When they arrived at the police station, the Xu family called back and asked their daughter to send them the household register. The phone complained a few words before hanging up. After half an hour, a girl with dyed yellow hair sent the household register, the girl’s. There are also three or four iron rings on the earlobes.

The girl probably felt embarrassed, and immediately slipped away after sending her account book.

Xiao Zhang opened the account book and found that there was the name "Yan Xu". He went to the household registration website and checked it. Indeed, as Xu's family said, the child is raised by his family, but the child abuse is not over yet.

Xiao Zhang almost understands that these three are illiterate, so he is not polite and talks nonsense with a serious face, "Do you know that child abuse is against the law? Frankly confess, who of you has beaten him."

When the bald man arrived at the police station, he didn't know where he was courageous. He slapped the table fiercely and said, "What's wrong with me hitting him? It is only right for me to hit his son."

Xiao Zhang sneered, "That kid is not your son, besides, even if I kill your son, he will go to jail. If you have the ability, you will kill him so that I can give you a bullet and end you."

The bald man didn't think that Xiao Zhang would dare to be so frivolous, and suddenly he drew aside weakly like a deflated balloon.

It was the first time for the Xu family to enter the police station. Their psychological defenses had already collapsed. They were startled by Xiao Zhang and said everything.

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks snapped and said: "Police officer, I really didn't mean to hit him. He bit me first. The whole person grabbed me like crazy and scratched me. I resisted a bit and threw him in pain. It was only on the ground, and then he wanted to jump up again, so I kicked him lightly..."

The ballpoint pen in Xiao Zhang's hand was unbearable and broke into two pieces. The man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek immediately closed his mouth and looked at Xiao Zhang anxiously.

Xiao Zhang calmly threw the pen into the trash can with his hand broken into two pieces, mocking his face and said: "A light kick with two feet can also kick a person into minor injuries. You can't see how explosive your body shape is."

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks flushed and said nothing more.

Xiao Zhang didn't have the patience to wrestle with them again, "Who else, let's say it together, so many bruises can't be beaten in a day or two."

The middle-aged woman said: "Police officer, this child is disobedient, and it is normal for us to educate him. It is normal for a family to educate children like this. This old saying is not what is called, it seems to be called "the stick is lowered and the filial son is born". We beat He is also good for him."

The bald man also agreed, "Yes, yeah, we beat him when he is disobedient."

Xiao Zhang knocked on the tabletop, his face getting colder, he asked the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, "Have your parents hit you like this?"

The Xu family flashed their eyes with guilty conscience, and Xiao Zhang sternly said: "It's not your son who can beat him, right? Besides, I remember Xiao Xu can't speak, right? He beat a child to be unable to speak. You are good at it."

"Police officer, you have wronged us. This kid won't be able to speak when he comes to our house."

Xiao Zhang paused his finger and asked, "Speak clearly."

The few people seemed unwilling to say more and pushed each other off. The middle-aged woman had no choice but to say: "Yan Xu's father killed his mother in front of him, and even wanted to kill him. Later, Yan Xu's father was killed by the police... So the kid was probably terrified. Afterwards, I heard that the fever would not go away for a few days and that he would not be able to speak when he arrived at my house."

Not only Xiao Zhang, but even the policemen who were interrogating with him were shocked. How guilty it is to kill his wife and son, no wonder the child became like this. When encountering this kind of thing, let alone children, even adults can't stand it. Such a blow.

Another policeman continued to ask: "How many days has the child ran away from home? Why haven't you looked for it?"

The bald man muttered, "The little beast made a mess of the house before he left. If anyone has time, remember to find him."

After making the transcript, Xiao Zhang came out of the interrogation room, and his forehead twitched. Although he was not a trafficker in the end, it made him feel uncomfortable. The child suffered the death of his parents and was then abused by relatives. Those **** go back, I'm afraid they will suffer more beatings.

Mu Long waited until Xiao Zhang came out, handed a cigarette, Xiao Zhang did not push away, put the cigarette in the pocket of his jacket, "Mu boss, trouble you these few days."

Mu Long took a mouthful of cigarettes, and then slowly exhaled, "That's it, Officer Zhang, we like this child Yan Xu very much. My wife still wanted to adopt him, but I didn’t know he was abducted at that time, so I followed She said there was no way to adopt it."

Xiao Zhang probably understood what Mu Long was about to say, and took him to a place where there was no one. "Those are really not good people. If Xiao Xu goes back...I'm really worried." Xiao Zhang will be Yan Xu's parents. The matter was said again, and at the end, he sighed: "This child has a hard life."

Mu Long didn't expect this to be the reason, but it still didn't affect his mind about adopting Lang Lang. "Officer Zhang, don't worry, when Yan Xu arrives at our house, I will treat him as his own son."

Although Xiao Zhang is upright, he is not pedantic. There are some things he cannot do personally, but it is okay to threaten the Xu family to surrender custody, and he can see that the Xu family is not willing to raise the child.

"You and Xiaojiu go back first. As for Xiaoxu... it seems that he doesn't want to go back. You take him home first. I'll greet those people. Even if they can't be closed for a few years, they can still feel jailed. taste."

