Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 392: : Han Family Rebellion

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"Really, nothing! Master, don't worry about it!"

Princess Xiang lowered her head and said.

The glamorous woman smiled: "Well, the disciples have grown up, they have their own thoughts, and they have not interfered too much with the teacher. As long as the disciples, you know, what do you have, you need a master Help, even if you come to find a master. Take advantage of this, the old bones of the master can still move, and protect you from the wind and rain! "

Princess Xiang nodded: "Thank you, Master!"


On the other side, Nantian helped King Wen to get Han Jiaran to point out that the conspiracy of the deputy head of the Wuxu Corps failed.

The agreement between Nantian and King Wen was also completed.

Nantian stepped forward to talk to King Wen.

King Wen is now in a good mood and waved his hand: "Mr. Nantian, let's go to the palace in the city and have a good chat. Here, after all, it's not a place to talk about things."


Nantian nodded slightly.

Nantian and the King Wen ride together in a carriage, driven by the court horseman, and quickly run to the palace.

Princess Xiang was on the sidelines, but she died in a hurry.

Princess Xiang has always been looking for opportunities to talk to Nantian and talk to each other.

However, I never thought that Nantian and the King Wen sat directly in a carriage and drove towards the palace.

Princess Xiang is not good to disturb King Wen.

Princess Xiang smiled bitterly, and pouted: "Oh, it's really unlucky!"

"Forget it, it's all in Xiangyang City. Are you afraid you won't have a chance in the future?"

With a smile again, Princess Xiang raised her eyebrows again.


Nantian and King Wen entered the palace.

On the luxurious chair, Wen Wangduan casually said: "Mr. Nan Tian, ​​what can I say now! Here, the confidentiality is good, hehe!"

Nantian slightly arched his hand: "King Wang once remembered that I previously made an agreement, as long as I won the first place in autumn hunting, I can make any request!"

King Wen laughed: "Well, yes! Mr. Nan Tian said, as long as the widow can do it, you will be satisfied!"

Nantian's eyes were burning.

"Actually speaking, it's not a big deal! Hearing His Majesty King Wen, you have a piece of Starry Sky Map robbed from Heavenly Son in my hand! I need to borrow it.

Nan Tian said slowly.

"Starry Sky Map?"

"Oh, which is a map depicting a star-like air image, that thing has been around for years. For others, this may be a very precious thing, but for the widowed, it is not worth mentioning! This makes people, from the bookcase, take it to the gentleman! "

King Wen, said nonchalantly.

Immediately, when the king of the decree ordered, there were entourages.

King Wen gave a few words.

The entourage responded, and after about half an hour, the entourage came in carrying a treasure chest.

The entourage placed the treasure chest on the table, and King Wen made a wink.

The entourage followed his heart and quietly left.

Wen Wang smiled faintly: "Mr. Nantian, the starry treasure map you want is in this treasure chest, open it and see!"

Nan Tian was very excited for a time!

Trapped in the melee kingdom for some time.

Nantian wanted to leave!

Nan Tian did not forget the mission given by the Intermediate Inspector!

Enter Ziyu Academy, then go through selection, and then enter Ziyuanwei, Guangzong Yaozu!

As long as, with this starry sky map, the direction of interstellar navigation will be clear.

Nantian can fly the "Taigu" spacecraft and leave here!

Nan Tian took a deep breath and opened the treasure chest.

Inside the treasure chest was a scroll quietly.

Nan Tian slowly opened the scroll, a colorful, starry sky image came into view.

On this starry sky image, many planets are marked, as well as the specific orientation of the star trails.

At the bottom of the starry sky image, there is also a summary of the geographical features of mountains and rivers on the planet of the melee kingdom.

Above the starry sky image, every ink and every black dot contains very complicated information.

Nantian Xindao said, this is to be taken to the "Taigu" spacecraft, and use the advanced light brain that comes with the spacecraft to scan and calculate it.

Advanced light-brain computing is super powerful, and can calculate tens of trillions of information in one millimeter.

The starry sky map, although it covers a lot of information, but for advanced light brains, it can be fully analyzed in less than an hour, and a complete starry sky navigation map is drawn.

"King, I have accepted yours! I still have things, I will retire first!"

Nan Tian arched his hand.

King Wen did not think much.

"Mr. Nantian, these days of autumn hunting, in the virgin forest, repeated hunting, high-intensity sports, it must have been exhausted!"

"Sir, go rest now! The widows have also forced Mr. to stay!"

Wen Wang said.

Nantian nodded and lifted the treasure chest out of the palace.

After Nan Tian left the palace, he found a hidden place. When he saw that there were no four people, he shuttled into the realm of life.

Nantian couldn't wait, put the starry sky map into the light brain of the "Taigu" spacecraft, and scanned it.

"Taigu" is also worthy of being an S-class spacecraft, and it is not worthy of its own name. Inside the spacecraft, it is equipped with high-quality goods.

In less than an hour, all the miscellaneous information contained in the starry sky map was analyzed by the light brain, and a complete interstellar navigation map was compiled.

The voice of the robot came from the main control cabin of the spacecraft: "The interstellar navigation map has been compiled and the positioning is completed. According to the navigation map, the XH-005 black hole area is mixed here-Hope Planet! It is ready for navigation at any time!"

"XH-005 mixed-word black hole area-Planet of Hope? It turns out that the planet under our feet, called this name, is really long enough!"

"Now, I can finally leave here! I'll find Captain Zou and they will start tonight!"

Nantian made up his mind.


Inside the Han Family Mansion.

Han Jinwu's face was gloomy, and the injuries he suffered from fighting against Nantian. After taking Hanjia's secret special medicine, Han Jinwu has recovered.

Han Jinwu sits in the back room of the Han family.

At this moment, inside the Chamber of Secrets, all are direct members of the Han family, and they all hold important positions outside and outside the Han family.

Han Jinwu tapped the table with his finger.

"Han Jin! Are you ready?"

Han Jinwu asked.

Han Jin took a step forward ~ ~ kneeled on one knee: "I told the commander that I have taken control of the City Defense Army. Twenty thousand City Defense Army has been on standby at various patrol sites!"

"Han Meng! How is your troop deployment?"

Han Jinwu asked again.

Han Meng clenched his fists: "Reporting to the commander-in-chief, the fifty thousand Han Jiajun's direct men and women who are under the command of the generals have already ambushed around the ten-mile long pavilion outside the palace.

"Han Jie, how are you preparing?"

Han Jinwu glanced at a burly man.

Han Jie nodded: "Yao Baoshuai, the three thousand Han family dead under my staff are already ambushing in front of the palace of Xiangyang City."

"Good, greedy, you come with me tonight, we will join hands to take the king, the sky of Xiangyang City is about to change!"

"Tonight, my Han family will rebel!"

Han Jinwu said coldly. Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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