Rebirth of the Little Wolf Cub

Chapter 30: Western Restaurant

Half a month later, the decoration of the western restaurant was completed. Chen Zhichu specially brought gifts to visit Mu Long and asked Mu Long to choose an auspicious day for him to officially open.

Chen Zhichu had no other elders, and Mu Long appreciated this young and promising young man, so he agreed.

One month before the start of university, Chen Zhichu solemnly invited Mu Lingling to work in a western restaurant for summer vacation.

On the opening day, Mu Jiu sent a flower basket to him, and then he led Yan Xu and Mu Shuai to the western restaurant to eat and drink.

Seeing that the staff and younger brother of the original bar were all working in the western restaurant, Mu Jiu immediately understood why Chen Zhichu had to change the bar into a western restaurant.

"It's Mu Jiu? You haven't been here for a long time! Come and try the steak I made. After practicing for more than a month, Brother Chen said it was delicious." The man in a white coat and a high hat on his head smiled. Simple and honest, holding two plates of steak in his hands.

Mu Jiu blinked his eyes in unison with Yan Xu's movements. Is this person familiar?

Chen Zhichu came over in a suit and leather shoes, "Tao Dong, you go ask Xiao Fei to come out to greet other guests."

Tao Dong said "Hey", "I'll go over and serve the guests first, and I'm leaving."

Mu Jiu and Yan Xu looked at each other, oh, it was Tao Dong. However, I haven’t seen Tao Dong’s hair dyed back to black for a few months. Recently, following Chen Zhichu’s sun and rain to decorate, the handsome man was suddenly ruined into a rough man. In addition, he was wearing a chef’s outfit. Does not come out.

Chen Zhichu didn't see the two of Mu Long and Pan Yunyun, and he felt a little regretful, with a smile on his face, "Welcome to the visit, and I will treat you today."

Mu Jiu smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Chen. Something happened to the eldest aunt's mother's home. The uncle drove the eldest mother over, and there was no time to come over. Let me say sorry." Mu Jiu pointed to the workers as they got out of the car. The biggest flower basket in the world, "Uncle asked to send it."

Only then did Chen Zhichu show a sincere smile, his eyes flashed, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

Mu Jiu didn't make fun of Chen Zhichu, but Mu Shuai was reluctant, almost humming twice from his nostrils, and asked bluntly, "Where is my sister?"

"Upstairs, over there at the front desk." With Chen Zhichu's black belly, how willing to let Mu Lingling serve the dishes, asking Mu Lingling to work in a western restaurant was just an excuse for thinking of "getting the moon near the water."

"That's pretty much the same." Uncle Mu Shuai lifted his chin and said to Mu Jiu and Yan Xu, "Let's go up."

Mu Jiu couldn't feel the feeling of seeing his sister being taken away by the wolf with his own eyes, but when he thought of the child he raised by other wolves being taken away by other wolves... Mu Jiu lowered his eyes, as if he could have a dark air on his body. This is absolutely impossible. accept.

Brother control is also terrible sometimes. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Mu Jiu looked at the decoration and design of the western restaurant. The overall arrangement of warm colors gave people a feeling of warmth. Accompanied by the light music of the violin and piano, the whole person couldn't help but slow down.

Originally, Chen Zhichu only rented the first floor. The second floor used to be a cold drink shop. The business was pretty good. Some time ago, the boss had something and urgently needed money. Chen Zhichu just happened to open a western restaurant. By the way, he also rented the second floor. After it came down, half of it was reserved as a box, and the other half was renovated into a staff dormitory.

"Xiaoshuai! Xiaojiu!" The western restaurant has custom-made uniforms, dark blue, which adds a touch of maturity and charm to Mu Lingling.

"Sister, are you busy? Are you tired?" Mu Shuai asked eagerly, as if as long as Mu Lingling said "tired", he would immediately take people away.

Chen Zhichu had no choice but to help his forehead, did this brother-in-law treat him like a scourge? This is really bad.

Mu Lingling took out the menu and patted it, "Don't mess up, write the order and order in the kitchen by yourself." Her gaze touched Chen Zhichu's smiling eyes, and she raised her hand and dialed in embarrassment. Bangs.

Mu Shuai took the exquisite menu, looked at Chen Zhichu stupidly, and suddenly wanted to say: "You can admire such a savage woman." Well, such a savage woman is his sister. He should be happy that his sister finally I can marry, and I am still sentimental.

Mu Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly, just about to say something, Tao Dong downstairs shouted: "Boss, come here."

Chen Zhichu said to Mu Lingling: "Lingling, take them to the last box. I will go there again later."

The last box was reserved by Chen Zhichu for his own use. The box is larger than the other boxes. It is decorated more like a small living room. It has sofas, TVs, and air conditioning. The floor is also covered with beige carpets. Everyone suspects that they are in the wrong place.

Several people changed their shoes and went in. There were slippers for the children on the shoe cabinet, and they knew they were for Yan Xu by looking at the size.

Mu Jiu guessed something and said nothing.

