Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 361: : Battle in turns


Nantian nodded and allowed Yang Lie to play.

The flowers in the greenhouse do not grow very much. Now we need to sharpen the apprentice.

Yang Lie led 10,000 cavalry from the front, charged into the formation, and attacked the front of the Japanese king's army without fear.

The Sun King was shocked, but he didn't expect that there would be such a strong man in the world.

"Who is this person? With more than 10,000 people, dare to play the pioneer? Really when we are so bully?"

Niwang asked to his left and right.

Replied left and right.

"Master Qijun, the leader is the King of Martyrs!"

Someone answered.

Insidious smile of the king of the sun: "Okay, okay, okay! Since he is looking for death, I will not be polite to him!"

"Shinjin Ichiro, you bring 100,000 armoured soldiers to me to cut off the fierce king!"

The King of Japan ordered.

The guy named Ichiro Ichiro went out, bowed to the ground, and replied, "Yes! King! The last commander!"

This man is a bald, short, ugly man with big yellow teeth and black moles on his nostrils.

Say how bad this person is, how bad it is, it is a veritable violent force-savage.

Nantian closed his eyes and raised his mind, sat on top of a tall horse, and saw this group of people in the distance.

Nantian's heart is also very strange. This Japanese king and his men, when they look closely, look like the Toyo pirates of the ancient Wu era.

In the ancient martial era, these pirate barbarians did nothing but go around the coast of the Central Plains, killing and looting.

Nantian has a very bad impression of them!

The Japanese pirates are all fierce and poisonous, extremely aggressive and dehumanizing.

Nantian estimated that, perhaps at some time before, this group of pirates crossed, and in this melee country, took root and germinated and established the Japanese king's regime!

But, no matter what, Nantian has already made up his mind, it is necessary for this group of villains to pay enough!

On this side, Nobuyuki Ichiro has already dealt with Yang Lie.

Jinjin Ichiro is fierce and fierce. He is a fifth-rank Wu Zun, and he is one of the top 100 pioneers under the sun king account.

Jinjinrou looked down on Yang Lie at all.

And Yang Lie played a few times, and also tried out Yang Lie's cultivation behavior.

"Oh, a little Jiu Pin Wu Zun, dare to be so rampant, and claim to be king? Today, I will let you learn to be a man!"

Ichiro Ichiro laughed.

Yang Lie is a chuckle, ignorant child!

Yang Lie's practice of "Nine Transfers of Xuan Gong", "Yang's Shooting Techniques" and "Infinite Way", any one is a peerless magic.

Cultivation of peerless magic, and the blood of Yang's deity, let Yang Lie become a broken person naturally!

It seems that Yang Lie only has Jiu Ping Wu Zun Xiu Xiu. In fact, his combat power can be comparable to many ordinary Si Ping Wu Zun.

Shinjin Ichiro, the fifth-rank Wu Zun, what is it?

Yang Lie holds an eight-foot red tassel and is brave and heroic. A record of "Yang's Shooting Technique"-"Straight on the Yellow Dragon", is violently pounding and hitting Ichiro's chest.

Ichiro Ichiro made a sound, screamed, and immediately fell to the ground.

Jinjin Ichiro's chest was penetrated by Yang Lie's red cherry gun.

Life and death, Sheng Jinichiro was killed even without a chance to react.

The moment of life and death just now.

Yang Lie is clever and uses the three profound mysteries taught by Nantian consistently.

"Nine Zhuan Xuan Gong" provides true energy supplement.

"Young Guns" provides martial arts support.

"Infinite Tao" provides an increase in Taoist mentality.

The three exercises cooperated with each other, and finally let Yang Lie kill the Shengjin Ichiro in one blow.

Shinjin Ichiro and his death, he brought more than one hundred thousand avant-garde army, suddenly a group of dragons without a leader.

Yang Lie was also the deputy captain of the cavalry with a scorching record.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Lie sent troops from left to right, back and forth, and ran out of anger. With one enemy and ten, all the vanguard troops who were roped into Ichiro were destroyed.

In the first battle, Yang Lie won a big victory, and the Sun King was defeated!

In the distant army formation, the Japanese king was so desperate that he pulled out the Dongyang samurai sword he was wearing and hacked several of his own soldiers.

"Eight grid teeth road! That group of people is really abominable! All must be killed!"

The King of the Sun roared with thunder.

"The king, his subordinates are willing to lead troops and destroy the group of people!"

"Jinjin Ichiro, after all, is too weak. It's just that you are the top 100 youngsters under your command! It will be different at the end of the game. You are guaranteed to take down the flying king, the strong king, and their master! "

A gray-faced man with a thief's eyebrows suddenly came forward and arched his hand.

"Higashi Toda, hard work for you!"

The sun king nodded slightly.

This gray-clothed person is named Toda Taiji, Toda Taiji, is the most powerful member of the Japanese king, and the chief general of the official to the Japanese king!

Taiji Toda, leading the army of 200,000 iron clothes, rushed to the ranks.


"Kill Bigni!"

Taida Toda rode a small, ugly, big-eared horse. Although he rushed to the front, he also had a long samurai sword on his hand.

The army of 200,000 iron clothes brought out a long smoke on the long road.

Viewed from a distance, the black piece of pressure is very afraid of people.

Especially, these two hundred thousand troops are all dressed in iron clothes, and under the looming sunlight, they appear powerful and chilly.

Yang Feisi was not afraid, he drove up, and respectfully respected Nantian: "Master, Tu'er is willing to lead the soldiers!"

Nantian chuckled: "Okay, be careful! This charge general, this is not easy to deal with!"

Nantian has already used the Wushen system to explore it, and figured out all the attributes of this charge general, Taiji Toda.

Character: Taiji Toda

Identity: Under the account of the second class prince of the melee country, the king general-chief general

Wealth value: 300 million chaotic coins

Physical fitness: 37.95

Spiritual strength: 36

Vitality: 37.93

Strength: 37.95

Agility: 37.94

Comprehensive combat power: 37.554

Main occupation: Ancient Warrior / Yipin Wuzun

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: Virtual Dao

Indian King's comprehensive combat power is only: 37.538

Toda Tai ’s 37.554 is stronger than the Indian King ’s 37.538 ~ ~ Although recently, Yang Fei ’s guidance from Nantian and the practice of Yang ’s divine skill, combined with the assistance of life spring, the cultivation is soaring. Yang Lie has to be strong in the second and third!

At present, Yang Fei's Gu Wuxiu has already reached Qipin Wuzun!

But even so, Yang Fei, the broken man, is still a fierce battle against the old-fashioned first-class Wu Zun Dong Tian Taiji!

The Japanese king sent Toda Taiji, and he was also in a good mood, thinking that this battle will win!

Over the years, Taiji Toda has opened up territory for the Japanese king and made countless contributions.

Inking is enough!

However, to be fair, the three Indian kings are not opponents of Toda Taiji.

Toda Hiroshi ’s momentum and cultivation behavior have returned to the original, and he is about to break through to Wu Wang!

Yang Fei will also meet an enemy in his life!

Iron horseshoe, the battle flag is fierce!

The air of killing filled the whole battlefield.

Toda Taiji, shouted: "Kill, kill! Fei Wang, you rash, let's die!"

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