Rebirth of the Little Wolf Cub

Chapter 68: Extra one

Mu Jiu woke up when the morning sun of midsummer plunged into the floor of the room through the window.

Tore away someone who was almost holding himself, Mu Jiu helped his waist to get up. There is an important meeting today, he must attend, and today is someone’s graduation ceremony, Mu Jiu can only advance the meeting to eight in the morning. Point, after the meeting is over before nine o'clock, you have to rush to Beijing University to attend someone’s graduation ceremony.

Yan Xu slapped and yawned, her voice still lazily unwoke up, "Why did you get up so early?"

Mu Jiu didn't give him an angry look, but was ashamed to say who had pestered him last night.

Yan Xu instantly understood what Mu Jiu's eyes meant. He stretched out his hand to hug the opponent's waist, pulled the person back to the bed, and said coquettishly: "Let me sleep for a while."

Mu Jiu patted his face to make himself more sober, and then lifted Yan Xu relentlessly, "Is it because you forgot that today is your graduation ceremony."

Yan Xu was a little upset. It shouldn't have been so late last night. It was just that he hadn't done it for many days. He couldn't help asking him a few more times, so both of them only slept for a few hours.

Seeing Mu Jiu struggling to get up, Yan Xu had to loosen his hands and hold him without wearing slippers. He stepped barefoot on the solid wood floor and walked to the bathroom to squeeze toothpaste for him, wishing to brush his teeth directly.

Mu Jiu's eyes were still sleepy, and he picked up the toothbrush and stuffed it into his mouth. She brushed her teeth for a while. Yan Xu on the other side picked up the same mouthwash cup and finished rinsing with a few splashes. After washing his face hurriedly, he went to the kitchen to prepare the morning breakfast.

When Mu Jiu finished washing and changing into a neat suit, Yan Xu was ready for today's breakfast.

After the two had finished their breakfast, Yan Xu drove Mu Jiu to the company.

Sending Mu Jiu to the company, Yan Xu drove to Beijing University to attend the graduation ceremony.

The few people in the dormitory got up early in the morning to dress up and dress up. Even on the last day of graduation, they hoped to soak up the lovely school girls. When Yan Xu arrived in the dormitory, the three people looked into the mirror and saw Yan Xu coming in. Unanimously wailed.

They looked behind Yan Xu again and remained silent for three seconds.

Xiao Kun slumped, "Haha."

Zhang Huapi smiled but didn't smile, "Haha."

Zhou Jian glanced at Yan Xu sympathetically, and chose to maintain the formation, "Haha."

Yan Xu, who didn't know why, ignored the three people who suddenly became yin and yang. His bed was emptied a long time ago. After a few days in the dormitory, the chairs were stained with a thin layer of dust.

Yan Xu simply pulled Zhou Jian's chair and sat down, picked up the phone, and lowered his head to play the game.

Zhou Jian received the signal from the other two people who were winking, cleared his throat, and asked Yan Xu, "How about a good girlfriend? Why didn't you bring it?"

Yan Xu glanced at him lightly, "When did I say that I would bring my girlfriend over."

Zhang Hua stretched out his hand to put on Yan Xu’s shoulders, and instantly thought of Yan Xu’s dislike of physical contact with others. He quickly retracted his hand and said with a smile: “Hey, you’re not lying to us. Tell your classmates. I haven't seen your girlfriend show up in years. Seriously, Yan Xu, if you really don't have a girlfriend, we won't laugh at you."

Yan Xu retracted the phone, propped his elbows on the table, and supported his chin with only two fingers. When he lowered his head slightly, the fine eyebrows were covered by the fine bangs.

He chuckled, "Are you sure you really want to see him?"

The three nodded their heads in tacit understanding, and asked unsure: "Is there a girlfriend?"

"Not a girlfriend." Yan Xu said again.

The three of them looked at Yan Xu in horror.

Shall... Shall it be a boyfriend?

This is the age when the world is rotten, and the rotten is as deep as the ocean. When a few people play games together, they will sell a rotten, but I haven't seen a living **** around me. This will hear Yan Xu's words like coming out of the closet. , A few people were shocked for a while.

