if it weren't for the two younger brothers who are about to take the college entrance examination, she would also like to do so. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Seeing Mu Lingling's battle, Mu Shuai couldn't help but tremble, "Sister, what are you doing?"

Mu Lingling smiled unkindly according to the one-meter-high review materials, "It's your turn next, come on, I am optimistic about you."

Mu Jiu rubbed his eyebrows, the college entrance examination! What a headache.

Yan Xu stretched out two short hands from behind, rubbing his temples for Mu Jiu, "Jiu Jiu, are you uncomfortable?"

Mu Jiu rubbed Yan Xu's chin, and his thoughts were indeed a little confused recently. After all, making money from stocks is not a long-term solution. The stock market is risky. Even if he has memories of the next 20 years, he can't guarantee that his memories are correct. Mu Jiu wanted to return to his old business and set up an investment company. The problem was that he was not too old, so he had to ask Chen Zhichu for help. He just didn't know whether Chen Zhichu was willing to cooperate.

After the college entrance examination, Mu Jiu called "Xinmu" several times and failed to find Chen Zhichu. He could only hope that Chen Zhichu would appear on the day of the Xie Shiyan.

"Sister Lingling, when will you hold a teacher appreciation banquet?" Mu Jiu asked.

"I'll talk about it when the results come out." Although Mu Lingling said that, she had already estimated her approximate scores. He couldn't get out of it. It's hard to say whether she can squeeze into that century-old school.

On the day when the college entrance examination results came out, Mu's family members were in front of the landline and dialed to check the results, but too many people wanted to check the results, and they were busy after more than half an hour of dialing.

Mu Jiu had never experienced this. He was sent out of the country after the college entrance examination that year. After returning home, the candidates could check their scores directly on the Internet, so I don't know how troublesome it is to check their scores. Mu Jiu took out the computer from the room and asked Mu Lingling, "Sister Lingling, please report your exam number."

"Can this check the results?" Pan Yunyun asked curiously.

"Yes." Mu Jiu said.

After opening the college entrance examination official website and inputting the exam and ID number, the results page immediately popped up. Mu Jiu browsed the scores, which were roughly the same as in the previous life. Mu Jiu finally felt relieved, but fortunately, he did not change. Then he turned his head and said to Mu Lingling: "Congratulations! Sister!"

Hearing Mu Jiu's words, Mu Long, who was still dialing on the landline, suddenly looked over, "Are the results credible?"

Not to mention that Mu Long didn't believe it, even Mu Lingling was not sure whether the online results were true, although the scores were not much different from what she predicted.

A few heads leaned in front of the computer to watch. Mu Shuai often used Mu Jiu’s computer to surf the Internet. He knew the Internet quite well. After looking at the website of the official website, he had already believed a little bit, and he grinned, "It should be Really, if you don’t believe me, you’ll know if you call again later to check."

At this time, Mu Long, who was still dialing the phone, exclaimed: "It's done! It's done!" Mu Long pressed the button for amplification, and the female voice with a mechanical voice reported Mu Lingling's scores in each subject without emotion.

Several people hurriedly leaned their ears to listen.

The scores are exactly the same as Mu Jiu found on the Internet.

Pan Yunyun raised his eyebrows with joy, "Oh! The results are true!"

Everyone in the Mu's family was so happy, and Mu Long's stern face was wrinkled with a smile all the year round, "My wife, don't cook tonight, let's go out to eat!"

While a few people were not paying attention, Mu Lingling suddenly said to Mu Jiu: "Xiao Jiu, can you help me check Chen Zhichu's grades." When Mu Lingling said the words'Chen Zhichu', her voice dropped a lot, probably because she was afraid of other things. People hear.

Mu Jiu understood, and made an "ok" gesture.

Mu Lingling reported Chen Zhichu's examination number and ID number, and Mu Jiu did not ask why Mu Lingling knew Chen Zhichu's information, which made Mu Lingling relieved.

Chen Zhichu's grades were 20 points higher than Mu Lingling's. Mu Lingling really smiled when she saw Chen Zhichu's grades, and said to Mu Jiu, "Thank you!"

After checking the results, Mu Shuai occupied the computer and pulled Yan Xu to watch the movie. Mu Jiu’s mobile phone on the desktop shook. There were not many people who knew this number. Mu Jiu picked up the phone and saw that the display was unfamiliar. Number, then click on the message to have a look.

"Help me check my grades.——Chen Zhichu"

Mu Jiu walked to the balcony and answered the call.

"Hey!" Chen Zhichu's voice was a little hoarse, and he coughed a few times after he had just said a word and covered his lips.

"Are you all right, where are you now?" Mu Jiu asked him.

"It's okay, I have a little cold. I went back to my hometown. Did you check the results for me?"

"Well, sister Lingling asked me to check for you early in the morning." Mu Jiu said.

Chen Zhichu chuckles, "How much is the grade."

Mu Jiu reported his score and asked, "When will I be back?"

Chen Zhichu coughed violently, and after a while he said, "I will call you again after a few days."

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