"Thanks!" Mu Long knew that it was not easy for Xiao Zhang to do this.

After Mu Long had talked with Xiao Zhang, he saw Mu Jiu's eyes brightly looking at him. It is rare for Mu Long to see Mu Jiu so childish and wanted to tease a few words, but he couldn't bear to say, "Xiao Zhang, there is no problem there. ."

The corners of Mu Jiu's lips were bent upwards, his smile couldn't stop, "Thank you, uncle."

Lang Lang still didn't know what was going on, he couldn't see the three bad guys, and his emotions calmed down. The little hand was tightly wrapped by Mu Jiu. Seeing the smile on Mu Jiu's face, Lang Lang seemed to be affected by Mu Jiu. After being infected, I felt excited.

"Lang Lang, let's go home."

Lang Lang nodded, with unobvious expectations on his face, let's go home.

Pan Yunyun was fidgeting and looked at the clock on the wall every few minutes. Mu Lingling couldn't see it. She calmed down and said, "Uncle Zhang is here and Dad has passed by. There will be nothing wrong, so don't worry. It's almost 12 o'clock, and it should be almost back."

Mu Shuai got up late and had not eaten breakfast. Seeing that the dishes on the table were about to cool down, he was even more anxious than Pan Yunyun. As soon as Mu Long took out the key to open the door, Mu Shuai heard the movement outside the door. The door was opened like that.

"How is it?" Pan Yunyun hurried over and saw Lang Lang coming back together. He was relieved and asked Mu Long, "have those traffickers caught it?"

Mu Long poured himself a glass of water. After Gululu finished drinking, he said, "We made a mistake. They are not traffickers, but relatives of the child." Mu Long asked Mu Jiu to take Lang Lang to wash his hands and eat. He slowly followed Pan. Yun Yun explained, "The child's name is Yan Xu and his nickname is Lang Lang. He escaped from home."

Pan Yunyun was confused, "What the **** is going on?"

"Eat first."

Mu Shuai hurriedly said: "Yes, right, right, let's eat first, and while eating, we said that the dishes are almost cold."

Mu Lingling came out with the bowls and chopsticks and gave Mu Shuai angrily, "I stole my game console last night and played it until the middle of the night, right?"

Mu Shuai pretended not to hear, served himself a meal, sat next to Lang Lang, calling Lang Lang's nickname, "Lang Lang Lang Lang"

Lang Lang bowed his head and grilled rice, ignoring Mu Shuai.

Mu Long simply talked about what happened in the morning, but did not mention anything about Lang Lang's parents. Pan Yunyun sighed after hearing this. Although he did not escape from the traffickers, the behavior of the few people in the Xu family was similar to that of the traffickers. What is the difference.

Lang Lang didn't seem to know that Mu's family was discussing him. He would eat whatever Mu Jiu served him. He obediently ate a bowl of rice. Mu Jiu touched Lang Lang's belly. It was already bulging. Mu Jiu was still not sure. Asked Lang Lang, "Are you full?"

Lang Lang nodded, and Mu Jiu quickly finished the meal, and led Lang Lang to watch TV. The uncle's family discussed the issue of Lang Lang's stay and he left it inappropriate with Lang Lang. Although Mu Long has agreed to adopt Lang Lang, he still has to ask the other members of the family what they mean.

When Mu Jiu brought Lang Lang to the living room, Mu Lingling calmly asked, "What will I do after Lang Lang?"

Mu Long said, "My idea with your mother is to adopt Langlang, but if you are not willing, we will not force it."

Mu Shuai nodded wildly, "I would like to have a younger brother." In that case, Mu Lingling would not only bully him.

Mu Long asked Mu Lingling again, "What do you think of Lingling?"

Mu Lingling didn't have any objection, anyway, she was so old, and she would not be naive to fear Lang Lang competing with him, "It's fine if you like it, Lang Lang's child is also pitiful, and you run into such relatives."

Pan Yunyun was a little worried, "Lang Lang's relatives, are they willing to hand over Lang Lang's custody rights?"

Mu Long said: "Xiao Zhang has promised to help, and those people don't want to get Lang Lang back. I will talk to them in a few days, but the registration of the hukou will be a little troublesome, after all, it is an illegal adoption." The matter can be solved with money, and Pan Yunyun is not too worried. Thinking of having another son, Pan Yunyun couldn't help smiling.

Lang Lang watched the TV, his fingers tightly held Mu Jiu's finger, Mu Jiu also let him hold it like this, Lang Lang's matter was finally resolved, a stone in Mu Jiu's heart sank, Lang Lang arrived at Mu's house, and later Even a mediocre life will not end with no bones left.

After Mu Shuai finished the meal, he went straight to Lang Lang Xiong and hugged him, cheering happily, "Lang Lang, Lang Lang, you are my brother!"

What surprised Mu Jiu was that Lang Lang did not act aggressively, but pushed away Mu Shuai's face. Mu Shuai didn't care about being dismissed by Lang Lang. Lang Lang couldn't push him with that little strength, but Mu Shuai cooperated to go back. A pour, "Oh, Lang Lang, you are so hard."

Mu Jiu black line, how come Mu Shuai is bigger and unreliable.

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