Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 396: : Save all people from fire and water

, Update the latest chapter of Mecha Valkyrie reborn!

Compared with the chaos of Xiangyang City at this moment, Nantian had already left the city.

Nan Tian called Captain Zou together, and the "Taigu" spacecraft was also launched.

Everything is ready, just wait for Nantian's order, then you can leave immediately.

Captain Wrinkle, these followers, were excited.

They are the indigenous people of the Galaxy Alliance, adapted to the era of Mecha, and they are extremely unaccustomed to the retro melee country.

"Sir, let's go!"

Captain Wrinkle said.


Nantian had sharp ears and heard the bell ringing.

"This means, the alarm, the first-level alarm! Something is going on in Xiangyang City! I heard Gongsun Changzhi and said it by accident!"

Nantian reacted instantly!

"But what does this have to do with us? Ma'am, we are not here, after all, we are officers of the Galactic Alliance, and we have a mission. Ma'am, let's not mix this muddy water anymore."

Captain Wrinkle suggested.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "No! King Wen gave me this starry treasure map, the kindness is heavier! Gongsun Changzhi, this old man, is still in the city, and I have a good relationship with him. There is also a little princess in autumn hunting To me with love. These are all related to my Nantian, I can't ignore their life and death! "

Captain Crumpled sighed: "Sir, I think ..."

"Don't say anything! My heart is decided!"

Nantian said firmly.

"Follow your orders! Since Master Nantian's heart has been decided, I'll wait to swear to follow Master Nantian!"

Captain Wrinkle and his entourage stood at rest and performed a military salute against Nantian.

"Okay! All board the spacecraft and set off!"

Nan Tian ordered.

The "Taigu" spacecraft flew towards the city.

Han Jiajun, who was concealed outside the city, apparently also found the weird thing "Taigu" in the sky.

"Strike it down! The commander-in-chief has already given orders, tonight no matter whether it is a person or a thing, it is not allowed to enter Xiangyang City!"

A general in the Han Jiajun said sharply.

Tens of thousands of archers in the Han Jiajun, Zhang Gong took the arrow, and used ordinary iron and steel arrows to shoot at the "Taigu".

Through the Taigu ’s own “high-definition 360-degree, no dead angle, all-weather detector”, Han Jiajun ’s every action hidden in the surroundings was clearly fed back to the large screen of the spacecraft ’s main control cabin.

Captain Wrinkle couldn't help but chuckled.

"Sir, these people are really funny! Want to shoot the Taigu with bows and arrows? The Taigu of adults, but the S-class spaceship is the manifestation of the Galaxy Alliance's cutting-edge technology. The appearance of this spaceship is Made of a special titanium alloy, plus, there is a solid energy cover provided by the system energy! "

"Even bombardment with mecha cannons will not cause any slight damage! These archers are so mentally handicapped! Naive, haha!"

As Captain Wrinkle said, although the Taigu was flying at a very low altitude, the archers in the Han Jiajun also had strong arms.

Most of the arrows counted and hit the Taigu spacecraft.

However, without exception, the moment these arrows hit the surface of the spacecraft, they are all turned into powder!

After all, these archers are far inferior to Nan Tian who bends a bow and shoots a big eagle!

The only thing left was a shocked Han Jiajun.

A general of Han Jiajun was even dumbfounded.

"How is it possible, this iron shell, can't be beaten! We have tens of thousands of arrows, just a hill, can be shot out of a lot of holes!"

The general exclaimed.

There was a sneer in the corner of Nantian's mouth inside the main control cabin.

"Captain Wrinkle, our Sea Blue Star has a saying," It's not rude to come and go "!"

"Hey, these Han Jiajun, dared to attack us with arrows, although, did not cause any harm to us->> , update the latest chapter of Mecha Wushen, the reborn!

But, if I do n’t give them a gift, I ’m always upset! "

"Weapons of destruction-sun bombs, prepare! Throw!"

Nantian presses the button.

The spacecraft's aft cabin suddenly faced the ground, dropping many solar bombs.

The power of the solar bomb is great.

As soon as it fell, it killed a large group of Han Jiajun.

Hundreds of them fell, and the Han Jiajun stationed outside the city of Xiangyang was almost dead.

Han Jinwu's defense line outside Xiangyang City was completely destroyed by Nantian!

"Taigu" then, flying at very low altitude.

Soon, Taigu flew into Xiangyang City.

In Xiangyang City, there was chaos at this time.

Because, Han Shi mastered the city defense army.

The one hundred thousand city defense army not only did not maintain law and order, but also slaughtered indiscriminately.

Many family clan in the city have been wiped out.

Everywhere in the city, howling, bleeding and drifting!

These scenes were clearly projected onto the large screen in the main control cabin of Taigu.

Seeing such a scene, Captain Wrinkle couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas, in the city of Xiangyang, the world is really in chaos!"

Nantian's eyes are on the big screen, a careful viewer.

Soon, a familiar figure was clearly projected on the big screen.

"Isn't this Princess Xiang?"

Nan Tian murmured.

Princess Xiang and the city defense army are fighting blood and blood.

The disciples of Xiangchun Palace, although all are elites.

However, the city defense army is not weak, and it is also a warrior who chooses one in a hundred.

The two sides fought fiercely because of the disadvantage in numbers, Xiangchun Palace suffered heavy casualties.

The head of the Xiangchun Palace-the beautiful woman, watching her disciples killed, was also heart-wrenching and angry, but the Han family ’s half-human and half-beast transformation warrior seemed to be unkillable. She clung to her so tightly that she couldn't take it off for a while.

There is a desperation on Princess Xiang's face, more and more city defense troops, and she has gradually exhausted her physical strength.

"I'll go down! You stay on the spaceship!"

Nan Tian commanded, immediately put on the meteor mech, and flew out of the Taigu.

Nan Tian looked at the attribute panel on his Wushen system:

Host: Nantian

Identity: The third baron of the Galaxy Alliance, the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Galaxy Army

Wealth value: 1 million galaxy contribution points + 1000 meritorious service points + 10 billion galaxy coins

Physical fitness: 39.99 (42.99)

Mental Strength: 45

Vitality: 39.99 (42.99)

Strength: 39.99 (42.99)

Agility: 39.999 (42.99)

Comprehensive combat power: 40.999 (42.99)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / Nine Grade Mecha Warlord

First Vice Profession: Ancient Warrior / Nine Pins

Second Vice Profession: Accountant / Accountant Practitioner

Talent level: Virtual Dao

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin ~ ~ Bring Li Leyin out of Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the main position of Tianyin Pavilion! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

The strength of Jiupin Mecha Warrior + Jiupin Wuwang, a double combination, makes Nantian full of confidence!

The stars are bright and the shooting stars are flying away!

Nantian, holding a meteor sword, landed on the streets of Xiangyang City like a **** of war.

"Today I am in the sky, to save all people from fire and water!"

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