Like a hostess, Mu Lingling entered the box, found the remote control from the TV cabinet and turned on the TV and air conditioner. The dishes have not yet been served, and a few people are sitting around the TV and playing cards. The front desk on the second floor was originally laid-back, without cashiers, there were few guests during the day, and there were almost no people in the boxes. Mu Lingling knew Chen Zhichu's plan very well, and she was too lazy to get into the box. Even the menus she ordered were sent to the kitchen by Mu Shuai downstairs.

"Sister, it's really good here. I didn't expect Brother Chen to be so business-minded." Mu Shuai couldn't help boasting. He heard his father casually mentioning that a few days ago, he realized that Brother Chen had no parents and he could start a room with his own ability. Such a big western restaurant, no wonder my parents admire him so much. Tall, handsome and rich, such a good man will be his (future) brother-in-law? Mu Shuai still finds it incredible.

Mu Lingling didn't know where Chen Zhichu got so much money. She believed that Chen Zhichu was a well-measured person, not to mention that the two talents had just started to communicate, so she naturally wouldn't ask more if she shouldn't ask.

When several people were chatting with each other, Yan Xu had already won several sets, holding his chin uninterestedly, and only had a pair of a on his left hand. When Mu Shuai threw a pair of j, Yan Xu looked at him. When Mu Jiu had a pair of k and a 5 left in his hand, he silently turned the pair of as on the table and shook his head.

Mu Jiu was also bored. Seeing Yan Xu shaking his head, he threw out a pair of K's without thinking too much.

Several people shook their heads, Mu Jiu shook the last card in his hand and threw the last 5.

In this game, Mu Shuai shuffled again, turning over the cards that Yan Xu had placed on the table. Mu Shuai said with a serious face, "Lang Lang, you can't let Brother once, tell the truth, how many times did you give Xiao Jiu water? , How come Xiao Jiu wins every time."

Yan Xu pursed his eyelids and said lightly: "You are so stupid, you haven't found it after several times."

Mu Shuai silently swallowed his old blood and roared in his heart: Mu Jiu, you return my innocent brother, such a poisonous child is not cute at all.

At this time, the waiter knocked on the door, Mu Shuai threw the cards away, and went over to open the door.

After waiting for five steaks to be placed on the table in turn, Chen Zhichu opened the door and saw a few people waiting for him. He said, "You eat first. The steak will not taste good when it is cold. Tao Dong's steak tastes good. "As soon as I closed the door, I pulled my tie down and threw it on the sofa at will.

Several people who were playing cards threw all the cards in their hands, and ran to the table to sit down a few steps. They couldn't stand the smell as soon as they smelled it. It was after lunch time, and the stomachs of several people were already empty.

Mu Jiu cuts steaks for Yan Xu. Yan Xu's steaks are small, and the meat is much more tender. Yan Xu took a fork, poked a small piece of steak to Mu Jiu's mouth, and Mu Jiu bit it off.

Yan Xu smiled lightly and poked Mu Jiu a steak again. Mu Jiu took the fork from Yan Xu's hand and sent the steak back to Yan Xu's mouth.

Mu Jiu was cutting the steak while Yan Xu was in charge of feeding it. You bite and I bite. Even the two who are passionately in love feel that the sweetness is going to be blinded.

Mu Shuai sat alone in the corner. At this moment, he really wanted to announce that he too had a girlfriend.

However, the thought of Mu Lingling knowing that she was in a premature love, the consequences would be disastrous, and Mu Shuai endured it.

After the meal, Mu Lingling went back to the front desk, and Mu Shuai went to the bathroom.

Chen Zhichu took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and held it in his mouth, but didn't light it. It should be because of Yan Xu's presence. Chen Zhichu put his long legs on the table in front of the sofa, half of his body sunk in the sofa. "I thought about what you said last time. I agreed to start a joint venture with you, but you are not yet 18 years old. If you want to start a company, how do you buy shares."

Mu Jiu had already figured out the countermeasures, so he didn't rush and said, "Let Sister Lingling hold the shares for me, and then transfer them back to me when I reach 18 years old."

Chen Zhichu stood up suddenly, and the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground, "Lingling?"

Following Chen Zhichu's movements, Yan Xu straightened his waist, staring at Chen Zhichu vigilantly without blinking.

Mu Jiu gently patted Yan Xu on the back to relax him, and then said to Chen Zhichu: "Yes, Lingling is already 18 years old, and Lingling is applying for a law major, which will also help start a company in the future. "With sister Lingling overseeing, Mu Jiu didn't believe that Chen Zhichu would make mistakes.

Chen Zhichu laughed lowly, "You are really good, Mu Jiu, I look down on you too much." After a while, Chen Zhichu's eyes were deep, and Mu Jiu seemed to be able to see his ambition in his eyes. Chen Zhichu is bound to win. Said: "Okay, I will believe you once."

In mid-September, Chen Zhichu and Mu Lingling set foot on the train to the capital. At the same time, Mu Shuai's first love ended in failure.

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