Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 279: : Princess Xiang's surprise

"Relax, as long as my second brother fails to break through to King Wu in one day, I won't turn my face with King Wen in one day!"

Han Jinwu said eerily.

The staff shook his head: "This is not necessary! The hidden power of King Wen cannot be speculated!"

"Adult, we still have to be careful!"

"In the beginning, when the grandfather was alive, counting you, our Han family also has two martial kings, and we still have to succumb to the king of Wen!"

The staff slowly said that he was afraid that Han Jinwu, who was born as a general, would be violent and do something stupid.

Han Jinwu waved his hand: "Wang Wen is certainly terrible, but after all, there is only one person, two martial kings, as long as the situation is designed carefully, it is enough for him and to die! At the beginning, his father and his ancestors were alive, and the position of the country was also in grip. Father's hands! "

"We don't move King Wen, we just worry that once the land is in trouble, even if we can kill King Wen, we can't resist the invasion of the kings outside!"

"Now, it's different! King Wen, this guy who turned upside down and didn't recognize anyone, even gave my Han family's position as a fellow country to the **** grandson Changzhi!"

Han Jinwu said angrily.

"I'm not stupid! Wen Wang, this guy, must have seen my Han family's vitality hurt, and it's not useful. I want to take advantage of the situation to eradicate us! Inside Information! "

Han Jinwu said angrily.

The staff also suddenly realized: "Marshal, what he said is very true! The position of the country is indeed a big thing for our Han family!"

Han Jinwu waved his hand: "You also retreat! Now, it is imperative to catch the assassin and smash him to pieces! Then again, is to silently wait for the second brother and break through to Wuwang Realm!"

The aides shook their hands and retreated.


These days in Xiangyang City began, the undercurrent surging.

Some middle-class Han families were very dissatisfied, and their own country was taken by Gongsun Changzhi.

Some family members of the Han family started beating when they saw the Gongsun family.

The Gongsun family was attacked because of ignorance and suffered heavy losses.

Later, under the counterattack of Gongsun Changzhi, the two big families also carried out a lot of underground fighting.

Both sides killed and injured thousands of Ding servants.

Han Jiajia has a great cause and does not care about this loss at all.

Even these fights, the current host of the Han family, Han Jinwu has some deaf ears, just like, letting go of your anger to vent your anger!

Their Han family, for the time being, did not dare to express their dissatisfaction to King Wen, but for a Gongsun family, the Han family was more than enough.

The people of the Han family launched a more violent offensive.

This time, the Gongsun family could not resist.

Gongsun Changzhi only asked Nantian for help.

Gongsun Changzhi invited Nantian to the mansion respectfully.

"Sir, you must help me! A few days since I became a prime minister, my grandson's family has already killed and injured thousands of people! Although my grandson's family is a big family, it can't stand such consumption! "

"Sir, you can use force to kill the world. Even Han Jiuyan and Han's grandfather can kill it. This time, I beg you to kill Han Jinwu again!"

Gongsun Changzhi pleaded.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Nan Tian asked back.

"The Han family, after all, is a meritorious family, and has made countless contributions to the King Wen. If the Han family died one after another, the King Wen would not be stupid. Next, your grandson's family suffered!

"The Han family is deeply entrenched and powerful, and the problem can be solved without killing one or two principals. After all, I can't always kill the tens of thousands of people in the Han family!"

Nan Tian said slowly.

"So, what should I do?"

Gongsun Changzhi was worried.

"Relax, you have to support it for a few more days. You are now a prime minister! I believe that King Wen will not ignore this one!"

Nan Tian smiled.

Wen Wangxiong is only a sketch, how can he let his own country's old man be bullied.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Nantian to leave.

King Wen sent his own court guards, forcibly took over the matter, and warned the Han troublemakers.

Many middle-class Han families were taken away by the palace guards.

Inside the study room, Han Jinwu's hatred for King Wen is even stronger!

At this time, a carrier pigeon flew.

An express letter was tied to the pigeon's leg.

Han Jinwu opened quickly.

After reading through the full text, Han Jinwu suddenly burst out laughing.

"Haha ... hahaha!"

"The second brother has finally broken through! The second brother is King Wu! King Wen, I want you to die!"

Han Jinwu said bitterly.

Han Jin Wuxuan was about to write a letter to Han Jin Greed.

There is a big event in Xiangyang City once a year, that is autumn hunting!

There is a dense virgin forest outside Xiangyang City.

There are many rare birds and animals in the virgin forest.

On the day of autumn hunting, King Wen importantly entertained the guests of the Quartet and hunted together in the virgin forest.

Qiu Hunting is also a good time for the wealthy nobles and juniors to compete with each other in martial arts.

Being able to show some skills in front of King Wen, the road to promotion in the future will also be very smooth!

Ten days later, Nan Tian received a hot gold invitation sent by the palace guard.

This post was written by Wen Wang himself.

"Autumn Hunting? Ha ha, yes, I can go and see! Today, it is also suitable to show off to King Wen, it's time to ask King Wen for the Starry Sky Map!"

Nan Tian smiled happily, and his invitations, washed a little, then walked to the vicinity of the original forest.

At this moment, in order to protect the prestige of the king.

The virgin forest outside Xiangyang City has been surrounded by thousands of palace guards.

At the entrance, there are strict checkpoints.

No, the person who invited the invitation will never enter.

How well did Wen Wen's invitation be received.

Under normal circumstances, it is only when the officials of Chaozheng Sanpin or above, or direct children of the family clan, can receive invitations.

Han Gongzi is fond of wind-flow and prides himself on marvelous martial arts. Among the younger generations in Xiangyang City, he is one of the best in the world. Every autumn hunting will make Han Gongzi stand out.

This time, it's no exception!

The high-level contests did not disturb Han Gongzi's interest.

Han Gongzi came to the checkpoint proudly under the service of a group of servants.

The palace guard said loudly: "Please show me your invitation!"

Han Gongzi took care of himself, took out the invitation, and walked in.

Han Gongzi just entered the front foot, and Princess Xiang is also here.

Nan Tian also came with Princess Xiang.

Nantian didn't come by sedan chair.

From the village to here, some wind and dust are inevitable ~ ~ Nantian is slightly embarrassed.

Han Gongzi was concerned about Princess Xiang and glanced down at the humble Nantian.

"Oh! Isn't that, last time, that poor and cheap business traveler? Why, this untouchable, wants to come to the place of Qiu hunting?"

Han Gongzi took a sneer.

"Nuo, you few court guards, have not won this untouchable! This person has no invitation yet!"

Han Gongzi smiled coldly and suggested to the right and left court guards.

"Who said I didn't have an invitation?"

Nan Tian waved his hand indifferently, and took out his golden invitation from his arms.

The invitation was dazzling and dazzling.

Even the elegant and elegant Princess Xiang was surprised by the elegance! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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