"Yes, that's what you think." Yan Xu dropped the deep-water torpedo again, blasting the three of them in a daze.

Today is the Beijing University graduation ceremony. Many parents traveled far and wide to attend their children’s graduation ceremony. So there was a traffic jam on the road to Beijing University that day. Even though Mu Jiu had ended the meeting early, he was still half late. For many hours, I missed a scene where Yan Xu was speaking on stage as a student representative. When he entered the venue, the principal was giving Yan Xu a diploma.

The three people beside Yan Xu had dreamlike expressions, standing on the stage to take pictures with their diplomas in their hands.

Mu Jiu stood still by the door, quietly watching the young man in a black bachelor's uniform on the stage, with a smile on his lips unconsciously.

In less than a few minutes, this group of graduates took pictures.

Yan Xu stepped off the stage and saw Mu Jiu standing at the door.

Zhang Hua's eyes were sharp, he had seen Mu Jiu's figure long ago, and he came over to say hello to Mu Jiu, "Mr. Mu is good."

In the past few years, Mu Jiu has done a lot of business. Although he is low-key, rarely goes to the news media, and not many photos on the Internet, people familiar with him can easily recognize him. Zhang Hua has been more attentive to Yan Xu since he knew that Yan Xu's brother was the president of Anda.

Although Zhang Hua is glib, his character is not bad, he is smart enough, even if he is always courteous to please Yan Xu, it will not make people annoying, and at the same time he acquiesces to Zhang Hua. Zhang Huagang recruited people into the company's marketing department when he was a senior. In some social occasions, he can always make full use of his three-inch tongue, and win a lot of orders for the company.

"I'm going to take a graduation photo in the afternoon. I booked a box at Chongyang Pavilion. Let's go to dinner together later." Mu Jiu reported the name of the box.

Zhang Hua also wanted to be courteous beside Mu Jiu, but seeing Yan Xu looking at Mu Jiu's lingering eyes, he immediately struck a spirit, and quickly led the other two to walk in front.

Oh my god! I seem to have discovered the relationship between the boss and the roommate.

Zhang Hua looked up at Yan Yang, wiped a sweat, and just learned that Yan Xu likes the same sex, remembering that Yan Xu avoids talking every time he mentions Yan Xu’s girlfriend. This meeting with Yan Xu sees that the person does not agree. With the concealed gaze, Zhang Hua, who has always been active in his mind, couldn't understand.

Zhang Hua knew that Yan Xu was not related to Mu Jiu by blood. If someone else heard about this, they would think that Yan Xu was the one who was kept. It’s just that Zhang Hua’s heart is clear. For so many years, I haven’t heard of Mr. Mu’s gossip. He doesn’t even have a good relationship with a female friend. He has been with Yan Xu for ten years, so it seems that he has moved his true feelings. When I come to Zhang Hua, I don't worry that my "good brother" will be abandoned.

The other two are very nervous, and are happy to hear that they have something to eat. They even forgot the words that Yan Xu seemed to come out of the closet just now.

At the Chongyang Pavilion, the waiter led the people to the box, Mu Jiu sat down in an unnatural posture, and handed over the menu, "What do you want to eat?"

Zhang Hua occasionally ate a few meals at the same table with Mu Jiu, and guessed what flavor the boss likes. Mu Jiu's taste is light, but he likes slightly spicy dishes, so Zhang Hua ordered three spicy dishes.

Yan Xu took the menu, and silently crossed out the three dishes, adding a few more light dishes.

The menu turned around and returned to Zhang Hua. When Zhang Hua saw the menu, he was so frightened that he swallowed a sip of water and choked with tears.

After the waiter served the food, Zhang Hua couldn't help but secretly look at the two.

Yan Xu scooped out a bowl of yam rib soup for Mu Jiu. He first tried a sip, and then fed it to Mu Jiu's mouth like no one, and carefully ordered, "It's a bit hot."

Mu Jiu was falling asleep, half-squinted his eyes and drank a sip of the soup. After drinking, he noticed something was wrong. He looked at Yan Xu with profound meaning in his eyes.

Zhang Hua’s attitude was ignored. Neither Zhou Jian nor Xiao Kun were stupid. Yan Xu was so obvious that they had guessed something. Since Yan Xu dared to come out openly, it shows that he believes in the character of these three people. When he just acquiesced that he liked men, they had any expressions of disgust, and Yan Xu would not let them see Mu Jiu.

Fortunately, the three of them did not live up to Yan Xu's trust, and tried to pretend that they did not exist, and ate silently.

After lunch, Mu Jiu had a poor appetite, and after only half a bowl of rice, he was so tired that he rested on Yan Xu's shoulder.

Yan Xu feels distressed, "I'll take you home to rest." Fatigue driving is prone to accidents, so it was Xiao Zhong who sent Mu Jiu over just now, and the graduation photos were taken at two o'clock in the afternoon. It was until three or four o'clock in the afternoon to shoot in their class, and Yan Xu couldn't bear to see Mu Jiu so tired.

Mu Jiu half-opened his eyes, "It's okay, just sleep in the car for a while."

The three people said goodbye after eating.

Yan Xu thought for a while, so he opened a room in a nearby hotel and asked Mu Jiu to take a nap.

Mu Jiu did not refuse, and when he woke up, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Mu Jiu got up and took a look, and found that Yan Xu was still there.


"No, we will have to wait for a while before our turn. It's just right now."

Mu Jiu stretched out and walked to the bathroom to wash his face, "Let's go."

Along the way, the roads on both sides were filled with flowers, and all the flowers were sold by school students who wanted to make some money today.

Mu Jiu touched his chin. It seemed that he forgot to give someone some flowers today. Coming in a hurry in the morning, Hua didn't even prepare. As a boyfriend, he seemed a bit dereliction of duty.

"You go there first, I seem to have left my phone in the hotel." Mu Jiu said with excuses.

Yan Xu didn't think much about it, just at this moment his sender Yu Jiabao called Meng Yanlei, and he had to pick them up at the school gate.

Three years ago, Yu Jiabao and Meng Yanlei were admitted to the school in Beijing. The two went to the Beijing University to find Yan Xu to play. The relationship between the three was much better than before.

Yu Jiabao's figure is still slightly fat, but Meng Yanlei is more handsome. The two of them waited at the school gate with flowers in one hand, attracting everyone's eyes.

"Da Yan." Yu Jiabao saw Yan Xu and waved enthusiastically.

Yan Xu has taken off his bachelor's uniform. He is dressed in simple casual clothes. He is very cool with his hands in his trouser pockets.

The two handed over the flowers in their hands. "Where is Mu Jiu?" The two knew about the relationship between Yan Xu and Mu Jiu early on, and they regarded Mu Jiu as their own brother.

And Yan Xu is younger than them, so in their hearts, Yan Xu is their "sister-in-law."

Yan Xu continued the two bouquets of flowers disgustedly, "He has something to do, and he will come over later."

Before arriving at the clock tower where the graduation photos were taken, the classmates had lined up. Zhang Hua saw Yan Xu and waved to him and called him, "Yan Xu, come here."

As soon as he stood up, the last class had finished taking graduation photos, and Yan Xu followed his classmates to the stairs.

The photographer picked up the trumpet and shouted: "Eggplant!"

Yan Xu: "..." His face was expressionless.

After a few minutes, the graduation photos were taken.

After taking the photo, Yan Xu paused, looking for Mu Jiu in the crowd below.

Suddenly, countless hydrogen balloons rose slowly in all directions, and the rope under each balloon was tied with a budding champagne rose.

The crowd was in an uproar and picked up their phones to take pictures.

"It's so romantic!" a girl screamed.

"Did someone propose?" one of them asked.

"Who knows." Every year at the graduation ceremony, there are many different kinds of marriage proposals, so everyone is not surprised, but it is the first time to see you when you dare to put a balloon at school.

The last two flaming red celebration balloons rose slowly, with a banner in the middle, and everyone below could clearly see the words on the banner.

Happy Graduation!

"I thought it was a proposal." The girl was disappointed.

"I thought it was saying'XXX, please marry me.'" The other girl echoed.

Yan Xuruo turned his head suddenly.

Mu Jiu stood on the top step, looked up at the sky, and smiled at him as if he had a heart.

"Happy graduation!" he said silently.

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